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What Is an Economic System?

Demand- is the quantity of goods and

Economics - is a social science concerned services consumers are willing to buy at a
with how people satisfy their demands for specific price and a specific time.
goods (things you can buy) and services
(things people do for a fee). Supply and Demand Curves:

Economics - is all about the flow of goods A supply curve on a graph shows the quantity
and services between people. of a product or service a supplier is willing to
sell across a range of prices over a specified
An economic system (or economy) is a period of time.
method used by a society to allocate goods
and services among its people and to cope A demand curve on a graph shows the
with scarcity. quantity of a product or service consumers
are willing to buy across a range of prices
Every economic system answers four basic over a specified period of time.
questions. They are the fundamental
questions of economics. A supply and demand curve is a graph that
includes both a supply curve and a demand
Fundamental Questions of Economics: curve.
 What goods and services are
produced? The equilibrium point is where the supply
 What quantity of goods and services curve and the demand curve intersect.
are produced?
The x-axis coordinate of the equilibrium
 How are goods and services
point identifies the equilibrium quantity.
 For whom are goods and services The y-axis coordinate of the equilibrium
produced? point identifies the equilibrium price.
Types of Economic Systems Competition in a Market Economy
Two very different types of economic systems  Competition is common in a market
are often used to compare how societies deal economy. People are free to start and
with the fundamental questions of operate businesses that compete
economics. These two types of economic
against each other, so suppliers are
systems are the command economy and the
often offering similar products or
market economy.
services. Buyers are free to compete
against each other to buy products they
In a command economy, the government need and want.
controls the production, allocation, and
prices of goods and services. Competition between Suppliers
 If a supplier lowers the price of a
In a market economy, suppliers and
product or service, consumers typically
consumers control the production, allocation,
buy from that supplier rather than
and prices of goods and services.
from others.
Voluntary exchange is a transaction in which
Competition between Consumers
both suppliers and consumers believe they
 In a market economy, there is not only
competition between suppliers but also
competition between consumers.
Another name for the market economy is the
When consumers compete against
free enterprise system.
each other to buy a product, they push
prices upward.
Supply and Demand
The profit motive is an incentive that
Supply- is the quantity of goods and services encourages entrepreneurs to take business
a business is willing to sell at a specific price risks in the hope of making a profit.
and a specific time.
Benefits of Profit improve their working, environmental, and
 Entrepreneurs who consistently make social conditions.
a profit over time can build their own
wealth and ensure financial Respecting Other Cultures
independence. Entrepreneurs who wish to engage in
international trade need to show respect for
 Many entrepreneurs use profit to the culture of the people with whom they
benefit their existing businesses, start want to do business. “Culture” includes
new ones, or invest in the enterprises language, beliefs, attitudes, customs,
of others. Profit can be used to grow a manners, and habits.
The Local Economy
Effects of Entrepreneurship on the Local
The Global Economy Economy
The global economy is the flow of goods and A local economy covers a limited area, such
services around the whole world. as a community or town. Because many
entrepreneurs operate small businesses that
Exporting and Importing sell primarily to local consumers,
Exporting- is the business activity in which entrepreneurship has a profound effect on
goods or services are sent from a country and local economies. Entrepreneurs can benefit
sold to foreign consumers. their local economies in the following ways:
⦁ Purchasing materials and supplies from
Importing- is the business activity in which local merchants
goods and services are brought into a country ⦁ Opening an account at a local bank, credit
from foreign suppliers. union, or other financial institution
⦁ Joining a local business association, trade
Entrepreneurs and International Trade group, or civic organization that supports
 Entrepreneurs can benefit from local economic development
international trade by exporting goods ⦁ Paying local taxes that benefit schools and
or services that are in demand in other public services
foreign countries. ⦁ Investing money in local businesses
⦁ Donating money, time, or goods to local
Trade Barriers charities and organizations
Governments are often protective of the ⦁ Hiring local
resources within their borders. ⦁ Supplying goods and services to local
A trade barrier is a governmental restriction
on international trade. Importance of Sustainability
It is important that economic development
The most common trade barriers are tariffs does not harm society or the environment
and quotas on imports. A tariff is a fee, but ensures that human and natural resources
similar to a tax that importers must pay on are maintained for future generations. This is
the goods they import. A quota is a limit on referred to as sustainable economic
the quantity of a product that can be development, or sustainability.
imported into a country.

Foreign Exchange Rates

 Many types of money are in use
around the world. In general, each
country or group of countries has its
own type of money.

Fair Trade
Fair trade is a policy encouraged by private
organizations with the goal of ensuring that
small producers in developing nations earn
sufficient profit on their exported goods to

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