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Name of the student

Name of the university

Author’s note

Table of Contents
ASSESSMENT 1A - Task 1 ...................................................................................................... 3

ASSESSMENT 1D - Task 1 ...................................................................................................... 6

ASSESSMENT 2A – SHORT ANSWER ............................................................................... 10

ASSESSMENT 2B – CASE STUDY ...................................................................................... 12

ASSESSMENT 3E – CASE STUDY ...................................................................................... 14

References ................................................................................................................................ 16


Q1: What policies and procedures would you recommend Mark refer to and comply
with when recruiting a new staff member?

Ans: To recruit a new member, Mark should take a policy where he can get detail knowledge
about the applier’s work experience, the training procedure and experience in managing
kitchen, whether has a habit to work under stress, aims, craving for improving the working
skill, the reason for leaving the current job etc.

For recruiting, Mark can visit a recruiting agency, which will help him to find proper
personnel for the position. Besides, he can hire chefs internally through verbal interview, put
verbal advertisement or can post online advertisement (Pauley, et al. 2018).

Q2: In reviewing the case study, is there anything Mark is doing that could breach EEO

Ans: No, nothing is done by Mark that could violate the EEO legislation.

Q3: What is EEO about? What does it aim to achieve?

Ans. EEO is the abbreviation of Equal Employment Opportunity, which acts as a protection
against inequity, nuisance, harassment and oppression at work place (Lawal, et al. 2018).

The aims of the legislation is to achieve

 Justice in the process of hiring.

 Equality in employment
 Enough chance for promotion
 Varied and versatile workers.

Q4: Explain the scope of EEO legislation, i.e., what broad areas does it cover?

Ans: The scopes or the areas that are covered by the EEO legislation are written below:

 Rights at the workplace.

 Rights in the industrial sector, which include business actions and free involvement.
 Security form inequity.
 Protection from fraud planning that relates the meeting of free contractors.


Q5: Kingfisher’s diversity policy should identify key pieces of legislation that must be
adhered to. List at least five pieces of legislation (federal and/or state) that could be
explained in the diversity policy.

Ans: Here are five pieces of legislation are being recorded that could be explained in the
diversity policy of the Kingfisher’s:

 Health and safety regulations: Kingfisher’s care for the physical abilities of its
employees and they take many agendas in their policy to keep secure the fitness of the
 Origin safety regulations: The concern is very much helpful in keeping the originality
of the workers safe. They have specific policies for fulfilling this criterion.
 Gender equality: Kingfisher’s regards all its employees in the same scale. There is no
gender inequity in the workplace and the employees have the facilities to complain
about any interference of activities of this kind as mentioned in the policy.
 Lingual equality: People of different languages work in the Kingfisher’s. The
company has ample agendas in their policies to maintain the originality of those
languages and respect them all.
 Cultural heritage: There are enough facilities mentioned in the diversity policy of
Kingfisher’s that is helpful to maintain the cultural heritage of different employees of
the concern.

Q6: What vision for diversity does Kingfisher Garden Centre have?

Ans: Kingfisher’s Garden centre has high values for diversity. Their intention is to built up an
wide-ranging work environment in which every employee can work with their full
potentiality. The employees manage variety and explore newer ways to use the differences to
produce the best work culture in the work premises. This is very helpful in the course of
improving the business. The vision includes the custom of showing respect to all the
employees coming from different fields.

Q7: Who has responsibility for complying with and administering Kingfisher’s diversity

Ans: The responsibility of managing and administrating the diversity policy lies upon the HR
department. Along with the HR department, it is the responsibility of the Operation Manager


and the General Manager to update and review the policy. As well as the employees should
also be responsible to the rules and regulations of the policy.

Q8: How can you help ensure that the diversity policy is implemented, and that Mark
understands and adheres to it?

Ans: For the implementation of the diversity policy, the following steps are to be followed:

 Society stereotypes should not be followed.

 The process of decision-making has to be shared in between the employees.
 The employees should be well informed about the policy.
 Flexibility in the work place should be promoted.
 Every different career goals should be respected.

Mark has to be informed enough about the implementation of the diversity policy and he
should follow the rules and regulations for his betterment in the workplace.

Q9: Building networks can help Mark to further understand his obligations and the
benefits of diversity. What organisations and/or memberships can help Mark with his
networking process?

Ans: Five business-networking organisations can help Mark to enhance his networking
process. The list is recorded below:

 Informal contact networks

 Strong networks
 Society service clubs
 Professional associates
 Online/social media networks
 Apart from this, the membership at some international business networking sites can
also be helpful for Mark to enhance his networking process.

Q10: Later in the week, Ivan, another chef, comes to talk to you about some concerns he
has with Mark. Ivan informs you that Mark has made several sexist comments in front
of the kitchen staff about the food and beverage attendants. Ivan has taken offence to
the comments and wants to know what his options are.

(a) What policy and/or procedure apply in this situation?


Ans: Mark may face serious issues regarding his career in the Kingfisher’s if the complain
has proven true. According to the diversity policies, it is a serious offence to make some
sexist comments. He can be sacked from his designation as per the policy.

(b) What options does Ivan have? Explain in full the advice you’d give to Ivan.

Step 1: Raise the grievance with their immediate supervisor/manager

Step 2: Raise the grievance with their HR department within three working days

Step 3: External process

Ans: Ivan should obtain the second step in against of Mark. He should contact the HR department
within the next three working days. He should collect enough evidences against Mark. The victim
should be interrogated well and should be prepared to say against Mark without any force.

Q1: Explain how strategic networking supports the development of effective work

Ans: The development of effective work relationships based on strategic networking through
the following factors:

 People skills should be developed and there should be the habit of accepting
 The essentiality of the relationships should be understood. The habit of being nice to
everyone should be a habit.
 Positivity should be there for efficient work progress.
 The relationship status should be developed by appreciating a little effort of others.
 A perfect knowledge should have about the shortcomings and simple solutions should
be at hand for the problems.

Q2: Complete a networking strategy plan for this project using the form provided.
Ensure you address internal and external relationships.


External Number
Outcomes Internal focus Activity Names Timeframe
focus new


Furniture Usage Usage 12 Usage ASD 1 WEEK
Decoration Beautification Competence 100 Competence SDF
Duration Long lasting Durability 3 months Durability DFG 3 WEEK
Budget $150,000 per Profitable FGH 5 WEEK
Making Durable GHJ 3 WEEK

Q3: What are some key elements in creating and maintaining effective networks?

Ans: Five key elements are essential for creating and maintaining effective networks:

 Identification
 Security of perimeter
 Privacy of data
 Monitoring of security essentials
 Management of different policies

Q4: What information should you research before you make initial enquiries with
potential suppliers, in preparation to negotiate?

Ans: The information that should be gathered before the initial enquiries are listed below:

 Information about the management of supply

 Presence of the chain management of supplies
 Proper assimilation of the supply chain
 Proper cooperation of the network between demand and supply

Q5: Preparation goes a long way to preventing potential problems and building
effective workplace relations. Once you’ve decided on a supplier to negotiate with, what
further research or preparation should you undertake before starting negotiations?

Ans: The list below shows the further information should have for negotiation:

 Well communicative
 Competent
 Capable


 Committed
 Controlled
 Consistent
 Cultured
 Simple

Q6: What areas of legislation have the potential to impact on this project? Explain your

Ans: The completely new setup of the extended area of the Kingfisher’s should clear some
legal factors among which the permission from the legal board of director for the extension is
the most important. This permission is essential to avoid any kind of hindrance further.

Q7: In line with your answers to questions four and five, describe the supplier you’ve
chosen to negotiate with and the results of the research you’ve undertaken.

Ans: The supplier chosen by us is all up to the scale for negotiation. They are well managed
and all the members are well communicative. They are also very progressive and intended to
make themselves better for better work culture.

Q8: Describe how an organisation’s cultural diversity can impact on the success, or
failure of negotiations.

Ans: The cultural diversity frames an organisation under a single roof. It forces employees to
work in their best culture under different work environment.

On the other hand, it can harm the integrity of a organisation as not all people are same and
show the same respect to others.

Q9: Describe how communication styles impact on negotiation and why you might need
to adjust your communication style to suit the situation and obtain the best outcome in
the negotiation.

Ans: Communication style has a great impact on negotiation. A polite conversation can solve
many problems within the employees as it shows the politeness of the authority towards the
employees. Communication style should be adjusted according to the situation as it helps to
module the employees as per the situation.

Q10: What is BATNA? Explain.


Ans: BATNA is the abbreviation of Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. It is one of

the most beneficial substitutes for the negotiating party in case of failure of an agreement
(Sebenius, 2017).

Q11: List and prioritise your objectives, negotiable and non-negotiable requirements,
desired outcomes and BATNA.

Ans: The list is as follows:

 The object is to find out the best outcome from every aspect of the work culture.
 The communicative factor and the price factor can be negotiated.
 The quality and the work culture cannot be negotiated.
 The outcome should be profitable in against the investment.
 The BATNA should be another way out to make the business successful.

Q12: What concessions (if any) are you prepared to make during negotiations to achieve
your objectives?

Ans: No concessions are being made during the negotiations for achieving the objectives.

Q13: Who might you seek input from within your organisation before or during

Ans: The concerning authority, HR department, Operational managers have the right to seek
input at the time or prior to the negotiations.

Q14: Who will you communicate the results of negotiations to?

Ans: The results can be communicated with the colleagues, Operational managers, higher
authority and suppliers for further improvement.



1. What’s the name of the industrial relations legislation which covers most Australian

Ans. The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has been used as the industrial relations legislation, which is used
in most of the workplace of Australia.

2. Describe the two key components of this legislation.


 The act stated that every workers of the organisation should have the flexible working
 Awards are to be distributed to the employees according to their performances

3. The National Employment Standards (NES) sets out ten minimum entitlements that apply to
all employees and employers in the national workplace relations system. List five of these


 Workers should be provided leave for public holidays

 Community service leaves are to be provided
 Notice of termination is to be provided
 Maximum weekly hours are to be provided
 Annual leave are to be provided

4. List six things an employer must do to comply with their duty of care and legal obligations
under WHS legislation.


 They should provided right environment to their employees

 Potential hazards should be informed to the employees
 Discrimination of the employees should not be allowed
 Health and safety arrangements are to be provided to the employees
 Worker’s register should be maintained

5. The WHS Act requires every workplace to take a systematic approach to WHS consultation.
It also defines situations when consultation should take place. Which situation warrants


Ans. In case any health and safety hazards can be identified in the workplace, it can be stated that the
consultative process can be generated. Sometimes, the lack of technical guidance can be identified in
the organisation, which may affect the organisations, and the risks can be generated in the company.
Thus, the consultation is required (Davis, et al. 2016).

6. What are some ways you can provide feedback to employees on outcomes of WHS
consultation processes?

Ans. The team meeting can be developed in order to provide feedback to the employees. It can also
be said that the development of feedback system can be included of the rewards and recognition of the
employees. Moreover, the feedback system should also included of the verbal feedback as well.

7. What is the name of the Australian Government’s major piece of environmental legislation,
which focuses on the protection of matters of national environmental significance?

Ans. The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is the right
Australian legislation which focuses on the protection of matters of national environmental

8. List three common aims of state and territory legislation regarding the environment.


 The law is aiming at the conserving the national environment and the biodiversity.
 The national parks and wildlife can be conserve due to this
 Integrating the management of the culture and national places around Australia

9. Explain how all this legislation and other legislation such as EEO and anti-discrimination are
relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.

Ans. In order to manage the effective workplace relationship, the discrimination of the
employees can be prevented as the law have the ability to eliminate any position holders from
the company if he is found guilty of discrimination (Oakman et al. 2016). Moreover, the
flexible relationships can be developed in the organisation so that the members can help each
other in the critical situation.



Q1: You want to communicate how to place orders, receive deliveries, store and distribute stock
so your team can achieve their work. What documentation would you use and what
communication processes could you use?

Ans. The documentation, which should be used in order to place and receive orders, store them
accordingly and distribute the respective invoice and purchase order details along with purchase
requisition are to be used as the documentations, which is required for the stages.

The verbal communication would not be used here, rather than method of electronic communication
would be used in this regard as e-mail and telephone would be used.

Q2: You want to document who is responsible for each of the following jobs: placing orders,
receiving deliveries, storing and distributing stock. Which documentation would you

Ans. The documentation, which is to be used for the documentation process, is the purchase
order details and the payment order details along with the invoice or the orders (Novak et al.
2017). For the proper documentation, the mails that are sent to the respected personnel are to
be analysed

Q3: Several of your team and contractors you’ve employed to help on the project smoke. They
want to know when and where they can smoke. How would you address this?

Ans. In order to address this to the respective employees, the refreshment room of the floor
can be used. However, they should be addressed with the fact that the floor is made of
inflammable things. Thus, it can be dangerous for them to smoke there. Apart from that, they
should be addressed with the bad effects of smoking on their health.

Q4: Is it mandatory to consult with staff in this case? Explain.

Ans. Yes, it is mandatory to consult with the staffs, as they are final workforce who would help in this
project. Moreover, their opinion would help them to engage them into their won roles. In addition to
this, they would feel that they are being prioritised into the office. Thus,, their contribution to the
project and their performance would be better (Shields et al. 2015).

Q5: How would you facilitate consultation with your staff on these matters? Explain the steps


Ans. Team meeting is to be arranged where all the employees are to be called and they are to be
addressed according to their respective roles and responsibilities into it. Moreover, it can be said that
the consultation would include active participation from the employees present in the team meeting.
They should also be provided with personal and team objectives which they have to mitigate.

Q6: What sort of preparation would you do before undertaking the consultation process in this

Ans. The roles and responsibilities of the employees should be taken into consideration. It is required
that the consultation process should be developed in a team meeting and in order to conduct it, the
speech must be prepared beforehand (Meyer, 2016).

Q7: How would you handle this situation? What would you do now?

Ans. In order to handle this situation, it is needed that the employees should be called in a meeting.
The rosters are to be rearranged and the willing employees should be paid with extra remuneration in
order to work as the replacements for the other employees who do not work overtime.

Q8: After lengthy discussion and negotiation with employees, the issues are resolved to the
satisfaction of everyone involved. Who will you communicate the results of this
consultation meeting to?

Ans. The secretary of the meeting would be official minute taker of the meeting. It would be
his responsibility to address the meeting and the problems as well. After resolving the
meeting, he would also take the part to announce the result of the meeting.

Q9: How will you communicate the outcomes of the consultation process?

Ans. It is needed that the development of the consultation process should be addressed by the
secretary of the meeting and in order to communicate with the others, it is needed that the outcome
should be distributed among the internal stakeholders verbally (Holland et al. 2019). However, the
external stakeholders are to be informed by using the formal method of communication such as the
email and telephone.

Q10: Explain how consultative processes can support the development of effective workplace

Ans. The employees can use the team meetings n order to resolve their problems and confusions.
They can express their problems and their allegations against anyone in this team meeting. The
consultative process would also help into the development of the healthy relationships, as the
employees can understand each other’s through this meeting.



Q1: What preparation should you take before meeting with Lisa and Axel? Include any
policies and procedures you should review and comply.

Ans. The preparation that should be taken is that any partiality should not be taken. The
perspective of every person involved in the argument should be understood. Lisa and Axel
have their own supportive points, which should be considered. The position as well as the
seniority in the office should also be taken into consideration.

Q2: Do you need to consult with anyone else other than Lisa and Axel?

Ans. Yes, the financial manager is also needed to be consulted other than Lisa and Axel. He can opine
regarding the budget, which should be spent on the account of new crockery. However, Lisa and Axel
should have been eligible for providing primary opinion on the topic.

Q3: What ground rules or standards for effective discussion should you clarify with Lisa and
Axel at the beginning of your meeting?

Ans. Lisa and Axel should have to listen to each other’s opinion respectfully and without interrupting.
They should avoid blaming on other and using any abusive words. They must listen to the criticism of
their decisions without commenting into it. Moreover, both of them should avoid any assumption
regarding the result of the meeting (Holland et al. 2019).

Q4: To resolve the problem, it’s important to clearly define it. How will you achieve this?
Within your answer, identify effective communication strategies you can use to help
define the problem.

Ans. According to the communication strategy, the focus should be on the issue. The communication
strategy should focus on the perspective of both the parties. It should also be said that verbal t
communication would be the best effective communication strategy, however, active listening and
respecting the others into the conversation would also be used for the resolving the problems.

Q5: Lisa has agreed to source a new range of crockery and cutlery that will be easy to clean and
comes within budget. Axel is satisfied with this and has acknowledged that any savings
doesn’t necessarily mean those savings will be spent on food service equipment, as this
wasn’t in the initial project scope and budget. Both have agreed to meet up again this time
next week and review Lisa’s research.

How will you ensure both parties are clear on the outcome of this meeting?


Ans. Both of them have to be ensured about their decisions. The assurance that both of them are clear
to their decisions and their outcome can be understood from their actions. Their actions should not
support anything, which violates the decisions and the outcome of the meeting.

Q6: What follow up, if any, should you undertake with Axel and Lisa.

In order to follow up the decisions, it can be said that the actions of both of them should be d be taken
into the consideration. Moreover, the financial manager should have the ability to follow up the others
(Meyer, 2016).


Davis, P.J., Frolova, Y. and Callahan, W., 2016. Workplace diversity management in
Australia: what do managers think and what are organisations doing?. Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(2), pp.81-98.

Holland, P.J., Teicher, J. and Donaghey, J. eds., 2019. Employee Voice at Work. Springer.

Lawal, A.A. and Akingbade, W.A., 2018. Diversity Management and Organizational
Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises: Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Knowledge
Globalization, 10(1).

Meyer, J.P. ed., 2016. Handbook of employee commitment. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Novak, J., Brunetto, Y., Shacklock, K., Farr-Wharton, B. and Brown, K., 2017. Do effective
workplace relationships with management and an effective maintenance culture affect
organisational safety outcomes?. Reliability Engineering and System Safety Journal.

Oakman, J., Maakip, I. and Keegel, T., 2016. Psychosocial Hazards and Musculoskeletal
Disorders: Are There Different Roles for Workplace Factors Between Office Workers in
Malaysia and Australia?. In Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia Pacific (pp. 173-186).
Springer, Cham.

Pauley, T. and Fox, C., 2018. Using a positive practice environment framework to support
recruitment. Nursing Times, 114(10), pp.26-28.

Sebenius, J.K., 2017. BATNA s in Negotiation: Common Errors and Three Kinds of
“No”. Negotiation Journal, 33(2), pp.89-99.

Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P.,
Johns, R., O'Leary, P., Robinson, J. and Plimmer, G., 2015. Managing employee performance
& reward: Concepts, practices, strategies. Cambridge University Press.


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