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A barangay, sometimes referred to as barrio, is a smallest administrative division in the

Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village, district or ward. Municipalities and cities
are composed of barangays, and they may be further subdivided into smaller areas called purok,
and sitio, which is a territorial enclave inside a barangay, especially in rural areas.

In Section 384. Role of Barangay, the barangay serves as the primary planning and
implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects, and activities in the
community, and as a forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed,
crystallized and considered, and where disputes may be amicably settled. In each barangay, there
are Barangay Officials, a punong barangay, seven sangguniang barangay members, the
sangguniang kabataan chairman, a barangay secretary, and a barangay treasurer. The Punong
Barangay, as the chief executive of the barangay government, shall exercise such powers and
perform such duties and functions.

Each barangay has a comittee assigned to them and with the help of those in-charge, they are
able to implement different programs for the progression of their district. There are different
project that was implemented by the officials. The projects and programs are intended to make
the environment, health, education and employment of the barangay may improve more. These
programs and projects are enforced to provide resolutions to the problems/issues in the barangay.

The chosen barangay was Santo Tomas, it is a barangay in the municipality of Alicia, in the
province of Isabela. Santo Tomas is situated at approximately 16.7855, 121.6445, in the island of

1.) “Road Construction”

The target area for road construction is from purok 4 and purok 2. The constructing of the
road will help the pupils going to their school from the danger brought about the usual muddy
and slippery condition of the road.The beneficiaries of the project are the whole residents of
Barangay Santo Tomas.

This project was proposed by: Kagawad Avelino Saunel

Date started: May 5, 2019

Date of completion: July 20, 2019

2.) “Barangay Health Center”

The goal of this project is to provide first aid, maternal and child health care, diagnosis of
social diseases, and other basic health services to all members of the community. This
project will benefit the residents of Santo Tomas to monitor and provide their needs and
ensure that they are in a proper and fit condition.

This project was proposed by: Kagawad Joy Fernandez, RN

Date started: December 28, 2018

Date of completion: June 2, 2019

3.) “Public Illumination Project”

The goal of this project is to maintain the safety of Santo Tomas residents. The building
of waiting shed and installing of three street lamps. The first thing they do was
budgeting, and budgeting is a challenging one. Then when the project was finished, the
benefits of this is for the resident for not getting wet when it rains. And it is benefited for
all resident or non-resident of Santo Tomas.

This project was proposed by: Kapitan Mario Velasco

Date started: October 8, 2018

Date of completion: January 25,2019

4.) “Irrigation Project”

This project aims to develop an effective irrigation system to improve agricultural

productivity and food security. This project benefits the residents especially the farmers.
Through this project, and with improved management o the pumps, farmers are now able
to increase and diversify production, which will increase their incomes and decrease the
amount of time needed to recover the cost of the pumps.

This project was proposed by: Kapitan Mario Velasco

Date started: April 2, 2019

Date of completion: June 15, 2019

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