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Dus Mahavidhya Mantra Tantra Yantra 10

Dus Mahavidya Mantra And Tantra Sadhna

The ten great learnings are related with Sati, Shiva, Gori, Parvati, all synonymous of the same Adi Shakti (eternal power). She is
also known as Navdurga, Chamunda, Vishnupriya etc and is worshipped. The origin of this ten great knowledge is as follows.

Daksha Prajapati,the first ruler of our mortal world and the father of Sati, once performed a Yagna (religious
sacrifice) in which he invited all the deities and sages, except his own Son-in-law Lord Shiva, because of his jealousy towards him.

Sati wanted to be present at that occasion but Lord Shiva refused to give permission, thinking it was improper for her to go without
the invitation. But she was unmoved. She said "I will certainly go to the Yajna, I would either get the fortune of that religious sacrifice
for my dearest, deity of the deities, husband (Lord Shiva) or else I would destroy that religious sacrifice itself."

Sati's eyes became red. She looked at Lord Shiva violently, her lips began to flutter, and her complexion became dark. The fire of her
anger made her appearance look frightened and violent.

Such an appearance of Sati was frightening even for Lord Shiva. Her appearance, which had the blaze and radiance of Crores of mid-
noon-suns, made her so fearful that he just ran away.

To stop Lord Shiva from running away in all the possible ten directions, Sati manifested herself in to ten different forms. These ten
Shaktis (powers) of Sati are known as the ten great knowledges or 10 great learnings or ten Mahavidyas. These ten Mahavidyas
provide knwledge of all possible sciences.

They are:-

1) Maha Kali:

Kali is mentioned as the first amongst the Mahavidyas. Black as the dark night she has a terrible and horrific
appearance. The word Kali means "to give," and is taken to mean "the giver" of bliss, of peace of happiness. Maha Kali is Standing on
a corpse, greatly terrifying, laughing loudly, with fearful fangs, four arms holding a cleaver, a skull and giving the mudras bestowing
boons and dispelling fear, wearing a garland of skulls, her tongue rolling wildly, completely naked (Digambara - clothes of the
directions), thus one should meditate on Maha Kali, dwelling in the centre of the cremation ground.

2) Tara
Akshobhya Seated in the pratyalidha asana, seated on the heart of a corpse, supreme, laughing horribly, holding
cleaver, blue lotus, dagger and bowl, uttering the mantra Hum Hum, coloured blue, her hair braided with serpents, the Ugratara.

3) Chhinnamasta:

The image of Chinnamasta is a composite one, conveying reality as an amalgamation of sex, death, creation,
destruction and regeneration. It is stunning representation of the fact that life, sex, and death are an intrinsic part of the grand unified
scheme that makes up the manifested universe.

4) Tripur Sundari - Sri Vidhya - Shodashi:

She is called Shodashi because she possesses all the sixteen Supernatural powers (Kala). Goddess Shodashi is the
most enchanting beauty of all the ten great learnings.

Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes.
She is seated on the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful posture.

She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands. Eveready to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is
completely Sombre & gentle and her heart is full of compassion.

A devotee who takes her refuge achieves great divinity like the deities. In fact her splendours are indescribable. Even the Vedas are
incapable of describing her greatness. Being pleased with her devotee she gives more than he demands.

5) Bhuvaneshwari

The Creator of the World - The beauty and attractiveness of Bhuvaneshwari may be understood as an affirmation
of the physical world, the rhythms of creation, maintenance and destruction, even the hankerings and sufferings of the human
condition is nothing but Bhuvaneshvari's play, her exhilarating, joyous sport.Like the red rays of the rising sun, with the moon as her
diadem, and with three eyes, a smiling face, bestowing boons, holding a goad, a noose and dispelling fears, thus I hymn

6) Tripura Bhairavi :

Bhairavi embodies the principle of destruction and arises or becomes present when the body declines and decays.
She is an ever-present goddess who manifests herself in, and embodies, the destructive aspects of the world. Destruction, however, is
not always negative, creation cannot continue without it.Her head garlanded with flowers, she resembling the red rays of 1,000 rising
suns, smeared with red, holding milk, book, dispelling fears and giving boons with her four hands, large three eyes, beautiful face with
a slow smile, wearing white gems, I worship Bhairavi.

7) Dhoomavati :

She is the embodiment of "unsatisfied desires." Her status as a widow itself is curious. She makes herself one by
swallowing Shiva, an act of self-assertion, and perhaps independence. The colour of smoke, wearing smoky clothes, holding a
winnowing basket, dishevelled clothes, deceitful, always trembling, with slant eyes, inspiring fear, terrifying.

8) Baglamukhi

The Goddess who seizes the Tongue and enemies - The pulling of the demon's tongue by Bagalamukhi is both
unique and significant. Tongue, the organ of speech and taste, is often regarded as a lying entity, concealing what is in the mind. The
Bible frequently mentions the tongue as an organ of mischief, vanity and deceitfulness. The wrenching of the demon's tongue is
therefore symbolic of the Goddess removing what is in essentiality a perpetrator of evil. Three eyes, wearing yellow clothes and gems,
moon as her diadem, wearing champaka blossoms, with one hand holding the tongue of an enemy and with the left hand spiking him,
thus should you meditate on the paralyser of the three worlds.

9) Matangi
Dusky, beautiful browed, her three eyes like lotuses, seated on a jewelled lion-throne, surrounded by gods and
others serving her, holding in her four lotus-like hands a noose and a sword, a shield and a goad, thus I remember Matangi, the giver
of results, the Modini, Giver of wordly pleasures.

10) Kamla :

The name Kamala means "she of the lotus" and is a common epithet of Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is linked
with three important and interrelated themes: prosperity and wealth, fertility and crops. With a smiling face, her beautiful lily-white
hands hold two lotuses, and show the mudras of giving and dispelling fear. She is bathed in nectar by four white elephants and sits
upon a beautiful lotus.

The method of worship of all these ten forms is different. Kali, Tara, Chinnmasta, Baglamukhi and Dhoomavati are apparently
violent but in reality they are most merciful, where as Bhuvaneshwari, Shodhashi, Tripur Bhairavi, Matangi and Kamla are the
sombre appearances. These ten great learnings are the most valuable wealth of the Sadhakas (accomplishers) which give infinite
accomplishments and also are capable of introducing the infinity to them.

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