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FOR TRIAL, Crim Case No. 81647, People of the Philippines versus John C. Gulapa for
Public Prosecutor (Phillip):
For the People Your Honor.
Private Prosecutor: (Julian)
Good morning, Your Honor. I am Atty. Julian, from (Julian law office), respectfully entering
my appearance as Private Prosecutor, Your Honor. We have already filed our Formal
Entry of Appearance and the Authority to Prosecute issued by the Office of the City
Prosecutor. .
Defense: (Dawn)
For the accused, we are ready with our witness your Honor.
Call on your Witness, Counsel.
The Defense calls Mr. Paul Gulapa to the witness stand, Your Honor.
Swear in the witness.
Mr. Paul Gulapa, Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole
Yes, ma’am.
Please state your name, age, address, civil status and present occupation.
I, Paul Gulapa, 21 years old, resident of Teresa St, Sta Mesa, Manila, single, graduating
Your Honor, witness is one Paul C. Gulapa, 21 years old, resident of Teresa St, Sta Mesa,
Manila, single, graduating student.
Your witness, Atty. Dawn.
With the kind permission of the Honorable Court.
Prosec: Subject to Cross


Your Honor, the defense is formally offering the testimony of the witness to prove the
impossibility on part of John Gulapa to be in the scene of the crime at the time the crime
is committed and such other matters as relevant to the case.
May we proceed, Your Honor?
Q. Madam Witness, why you are appearing in this Court today?
A. I received a subpoena sir, requiring me to testify about a murder case filed
against John C. Gulapa.
Q. In relation to this case, do you recall having executed a document, if any?
A. Yes, ma’am, I prepared an affidavit.
Q. If you will see this document again, would you be able to identify it?
A. Yes, ma’am because I affixed my signature on top of my name.
Q. Madam witness, I have a copy of a document entitled Sinumpaang Salaysay (SS)
ni Paul C. Gulapa which was marked as Exhibit 1 during the pre-trial and which
form part of the record, can tell to this Court if this is the same SS you executed.
A. This is the same affidavit that I executed, ma’am.
Q. Now on the second page of this affidavit there is a signature on top of the printed
name Paul C. Gulapa, do you know whose signature is this?
A. That is my signature, ma’am.
Q. Your Honor, this Sinumpaang Salaysay was previously marked during Pre-Trial
and which form part of the record, as our Exhibit “1” and the signature of the
witness as our Exhibit “1-1”, we would like to manifests Your Honor that said
markings be maintained.
Now, Mr. witness, do you know John C. Gulapa?
A: Yes maam, he is my dearest brother. (Conclusion – dearest)
Q: How close are you with your brother?
Pros: Objection, irrelevant.
A: We are so close, to the point that we cannot afford not to be part of the special
day of one another. (Objectionable)
Q: Where were you on January 7, 2019 at around 8:00 o’clock in the evening?
A: I am at home celebrating my 21st birthday.
Q: Who was celebrating with you during that night?
A: I am with my brother John Gulapa and some of my friends.
Q: How sure are you that John Gulapa is with you during that night?
A: I am very sure, since it has been our tradition to always be present in every special
occasion my brother or I is celebrating. In fact my brother surprise me with a dance
performance during the program of my birthday and, have been with me and my
friends drinking. (Objectionable)
Q: What did you see John doing in your birthday celebration?
Pros: Objection your honor, irrelevant.
Court: Overruled.
Q: Again, what did you do in the birthday celebration?
A: He is drinking beers, having fun and mingling with my friends and me.
Q: Did John meet new set of friends during your birthday celebration?
Pros: Objection, Opinion (Misleading)
Court: Sustain
Q. Until what time did John stay with you in your celebration of 21st birthday?
A. Until 1:00 o’clock in the morning the following day?
Q: So you are saying that you stay with your brother and his friends from 8:00
o’clock in the evening until 1:00 o’clock in the morning the following day?
A: Yes, ma’am.
Q. That would be your Honor.
Court: Cross?

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