Paper Towns Part 3 Annotations

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Addie Schlegel

Paper Towns P​ art 3 Hour 1 Annotations
➔ It took a little while for everyone to convince their parents to let them leave. Radar had
the hardest time talking to Angela because she was super annoyed that he was skipping
prom and skipping what was supposed to be their first time. pg. 243
➔ Quentin is a rule-follower.​ He is driving eight miles above the speed limit in the left lane
and he’s already uncomfortable speeding to begin with. pg. 243
➔ Everyone had a role: ​Lacey was the provisioner​ (keeping count of everything they had),
Radar’s job is research and calculations​ (how fast they’d have to go and how soon they’d
get there), ​Ben had the job of complaining​ (the lack of CDs and his need to pee), and
Quentin’s job was to drive and worry.​ pg. 243-245
➔ They had a ​BP card​ which would help with gas expenses. pg. 244
➔ Radar told Quentin that he had to go ​seventy-two​ in order to make it there by 3am. pg.
➔ Ben ​really​ had to pee but they wouldn’t be stopping for four hours. pg. 245
➔ Everyone was making fun of Ben and trying to make him laugh. Lacey tickled him and
Quentin and Radar teased him. They thought his discomfort was funny. pg. 246

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns P ​ art 3 Hour 2 Annotations
➔ They are ​near the coast of Florida​ now and it’s mostly just pine trees and empty, boring
road. pg. 246
➔ Lacey, Ben, and Radar are all playing an odd version of I Spy, saying intangible and
invisible concepts instead of real things. pg. 246-247
➔ Because they were all wearing graduation gowns, to other cars, it looked like they were
wearing dresses. pg. 247
➔ Quentin passes a police car​ parked on the median of the highway and tenses up but to his
surprise, the cop stays stationed where it was. pg. 247

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns P ​ art 3 Hour 3 Annotations
➔ They are all ​hungry​. Lacey gives a piece of gum to everyone. She, then, makes a list of
everything that they’re going to buy at the gas station. pg. 247
➔ Ben still ​really​ has to pee. He says that he can “feel the pee all the way up to my rib
cage.” pg. 247
➔ They still have about two hours until they stop and Ben is about to explode with pee. Ben
demands that Radar find him something to pee in and so Radar hands him one of the 212
beers. ​Ben poured it out of the window and then proceeded to pee into it.​ However, he
quickly filled that one up and yelled for another. pg. 248-250
➔ Ben threw the pee-filled bottles out of the car window. pg. 250
➔ Ben didn’t get a single drop of pee on the seats​ and he’s super proud of himself.
However, thirty minutes later Ben has to pee again. pg. 250

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns P ​ art 3 Hour 4 Annotations
➔ They are now in ​Georgia​. Quentin loves Georgia because it reminds him of Florida and
because the speed limit is seventy, meaning ​he can accelerate to seventy-seven​ now. pg.
➔ They spent their time preparing for the upcoming stop. Everything had to be done
precisely in order to reduce time and increase efficiency. pg. 251
➔ Radar is the gas man.​ He’s going to buy the gas and then while it’s filling up, run inside
and give the card to Lacey. pg. 251
➔ Lacey is supposed to give the card to the cashier​ and tell them to ring up everything they
bring to the counter. Then she is going to the bathroom. Afterwards, she is going to sign
the receipt. pg. 251
➔ Quentin has to get everything on his grocery list​ and bring it up to the cashier. pg. 251
➔ Ben is going to pee and then get the stuff on his grocery list.​ pg. 251
➔ They have ​six minutes​ exactly to do everything they need to do and be done. pg. 251
➔ They are all ready to leap out of the car and as soon as they pull into a pump, they jump
out. They all pull off their tasks beautifully. The grocery tab is $100, not including gas.
Radar revs up the engine and they all run back to the car. pg. 252-253
➔ They are four seconds ahead of schedule as Radar burns rubber turning onto the highway.
They feel invincible.​ pg. 254

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns P ​ art 3 Hour 5 Annotations
➔ Apparently, Ben and Quentin made some mistakes when getting their supplies. ​Quentin
got tons of junk food but didn’t get any fruits or vegetables.​ pg. 254-255
➔ Lacey seems to care a lot about her weight and appearance and doesn’t like eating
anything that isn’t natural and healthy.​ She seems a little prissy. pg. 255
➔ Ben bought two t-shirts for himself and Radar but apparently, the Georgia large is a ​lot
bigger than a normal large and ​the shirts had confederate flags on them.​ pg. 256
Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns P ​ art 3 Hour 6 Annotations
➔ They are now in ​South Carolina​. It is super busy and packed with ​traffic​. To keep busy,
Quentin and Radar played a game of ​“That Guy Is A Gigolo,”​ a game about imagining
the lives of the people around you. pg. 256-257
➔ “​There are so many people. It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to
bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined.​” pg. 257
➔ Radar realizes that playing a game like that reveals more about yourself than it does
about the other person. pg. 258
➔ “And I can't help but feel that Whitman, for all his blustering beauty, might have been
just a bit too optimistic. ​We can hear others, and we can travel to them​ without moving,
and we can imagine them, and we are all connected one to the other by a crazy root
system like so many leaves of grass - but the game makes me wonder ​whether we can
really ever fully ​become​ another.​” pg. 258

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 7 Annotations
➔ They finally pass the traffic and can get back up to speed. However, Radar calculates that
they’ll need to start going seventy-seven to Agloe.​ pg. 258
➔ Ben took a NyQuil at 6pm and passed out. He will be woken up at midnight. Lacey took
a NyQuil at 9am and will be woken up at 2am. ​They want to each take turns sleeping​ so
that they will have ​some​ rest before they reach Agloe. pg. 259
➔ “​The minivan has become a kind of very small house:​ I am sitting in the passenger seat,
which is the den. This is, I think, the best room in the house: there is plenty of space, and
the chair is quite comfortable. Scattered about the carpet beneath the passenger seat is the
office, which contains a map of the United States… Radar sits in the driver’s seat. The
living room… Between the living room and the den, we have the counter console, or
kitchen… The first bench seat is the first bedroom… Behind that is the second
bedroom… And behind that is the refrigerator, or cooler.” pg. 259-260
➔ Quentin’s sleeping shift is at midnight. pg. 259

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 8 Annotations
➔ Radar starts yawning and Quentin insists on a driver shift. ​Quentin likes driving, even if
it is a minivan.​ They make a flawless driver-transition. pg. 260
➔ Quentin pees​ into a mostly-empty Bluefin energy drink while driving. Radar insists on
him throwing out the window and so Quentin liters to make Radar happy. pg. 260-261

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 9 Annotations
➔ Quentin got sick of GoFast nutrition bars. Radar reminds him that in this exact moment,
an apple would be perfect. However, after drinking that ​Bluefin energy drink​, both Radar
and Quentin are super twitchy. pg. 261
➔ Quentin and Radar decide to stay up until 4am and then wake up Ben and Lacey. pg. 262
➔ “The road has emptied out now; there is only me and the semitrucks, and I feel like my
brain is processing information at eleven thousand times its usual pace, and ​it occurs to
me that what I'm doing is very easy, the driving on the interstate is the easiest and most
pleasant thing in the world: all I have to do is stay in between the lines and make sure that
no one is too close to me and that I am not too close to anyone and keep leaving.​ Maybe
it felt like this for her, too.” pg. 262

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 10 Annotations
➔ It is 12:12am and time for the second stop. Radar and Quentin decide to wake Ben and
Lacey up. After they get up, ​Ben is assigned to gas, Radar to peeing and Lacey to apples.
Lacey is supposed to drive next. pg. 262-263
➔ The cashier is judging Radar’s shirt and so Radar tells Quentin to pick him out some
camo pants and a better shirt. pg. 264
➔ Quentin goes into the girl’s bathroom because Radar is in the boy’s. He identifies the
differences to be: no condom machine, less graffiti, and no urinal. pg. 264
➔ They are one minute late.​ Ben whines about nobody getting him pants and because he
realized he ​does​ need to pee. pg. 265

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 11 Annotations
➔ They hit a one-lane road with a tractor-trailer going the exact speed limit. ​Lacey needs to
pee and says there is no point in staying behind this truck. They stop at a gas station​ and
Quentin ends up in the driver’s seat. pg. 265-266

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 12 Annotations
➔ It’s now ​2:40am​ and Radar and Lacey are asleep. ​Ben keeps Quentin awake talking about
Margo​. pg. 266
➔ Ben is trying to warn Quentin that it might not be what he’s hoping for or wants. Ben
said, ​“Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they
actually are.”​ pg. 266
➔ Quentin gets defensive and acts like Ben is telling his something super cocky and
unreasonable. pg. 267
➔ Quentin sees, in his peripheral vision, ​two cows standing in the highway.​ Quentin panics
but doesn’t do anything. ​He relinquishes control​ of the car by throwing his hands up and
Ben, out of instinct, ​takes the wheel and turns it towards him.​ They go onto the shoulder
and then into the grass. Quentin feels a ping in his cheek and then ​blood​. He sees broken
bottles around him. Lacey wakes up and turns into a rescue-mom. She presses the
confederate flag shirt onto Quentin’s cheek to stop the bleeding. ​Quentin is crying​, out of
fear. pg. 267-269
➔ The beer bottles broke and are pouring out of the car. The car was slammed against the
fence and ​the sliding door had a big dent​ in it but other than that, the car is fine. pg.
➔ They all decide to keep driving but this time, Ben’s driving. They are 542 miles from
Agloe. pg. 272

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 13 Annotations
➔ Radar keeps reminding everyone of what just happened. Lacey admires Ben and plants a
kiss on his cheek. pg. 272
➔ They spent the whole next hour shaken up but blown away about the fact that they were
okay.​ pg. 273

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 14 Annotations
➔ They try to clean up the disaster. They picked up all of the glass on the ground and tries
sopping up the sticky juice with napkins. pg. 273
➔ Radar looks up how much it will cost to replace the side panel. It’s $300 plus paint. “It’s
a small ransom to pay for Margo.”​ pg. 273
➔ The sun is starting to rise. pg. 273
Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 15 Annotations
➔ Quentin likes the consistency of highways. The stretch of road with McDonald’s, BP, and
Wendy’s. ​“I liked that I could drive fifteen hours from home without the world changing
too much.”​ pg. 274
➔ Lacey tells Quentin that he needs to sleep. pg. 274
➔ Quentin is surprised that no one has blamed him for the incident with the cows. He feels
responsible. pg. 274
➔ “As I trail off, I hear them making one another laugh… and I decide that if we get there
on time but don’t find her, that’s what we’ll do: we’ll drive around the Catskills and find
a place to sit around and hang out, loafing on the grass, talking, telling jokes.” pg. 274
➔ “​I can almost imagine a happiness without her, the ability to let her go, to feel our roots
are connected even if I never see that leaf of grass again.​” pg. 274

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 16 Annotations
➔ Quentin slept.​ pg. 274

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 17 Annotations
➔ Quentin slept.​ pg. 275

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 18 Annotations
➔ Quentin slept.​ pg. 275

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 19 Annotations
➔ When Quentin wakes up, Ben and Radar are debating names for the car. Ben wants to
name it Muhammad Ali and Radar wants to name it Lurlene. pg. 275
➔ They are now in New York.​ It’s 9:42am. pg. 275
➔ Quentin and Lacey are scared because still so much about Margo and their adventure is
unknown.​ Lacey says she hopes her and Quentin stay friends this summer. She has come
to care about him. pg. 276
➔ Radar changes his name suggestion to Gray Goose. Quentin says it should be named The
Dreidel because ​“the harder you spin it, the better it performs.”​ pg. 276

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 20 Annotations
➔ While Quentin was asleep they made a stop and got a map of New York. Angloe wasn’t
marked on it. ​“I always thought of New York as being a sprawling and endless
metropolis, but here it is just lush rolling hills that the minivan heroically strains its way
up.”​ pg. 276
➔ They play Metaphysical I Spy. Ben spies something he really likes: it’s Lacey. Radar
spies something they’re all feeling: like they’ll be happier after a capella rendition of
Blister in the Sun.​ Quentin spies a great story: this adventure. pg. 276-277
➔ “​Yeah. As long as we don’t die this is gonna be one hell of a story,​” Radar says. pg. 278

Addie Schlegel
Paper Towns ​Part 3 Hour 21 Annotations
➔ They’ve driven 1,100 miles on interstates and ​it’s finally time to exit and find Angloe.
Radar has banked thirty extra minutes without telling anyone. That will help them. pg.
➔ “It’s beautiful up here, the late-morning sunlight pouring down on old-growth forest.
Even the brick buildings in the ramshackle little downtowns we drive past seem crisp in
this light.” pg. 278
➔ “I just want to remember her. One last time, I want to remember her while still hoping to
see her again.”​ pg. 278

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