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Position Paper on: The Rights of LGBT

By: Jared Keanneth O. Oquialda


This position paper takes the sides of pros in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
(LGBT) rights, in order to draw attention of the Human Rights Council on LGBT rights in the
Philippines. This position paper is based on the timely issues, media reports and the Internet.

There are bills that pushes the acceptance of the LGBT in the society.The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights affirms that everyone is equal and entitled to some rights freedom,
regardless their race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other status. But the
discrimination , violence and un equal treatment happened all around the world. LGBT too often
find that their schooling experience is marked by bullying, discrimination and in some cases,
physical and sexual abuse. These abuses can cause deep and lasting harm and curtail student’s
right of freewill of being what he/she want to be.

This paper content the discrimination and not equal treatment of anti-LGBT .

II. Counter Arguments

Over several times the church always make many arguments about the acceptance of LGBT in
the society. That being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer is sinful and disobeying
the commandment of god. Being LGBT is going againts God.

If sexuality is againts God why theres homosexuality.In John 13:34 it is stated that love one
another which means people must love each other and care for each other , accept each other
and respect each other.

Scietist diagnosed LGBT members that they have a mental disorder some of them are forced to
be tested some are sent to mental hospitals. They scientifically explained that there is only one
sexuality it is male and female. If one person acquiring differrent sexuality he/she has mental

III. My Arguments

LGBT Rights are Human Rights, therefore we should first consider:

Giving freedom to LGBT. There is no reason to deny LGBT in the society. There are too many
succesful personalities around the world who is a LGBT member and supporter. Even if they can
reproduce they can adopt childs that they can give a better and brighter future.

Equality in all perspective. LGBT must be treated equally. Discrimination againts them must
perish without doubt. Actually they also have feelings so they must be also respected and
accepted in the community. They must live in a comfortable life without discrimination.


LGBT rights are Human Rights and equality is for all the people. However, there are still
some people who withstand in accepting LGBT. which argue with the pro side, who refers to
discriminate the LGBT community and remove their rights from being a human. Equality is for
all. No exception, no special treatment just equal.

LGBT are big help in our community they are succesful and idolized by other peoples.
There is no reason for them to be denied. They must also experienced the normal way normal
people experiencing. Lets be modern thinker let us think for a better future. Think outside the
box look for more better outcomes and also give chance to others.

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