Questions 2

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1. Identify at least 8 elements of the hero’s journey in the story of Charlie Murray.

2. Why do you think this segment opens with a comic strip version of Charles Murray’s story?

3. In what ways in the story of Charles Murray a particularly American story? How does it fit in with this country’s folklore?

4. If the story of Charles Murray were to become a myth, what elements do you think would be changed or exaggerated? Identify three of the

seven archetypes that a storyteller could incorporate to make the story more exciting

The Ordinary world. Charles Patrick Murray Jr. was a son of a simple barber

The Call to adventure. When the war broke out, Charlie received a telegram to serve his nation

Meeting the mentor. He was trained by the Military force

The Crossing of the threshold. He was sent to Europe in summer of 1944

The Tests, Allies, Enemies. Charlie was an untested young officer but he fought in war against 200 Germans

The Reward. Charlie was awarded the Medal of Honor for his individual heroism. On May 7, 1945, the

Germans surrendered

The Road back. Charlie was sent home on September 19, 1945 to see his family

The Return. When he came back to North Carolina, he picked up where he left

2. The segment opens with a comic strip to keep the audience glued to the story. It is also used to illustrate his

great and admirable effect on the media during his time.

3.The story of the life of Charles Patrick Murray Jr. exemplified the true values of humility and bravery. It is

patriotism in display coupled with his unique love and loyalty for his soldiers. His heroism is truly an American

story that shows persistence and resilience.

4. If the story of Charles Murray were to become a myth, the character of Charlie, the setting, and the weapons

would be changed
Three of the seven archetypes that a storyteller could incorporate to make the story more exciting would be:

Overcoming the Monster; Tragedy; and Rebirth.

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