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Characterization of
Lesion Morphology
Are the AHA/ACC and SCAI lesion classifications still useful?

ccurate characterization of the degree of risk avoid and which to preferentially treat was a complex
entailed in performing interventional proce- problem rendered even more difficult by the apparent
dures is the key to optimal clinical decision randomness of relatively frequent adverse events.1
making. It has been recognized since the Initially, balloon angioplasty had complication rates of
inception of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) 10% to 15%; in modern practice, PCI is associated with
that lesion morphology is a major determinant of both mortality and emergency bypass rates of less than 1%.2
clinical and technical success and a predictor of compli- This marked improvement in PCI outcomes is primarily
cations. It is intuitive that the way a lesion appears the consequence of advancements in technique,
angiographically reflects its specific composition, which devices, adjuvant medical therapy, and improved case
would suggest its likely response to mechanical manipu- selection, all of which were developed to a large extent
lation and catheter-based treatment. In addition to specifically to treat the difficult lesion types identified
identifying individual morphological factors that pre- early in the angioplasty experience. The many innova-
dict success, a risk prediction model can be developed tions in PCI technique and the resultant delivery of pre-
by combining these factors to facilitate quantification dictable and durable results are testaments to the his-
of risk. Risk models are useful in offering a realistic torical value of these classification schemes.
assessment to the patient and family, assisting the oper- The first systematic attempt to identify angiographic
ator to evaluate technical concerns, and providing an factors predictive of increased risk was made by the
objective framework for benchmarking and quality National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registry in
assurance. 1984.3 Faxon and coworkers found that circumflex
In this article, the history of angiography-based risk artery location, lesion calcification, proximal tortuosity,
assessment models for coronary interventions is eccentric geometry, and a severe stenosis were associat-
reviewed in depth. The limitations inherent in a mor- ed with reduction in success, which was defined as
phologic approach to PCI risk assessment are consid- ≥20% improvement in stenosis diameter. The severity of
ered, and the appropriate use of lesion classification in the lesion and its geometry were especially critical in
modern practice is described. Finally, we address the the early experience; keep in mind that in 1983, a bal-
importance the practicing interventionist should place loon could traverse a lesion in just 75% of cases when it
on existing analytic systems, which includes both mor- was attempted. Hence, a subtotal lesion had just a 59%
phologic characterization and clinical factors. likelihood of success in that registry, and the success
rate was only 37% for total occlusions. This background
T H E A H A / ACC TA S K F O R C E C R I T E R I A is important: improvements in technique throughout
In the early days of balloon angioplasty, when compli- the evolution of PCI substantially altered the factors
cation rates were significantly higher than in contempo- that predict success, producing the “moving target” rec-
rary practice, deciding which patients and stenoses to ognized today.



Combining this experience and the published work of TABLE 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF

Gruentzig and others, the American College of ACC/AHA TYPE A, B, AND C LESIONS
Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association
(AHA) devised a lesion classification system intended to Type A Lesions: (High Success, >85%; Low Risk)
predict PCI outcomes.4 The system grouped the individ- • Discrete (<10 mm length)
ual criteria into three large categories based on antici- • Concentric
pated rates of success (Table 1). Originally, it was • Readily accessible
expected that low-risk type A lesions would have a suc- • Nonangulated segment <45º
• Smooth contour
cess rate of >85%, moderate-risk type B lesions were
• Little or no calcification
predicted to have a 60% to 85% success rate, and high- • Less than totally occlusive
risk type C lesions had a <60% success rate. The charac- • Not ostial in location
teristics of each lesion class differed by degree of proxi- • No major branch involvement
mal tortuosity, angulation of the stenosed segment, the • Absence of thrombus
length of the lesion, and the presence of total occlusion,
bifurcation lesions, or thrombus or friable vein graft Type B Lesions (Moderate Success, 60% to 85%;
lesions. Notably, this classification system was never val- Moderate Risk)
idated or tested empirically for its accuracy or utility • Tubular (10–20 mm length)
before its publication as a guideline. • Eccentric
Ellis et al evaluated these criteria in more than 1,000 • Moderate tortuosity of proximal segment
• Moderately angulated, 45º–90º
lesions from the Multivessel Angioplasty Prognostic
• Irregular contour
study.5 They found that angulated stenosis, high-grade • Moderate to heavy calcification
stenosis, chronic total occlusion lesions, bifurcation • Ostial in location
stenosis, and male gender were associated with reduced • Bifurcation lesions requiring double guidewires
success rates; the other factors in the AHA/ACC system • Some thrombus present
were not predictive. Overall angiographic success • Total occlusion <3 months old
occurred in just 82.6% of patients, reflecting the state of
the art of that era. They confirmed the usefulness of the Type C Lesions (Low Success, <60%; High Risk)
ACC/AHA classification for predicting success in general • Diffuse (>2 cm length)
but found that actual rates of success ranged from 92% • Excessive tortuosity of proximal segment
for type A lesions to 60% for type C lesions. To improve • Extremely angulated, >90º
• Inability to protect major side branch
the clinical utility of the system, they introduced a
• Degenerated vein grafts with friable lesions
modification to the B lesion class, adding a class B2 for • Total occlusion >3 months old
patients who had more than one B criterion.
Other investigators also found that the AHA/ACC Adapted from Ryan TJ et al. Circulation. 1988;78:486-502.4
classification was not especially accurate as a predictor
of outcomes and identified several critical limitations.
Moushmoush et al6 found, in cases of multivessel angio- review. These procedures, performed from 1990 to
plasty, that there was no significant difference in out- 1993, had an overall success rate of 91%, with major
comes between types A and B1 lesions, or B lesions gen- complications in 3.3%. In a careful comparison of the
erally. The main distinction was with type C lesions, in ACC/AHA lesion subclasses, they found no difference
which inability to cross the lesion, rather than the between classes A and B1. Although there was a statisti-
occurrence of complications, was the determining fea- cally significant difference between B1 and B2 lesions,
ture. Certain morphologies predicted lack of success, the absolute difference in success rate was not nearly as
whereas others were associated with more complica- substantial as predicted. Abrupt closure occurred in
tions. Myler et al7 found that angioplasty of grafts was 2.1%, 2.6%, and 5% of type A, B, and C lesions, respec-
especially risky and unpredictable, reflecting the unpre- tively; again, only the C class was significantly lower.
dictability of the occurrence of “no reflow” related to They also evaluated the success and failure rates of indi-
distal embolization. They also noted that lesions con- vidual criteria within a class and found that the impact
taining two or more type C lesions were especially haz- of individual criteria varied considerably. Type B charac-
ardous. Tan et al8 performed a careful prospective eval- teristics had a success rate ranging from 74% to 95%
uation of 729 patients using two independent observers and an abrupt closure rate ranging from 2.2% to 14%.
unaware of PCI outcome at the time of the lesion Type C characteristics had a success rate ranging from



Figure 1. Success rates with ACC/AHA system. Adapted from Figure 2. Success rate by ACC/AHA lesion class and patency.
Krone et al.15 Adapted from Krone et al.15

57% to 88% and an abrupt closure rate ranging from 0% placed together disparate forms of lesion complexity
to 16%. Longer lesions, calcified lesions, diameter steno- and vessel anatomy that were not based on clinical
sis of 80% to 99%, and presence of thrombus were pre- experience or intuition. It was suggested widely that
dictive of a lower success rate. Longer lesions, angulated analyzing specific lesion morphologic characteristics,
lesions, diameter stenosis of 80% to 99%, and calcified rather than applying a general lesion classification score,
lesions were predicted an abrupt closure. The investiga- might be more useful in assessing risk. Yet the
tors concluded that the AHA/ACC classification scheme AHA/ACC did not adjust the classification system sig-
was “outdated and needs to be changed for application nificantly in subsequent updates,13,14 despite its increas-
in current angioplasty practice.” ing obsolescence. This was potentially catastrophic
The introduction of stents and other devices in the because it ignored the markedly improved outcomes
late 1990s represents the beginning of the modern era that new interventional devices, superior pharmacolog-
of intervention. Two studies evaluated whether lesion ic adjuncts, and improved catheter and guidewire tech-
morphology remained predictive in this era. Zaacks et nology had made possible. It also threatened the poten-
al9,10 showed that success rates in the A, B1, and B2 tial of developing a sound statistical method to predict
classes were similar, ranging from 96.3% to 95.1%, adverse events.
whereas the success rate with class C lesions was 88.2% Consequently, the data from the Society of Coronary
(P <.0001). They found that total occlusion and vessel Angiography and Interventions Registry (SCAI), collect-
tortuosity, both criteria for C classification, predicted ed in 41,071 single-vessel interventions performed from
procedure failure but not complications, whereas 1993 to 1996, were used to evaluate the predictive abili-
thrombus, bifurcation lesions, inability to protect a ty of the ACC/AHA lesion classification system and to
major side branch, and degenerated vein grafts were determine if an improved predictive model could be
strongly associated with increased complications. Ellis et developed.15 It was demonstrated that vessel patency
al11 also tested the relationship between lesion charac- has a profound influence on success rates: when classes
teristics and complications in the early stent era. After B and C are divided into patent and occluded within
evaluating 27 candidate variables, nine were found to each class, no other variable was nearly as predictive.
be useful to predict complications, most of which were Additionally, it was confirmed that both B and C classes
present in the AHA/ACC classification. However, several are rather diverse with regard to risk. There is no differ-
variables not included in the AHA/ACC criteria were ence in success rates between the A class lesion and the
predictive (eg, filling defects), whereas others that are in patent B class lesion, whereas the success rate of the
the classification system were not valuable. patent C class lesion is actually better than the occlud-
ed B class lesion. As a result, the classification system
THE SCAI SIMPLIFIED was restructured into four groups, distinguishing only
C L A S S I F I C AT I O N S C H E M E the C or non-C classification and whether or not the
Based on these publications, it was clear 15 to 20 lesion was patent or occluded. The SCAI classification
years ago that the B and C lesion categories as originally retains its predictive value in the stent era, as shown in
proposed were quite heterogeneous and required a subsequent evaluation with nearly contemporary PCI
amendment based on clinical practice.12 Furthermore, it techniques in the ACC-National Cardiovascular Data



with acuity of presentation. As is intuitive, the more

complex the lesion, the more acutely ill the patient.
Because complications are related to patient acuteness,
especially the presence of acute myocardial infarction,
lesion classification is only a weak independent predic-
tor for complications. In multivariate analysis, after
I entering clinical status, the lesion class adds little to the
III model in predicting complications. For patients with a
IV myocardial infarction, death is more likely in those with
initially occluded vessels, regardless of non-C or C class
(SCAI class III or IV), although the emergency CABG
rate is highest in patients with patent class C lesions.
These findings confirmed those of Harrell et al, who
Figure 3. Success rate by SCAI lesion class. Adapted from demonstrated definitively that clinical factors are pre-
Krone et al.15 eminent in predicting complications.17 With the weak
exception of type C lesions, anatomic parameters added
Registry (NCDR).16 The ACC/AHA lesion classification no further information to that provided by clinical sta-
was applied to 61,926 patients undergoing single-vessel tus, such as cardiogenic shock, acute myocardial infarc-
PCI: it was found to be less accurate in predicting major tion, renal failure, or congestive heart failure.
complications compared with the SCAI lesion classifica- It was therefore apparent that developing a solely
tion (Figures 1 through 4). The c-statistic for major morphologic-based method to predict PCI risk was not
complications after PCI, however, was modest for all possible. Hence, for optimal risk stratification, the SCAI
systems (0.599 for original ACC/AHA, 0.624 for modi- scheme has to be used in association with clinical
fied ACC/AHA, and 0.665 for SCAI lesion classification). parameters. This was the concept behind its inclusion in
Conversely, the predictive accuracy was better for pre- the NCDR model of mortality risk.18 C lesions are also
dicting success, especially with the SCAI modification incorporated as one factor in the Mayo Clinic model.19
(0.69, 0.708, 0.75 for original, modified ACC/AHA lesion However, lesion morphology is not included in either
classification, and SCAI classification, respectively). the New York State20 or the Michigan21 models. The
The SCAI simplified classification scheme is therefore constitution of these well-validated models shows the
far superior as a predictive model of coronary interven- particular value, and its relative lack, of lesion morphol-
tion than the AHA/ACC classification system and is a ogy in the current interventional era.
powerful tool. It produces a better prediction of proce- For example, Singh and colleagues compared the
dure success and a somewhat improved prediction of Mayo Clinic model to the original AHA/ACC classifica-
complications than the more complex ACC/AHA lesion tion.19 They found that the Mayo Clinic risk score pro-
classification system. In addition, the categories are vides significantly better prediction for cardiovascular
more homogeneous, hierarchical stratifications of risk complications, but the ACC/AHA classification is a bet-
of complications and procedural success. It has ter predictor of angiographic success.
remained the standard tool to evaluate lesion morphol-
ogy both in clinical trials and interventional practice. BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF
O P T I M A L R I S K S T R AT I F I C AT I O N O F The original concept of a simple score based on
CO RO N A RY I N T E RV E N T I O N lesion morphology was to reflect the technical difficulty
Nevertheless, the NCDR study16 made obvious that of the procedure and consequently the likelihood of
any risk prediction model based entirely on lesion mor- success or complications; it was intended to be a
phology has a substantial inherent weakness. The ability resource to the operator in the prudent selection of
of lesion morphology to predict the major complica- patients. In contemporary practice, few if any operators
tions of myocardial infarction, urgent coronary artery calculate such scores routinely. However, familiarity with
bypass grafting, or hospital death in the contemporary those lesion morphologies imparting increased risk is
PCI era is limited.12 Furthermore, although the SCAI widespread, and reference to these schemes, either
lesion classification predicts complications to a moder- informally or directly in specific cases, is still a valuable
ate degree, a critical relationship exists that cannot be tool. Additionally, many physicians use the general con-
overlooked: complex lesion morphology is associated cepts to explain to patients and their families when risk



of the Bypass and the Angioplasty Investigation (BARI)22,23

incorporated second interpretations by an experienced
investigator blinded to his first reading. The reproducibility
of the intraobserver interpretation of individual features of
the lesions was evaluated. There was an excellent ability to
separate C lesions from A and B lesions, but only moderate
reproducibility separating A lesions from B from C lesions,
and moderate reproducibility identifying angulation. There
was fair to poor correlation for the other lesion characteris-
tics that were evaluated. Kleiman and colleagues reported
interobserver variability of classifying lesions into the
ACC/AHA ABC system.24 Two experienced operators each
Figure 4. Complications by ACC/AHA lesion class. Adapted evaluated 150 lesions and compared their results. There
from Krone et al.15 was agreement in classification as A, B, or C lesions in only
61% of patients. The distinction between C and non-C
is increased and what can be done to minimize the con- lesions was reproducible at an acceptable level; agreement
sequences. in differentiating C from non-C was 81%. Still, this does
The most important current use is as a benchmarking show significant interobserver variability even among expe-
tool for operators and programs. The overall perform- rienced operators as part of a research study; in actual prac-
ance of the individual laboratory or operator can be tice, when evaluation of operator skill is partly tied to such
evaluated according to the difficulty of the cases select- interpretations and the PCI outcome is not blinded, the
ed.22 Objective classification of risk permits comparison capability for “gaming the system” is apparent.
of the individual operator and laboratory with a general A major problem that has never been formally
experience obtained from registry data. It also permits addressed is that certain lesion types that remain signifi-
stratification of patients in large studies to account for, cant challenges can be classified in a much more sophis-
or control for, the complexity of the actual procedures. ticated manner than the existing classification schemes
In practice, however, the goal of accurately predicting allow. Bifurcation lesions can be classified in several
PCI results in individual cases has proven elusive. effective ways that surpass those developed 20 years
Coronary intervention has proven to be a dynamic field ago.25 Complete occlusions, thrombus, and vein grafts
in which success and complication rates present a mov- still remain impressive challenges to the intervention-
ing target, sometimes so fast that the procedure has ist,26,27 and each has a dedicated body of investigation
been improved before the original data can be pub- detailing methods of preventing and protecting against
lished. The initially expected wide range of performance complications specific to those lesion types. PCI in the
in lesions of differing complexity, as predicted by the setting of cardiogenic shock28 and in elderly patients29,30
original 1988 classification,4 has been compressed sub- poses significant risks that are not fully recognized by
stantially due to improved technology and operator morphologic-based methods as currently constructed.
skills. In addition, developments in adjunctive pharma- Yet another concern is that nearly all currently validat-
cology have further reduced the risks and improved suc- ed risk stratification scores are essentially mortality pre-
cess rates. Furthermore, specific lesion characteristics, diction models. Because mortality is an uncommon out-
which limit successful intervention by standard tech- come relative to other adverse events of PCI, perhaps
niques, are targeted by device manufacturers as chal- emphasis on only this outcome is misplaced. Although
lenges to overcome. Thus, balloons have become smaller the Mayo Clinic and NCDR models have been shown to
to aid in crossing tighter lesions, more flexible to negoti- be effective in predicting all major adverse cardiac
ate tortuous vessels, and stronger to permit use of high- events, they are not optimized for this purpose.
er pressures in calcified lesions. Devices to remove Furthermore, although these scores are accurate in pre-
atheromas or burr through calcified lesions have been dicting procedural complications, no predictive model
developed and, of course, stents have been perfected to can ameliorate the effect of chance and unanticipated
protect against vessel collapse, dissection, and acute circumstances innately encountered in invasive treat-
occlusion. ments. Finally, although current models accurately evalu-
A critical challenge to any classification system involving ate procedural risk, they do not address the potential
morphology assessment is reproducibility of sometimes benefit; consequently, they cannot substitute for clinical
highly subjective appearances. The Angiographic Core Lab judgment in the absence of an accurate risk-benefit cal-



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