Narrative Report: Saint Louis University School of Engineering and Architecture Department of Electrical Engineering

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Saint Louis University


Department of Electrical Engineering


Submitted By:

Lazona, Jerro M.


Submitted To:

Engr. Erwin Posadas

4:30 AM January 14, 2019, us fifth year students gathered at the main gate of
Saint Louis University for our departure to start our educational tour. We rode a hired
bus by haranah tours, which are led by our tour guide Sir Albert along with our professor
Sir Luis Delson. For breakfast, we stopped over by Mcdonalds and had coffee. After our
breakfast, we wasted no time and head to our first destination which is the San Manuel
Substation at Pangasinan. Upon arriving, we didn’t expect that we would arrive early
that is why they made us wait until all of the staff of the company have entered. We
received our Personal Protective Equipment which was given by the tour guide. The
PPE was intended to serve as our protection for the rest of the educational tour. Once
we have received the signal that we could now enter, they conducted a short induction
and discussion on what we would expect at the substation and on the dos and don’ts
inside the company. After the discussion we were split into two groups to start our tour
in the substation. As the tour at the substation ended, we headed to our next destination
which was the One Subic Power Generation. On the way to Subic, we had lunch at the
bus because of the lack of time and we are hurrying to arrive. Our lunch was food that
was taken out from Jollibee. We reached One Subic and saw how Diesel power plant
works. They showed us their control room and the Programmable Logic Circuits. On the
way back, they gave us a short story on how Subic was conquered by British men. We
also took photos at the Subic Bay for memories. As night is nearing, we had our dinner
at a buffet before going to our hotel. We then went to the hotel after our full dinner. The
hotel that we stayed in was Kabayan hotel which was located at Pasay City. Upon
arriving to our hotel, we organized our things and took a quick bath to be ready to sleep.
We went to sleep early because our next destination is a bit far.

As the second day approaches we woke up early to prepare ourselves for our
educational tour. We had our breakfast at Jollibee. After our breakfast we headed
straight for Columbia Wires. On the way to our destination, most of us fell asleep at the
bus because of the lack of sleep that we had at the hotel. As we neared our destination,
our PPEs were once again distributed to ensure our safety. The company taught us a
lot of things regarding on how their work functions. They showed us their different
stations and facilities. We were lucky that they gave us a demonstration on how they
use there different equipment to determine their wires and insulators qualities. They
showed us on how they maintain the quality of their wires and on how they were being
manufactured. As we ended our tour at Columbia Wires, it was now time to have our
lunch. For our lunch, our tour guide led us for a relaxing eco walk leading to the place
where we would have our lunch. Upon arriving, we went straight for the food because of
the exhausting walk. After having our lunch we gathered and head out to our bus to
head to the last destination of the day which was at Pililla Windfarm. As we arrived at
our destination, they showed us a movie on how the windfarm was put up and how it
was built. They even gave us a short discussion on how the windfarm was discovered. It
was a bit of a disappointment because the staff that was conducting the discussion was
not an Electrical Engineer and cannot address our questions. Apart from that, we were
amazed on how large the windmill is. We took a lot of photos and some even bought
some miniature windmills and other souvenirs that they could take home. As for dinner,
we ate at Kenny Rogers. As the dinner ended, we headed back to our hotel to rest for
the next day.

January 16, 2019, the third day of our tour was filled with excitement and fun. At
the start of the day we woke up early to be able to groom ourselves. We had our
breakfast at a nearby chowking after we left the hotel. As our breakfast ended, we went
to one of the biggest tv station in the Philippines which was GMA. They showed us their
different technical stations and how each of them were being operated and monitored.
Most of the personnel working there were IT specialists. After the tour on the technical
stations, we were asked to gathered to be able to visit the different studios. They
showed us the studios of the different TV shows. We even had the chance to talk to
radio DJs and to be able to take some photos inside the studio. After our tour at GMA,
we had a quick lunch and then head towards the 6th company visit. The next visit was at
AC Harris. They showed us the different insulation tools that they use for the wires and
the different wires that they hand out to their customers. They even showed us the
different ways on how they produce their different products. For our dinner, our tour
guide decided to order it as a take-out and we would eat it at the hotel. This was since
our tour for the day ended earlier than expected; they planned to go to Mall of Asia. As
we arrived at our hotel, some of our classmates decided to go to MOA to have a bit of
fun. We decided to stay at the hotel because we were too tired to go out and our tour
guide asked us to wake up early because it would be our last day and we need to check
out from the hotel. We took a quick bath and went to sleep early.

As sad as it is, it is the last day of our educational tour. We started it off by
waking up early because we have to check out from the hotel. Firstly we headed to our
breakfast point. After our breakfast, we headed to Laguna for our first company visit of
the day. Our destination was at Makban Geothermal Power plant. After some travelling
we have arrived and we were greeted by lumps of smokes. For starters, we were
handed our PPEs and headed inside together with our IDs. A staff there gave us a short
induction on what we would look forward to and some security guidelines. After the
induction, she gave us a tour on the plant and onto the control room. They explained the
different maintenance and operations that are being conducted. They even showed us
the different controls and faults that are being expected in the plant. After our tour, we
headed to our lunch destination at Chowking and after having our lunch, we headed
straight to our last company visit of our educational tour. We are headed to the Fuji-
Haya Electric where they showed us the different equipment that they are
manufacturing. We were quite surprised because the people that are working there are
quite young. Our tour ended quite early. We headed straight toward our dinner location
which is a buffet where they have the best carbonara. After our dinner, our tour said
that we could have a stroll around Trinoma or SM North since we ended early. So as
soon as our dinner ended, The bus driver headed for Trinoma and asked us to come
back after two hours. We headed towards SM North first to see what is in there. After
seeing what was at SM North, we went to Trinoma to have a bit of sight-seeing. After
the stroll we went back to the rendezvous point and waited for us to be complete before
going back to baguio. As soon as we were complete, we headed back to baguio. After
some time travelling we have arrived at where we have started at 3:00 in the morning.

The educational tour provided us with more knowledge and to be able to expect
what we would tackle if we are to become future electrical engineers. This educational
tour made us learn a lot of things, but at the same time have some fun from time to
time. Provided this memorable experience, we would cherish it and learn from it.

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