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REQUIREMENT 1: The Admin Need to Be Register to Post
the Post at Registration Admin Need to Authenticate.
Flow of Event:
 First Admin Need To Enter Into Registration
 And Next Admin Need To Enter All The
Mandatory Details To Fill In Form
 And Then Admin Need To Enter Confirmation
Code To Do Successfully login
 And After Verifying Code The Email And
Password Stores In Database.

Registration for Admin

REQUIREMENT 2: The Admin Need To Be Login And Then
He/She Can Publish The Post.
Flow of Event:
 First Admin Need to Log in.
 And Then Select Add Post Option.
 And Next Admin Need To Enter All The
Mandatory Details To Post The Post.
 And Finally Admin Need To Submit The Post.

Publishing the Post

REQUIREMENT 3: The Student Need To Be Login And
Then She/he Can View The Post.
Flow of Event:
 First Student Need to Log in.
 And Then Student Get The Notification Of Notice
s (Post).
 And Student Can See All The Post Which Is
Related To Him.
Sequence Diagram for Admin Register

Sequence Diagram for Adding Post :

Sequence Diagram for Student Register And
Viewing Post :

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