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1. Explain the energy distribution in the spectrum of a black body. Give an account of the attempts made
through various laws to explain the spectrum.
2. Explain blackbody radiation spectrum on the basis of Plank’s radiation law.
3. What are basic postulates of quantum theory of radiations? Explain how Planck’s theory overcomes
the drawbacks of Weins law and Rayleigh Jean’s law. (VTU:Aug.-2011, 06 Marks)
4. State and explain de Broglie hypothesis. (VTU: Feb.-2011, 04Marks)
5. State De-Broglie’s hypothesis and conceptual reasoning on which it is based. (VTU: Feb.-2007,
6. State De-Broglie’s hypothesis. Using the de-Broglie wavelength expression, show that an electron
accelerated by a potential difference V volts is = 10 . (VTU: Jan.-2012, 05Marks)

7. Define phase velocity and group velocity.

8. What are matter waves? Give four important properties of matter waves. (VTU: Feb.-2009, Jan.-2013,
05 Marks)
9. State and explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Give its physical significance.(VTU: Feb.-
2011, 04 Marks)
10. Using Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, prove that electrons cannot exist in a nucleus. (VTU: Jan.-
2013, 04 Marks)
11. Explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Based on this, show the non-existence of electron inside
the nucleus. (VTU: June.-2012, 08 Marks)
12. What is wave function? Explain the properties of a wave function. (VTU: Aug.-2011, 04 Marks)
13. Setup time independent Schrodinger wave equation in one dimension. (VTU: Feb.-2013, 06 Marks)
14. What are Eigen values and Eigen functions? Find Eigen values and Eigen functions for a particle in
one dimensional potential well of infinite height. (VTU: Feb.-2007, 10 Marks) (Hint: Derive the
expressions for En & ψn)
15. Using the time independent Schrodinger wave equation, obtain the expression for the normalized wave
function for a particle in one dimensional potential well of infinite height. (VTU: June.-2013, 08
Marks) (Hint: Derive the expressions for En & ψn)
16. A particle of mass 940 MeV/c2 has kinetic energy 0.5 KeV. Find its de-Broglie wavelength, c is
velocity of light. (04 Marks)
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17. The first excited state energy of an electron in an infinite well is 240 eV. What will be its ground state
energy when the width of the potential well is doubled? (04 Marks)
18. Calculate the energy in eV, for the first excited state of an electron in an infinite potential well of
width 2 Å. (04 Marks)
19. The wavelength of a fast neutron of mass 1.675 x10-27 kg is 0.02 nm. Calculate the group velocity and
the phase velocity of its de Broglie waves. (04 Marks)
20. Explain the terms (a) spontaneous emission, (b) stimulated emission (c) population inversion (d)
active medium and (e) resonance cavity.
21. Derive an expression for energy density of radiation under equilibrium, in terms of Einstein’s
22. With a proper energy level diagram explain the construction and working of semiconductor laser.
23. Mention the three different vibrational modes of CO2 molecule. With a neat energy level diagram
explain the construction and working of CO2 laser.
24. What is a laser range finder? Give the qualitative explanation of construction and working of laser
range finder.
25. The ratio of population of two energy levels out of which one corresponds to metastable state is
1.059x10-30. Find the wavelength of light emitted at 330 K.
26. The ratio of population of two energy levels is 1.059 x 10-30. Find the wavelength of light emitted at
330 K.
27. A 5W pulsed laser emits light of wavelength 694 nm. If the duration of each pulse is 20ns, calculate
the number of photons emitted per pulse.
28. A laser is emitting a beam with an average power of 4.5 mW. Find the number of photons emitted per
second by laser. The wavelength of the emitted radiation is 6328 Ao.
29. A pulse laser has an average power output 1.5 mW per pulse and pulse duration is 20 ns. The number
of photon emitted per pulse is estimated to be 1.047x108. Find the wavelength of the emitted light.
30. The average power of a laser beam of wavelength 6328 Ao is 5mW. Find the number of photons
emitted per second by the laser source.

Refer the class notes, Text book and VTU model question papers for Problems

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