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DEOMWGL-A.PRe.No.212/A1/2013 Dato : 28-01-2013 ‘ORIGANAL (RULE 99, CHAPTER Il) (APPENDIX 16) No. 15K FORMOF TRANSFER CERTIFICATE 070565 WGL. (A.P.) No. K ape i Mar! VENKATAPUR ‘No. & Date of Recognition ord 3 WaRayana 44 Name ofthe Motnor: “NITRMALA= 5. Nationally and Religion = ae «Water tho Candidate belongsio Scheduled Cases 0: ‘Scheduled Tibes or Vimulcajatis of other socially and Sivcationaly beck-ward classes spectiadin the Andhra Semaesh Educational rules oF is he converied irom the alae Suneduled cans of the Scheduled tibes i 60, the Ben (Muli eop ) peters there of 1 Date ol Birth (in words) as entered in the Admission = 8 = Register. ZERO NINE - Avgust=noo ZERO 2ERD Glass in which the pup was reading atthe ime of aa Rapin [1 | Languagé i ‘couse of Study or passed or not has tobe stated 18, Whehgrtnepurithas pad al the fs due tothe school. 14, Whether the pupil was in receipt of any ea. ——— {Nature ofthe Scholorship to be spectied) 8 np pont was in nik olay cones NALALALL NTE of concession tobe spectied) ES 8 marks of identification. é ol z @ 17. Date on which the pupil actualy lett the school. SS Maxach 19, Ole 4. Date onwtich application fr Tranter Ceticae was made ie ‘onbehall ofthe pupil by his her Parent or Guardian. _14= 06 20/6 _____—— 48, Dato of he Transfer Cortiieate 20, CONDUCT: 21, Altendance inthe class off eaving Number of days present. Teal numberof working days. 2. 28, Signature ofthe Head of the School, = FN i Andhra Pradesh this Certificate wil be valid Tiole sn case the pupils leaving the Stale signature ofthe inspecting Officer concemed ~~

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