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CHAPTER 6: Foreign Banks and Trust Operations  Any of the foregoing right, privilege or incentive

granted to a foreign bank shall be equally

I. Foreign Banks
enjoyed by and extended under the same
conditions to banks organized under Philippine
A. Transacting Business in the Philippines
 Entry of foreign banks in the Philippines through
the establishment of branches shall be governed
C. Local Branches of Foreign Bank
by the provisions of Foreign Banks Liberalization
 In case a foreign bank has more than 1 branch in
Act or R.A. 7721
the Philippines, all such branches shall be treated
 The conduct of offshore banking business in the
as 1 unit for the purpose of GBL and all
Philippines shall be governed by the provisions of
references to the Philippine Branches of foreign
PD 1034 or The Offshore Banking System Decree
banks shall be held to refer to such units.
OFFSHORE BANKING: Conduct of banking
Transactions in foreign currencies involving the D. Head Office Guarantee
receipt of funds from external sources and the  The head office of Philippine Branches of a
utilization of such funds. foreign bank shall fully guarantee the prompt
payment of all liability of it Philippine branch to
OFFSHORE BANKING UNIT: Branch, Subsidiary or
provide effective protection of the interests of
Affiliate of a foreign banking corporation which is
the depositors and other creditors of its
duly authorized by the BSP to transact offshore
banking business in the Philippines.
 Residents and Philippine Citizens who are
*Foreign Corporations doing business in the PH are creditors of a branch in the Philippines of a
required to obtain a license. (Corporation Code) Foreign Bank shall have preferential right to the
assets of such branch in accordance with existing
B. Acquisition of Voting Stock in a Domestic
Bank (RULES) E. Summons and Legal Process (How Courts
 Within 7 years from effectivity of the GBL and obtain jurisdiction over foreign banks)
subject to guidelines issued pursuant to RA 7721,  Summons and Legal Process served upon the
the MB may authorize a foreign bank to acquire Philippine agent or head of any foreign bank
up to 100% of the voting stock of only 1 bank designated to accept service thereof shall give
organized under Philippine Laws jurisdiction to the courts over the bank. Service
 Within the same period, the MB may authorize of notices on such agent or head shall be binding
any foreign bank, which prior to effectivity of the upon the bank he represents as if it was made
GBL availed itself of the privilege to acquire up to upon the bank itself.
60% of the voting stock of a bank under RA 7721  If the authority of such agent is revoked, or
and Thrift Banks Act, to further acquire voting should he become mentally incompetent or
shares of such bank to the extent necessary for it otherwise unable to accept service while
to own 100% voting stock thereof. exercising such authority, it shall be the duty of
 The MB shall adopt measures necessary to the bank to name and designate a replacement
ensure that at all time the control of 70% of the promptly and to file with the SEC a duly
resources or assets of the entire banking system authenticated nomination of such agent.
is held by banks which are at least majority-  In the absence of the agent or head or if there is
owned by Filipinos no person authorized by the bank upon whom
service of summons, processes and all legal
notices may be made, it may be made upon the  After the revocation of its license, it shall be
BSP Deputy Governor in charge of the unlawful for such foreign bank to transact
supervising and examining departments and business in the Philippine unless its license is
such is effective as if made upon the bank or its renewed or reissued.
duly authorized agent or head.  BSP shall take necessary action to protect the
 In case of service for the bank upon the BSP creditors of such foreign banks and the public.
Deputy Governor in charge of the supervising The provisions of the NCBA on sanctions and
and examining departments, it shall register and penalties are likewise applicable
transmit by mail to the president or secretary of
the bank at its head or principal office a copy of II. Entry of Foreign Banks (RA 7721)
the summons, process or notice duly certified by
him. A. Modes of Entry (Sec. 2)
 The sending of such copy of the summons,  By acquiring, purchasing or owning up to 60% of
process or notice is a necessary part of the the voting stock of an existing bank
services and shall complete the service. The  By investing in up to 60% of the voting stock of a
registry receipt of mailing shall be prima facie new banking subsidiary incorporated under
evidence of transmission of the summons Philippine laws
process or notice. Costs incurred shall be paid in  By establishing branches with full banking
advance by the party at whose instance the authority; Provided:
service is made  A FB may avail only 1 mode of entry
Provided further,
F. Laws Applicable  A FB or a Philippine Corporation may
 In all matters not specifically covered by special own up to 60% voting stock of only 1
provisions applicable only to a foreign bank or its domestic bank or new banking
branches and other offices in the Philippines, any subsidiary
foreign bank licensed to do business in the
Philippines shall be bound by the provisions of B. Guidelines for Approval (Sec 3); The MB Shall:
GBL, all other laws, rules and regulations  Ensure geographic representations and
applicable to banks organized under the law of complementation
the Philippines of the same class. EXCEPT those  Consider strategic trade and investment
that provide for the creation, formation, relationships between the Philippines and the
organization or dissolution of corporations or for country of incorporation of the FB
the fixing of the relations, liabilities,  Study the demonstrated capacity, global
responsibilities or duties of stockholders, reputation for financial innovations and stability
members, directors or officers of corporations to in a competitive environment of the applicant
each other to the corporation.  See to it that reciprocity rights are enjoyed by the
Philippine banks in the applicant’s country
G. Revocation of License of a Foreign Bank  Consider willingness to fully share their
 The MB may revoke the license to transact technology
business in the Philippines of any foreign bank if
it finds that it is insolvent or in imminent danger *Only those among the top 150 FB in the world or the
thereof or its continuance in business will involve top 5 in their country of origin as of the date of
probable loss to those transacting business with application shall be allowed entry.
C. Capital Requirements (Sec. 4) contrary to law, rules and regulations, public
 Locally Incorporated Subsidiaries: Equal to that order and public policy.
prescribed by the MB for domestic banks of the
same category B. Conduct of Trust Business
 Foreign Bank Branches: FB seeking entry  A trust entity shall administer funds or property
pursuant to section 2(iii) shall permanently under its custody with diligence that a prudent
assign capital not less than the USD equivalent of man would exercise in the conduct of an
210 Million Pesos at the exchange rate on the enterprise of a like character and with similar
date of the effectivity of RA 7721 (FB is entitled aims.
to 3 branches) (additional 3 by inwardly remitting  No trust entity shall, for the account of the
USD equivalent to 35 Million Pesos per branch) trustor or beneficiary of the trust, purchase or
acquire property from or sell, transfer, assign or
*The total number of branches shall not exceed 6.
lend money, or property or purchase debt
instruments of, any of the departments,
directors, officers, stockholders, or employees of
D. Board of Directors (Sec. 7)
the trust entity, relatives within the first degree
 Non-Filipino Citizens may become members of
of consanguinity or affinity of their related
the Board of Directors of a bank to the extent of
interests UNLESS specifically authorized by the
the foreign participation in the equity of said
trustor and the relationship of the trustee and
the other party involved in the transaction is fully
disclosed to the trustor or beneficiary of the trust
III. Trust Operations
prior to the transaction.
 The MB shall promulgate rules and regulations
A. Authority to Engage in Trust Business
necessary to prevent circumvention of the
TRUST BUSINESS: Any activity resulting from a foregoing prohibition or the evasion of
trustor-trustee relationship (trusteeship) involving responsibility therein imposed on a trust entity.
the appointment of a trustee by a trustor for the
administration, holding, management of funds C. Registration of Articles of Incorporation and
and/or properties of the trustor by the trustee for By-Laws of a Trust Entity
the use, benefit or advantage of the trustor or of
The SEC shall not register the Articles of
others called beneficiaries.
Incorporation and by-laws or any amendment
 Only a stock corporation or a person duly thereto of any trust entity, unless accompanies by a
authorized by the MB to engage in trust business certificate of authority issued by the BSP.
shall act as a trustee or administer any trust or
 Must be accompanied by a favorable
hold property in trust or on deposit for the use,
recommendation of the appropriate government
benefit or behoof of others. Such corporation is
agency to thee effect that such articles or
referred to as a ”Trust Entity”
amendment is in accordance with law (Section
 The cardinal principle common to all trust and
17 of the Corporation Code)
other fiduciary relationships is FIDELITY. A bank
 SEC shall not accept for filing, the by-laws or any
authorized to engage in trust and fiduciary
amendment thereto unless accompanied by a
business is under no obligation, either legal or
certificate of the appropriate government
moral, to accept any such business being offered
agency to the effect that such by-laws or
nor has it the right to accept if the same is
amendments are in accordance with law.
(Section 46 of the Corporation Code)
D. Minimum Capitalization  LEND, SELL, TRANSFER or ASSIGN money or
 A trust entity before it can engage in trust or property to any of the departments, directors,
other fiduciary business, shall comply with the officers, stockholders or employees of the
minimum paid-in capital requirement trustee or fiduciary or relatives with the first
determined by the MB. degree of consanguinity or affinity, or the related
interest of such D, O, and S; or to any corporation
E. Powers of a Trust Entity where the trustee or fiduciary owns at least 50%
 ACT as trustee on any mortgage or bond issued of the subscribed capital or voting stock in its
by any municipality, corporation, or any body own right and not as trustee nor in a
politic and to accept and execute any trust representative capacity.
consistent with law.  PURCHASE or ACQUIRE property or debt
 ACT under the order or appointment of any court instruments from any of the departments, D, O,
as guardian, receiver, trustee or depositary of the S or E of the trustee or fiduciary or relatives
estate of any minor or other incompetent within the first degree of consanguinity or affinity
person, and as receiver and depositary of any or the related interest of such D, O, and S; or to
moneys paid into court by parties to any legal any corporation where the trustee or fiduciary
proceedings and of property of any kind which owns at least 50% of the subscribed capital or
may be brought under the jurisdiction of the voting stock in its own right and not as trustee
court. nor in a representative capacity.
 ACT as executor of any will when it is named as  INVEST in equities of, or in securities
the executor thereof underwritten by the trustee or fiduciary or a
 ACT as administrator of the estate of any corporation in which the trustee or fiduciary
deceased person with the will annexed, or as owns at least 50% of the subscribed capital or
administrator of the estate of any deceased voting stock in its own right and not as a trustee
person when there is no will. nor in a representative capacity.
 ACCEPT and EXECUTE any trust for the holding,  SELL, TRANFER, ASSIGN or LEND money or
management, and administration of any estate, property from one trust account to another trust
real or personal and the rents, issues and profits account EXCEPT where the investment is allowed
thereof. by the MB
 ESTABLISH and MANAGE common trust funds
subject to such rules and regulations as may be G. Deposit for the faithful Performance of Trust
prescribed by the MB Duties
F. Transactions Requiring Prior Authority trust entity shall deposit with the BSP as security
for the faithful performance of its trust duties,
A trustee or fiduciary shall not undertake any of the
cash or securities approved by the MB in an
following transactions for the account of a client
amount equal to not less than 500,000 or such
UNLESS prior to its execution:
higher amount as may be fixed by the MB
 It has been fully disclosed and specifically  The MB shall require every trust entity to
authorized in writing by: INCREASE THE AMOUNT of its cash or securities
o The client on deposit with the BSP whenever in its
o The Beneficiary judgment such increase is necessary by reason of
o Other Party-In-Interest the trust business of such entity.
o Court of Competent Jurisdiction  THE PAID-IN CAPITAL AND SURPLUS of such
o Other Competent Authority entity must be at least equal to the amount
required to be deposited with the BSP in  Upon presentation of proof to the court that the
accordance with the above provisions. subject matter of the trust has been deposited
with a trust entity, the court may order that the
*Should the capital and surplus FALL BELOW said
bond given by such persons for the faithful
amount, the MB shall have the same authority
performance of their duties be reduced to such
granted to it under the provisions Section 34(3) of
sums as it may deem proper.
the GBL
 The reduced bond shall be sufficient to secure
 A trust entity so long as it shall continue to be adequately the proper administration and care
solvent and comply with laws or regulations shall of any property remaining under the control of
have the right to collect interest earned on such such persons and the proper accounting for such
securities deposited with the BSP and from time property. Property deposited with any trust
to time with the approval of the BSP, to exchange entity in conformity with the above provision
the securities for others. shall be held by such entity under the orders and
direction of the court.
*If the trust entity fails to comply with any law or
regulation, the BSP shall retain such interest on the
B. Exemption of Trust Entity from Bond
securities deposited with it for the benefit of rightful
 No bond or other security shall be required by
 All claims arising out of the trust business of a the court from a trust entity for the faithful
trust entity shall have priority over all other performance of its duties as court appointed
claims as regards to cash or securities deposited. trustee, executor, administrator, guardian,
 The MB may not permit the cash or securities receiver or depositary. HOWEVER the court may
deposited in accordance with the provisions of upon proper application with it showing special
this section to be reduced below the minimum cause therefor, require the trust entity to post a
amount until the depositing entity shall bond or other security for the protection of funds
discontinue its trust business and shall satisfy the or property confided to such entity.
MB that it has complied with all its obligation in
connection with such business. V. Operations of Trust Entity

IV. Bond of Certain Persons for the Faithful A. Separation of Trust Business from General
Performance of Duties Business
 The trust business, and all funds, properties, or
A. Bond Requirements securities received by any trust entity as
 Before an executor, administrator, guardian, executor, administrator, guardian, trustee,
trustee, receiver or depositary appointed by the receiver or depositary SHALL BE KEPT SEPARATE
court enters upon the execution of his duties, he AND DISTINCT from the general business
shall, upon order of the court file a bond in such INCLUDING all other funds, properties, and
sum as the court may direct. assets of such trust entity.
 Upon the application of any executor,  The accounts of all such funds, properties, or
administrator, guardian, trustee, receiver, securities shall likewise be kept separate and
depositary or any other person in interest, the distinct from the accounts of the general
court may, after notice and hearing, order that business of the trust entity.
the subject matter of the trust or any part  All moneys, properties, or securities given by a
thereof be deposited with a trust entity. bank IN ITS CAPACITY AS TRUSTEE, FIDUCIARY OR
INVESTMENT MANAGER shall be kept physically
separate and distinct from the assets of its other  Loans FULLY SECURED BY A HOLD-
businesses and shall be under the joint custody OUT on, ASSIGNMENT or pledge of
of at least 2 persons. deposits maintained either with the
 One shall be an officer of the trust or bank proper or other banks, or of
investment management department, deposit substitutes of the bank, or of
designated for that purpose by the board of mortgage and chattel mortgage
directors bonds issued by the trustee or
 The investment of each trust, other fiduciary or fiduciary.
investment management shall be kept physically  Loans FULLY SECURED by real estate
separate from those of other trust, other or chattels in accordance with
fiduciary or investment management accounts, pertinent laws.
and adequately identified as the assets or  The requires specific directives shall contain the
property of the relevant account. following information:
 Transaction to be entered into
B. Investment Limitations of a Trust Entity  Borrower’s Name
 Unless otherwise directed by the instrument  Amount Involved
creating the trust, the lending and investment of  Collateral Securities if any
funds and other assets acquired by the trust
entity as E, A, G, T, R or D of the estate of any C. Real Estate Acquired by a Trust Entity
MINOR OR OTHER INCOMPETENT PERSON shall  Unless otherwise specifically directed by the
be limited to loans or investments as may be trustor or the nature of the trust, REAL ESTATE
prescribed by Law, MB or any court of competent ACQUIRED BY A TRUST ENTITY in whatever
jurisdiction. manner and for whatever purpose shall be
 Assets received in trust shall be administered in governed by the relevant provisions of the GBL.
accordance with the terms of the instrument  It may acquire, hold or convey real property
creating the trust or other fiduciary relationship. under the following circumstances:
 When a trustee is granted discretionary  It is mortgaged to it in good faith by way of
powers in the investment disposition of trust security for debts
funds and unless otherwise specifically  It is conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts
enumerated in the agreement and directed previously contracted in the course of its
in writing by the client, court of competent dealings
jurisdiction or other competent authority,  It purchased at sales under judgments,
loans and investments of the fund shall be decrees, mortgages or trust deeds held by it
limited to the ff: and such as it shall purchase to secure debts
 Evidence of indebtedness of the due it.
Philippines and of BSP any other
*Any real property acquired or held under these
evidence of indebtedness or
circumstance shall be disposed by the bank within 5
obligations the servicing and
years or as may be prescribed by the MB PROVIDED:
repayment of which are FULLY
the bank may after said period continue to hold the
GUARANTEED by Philippines or loans
property for its own use subject to the following
against such government securities.
Philippines as to the payment of  The total investments in such real estates and
principal and interest improvements thereof including equipment
shall not exceed 50% of combined capital  Trust entities shall advertise their services in a
accounts. DIGNIFIED MANNER and enter such business
 The Equity investment of a bank in another ONLY WHEN
corporation engaged primarily in real estate  Demand for such service is evident
shall be considered as part of the total  Specially equipped to render such service
investment in real estate, unless otherwise  Upon full appreciation of the
provided by the MB. responsibilities involved.
 They shall be ready and willing to give full
D. Investment of Non-Trust Funds disclosure of the services being offered and shall
 Investment of funds OTHER THAN TRUST FUNDS conduct their dealing with transparency
OF A TRUST ENTITY which is a bank, financing  Harmonious relationship shall likewise be
company or an investment house shall be pursued with other professions to achieve the
governed by the relevant provisions of the GBL common goal of mutual service to the public and
and other applicable laws. protection of its interest.

E. Sanctions and Penalties I. Money of Government

 A trust entity or nay of its officers and directors  Banks MAY NOT RECEIVE or HOLD as trustee,
FOUND TO HAVE WILFULLY VIOLATED any agent, administrator, financial manager or other
pertinent provisions of the GBL shall be subject similar capacity, any fund or money from the
to sanctions and penalties government and government entities.
 PROVIDED HOWEVER that government-owned
F. Exemption of Trust Assets from Claims banks may receive or hold as trustee, agent,
 No assets held by a trust entity in its capacity as administrator, financial manager or other similar
trustee shall be subject to any claims other than capacity, the following
those of the parties interest in the specific trusts  Funds of LGUs which are expected to be
 Property held by the insolvent debtor as a available for investment purposes for a
trustee of an express or implied trust shall be relatively long period of time. PROVIDED
excluded from the insolvency proceedings. FURTHER:
o Amounts held in trust or otherwise
G. Establishment of Branches of a Trust Entity managed/advised for and in behalf of
 The ordinary business of a trust entity shall be LGUs shall be invested ONLY IN
transacted at the place of business specified in its GOVERNMENT SECURITIES,
articles of incorporation specifically evidences of
 Such trust entity may with prior approval from indebtedness of the National
the MB establish branches in the Philippines and Government, the BSP and other
said entity shall be responsible for all business evidences of indebtedness or
conducted in such branches to the same extent obligations of government entities,
and in the same manner as though such business the servicing and repayment of which
had all been conducted in the head office are fully guaranteed by the National
 The trust entity and its branches shall be treated government
as one unit  Funds of government and government
entities which are authorized by special laws
H. Advertisement of Services to be placed in trust.

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