School Drop Out

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School dropout

There are several reasons why many students are dropping out of school before graduation.

However, one of the most impactful reason is the transition to high school. For instance, recent

statistics have shown that most of the students unexcused absences quadrupled when they transit

from eighth to ninth grade (Stark, Patrick and Amber, pg. 56). Most of the learners considered it

unworthy to go to class every day while on school. Yet, absences results into most of students

falling behind. When learners start lagging behind, they mostly get frustrated or embarrassed and

begin withdrawing further. At that point, a downward spiral start, until they fall too far behind to

catch up. It is vital for learner to establish appropriate plans for controlling high school and the

ninth grade is the actual instance when students should figure out how to plan themselves.

For the last few years, ninth grade early grade warning indicators have changed the manner

in which the educators consider and address the matter of high school dropout. Instead of waiting

until learners are almost completing their studies and so far behind credits, they have virtually no

probability of graduating, instructors should commence working to safeguard learners from failing.

Consortium study indicated that learners have less that ten percentage probability of graduating if

they fail half or more of their classes the prior year (Garcia et 37). As of late students scoring

Ds or Fs in their classes or missing a day or two of class a month are not considered as in need for

intervention, particularly in ninth grade year, for them to continue with studies. Poor performance

as a result of class absenteeism, tough qualifications for one to graduate, poor programs to support
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low performing students as well as students’ ignorance in their studies are all key reasons for the

increased school dropout.

We have already identified that ninth grade students are the main victims of school dropout.

Therefore, instructors need to come up with good programs to contain all the students especially

low performing and those who lag behind to avoid frustrations and embarrassments. Again,

educators need to notice efforts of the students and assist them with approaches on how to handle

their academic struggle early on (Balfanz et al. pg. 38), not only on ninth grade but also throughout

their studies.
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Work cited

Balfanz, Robert, et al. "Building a Grad Nation: Progress and Challenge in Ending the High School

Dropout Epidemic. Annual Update 2014." Civic Enterprises (2014).

Garcia, Antonio R., et al. "Patterns of multisystem service use and school dropout among seventh-

, eighth-, and ninth-grade students." The Journal of Early Adolescence 38.8 (2018): 1041-


Stark, Patrick, and Amber M. Noel. "Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the

United States: 1972-2012. Compendium Report. NCES 2015-015." National Center for

Education Statistics (2015).

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