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Boys Versus Girls Parenting Styles

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Boys Versus Girls Parenting Styles


When it comes to the matter of parenting boys’ versus girls, the debate of nurture versus

nature has been happening for several years. Some of the key questions raised are; are girls and

boys inherently different? Or do the guardians or parent raise them in that manner? In a study

conducted in 1997 by Newsweek, it indicated that almost sixty-two percent of parents believe that

the difference amid girls and boys originate from the manner in which they are brought up rather

than genetics. Sex differences are real, and I totally believe parenting for a daughter should differ

from son parenting. It may take some parents several years to comprehend the effects of different

parenting amid the two genders, but from what has been done in the literature so far has shown

that girls, as well as boys’ value different things or in other words both genders, prioritize their

values differently. For instance, it has been reported that for daughters, the most vital thing is

relationship while boys show respect to actions. A lot of literature has been done on how do

parenting styles differ from raising a boy child as well as a girl child. However, the truth of the

matter can be clearly explained from the perspective of nurture versus nature.

Arguing of Parenting from Nature Point of View

Researches have reported multiple profound differences amid girls and boys and the

manner in which they respond to the world, commencing from their birth. For instance, a newborn

girl spends most of the time keeping eye contact with adults. As a consequence of that, once the

child has reached four months, can recognize various faces. Again, looking at infant boy, the infant

tends to glare as an alternative at a intermittent light as at a face of human.

Experts in parenting have reported that girls reach the initial developmental stages earlier

compared to boys, which include having hand-eye coordination, talking as well as managing their

emotions. The kind of difference is associated with hormones. Infant girls have lower levels of

testosterone compared to infant boy and high level of serotonin. The difference in the hormones

makes the infants more easily stressed as well as harder to calm down. Again, it indicates a greater

tendency for the kinds to comfort themselves through thumbs sucking. Moreover, high levels of

testosterone hormone have been identified the leading cause of infant boy having more aggressive

behavior compared to an infant child.

At the age of four years, boys appear to be poor at the interpretation of emotions as well as

building a relationship as compared to girls, while girls have a poor understanding of the spatial

relationship. Again, a tangible difference has been noticed amid boys and girls when it comes to

language. Studies have reported that the development of verbal skills is faster in girls than in boys.

While girl child use words almost exclusively, boy child tends to use words roughly sixty percent

of the time, as well as substituting sounds and noises for the remaining percentage of the time.

In the age of schooling, the difference amid the sexes is clearly seen on the playground.

For instance, for sons, play mostly centers around winning. Boys tend to play in large teams with

organized games which do maintain a certain score. The boys thrive in competing as well as one-

upmanship as every one of them struggle to lead the rest. On the other hand, girls are seen playing

in minor teams between two to four members. Mostly, the girls engage in inmate talking, intently

listening to one another as well as keeping eye contact. Often, their play centers around buildings

as well as discussing relationships. Referring to our traditions, female games such as jump rope as

well as hopscotch insists team support and sharing.

Again, some literature has indicated that teenage girls perceive more stressors in their life

as compared to adolescent boys. More so when it is a matter of interpersonal relationships (with

friends, family as well as romantic interests). Again, teenage girls have been portrayed as having

a strong reaction to stressors and are very likely to encounter depression. For instance, if a teenage

girlfriend and boyfriend fight, the girl has high chances to obsess over the fight. While the boy has

a high probability of distracting himself with an activity.

Arguing of Parenting from Nurture Point of View

While some differences amid girls and boys can be considered inborn, the style of parenting

automatically plays a key role, more so parenting boys and girls in line with stereotypes of gender

difference. For instance, some parents or guardians, if I may say, may offer less quick affection to

boy child for anxiety of converting the child into “mama’s boy.” Parents may be not responding

quickly to comforting the boy child when makes a mistake or probably injure himself and they

may appear more lenient at the instances when the child roughhouse or shows other forms of

aggressive conduct. “boys will always be Boys” turns to be their mantra.

On the other hand, some parents are fast to rush in and assist their girls when attempting to

complete a particular activity. Only by trying, failing and attempting again, do most of the children

educate themselves to be self-sufficient as well as confident. Despite their perfect intentions to

help the girl child, once they deprive their girls of this learning encounter, they teach them to

depend on others for assistance instead of preparing them to be self-reliant.

Understanding that girls tend to develop language as well as excellent motor skills earlier

compared to boys, girls can outdo boys in the classroom very quickly, although boy child most

does better than girls. However, girls tend to perform better in elementary studies. To balance the

playing ground, most of the parents have started to enroll their kids in kindergartens almost an

entire year later. Furthermore, several schools have replaced free play recess with other activities

which are more structured in order to minimize the competition. Again, games within the class are

also diminishing as most of the teachers pay attention to the more cooperative activities in which

every pupil is a winner. Although the kind of environment being embraced is more helpful to the

girl child, researches have reported that boys turn frustrated as well as more aggressive in situations

free of competition.

However, other schools appear to be pushing the gender difference theory too far. More

so, with a push witnessed in Bush administration, several schools are adopting single-gender

classrooms, whereby, girls and boys are separated. Recent statistics have reported that more than

three hundred and sixty classes all over the United States have embraced single-gender classroom

policy. The most real claim to support the approach sites the difference amid boys and girls in

certain subjects, for example, sciences and mathematics (whereby boys naturally appear ton score

higher as compared to girls); and language arts and reading (girls typically score better than boys).

In that manner, the single-gender classroom approach would enable teachers to compensate for the

gender discrepancies through permitting girls to engage in science projects which compare

cosmetics or basically allowing boys read various types of novels instead of the traditional

literature in the typical curriculum. Some boys only classrooms are evaluating a boot camp style

of teaching approaches which appears to de-emphasize verbal communication.


Many researchers have agreed that the best parenting strategies pay attention to a

combination of nurture and nature. Exactly, girls and boys are naturally not the same in various

ways; however, they should be brought up in an equally nurturing environment. Both girls and

boys have to be educated on the same values: respect, independence, empathy, confidence, and

compassion. Moreover, physical aggression must carry a similar consequence for both girls and

boys and parents must teach their children alternative approaches to problem-solving.

When parents are bringing up their boys and daughter, they must understand that every

child is unique. Parents must observe the manner in which every child expresses him or herself as

well as permitting every child to get exposed to varying interest. Motivate their children to hone

their different gifts. Finally, parents need to acknowledge that both boys and girls require affection,

back up as well as most of all mentioned unconditional love.


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