Employee Involvement - Motivation Empowerment - Teams - Recognition and Reward Performance Appraisal-Benefits

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Weekly Academic Calendar

Saveetha University Saveetha school of Engineering

Sub Name: Total Quality Management Faculty name : Anoop johny

Date : 05/8/15 to 11/8/15

20 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 10 mins

Employee Activity 1: Empowerment – Activity 2: Performance Activity 3: Revision

Involvement – Jig saw Teams – Role play Appraisal- Pogil
Motivation Recognition and Benefits

Continuous Activity 4: PDSA Cycle- 5S Activity 5: Kaizen- Activity 6: Revision

Process Scale up Critical Peer lead
Improvement –
Juran Trilogy pedagogy

Activity 1:
Does the current youth committed to work and earn?

Activity 2:
Identify a good team who has done previous activity and reward them as a panel.

Activity 3:
What is MBWA method and identify two major companies adopted this.

Activity 4:
Discuss whether Juran trilogy can be implemented in our college?

Activity 5:
Criticize the drawbacks of 5S.

Activity 6:
What are the various goals of kaizen in your point of view?
Question Bank Questions:

16 marks:

1. a) What is juran trilogy ? Mark

b) Discuss Activities and basic principles of Kaizen ? .

Stages 2
Explanation 8
Examples 6

2. Explain various 5S practices ?.

Explanation 8
Examples and cases 8

2 marks:

1. Storming is a stage of a team-evolution or team-functioning. What are the features of

2. Define a process.
3. What is continuous process improvement?
4. What factors make continuous process improvement?

Lesson Plan
Power point submission
Activity preparation
Group function
Question bank
Previous test marks

Signature of HOD: _______________________

Signature of Principal: _______________________

Signature of Director: _______________________

Signature of Director Academics: _______________________

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