Statistics - Spring HW 17 Key

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STALISTICS—Z-SCORES IN THE CALCULATOR AND INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL CHARTS_HW #17 1. Find the missing parameter, j1 or oF, to the nearest hundredth. @ a) BS 1250, 38% below 1200) ¢ = b) Arm = .25 emer Anew = KEM ET Ievwomer (55,0,1) (tao 159 kCo8a) em mvN one pide Cua) Dy aa ee Zt hip Shey bt a ae cane) Re ids ©) o=5,90% above 10; w=? d) &=220,3% below 2 Are. | eee dreds .0% r Wye ene ie orm e Cees) pen Pines Cub) (ae? eee en aie Recitt ae geet OT wine [ee heb 2. A Comell University researcher measured the mouth volumes of 31 men and 30 women. She found a mean of 66 ce for men (SD = 17 cc) and a mean of $4 cc for women (SD= 14.5 cc). The man with the largest mouth had a mouth volume of. Nui? ge: The woman with the largest mouth had a mouth volume of 95.8 cc. Assume the mouth volume is approximately Normal. Which had the more extraordinarily large mouth ? Wer = Mone Mew Women PyTed RD dy » (ob tF) ™ (oq, is) Ome ot 72 Hitver t Bay ies tA ze What Teas. 0-64 we 7.99 | TAPED Mend he | Gretten edger = Mone vewevtt) ede 3. Companies that design furniture for elementary school classrooms produce a variety of sizes for Kid o ‘Suppose the heights of kindergarten children can be described by a Normal model with a mean of 38.2 inches and a C standard deviation of 1.8 inches. N(ObGEL 4) In what height interval should The company expect to find the middle 80% of kindergarteners? fa deeded eae. VN" Pec | Piety > xe 3 CpaO NCU) F892 C1.26)(1.6) b) Atleast how tall are the biggest 10% of kindergarteners w4o.5 TH WE Bete Te ee aga Chee CL#) Se eeeit a Tew) ee 4, Mil only 5% of babies have leamed to walk by the age of 10 months, 75% are walking by 13 months of age. Irthe age at which the babies develop the ability to walk can be described by the Normal model, find the parameters (mean and standard deviation). a los M+ (~1665 (Le peal Heed: .05 Annd 6 ioe Me le HY . ZE-1b5 bb Fug FL 1° i P= lowe eeu oweenvdttion| . [-1 : sas = aay + ; Dire Briere 2-stren) | 69--L45] 2: 10 eels 5. Wildlife biologist believe that the weights of adult trout can be described by a Normal model. They CoMlecr aa from fishermen, finding that 22% ofthe trout caught were thrown back because they were below the 2 pound minimum, and only (6% weighed over 5 pounds. What mean and standard deviation should define the model? , Abete. at 4 : ey CO 2 in yt ort ike ce G21) m/s 4994049 t Ela fi t [hea 8 eta mtn exercises below, a consol charts shown, Detene ite proces shown sin conto or eu of conto. ls A gear has been designed to have a diameter of 3 inches. A al ha been designed haves neh of inches. ‘The standard deviation of the process is.2 inch standard deviation ofthe provess is .12 inch. <= ® ‘Nails v1 0F Cenneel: a ar re Lars Conseceuve’ i Crsneee. 42s = poms Brterh 2 € sen VAI #10 Sao ow sdete SIDE OF MG pb S bree mri | BEE aii “THis eT ree * obseenion mnber Observation uber z AA liquid-dispensing machine has been designed to fill He Anengine part has been designed to have a diameter of % 1 liter of liquid. The standard deviation of the ‘SSmms.The standard deviation of the process is 001 mm. LE: avi oF Conet le i Engine Part ee ee Liquid Dispenser oysenedtim 1-4 ssa = ane mie Bw Tis A eve Oe Cans cunive oe, i 4 We Me OEE Soya ore 8 Strata dale 3 Yellowstone Park Medical Services (YPMS) provides emergency healthcare for park visitors. Such bealth care includes ‘reatment for everything from indigestion and sunburn to more serious injuries. A recent isue of Yellowstone Today indicated that the average number of visitors treated each day by YPMS was 21.7. The estimated standard deviation was 4.2. The distribution of numbers treated is approximately mound-shaped and symmetrical. Fora 10-day summer period, the following data show the number of vistors treated each day by YPMS. Make a control chart forthe daily numberof visitor treated by YPMS. Dothe data indicat hat the munbe of vistors weated by YPMS i “in conto Explain your answer. tv (t).9, de) Day, 1a sas 6s 9 10. ‘Number treated 2s fis [7 fas [2028 T3019 fas [23 ~ Visitors Tredte> BY ems qT THe eee. mae (34.3) 0 MPa eee SIR (501) By dems drpedes In CONTROL + (4169) THe itd ApPenes Every DisTRIBVIED St-tr (iss) Hew We mete. oa -3r (4,1) # TRIED ergasaeesse: ods § For another 10 da i C i indi & ty Summer period, the following data were obtained. Make a control chart. Do the data indicate that ‘numberof visitors treated by YPMS is “in control” or“ saint “out of control”? Explain your answer. If ‘the park superintendent do you think YPMS might need some (temporary) extra help? ° ponerse parks 7 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ‘Number treated 20 [is [12 Par aa foe 33 P36 3s fa7 Visitoes Teedie> BY Yes Lae fore WEN OUT DF Conneen s—— oad we Ge Tie S30 G45) ae ing Gr tony = =—— Sr tr Go hime or boar FEMIED EXCEEDS Mer (54.3 Pen aN (ais) CleMEY, exten Neve 1s ‘wecersae rae te (15.3) Merb Teter Hear (ay 1 STEMI Teceen net HIRO ED

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