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The question asked is, "Why are there so many roads to Delhi?

The roads have nothing to do with the ultimate destination, they
have to do with the traveller and his starting point. The roads
that terminate in Delhi have nothing to do with Delhi; the
important thing is where the person lives. If you are in
Bangalore, then you are not in Calcutta, Pune or Bombay and,
therefore, you have to think about how to travel from Bangalore
to Delhi. In other words, rather than looking for the destination
or the path, you have to examine where you are now or to
which category you belong.
Five categories of mind
Broadly speaking, spiritual aspirants belong to five categories.
First come the idiots, the blockheads, the inert and the
unapproachable. It is very hard to get into them. This is the
lowest category, moodha. The second category is scattered,
broken and dissipated. Their desires, passions, aims,
accomplishments, actions, expressions, personality, choices,
likes, hatreds and prejudices are all dissipated. They do not stick
to one thing. Sometimes they want to become a film star,
sometimes they want to become a cricketer like Kapil Dev,
sometimes a tennis star like Navratilova, sometimes they want
to become Indira Gandhi. Sometimes they want to practise
kundalini yoga, sometimes swara yoga. Sometimes they want to
enter into jada samadhi, dig a pit, get in and stop their breath.
They are called kshipta; they have dissipated, unstable minds,
with no centres. That is also a category of mind in psychology.
The third category keeps on oscillating like a pendulum.
However, although a pendulum oscillates, it has a centre where
it stops. Your mind moves about here and there, but then you
do pranayama. You think about kundalini, about tantra, about
this or that, then realize what you are doing and return to
pranayama. When your mind is oscillating, it is running here and
there, but you can bring it back to the centre. It has a central
point to which it can gravitate again and again in spite of its
oscillation. That is the third category of mind called vikshipta.
These three categories of mind are the very low categories of
mind to which most of us belong. This classification of mind is
according to yoga, Samkhya, Vedanta and also modern
psychology, which has described and defined the mind in its own
terms. Find out to which category you belong.

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