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ITI-CAREM CSR 2018/2019

Institute of Transport Infrastructure (ITI) and Centre for Automotive Research and Electric Mobility
(CAREM) are jointly making an effort to organize the Automotive Infrastructure Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) program. This CSR aims to demonstrate the concept of a smart mobility to nearby
community and to develop problem solving skills among school students.

The CSR will include varies of activities such as seminars, exhibition, vehicle inspection and
competition. The competition for school students will cover Micro Electrical Vehicle (EV) competition
and Compressed Air Powered Car competition as well as car demos by CAREM. While the exhibition
and vehicle inspection are targeted for the nearby community.

We aim this program could connect University researchers to the nearby community and create
awareness amongst public and school students in addressing best practices and possible future trends
with respect to the program theme.

The program intends to:
1. Create awareness to public on the future transport and to develop problem solving skill among
the school students
2. Build ITI & CAREM recognition to public
3. Maximize the Institute knowledge and awareness program impact to the society and UTP top
4. Provide a platform for the researchers to share current knowledge and past experience in
managing autonomous/electric vehicle for smart mobility with respect to the 4th Industrial
Revolution (IR 4.0)

No Date Program Target group Venue
1 Oct 2018 Compressed Air Car Standard 5 & SK Seri Iskandar (SKSI)
Competition Standard 6
2 Nov 2018 EV Car Competition Form 3 & Form 4 SMK Seri Iskandar (SMKSI)

3 2019 Compressed Air Car Primary School SK Parit

Competition (Standard 5&6) SK Bota Kiri
SK Lambor Kiri
SK Titi Gantong
4 2019 EV Car Competition Secondary School SMK Sultan Muzafar Shah 1
(Form 3&4) SMK Layang-Layang Kiri
SMK Lambor Kiri
SMK Dato' Seri Maharaja Lela





Competition objectives:
1. To design and fabricate a mini model car using experimentation and problem-solving skills
2. To promotes students’ teamwork and hands-on learning experience
3. To develop future scientists and engineers amongst school students

Learning Outcome
At the end of the program, students will be able to:
1. Design and fabricate a mini model car and upgrade their problem-solving skills
2. Enhance their teamwork and set their sights on future transportation based on the hands-on
3. Apply science and engineering principles to real-world applications as they explore alternative
energy sources.

1. Primary & Secondary school around Perak Tengah District

No Date Program PIC Remarks
1 8.00am – 8.15am Registration & Opening Secretariat Opening:
ITI Director
2 8.15am – 9.30am Seminar on future transport Technical Person
3 9.30am – 10.00am Briefing on Powered Car Technical Person Students to
Competition form 12 groups
4 10.00am – 12.00pm Powered Car Competition Technical Person *6-8 facilitator
(start) to be ready
5 12.00pm – 12.30pm Racing time & presentation 2 judges from
technical person
6 12.30pm – 1.00pm Demonstration on CAREM Technical person
7 1.00pm Dismissed

Winners Criteria
1. Fastest car
2. Best design
3. Best working principles
1. 1st winner: RM 500 + car competition
2. 2nd winner: RM 400 + car competition
3. 3rd winner: RM 300 + car competition

Working Team
Team PIC Remarks

Secretariat  Khairunnisa  Registration & prize giving

 Ain  Evaluation form
 Scoring sheet
Technical team  Dr Firman  Seminar
 Ezrann  Facilitator during the competition
 Shahrul  Judges
 Anuar
Facilitator  Dr Firman  Assist students on certain issue during
 Ezrann the competition
 Shahrul
 Anuar
Logistic  Shahrul  Construction kits
 Anuar  Recycle items
 CAREM product/car for demo

Estimated Expenses FY2018

Details Quantity Day Total (RM)
Construction kits (12groups/school) - 10
50 1 100 5,000
Winner 1st place (10 school primary &
12 1 500 6,000
secondary + 2 grand prize)
Winner 2nd place (10 school primary &
12 1 400 4,800
secondary + 2 grand prize)
Winner 3rd place (10 school primary &
12 1 300 3,600
secondary + 2 grand prize)
F&B (committee - 10 for 10 school) 100 1 26 2,600

Total 22,000

1. CAREM product/car for demo
2. Construction kits (12/school)
3. Recycle item for balloon car
4. Battery (AA) – 24pcs (2/group)
5. Compressed Air
6. Racing track – masking tape, measurement tape

Construction kits (per vehicle)

1. HE Hi-Speed Gear Box Assembly Kit
2. AA Battery Holder
3. UL-Recognized Hookup Wire– need approximately 3-feet for cars without capacitors and 6-
feet if using multiple capacitors
4. 1.5V/25mA Miniature Lamp
5. AA Batteries (Need 1 to compete, but may need 2 during building/testing phase) – 20pcs
6. 400 Contact Breadboard
7. 10 Farad Super Capacitor
8. 1” Mini Wheels
9. 1 ½ Lite Flite Wheels
10. 4PDT Mini Toggle Switch
11. 280 Motor
12. Compressed Air (up to 100psi@7bar)
13. Scissors or sharp knife (Have an adult use or supervise your use of this tool.)
14. Tape
15. Wooden skewer
16. Plastic bottle – for compressed-air tank
17. Straw

Rules and Regulations for Micro Electric Car and Compressed-Air Car Competition
1. Rules and Regulation (Participants)
1. Students will be divided into 12 groups for both electric car competition and compressed air
car competition respectively. Each groups should comprise of 5-8 students. 1 facilitator will
assist each of the groups.
2. 1 leader per group to be appointed.
3. Each group will get 1 construction kit including 2 AA batteries. Only 1 vehicle per group are
allowed. Compressed air will be provided upon request from the facilitator.
4. Only 2 hours’ time is given to the students for designation and testing. Testing track will be
5. Each groups are allowed to build a micro electric car and compressed air car using any of the
given materials. There is no fixed procedure for the design. How you build your vehicle will
depend on the design you came up with and the materials you decided to use.
6. Each group are allowed to test your vehicle from time to time once you think your car is
7. The vehicle will be judges based on the speed/performance, design and craftsmanship.
8. Up to 6 vehicles will compete at one time. There will be 2 sessions for both competition (12
groups). Time will be taken by the individual facilitator.
9. Other energy sources are not allowed to propel the vehicle, i.e. the operator may not push
the vehicle at the start

10. A starter switch must be placed on the vehicle so that it can be started without giving the
vehicle a forward push. For example, a toggle switch could be mounted such the throw of
the switch is along the axis of the vehicles axles.
11. The vehicle should pass the finish line in motion. The finish line will be 10m length through
a smooth surface inside the hall.
12. Your vehicle need to be sturdy, not fall apart when in use, go straight and go as far as possible
13. The vehicles must be available for inspection by the judges, who may desire to witness a trial
run and certify the vehicle for compliance with the rules prior to competition. A panel of
faculty and staff will judge the winners of the awards for craftsmanship and creativity. The
decisions of the judges are final
14. The competition organizers reserve the right to disqualify any vehicle that, or contestant
who, does not, in the opinion of the judges, meet the contest rules as delineated above.
15. The 3 top winners from each session will go to the second round and compete.
16. The top 3 winners in the second round will receive prizes and will go to district competition.

Track Specifications
Smooth surface inside the hall will be used as a track. Vehicle should be able to passing through
the start area (Area A) until the finish line (White area).





Vehicle Specifications

1. The vehicle must fit in a box 5 inches wide by 8 inches long by 6 inches high
2. Only one AA alkaline battery may be used for propulsion
3. Switch(s) must be mounted on top or rear of vehicle and must be accessible without
disassembly. Failure to comply with this rule will be considered as did not finish in the
performance competition.

4. Battery must be accessible from outside vehicle (no disassembly required). Failure to comply
with this rule will be considered as did not finish in the performance competition.
5. A battery holder must be used (no soldering, taping, gluing allowed)

Testing Session for Electric Car Competition

Test your vehicle and possibly redesign it or make improvements, depending on how well it
works. This is called iteration, which is an important part of the engineering design process. Here
are suggested procedure for testing the car:

1. Put your car down on the floor, and switch on the switch.
2. Watch your car closely. Does it move forward? Pay close attention to whether the car meets
the design requirements, and write down the observations. For example:
a. Does the car go straight?
b. How far does the car go? Use a tape measure to record how far the car travelled
from where it started to where it came to a complete stop, and write this distance.
c. Did any parts of the car fall apart?
3. Repeat steps 1–4 a few times until you are comfortable handling the car and seeing how it
4. Depending on how well the car works, your next steps may vary. Write down the
observations and ideas.
a. If the car does not work at all (it does not move forward even a little bit, or it falls
apart), try to figure out what is wrong. Are the wheels stuck? Is the car too heavy?
Do you need to use more tape to hold things together?
b. If the car works, but not very well (it only moves forward a little, or it moves but
turns to one side instead of going straight), try to figure out how you could improve
it. Are the wheels or axles crooked, causing the car to turn? Are the wheels getting
slightly stuck, preventing the car from going fast?
c. Even if the car works well, think about what changes you could make to improve it.
Can you modify the car to make it go even farther?
5. Based on what you find in step 4, make changes to the design and construction of the car.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 until the car meets all of your design requirements. It might take many
tries to get the car working properly, and this is okay. Then, think about the design process:
a. How many different iterations did it take to reach the final solution?
b. Did you have to make major changes or do a total redesign of the car, or did you
only make small changes and fixes?
7. Repeat several test runs with the completed car, and record how far it travels. What is the
longest distance you can get the car to go?

Testing Session for Compressed-Air Competition

Test your vehicle and possibly redesign it or make improvements, depending on how well it works.
This is called iteration, which is an important part of the engineering design process. Here are
suggested procedure for testing the car:

1. Fill in the bottle with compressed-air (around 10psi) and close the straw hole or put your finger
over the end of the straw to prevent air from escaping.
2. Put the car down on the floor, and let go of the straw hole.
3. Watch your car closely. Does it move forward? Pay close attention to whether the car meets
the design requirements, and write down the observations. For example:

a. Does the car go straight?
b. How far does the car go? Use a tape measure to record how far the car travelled from
where it started to where it came to a complete stop, and write this distance.
c. Did any parts of the car fall apart?
4. Repeat steps 1–4 a few times until you are comfortable handling the car and seeing how it
5. Depending on how well the car works, your next steps may vary. Write down the observations
and ideas.
a. If the car does not work at all (it does not move forward even a little bit, or it falls apart),
try to figure out what is wrong. Are the wheels stuck? Is the car too heavy? Do you need
to use more tape to hold things together?
b. If the car works, but not very well (it only moves forward a little, or it moves but turns to
one side instead of going straight), try to figure out how you could improve it. Are the
wheels or axles crooked, causing the car to turn? Are the wheels getting slightly stuck,
preventing the car from going fast?
c. Even if the car works well, think about what changes you could make to improve it. Can
you modify the car to make it go even farther?
6. Based on what you find in step 6, make changes to the design and construction of the car.
7. Repeat steps 1–5 until the car meets all of your design requirements. It might take many tries
to get the car working properly, and this is okay. Then, think about the design process:
a. How many different iterations did it take to reach the final solution?
b. Did you have to make major changes or do a total redesign of the car, or did you only
make small changes and fixes?
8. Repeat several test runs with the completed car, and record how far it travels. What is the
longest distance you can get the car to go?

Rules and Regulation for Electric & Compressed-Air Vehicle (Facilitator)

Track Specifications
Smooth surface inside the hall will be used as a track. Vehicle should be able to passing through the
start area (Area A) until the finish line (White area).

Picture 1 is the official test area dimensions. The car must start completely within Area A, and
transport the weights to Area B before the weights go out of bounds by crossing a side line.

Refer to Picture 2 for an example of a successful test run. The weights and car start completely within
Area A, and the weights (but not necessarily all of the car) cross the finish line completely before going
out of bounds.




Picture 2
Picture 1

Post-Mortem and Reporting

1. To provide evaluation form to the students
2. Scoring sheet
3. Reporting of the CSR event.



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