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Incenses, Spells, Rituals &

Practices – Part 1
1- Abramelin
2- Ceremonial – see Ritual Magic Information
3- Enochian
4- Goetia
5- Gnosticism & Church Incenses recipes
6- OMS – Angelic, Shekinah,

1- Abramelin
The Preparation of the Oil and the Incense – Pg. 100- 101
The Oil
1 part of Myrrh,
½ Cinnamon
1 Cassia
1 part of Galangal root
¼ of the total combined weight in olive oil
Make those into an ointment or oil done by the chemists.

The Incense

Equal amounts of: Balm (or cedar, or Aloes), gummy, Galbanum, & other pure good smelling woods,
ground the ingredients into powder and keep in a sealed container.

List of Spirits – Chapter 19 – Pg. 119 – 124

Spirits names – Appendices, Pg. 243 - 260
To obtain lost books, hidden manuscripts and such: Book IV, Chapter11, Pg. 155 to 157
Squares – Appendices, Pg.236 – 242
A Square with a correct name on it, makes a gateway between the Universe and the person who holds
the square. The intention that it is put into the situation makes the square work.

2- Ceremonial Magic & Magic Grimoires

Ritual Magic – Elizabeth Butler -
Pg. 245 – The Art in England – Anti-Scot – Necromancy – To persuade the good Genius
PHANAEL to appear in a triangular crystal stone. Opening Prayer:

“Thou that ridest upon the wings of the wind, and art mighty and potent in the celestial and the
super-lunary motion, do thou descend and be present I pray thee……. By the tears of Saints
and Songs of Angels.”

Pg. 248 - Some names which are also used in the Magus conjurations.
To consecrate the working circle: Holy water around, & Suffumigate with Frankincense and
Cinnamon, having the swords laid across the circle.

“I conjure and exorcise you the three grand and Noble Spirits of the Power of the North, by the
great and dreadful name of PEOLPHAN your King, and by the silence of the night, and by the
Holy rites of Magic, and by the number of Infernal Legions, I adjure and Invocate you; that
without delay ye present yourselves here before the Northern quarter of this circle, all of you
are any of you, and answer me……….”

1|P age
A procession of animals such as hares and horses will pass, a herald and 3 horsemen will circle 7
times around the perimeter of the circle, then stop at the North, dismiss the herald and they will say:
GIL, PZAGMA, BURTHON, MACHATAN, DENNAH - to which the Magician should answer:

“BERAL, BEROALD, COZATH, KERMIEL; By the sacred rites of Magic ye are welcome ye
thee famous Hunters OF THE North, and by the power of these ceremonies ye be obedient and
faithful to my command, answering plainly, faithfully and truly, by the names said and by the
name of PHEOLPHON.”

I took away the big threats.

Pg. 250 - The Licence to Depart:

“I charge you three officious Spirits to depart unto the place whence ye were called, without
injury to either man or Beast, leaving the tender corn untouched, and the seed un-bruised; I
dismiss you, and licence you to go back until I call you, and to be always ready at my desire,
especially you, BATHIN, whom I have chosen to attend me, that thou be always ready when I
ring the Bell to present thy self without any Magical Ceremonies performed, and so depart ye
from hence, and peace be betwixt you and us, in the name of the Creator, Creatrix and the Holy
Ghost. So it be!”

These words above were adapted from the pages of Reginald Scot’s Discouerie of Witchcraft, 1584
His intention publishing this book was to debunk witchcraft. But it has the opposite effect. He did a
very good job in researching and studying witchcraft and folklore of his time, preserving this way
some very important information that could just have disappeared otherwise. He inspired Poets and
writers not only from his own time, but more modern too. (See Goethe’ Faust).

Pg. 254 – Francis Barrett’s – The Magus – critic of his work, which copied from the classic grimoires.

Conjuring Spirits – edited by Claire Fanger – visiting scholar of the University of Ontario. This
is a book about the history of Magic, containing both general surveys and specific analysis of magical
texts and manuscripts.

Pg. 1- 31
Overview on English Manuscripts of Magic , 1300-1500 by Frank Klassen:
Books of Images:
PG. 5 - De radiis stellarum – Al-Kindis
De radiis provides a strong theoretical foundation for image magic by making explicit the neo-
Platonic theory which underlines the practice. Al-Kindis argues that all sublunary motion derives
from the stars and that this motion is transmitted through stellar rays. These stellar forms have
connected mundane forms in sounds, images, gestures, suffumigation which can produce their own
rays, and hence , change, due to their connection with their original celestial form. Much of this was
incorporated into scholastic treatments of magic, such as Albertus Magnus’ Speculum astronomiae.
Which gave some legitimacy to image magic in the later Middle Ages, that was not available to
necromantic and ritual magic. So long there was a connection to the stars and no connection ritual
such as incantations, suffumigation or ritual gestures, the magical operation was less at risk of being
identified as demonic.

Pg. 8-
The works of Alchemy might have included occasionally some work of image magic and the use of
engraved stones – such as Selden Supra 76 and Ashmole 1416. In works of Corpus Christi 125, we

2|P age
find two works on images in addition to the tract on 15 stars, 15 stones, 15 herbs & 15 images
frequently associated with Alchemical texts. (See book for list of the books ).

Pg. 14 - Ars Notoria-

Many books travel under the name of Ars Notoria. Many show interest on it as it seemed less
threatening, for being more of Christian nature.

Pg. 19 – Liber Sacer or Sworn Book of Honorius

2 copies survived. This work stands between Ars notoria and works of Necromancy. This work is
discussed on R. Kieckhefer’s book and the S.B. of H. promotes magic of a highly ritualised character
which is very religious albeit unorthodox. There are 92 chapters which includes one to achieve
beatific visions.

Pg.90 – Fragmentary Germand Divination device: Medieval Analogues and Pseudo-Lullian Tradition
– By Elizabeth Wade
One of the better known booksabout Geomancy, the Liber Alfadhol, is said to date from the 9 th
century caliphate of Harun-ar-Raashid.

Pg146- 156 – The 13TH Century Ritual to attain the beatific vision from The Sworn Book of Honorius
of Thebes – By Robert Mathiesesn
Despite a lot of constraisn, as many As 6 manuscripts of this Book , raher in parts , have survived, and
they happen to be in the British Library. Five of them preserved in Latin.

Honorius claimed that the church hierarchy was demonically inspired., and acting from un-worthy
motives. In addition, he attacks the hierarchy’s premises as false: a wicked man cannot truly work
magic, he says, but only a man who is clean can overmaster the spirits and demons. Since men are not
bound by spirits’, the common opinion that magicians are the Devil’s bound –servants , cannot be

811- A important number for Honorius – according to the Greek magical word: IAO : I=10, A=1,
O=800 - TOTAL= 811
The cities from which these 811 magicians came from were famed for magic lore.
We are told that the work of Honorius was aided by the Angel Hocroël, who guided him to compile 7
books containing the essence of magic.From this, Honorius extratec the 92 chapters, known as the
Sworn Book.

The Magic operation to obtain the beatific vision

This Ritual is too much long to transcribe it here, we will see just highlights of it.
1- The operation itself last 28 days. It falls into 2 parts: 20 days of it for purification.
2- The first part of the operation must begin on a Friday and end on a Wednesday, for fasting
and using the prayers on the book (3x a day) , attend to a holy spirit mass and receive the
sacrament , every day.
3- The second part of this operation , begins on a Thursday. With 31 further prayers and a
Litany, and Psalms od David.
4- The person then retires to a secluded place and carries on a diet of bread and water.
5- On the last day – Thursday, the person, must also clean his chamber.
6- Make a couch of hay and add aloes, in the ashes write the 100 names of god, so they surround
the couch.
7- Go and wash himself. Put a “hair shirt” over the skin and over it a black one.
8- For the prayers . se Pg.154-155

3|P age
The Forbidden Rites – A Necromancer’s Manual of the 15th Century
- by Richard Kieckhefer

“We are what we read – and the power of the books to transform the minds and personalities
of their readers can give cause for anxiety as well as for celebration.”

Magic and religion have a complex relationship, which can be seen with particularly clarity in
comparison of exorcism and conjuration, in medieval parlance, these terms were used
“In one sense, however, Gusfield’s formulation does apply to Magic. Magical Rites,, like
prayers of petition, maybe used for practical ends, but any goal extrinsic to the Ritual
presuppose an effect intrinsic to it.. The prayers and actions that constitute orthodox Ritual
first of all transform the relationship between the praying person and God , as also
relationship with the persons prayed for, with others in whose company one is praying, and
with others throughout history who have said the prayer in question”.

If the Ritual is transformative, the transformation is in the first instance, one that occurs
within the Ritual itself. The participants of the ritual become different, and the network of
relations in which they stand is reconfigured. Even if no further results ensue, for the duration
in the ritual, the world of the participant is transformed.

Basically, it is the empowerment from the Ritual that makes the changes possible . A ritual is
only effective for other purposes, if first it is effective as a RITUAL ITSELF!.
In other words, the goal that one seeks from a particular ritual, can only be attained, if the
relationship managed to transform the relationship between the Magician and the Gods or
Deamons and perhaps between the magician and other humans. Also the magician needs to
raise power to compel the spirits to do his will. That transformation of power is that
propitiates the magician to accomplish his goal.
The efficacy of the ritual ex opera operato must be perceived in this light.

Pg. 50 – An Illusory Castle - Pg. 58 – For invisibility

Pg 75 – An experiment to gain favour – involving the SATOR-AREPO square.

Pg. 89 – Erotic experiments involving Rituals and Bones.

Pg. 104- Experiment involving Mirrors.
The Mirror of Floron (nos. 18 and 19 ) and of LLT (no.23) & 2 other (no.20 & 33).

The Mirror of Floron:

Having a mirror made out of polished still. 1 palm around, with a handle, made in name of
Floron. Around the rim of the mirror, wher it is not polished write:
Latranoy, Iszarin, Bicol, Danmals, Gromon, Zara, Ralkal, Sigtonia, Samah, & Meneglasar +
Floronin the middle. It should be anointed with pure Balsam, and Suffumigated with Aloes,
ambergris, myrrh & white Frankincense.
A virgin boy is required to hold the mirror in front of his chest. The air should be sprinkled
with honey, milk and wine, and say:
“O Floron, respond quickly in the mirror, as you are costumed to appear.
Then read the conjuration in front of the mirror.

Bismille araathe mem lismissa gassim galissim darrgosim samaiao sim ralim ausini
taxarim zaloimi hyacabanoy illete laytimi hehelmini betoymi thoma leminao vnuthomin
zonim narabanorum azarethia thathitat hinanadon illemay sard lucacef illemegiptimi

4|P age
sitaginatim viaice hamtamice tatiala taltarini alaoht haleytum gaptametuntij morto
orfail geibel huabaton albital hualepin halmagrilie hualeon huastanie hualtamemeth
huatorzor illeni giptimi tatgnie gathegine lesuma lesanim aptasale albweroahit vlleath
alfard vsemeth aptisile abfluwarth vllelath ant chulamoralie hahysitimi waleles lithimi
caegine catliegineles mirabolamini abtasile albiwahith alleath halamaton vnitia
gaytatalon huaia gay soze cemeselis phalmorath bethathure huaba lagis illemeammitimi
gelgine gathegine lesmiraptalibe albiwaaath vleuth “

After, look into the mirror, you should see a knight seated on a horse & his squire. The knight
will dismount the horse and the squire will hold it. The Magician will great the knight :
“se desperate, decentissimo visibiliter greciomo.” Then the magister can ask him about
past, present or future. He will give the answer in writing.
When finished, give the license to depart.
Do this 9 x (before you can see the knight).

2nd version of the Floron Mirror

The mirror should be made on a Friday, under a waxing Moon; the workman should be chaste
for 9 days, bathed and wearing clean clothes.
“ Parate insilitio gytromon. The Knight will answer orally.
See Pg. 237, - 239 for the conjurations. , 287-291

The First Mirror of LLT

Let the experiment be executed when Venus is conjoined with Jupiter., have some candles
and a polished steel mirror, made at a particular phase of the moon. Do a circle.
Anoint the mirror with oil, sprinkle around with verbena. Turn to the East and conjure the
See Pg. 242 243 for the conjurations in Latin.

Experiment involving Crystals, Vessels & Dreams

See Johannes Hartlieb for more useful info.
Take a polished crystal or beryl, consecrate it. In a clean room, in good weather, bathed, and
cleaned, dressed in white. (I myself, not using a child for the scrying).
Speak a magic prayer:
Zauber batt, and burn offerings (zauber opffer).
See Pg.244-245 for conjurations

Within a circle (again the young boy – which I am not very keen on using…), the vessel
should have certain names written around it. Use a black hen feather from its left wing, to
write on the vessel. The Magician should be sited.
See Pg. 252- 253

Write in a white parchment a conjuration, Conjure 3x the names himself, then send the
Angels; Michael, Gabriel and Raphael to reveal whatever the info he is after.

5|P age
Book Consecrations
See Pg. 256- 276

Conjurations for the days of the week - from the Necromancer handbook – in latim from 15th
century – not known provenance – Clm 849 : Fls 3r – 108 v
(I believe that is where our daily prayers come from).
Pg. 266 – 301

Seals for the 7 Angels, for 7 days of the week, rulers of the days of the week, Suffumigations,
angels, names of God, names of the hours, Images, Images and conjurations, etc…
Pg. 301-328

3 - Enochian
As far as I can see the Dr. Dee does not mention in his books, the incenses which could be used with
the Angles & scrying.
But in The Complete Magician’s table by S. Skinner – Tables: D. Dr. Dee’s Angels – from Pg. 62
– 72 - Is mentioned the Astrological/ Planetary associations with the Angelic beings. Info taken
from: Liber Scientiae Auxilii et Victoria Terrestris, De Heptarchia Mystica & the Tabularum Enochi.
I would check the tables for the correct association, then use the planetary incense.

3- Goetia
The Complete Magician’s table by S. Skinner – Pg. 168 – 217 - info taken from: The Testament of
Solomon, Liber Juratus – The Sworn Book of Honorius, Peter d’Albano – Heptameron, Codex
Latinus Monacensis, Lemegeton I, Lemegeton II – Theurgia Goetia, Lemegeton III - Ars Paulina,
Lemegeton IV – Ars Almadel, Key of Salomon, Sacred Magic of Abramelin, Franz Bardon Grimoire
– Practice of Magical Evocation & Grimorium Verum.

The True Grimoire – by Jake Stratton-Kent

Sigil of Scirlin – Pg . 22
Laurel (Apollo plant chewed by Delphic Pythonesses – Pg. 28
Suffumigations examples; To make the gods to come quickly : stalks of anise + croc’s eggshell- Pg.29
The use of Nephtis Amulet – for Necromantic Rite Pg. 30
Lecanomancy = art of scrying using a water vessel. Pg. 30
Using Spring Water for Necromancy, Narcisus, addition of sparkling magical stones to the water,
such as Hematite, Diamonds & Beryl, Pg.31

Vessel water inquiry – Anubis - Pg. 32 & 33

A Sarapian Divination - Lamp+ Bowl- Moon in good Astrological aspect & Full Moon (Saturn
Square) & incense – Pg. 34 &35
Another 19th century Divination – Pg. 35- 41
Divination by the Word of Uriel – is very closely related to the Operation of Uriel Seraphin – The role
of Uriel as intermediary corresponds to Anubis’ in the Greek Papyry. Pg. 44 – 47

The First Part: The means of calling forth the Elemental Spirits of the Air, Earth,m Sea and Infernus,
according to their correct correspondences.
The Second Part: are expressed the secrets, both natural and supernatural, which operate by the power
of the Demons,
The Third Part: Is the Key to the work, and how to employ it. Pg. 55

6|P age
First Part:
Talks about the 3 powers: Lucifer, Belzebuth & Astaroth
Draw a character of your own seal on a emerald or ruby (circle with a diameter horizontal line, under
it, your initials at the corners), in the hours of Mars. See hand drawing.

Lucifer can appear as a beautiful youth, when angry seems red. He likes mice offerings (says

We will see more details as we go along.

7|P age
Belzebuth – can appear in animal form – such as cows, goats, etc… with a long tail, when angry
vomits fire.

Astaroth appears black, in human shape.

They might give you their own carather, so you can call them when you wish that they accomplish a
task for you in a manner taught in the 3rd part of the Grimoire Verum.

Fom Pg. 63 – 79 Seals of the Spirits under the 3 above.

The Second Part of the Grimoire Verum: Of the Natural and

Supernatural Secrets
The Mannar of Making the Mirror of Salomon, useful for Divinations – Pg. 81- 83

8|P age
Basically: Polished Steel, slightly curved. Write down on the corners (with the blood of a Pigeon), the
On a New Moon, in the 1st. hour after the Sun has set, look at the New Moon and say:

9|P age
From Pg. 84- 100 – Other Spells and Works of Divination such as; Divination by Uriel, to see Spirits
of Air, to see a vision of present, past & future, to make rain, to open anything locked, etc..

10 | P a g e
The Third Part – The Key of the Working of this Magic
Pg. 101 - 121
First – Purify yourself & your instruments of Art.

The Knife of Art – Pg. 102 -Made or bought on the day and hour of Jupiter, within the crescent
Moon. See My Ritual Document for prayers, etc..
The Sacrificial Knife – See Pg. 103 for Sigils– On the Days of Mars, @ New Moon.

The Wands –
Elder wood - Pg. 104 for the Seal of Frimost– Purification of the Circle, and Invocations. From a
brunch which has never produced fruits. Cut it at day and Hour of Mercury and Crescent Moon.
Hazel Wood – On the Day and Hour of the Sun. Engrave with Sigil of Klepoth

The Lancet - Used for letting of Blood.

Make it in the day & hour of Mercury – waxing Moon.

The Quill Pen, Inkhorn, and Ink of Art

Buy or Make on the day & hour of Mercury. For the characters, blessings and exorcises, see Pg. 105

Manner of Aspergation and Fumigation

These are required for all instrument of Art.

The Orison:
In name of the immortal god asperge N and cleanse you of all foolishness and all deceit and you will
whiter than the snow, Amen.

Asperge with Blessed Water, and Say:

By Thy name, o omnipotent God, and by the virtuos nature you possess, asperge and cleanse this N
of all ill virtues, deceit, and foolishness and let it be pure before thee.

Then Say:
Arise, O ye creature of the N to thy baptism of thy pure virtues and service to those operations
concerning spirits.

I prefer my words – from another Grimoire – see my Ritual files.

Manner of preparing Asperger, water and Perfumes

Make the Asperger on the day and hour of Mercury and when the Moon is waxing.

The incense / perfumes for the Instruments are : ALOES, FRANKINCENSE & MACE.

The perfume for the circle, before you enter: is Musk, Amber, Aloes, Wood & Frankincense.

The Perfume for inside the circle: Mace – alone

The Perfume for the Spirits – FRANKINCENSE – alone

Prison over the perfumes: Pg. 108

Of the Virgin Parchment

See Pg 109.

11 | P a g e
Benediction of the Salt – See my Ritual files & for the Orisons see Pg. 110 – 111

Preparation for Ritual – Pg.111- 112

Scirlin character and the conjurations

Pg. 113 – 117 - This is to be made in the day and hour of Mars, waxing Moon, ¼ of hour before
Scrilin is a intermediary spirit, (like in Voodoo, Santeria, etc..), who should be invoked First, before
the other spirits.
In a document, you will draw all the characters of Scrilin and of the spirits who you want to contact,
also all the words for the Ritual, whilst making it, burn incense for their honour, write the invocations
& Conjurations and burn more incense. Include also the different dismissals for the different
classes of Spirits.
The Ritual – Pg. 118 – 121
Here endeth the Grimorium Verum

The Cabala of the Green Butterfly

As received by Sesac, King of Egypt, from a Necromancer, in the year of the World 3087:

In the month of May, June or July, towards Noon, go to the nearest woods near you, and say the
Prayer of the Slamanders. Find a tree, (climb it), cut a branch. Take one green butterfly, the largest
you can find, make a box for it.
At home, make a fire with Alder wood, burn 3 liters of aqua-vitae over it. Once the fire is out, place
the box in the ashes for 38 hours. Then take it to a church and place it under a big candlestick in the
alter. Next day go to the mass, make a mental confession. Go home lock yourself in your room, make
a call from the Red Dragon Grimoire, and Astaroth will appear to you.
Prayer of the Slamanders: Pg. 125

Notes to the Grimoire

On the Stones:
Emerald – Venus, Ruby Sun – Heliotrope (Armadel liber troisieme) – also called bloodstone.
On the Book of secrets, Albertus Magnus, call it Gemma Babylonica.
Some magicians add that both together, the plant and the stone are used by the magician to navigate
through the world of Spirits.

Of the Spirits governing the Elements

There is a lot of confusion between the Grimoires when allocating the names of the Spirits ruling the
Elements and directions. We go with Agrippa’s: Pg. 131

Aries= East/Fire, Salamanders: Bael, aka Oriens, and likely Magoa,

Capricorn = South /Earth, Gnomes, Amaymon,
Libra = West/Air, Sylphs: Paymon,
Cancer = North/Water, Undines: Ariton, aka Egin, and Gaap or Goap.

The Grimoire Verum, and other Magicians like Dr.Dee, tell us that Elemental Demons are not good,
nor evil. It is man who would use them as such. The Verum cryptically emphasises the elevated status
of the Fire elementals when advocating use of the Ruby Sigils and in the Prayer of the Slamanders.
When talking of the Spirits of the Elements more directly however replaces Fire with Infernus. In the
old classification this is below the Earth, rather then the highest of the Elements.

The Trinity

12 | P a g e
Lucifer – Latin for Light bearer- a title for Venus as Morning Star. Might have been applied to
Mercury too, a God of the Crossroads with a Messenger role. There are other associations: with
Phosphorus and with Prometheus.

Belzebuth – As an Jewish translation is an insult; Lord of flies. But the origin of this name comes
from Baal – a common title of the Phoenician and Canaanite gods. Plus either ZBVL = GUSHING
FORTH or TZABAOTH = OF HOSTS; SABAOTH = SEVEN; Probably the name being a title of
Baal Shamem, the Lord of Heaven, identified both with Hadad and Zeus, equating him to Jupiter.
There is also a Baal Tzephon = Greek Typhon and Egyptian Set.

Astaroth – The Hebrew form of the Greek Goodess ASTARTE – Alunar Goddess associated also
with Venus. War like form = Astoreth with Set. The Mesopotamia goddesses Inanna and Ishtar are
other forms of this Goddess. The Mysteries of Inanna and Damuzi, Ishtar and Tamuz and of Astarte
and Adonis, were an influence upon the Egyptian mysteries of Isis and Osiris. There was also the
influence of the combined cult of Isis and of the Syrian Goddess, on later Cult of Mary.
Some scholars do not agree, but Goetic cosmology ows a lot to the Magic Papyry, and the various
form of Queens of the Underworld can be traced in Goetic sourceworks, as Proserpine (in De Plancy),
Kore (in the German Abramelin), then elevating her with her partner Magot (which is another title for
See Pg. 145 -146 - For a conjuration to Astaroth from the Grand Grimoire.

The six deputies: See pg. 148 for Table of chiefs from The Grand Grimoire.

Satanika, - from the Greek Satanas, or Hebrew Shaitan al Chai – as in Shaddai al Chai . Associated
with Lucifer or with Baphomet by other authors.

Agliarept –
Tarchimache –(or Lucifuge Rofocale)
Fleurity –
Nebiros – There is a connection with Cerberus and Anubis.

Other Spirits:
Scrilin – The Intermediary spirit = Holy Guardian Angel (in some systems).
Syrach – Charys? A reverse spelling of the Greek – love? Syroch – a judge of the Dead in Persian
Lucifuge Rofocale- in the Gran d Grimoire (as a Winged griffin).

The 18 servitors:
Among them: Klepoth. Nowadays there is an association to the Pomba gira.
Elelogap - 1st part of his name -
See Pg. 149 – 157

In the Next Page, we will see a unified table of Chiefs, deputies and Subordinates. Pg. 160
Another Table: Attribuitios of Goetic Spirits By the Winds – Pg.164

Little secrets:
Pg. 169
Rain water is to call heavenly Spirits & gods
Seawater – for Earth ones,
River water – Osiris & Serapis,
Spring Water, for the dead.

See comments Pg. 175 -176 for substitutions

13 | P a g e
Constructing Verum Spells
On a virgin parchment, draw 2 concentric circles, on its top, an equal arms cross, on the left arm - the
Moon, on the right – the Sun, on the top – 6 rayed star., inside your name and objective, or the
person the spell is for & the objective. At the back the name of the spirits who you would like to
contact, sigils, planetary correspondences.
Go outside with the parchment; lay it on the ground with the name down, place your right foot upon it
and your left knee bent upon the ground.

Let’s say for example, that you would like to know something during your sleep.
Make the Parchment as above, but write the names of the Angels between the circles at the front. No
need for taking the Parchment down to Earth.
Then place the parchment under your right ear before sleeping.
Saying the following Orison:

“O glorious Name of Great God – the ever-living, to whom all things are present, I am thy servant
……, father, eternal, I beg you to send me Thy Holy Angels, who are written in the circle, and
that they shall show me what I want to know, by Jesus Christ our Lord. So, be it.”

Then Lie down on your right side, and you will see it in a Dream.

To do a Ritual:
1- Clean the place, prepare, purify and consecrate the circle.
2- State your intention – example: to make a talisman for such and such,
3- Have all the Tools already consecrated, inclusive incense and charcoal,
4- Take good quality paper, your consecrated ink and quill, then draw the Talisman,
5- Invocation:
Ye Powerful spirits, who are written in the circle, do ……. Matter, In the name of …..&
N….. So mote it be”
6- Purify, consecrate and wrap the Talisman,
7- Thank the Spirits,
8- Licence them to depart,
9- Close the Temple
10- If it is Dream Spell, repeat before going to sleep, and do as above,
11- If it is for some other, place it where it will be appropriate.

Notes on the 3rd Part of the Grimoire Verum

Wands – The Abognazar of the Key of Solomon also includes 2 Wands: Venus & Sun.
Generally an elder wand is for evocation of Spirits and the Hazel one is for Divination and Wishes.
Sigils: For the Elder; a better form of Frimost sigil, To the Hazel the Italian dancing symbol of
Klepoth. (Confessions, etc… used ).

Amber or Ambergris?
In Greek tradition, Amber was formed from the tears of the Heliades, sisters of Phaethon, shed when
he was struck down from Heavens by the thunderbolt of Zeus. (Maybe some association with Lucifer
– here).
Ambergris – when used, is more aromatic. (There is no final word about this).

Scirlin – for the intermediate Spirit;
Adonai – is chosen over Edoniel,
Qabalistically inclined magicians can perform – The Bornless Rite or Headless One.
Thelemic Magicains: Rites from Liber Resh.

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The Ritual Procedure of the Grimoire
Traditional use of Planetary days and Hours should be used, also correct aspectation of the Planets
should be coveted.

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A unified Hierarchy of Goetic Spirits

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End of part 1

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