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Submitted By Submitted To

Gursewak Singh Prof. Dr. Harish

University Roll No. 1707007

D3 ME A2
S Title Page Remarks
no. No.
1 Introduction to CAD/CAM 1

2 Design of Car: Introduction 2

3 Problem Identification 2

4 Concept and Methodology 3-8

5 Role of CAD/CAM 9-10

6 Future Scope 11

7 Reference 12
Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Design is the use of computers to aid in the creation,
modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. Cad software is used to
increase productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve
communications through Documentation and to create a database of
manufacturing. CAD output is often in form of electronic files for print,
machining, or other manufacturing operations.

Its use in designing electronic systems is known as electronic design automation

(EDA). In mechanical design it is known as mechanical design automation (MDA)
or computer-aided drafting (CAD), which includes the process of creating a
technical drawing with the use of computer software.

CAD is an important industrial art extensively used in many applications,

including automotive, shipbuilding, and aerospace industries, industrial and
architectural design, prosthetics, and many more. CAD is also widely used to
produce computer animation for special effects in movies, advertising and
technical manuals, often called DCC digital content creation. The modern ubiquity
and power of computers means that even perfume bottles and shampoo dispensers
are designed using techniques unheard of by engineers of the 1960s. Because of its
enormous economic importance, CAD has been a major driving force for research
in computational geometry, computer graphics (both hardware and software), and
discrete differential geometry.

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) or Computer-aided Machining is the use of

software to control machine tools and related ones in the manufacturing of work
A car (or automobile) is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. Most
definitions of car say they run primarily on roads, seat one to eight people, have
four tires, and mainly transport people rather than goods.

Cars came into global use during the 20th century, and developed economies
depend on them. The year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car
when German inventor Karl Benz patented his Benz Patent- Motorwagen. Cars
became widely available in the early 20th century.

A sedan, or saloon, is a passenger car in a three-box configuration with separate

compartments for engine, passenger, and cargo.

Basically Sedan is a luxury car designed for the executives of the new generations
and for the people who like to have a new driving experience every time they sit in
the car. Exterior Styling of a Luxury Sedan for the middle aged professionals from
the upper class segment of the society.
Concept and Methodology:
Curves play an important role when it comes to the form definition. This basically
reflects the identity of the car. Proportions also make a great difference in terms of
the overall surface behavior in the car.

'Aggression' was the theme chosen for the design an image board was made
showing all the expressions which were then studied and reflected in terms of
design cues in the car.
The first ideation concept was inspired from the expressions of a ninja in a fight.
This emotion was then reflected in the concept sketch.

The second ideation concept was inspired from the type of clothes they wear. This
attire was then reflected in terms of design cues in the vehicle. Basically in this the
front grill which is the identity of the car is like the mask of the ninja which is a
ninjas identity.
The third ideation concept was based on an animal, a leopard displaying the anger
when in a fight. Also the proportions of the car are designed in such a way that it
gives the feeling of dynamism and subtle flow lines.

The fourth ideation concept was based on a dragon displayed by sharp elements.
The sharp elements actually give a feeling of aggression. These sharp curvatures
were then carefully translated for deciding the feature lines of the car.
Options were also made for the rear of the vehicle because there has to be a
continuous flow between the front and the rear of the car. Some of the concepts of
the rear three quarter views are as shown below.
The basic design process followed for manufacturing of sedan car is:

Data Collection

Concept Ideation

Concept Sketching

Concept Finalization
and detailing

Concept Modelling
in 3d


Physical Model
Role of CAD/CAM in design process:
After all the concepts are analysed, product design is drafted. Also a better
understanding of the proportions and the stance of the vehicle is determined before
starting with the actual drafting and 3D Modeling generally in CAD.

Orthographic data is drafted so as to start with the 3D CAD Modeling. The four
orthographic views generated are as shown in figure


The orthographic views are used as a base for this and surfaces were made on a 3D

At first a basic surface is made which actually helps in defining the overall
proportions of the vehicle. Any changes to the surfaces can be made at this
moment itself.

Changes made to the concept model should be only in the initial state when the
number of surfaces is less. The more the surfaces get associated or attached to
different surfaces, the more cumbersome it becomes to tweak the surfaces.
Future Scope:

Automotive electronics is a wide area It is clear that they will become more
integral has the years progress. In the 1950s, for instance, "luxury" meant power
steering and rollup windows. Now a common $15000 car has these features. Auto
manufacturers are going to strive to introduce new features. Cars today are now
electromechanical machines, instead of being just mechanical machines. It is good
to have an electrical background for the future.

It is clear that manufacturers are working on removing the driver from car. This
has been a drive for many years. This serves many benefits:

1. Passengers can do other things while in transit.

2. Cars can be more tightly packed, since computers can monitor the distance to
the next car much faster than a human.

3. Cars can be set at a specific speed, reducing congestion. [4]

4. Vehicles can be sent into hot spots, without endangering driver (drones).

Here is a small list of research being done now:

1. Google is currently working on a driverless car.

2. DARPA has been working on this as well.





4. CAD book- Mickell P. Groover


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