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Huitzil 1

Huitzil Monserrat

EWRC Period 6


October 8 2019

Personal Perspective #1

Question #4: Describe how you have taken advantage of significant educational opportunity or

worked to overcome an educational barriers you have faced.

A young girl has always dreamed of doing something in the medical field and that young

girl was me. I always imagined myself being a nurse more specific a Certified nurse midwife.

Not long ago the opportunity had opened up to discover if the medical field is for me.

The advantage of being in the TRIO program, is that I had the opportunity to register to

take Medical class. Medical class were offered at USC and West Los Angeles Community

college. Classes were on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30 p.m- 7:30 p.m. On

Monday, Wednesday were Medical Insurance, Medical Off Procedure I and on Thursday it was

Medical Terminology and Laboratory day.

Mondays and Wednesday I had to be at USC at exactly at 4:30 p.m. As my mom drove

me to USC I had observed that there's a lot of traffic, even car accidents and many schools along

the way. It was really important to get out of the house on time so my mom would able to drop

me off on time at school. On Thursday I have to attend to West LA it was even more father than

USC and I had to leave the house even earlier than Monday and Wednesday.

Every day I would learn new things and such as acronyms names for Insurance class but

the best part out the whole week was laboratory day on Thursday. I learned how to use the
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stethoscope the old style and today's digital technology. Using the new technology is pretty easy

with one push of a button it would do everything the blood pressure, respiratory rate with by

using the right hand to be specific the middle finger and it even took the temperature of the

patient. But, I also had to learn to use the stethoscope the old style where you put the circle of the

stethoscope under the cuff of the arm. I had trouble learning using the old stethoscope because I

had to be precise on the data of my patient but it was nice to hear other patients pulse. Some of

the patient's pulse would pump really fast when the patient was nervous and others heart will

pump slow at a normal average heart pulse. I also learned how to take temperature and how to

use the weight scales.When it came to weight your patient I had to take a glance at my patient

really quick and estimate whether the patient was near the 50 pounds or 300 pounds and moved

the scale where it balance. I also learned how to to take height of my patient I had a little

problem I could not reach on to take the height of my patient. My height did not help me so

much when it came to tall patient some of the patient from the class were at the same height and

others where 5’9’ft tall and am 5’2ft tall. I had to get help from my peers to reading the height of

my patient or use the chairs to read the height of my patient. I enjoyed being in the laboratory

doing hands on and have communication with classmates and learning new tools names what

there jobs of the tools.

That young girl who dreams to be in the medical field her dream came to a reality where

TRIO opened up the opportunity for her to see if the medical field is for her. I never imagined

that one day I will be able to discover that I medical field was for me I enjoyed being class. I

had the pleasure of wearing program scrubs and the logo of the USC medical. I learned from

myself that I am capable of doing two things at the same time being in high school and going to

college class coming home late and doing my high school homework. Although I have to give
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the best out my self for at my academics subject and college classes I had to pass them as well.

During the course I had some ups and downs I learn how to manage my time and be wisly on

time. also learned to open up and be out of my comfort zone of my shyness and even ask for help

when I would not understand a new chapter.

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