Yaw Arkaah

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Yaw Arkaah

Sr. Java/J2ee Developer


 7+ years of experience in Information Technology involving Object Oriented Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing,
Implementation and Training. Excellent skills in state-of-the-art technology of client server computing, desktop
applications and website development.
 Experience of working as a Java/J2EE programmer developing applications using Servlets, Spring, Hibernate,
Struts, JSP, JSTL, RMI, EJB, JSF, Java Beans, JDBC, JMS, and MVC architecture.
 Extensively worked in Core Java concepts such as OOP Concepts, Collections Framework, exception Handling, I/O
System, Multi-Threading, JDBC, RMI, network programming, Generics and other new features in Java7.
 Strong Working experience in Design, Development and implementation of several J2EE frameworks like (Model
View Controller) Struts 1.1/1.2, Spring IoC, Spring Boot, Spring IO, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring JDBC,
Spring Integration with Hibernate.
 Experience in client side designing and validations using AngularJs, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, JSP,
jQuery and Swing. Also experienced with JavaScript environments such as Node.js and Rhino.
 Extensive knowledge of J2EE architecture, Patterns, Design and development.
 Experience Developing application using Groovy, Grails, GSP, GORM and Grails Plug-in and Grails Rest Services.
 Experienced in using Scala, Java tools like Intelli J, Eclipse
 Experienced in the functional usage and deployment of applications in JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere and Apache
Tomcat Server.
 Extensive experience and actively involved in Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Reviews, Coding and
Code Reviews, Unit and Integration Testing.
 Worked on Agile methodology, SOA for many of the applications
 Extensive experience in working with Restful and SOAP web services
 Experience of working with ESB to connect with other services.
 Extensive knowledge of Client–Server technology, web-based n-tier architecture, Database Design and
development of applications using J2EE Design Patterns like Singleton, Session Facade, Factory Pattern and
Business Delegate.
 Good knowledge of database connectivity (JDBC) for databases like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MongoDB, MySQL,
MS Access.
 Explored Spark, Kafka, and Storm along with other open source projects to create a Realtime analytics
 Good knowledge of EJB Session beans with JNDI mapped naming & JMS message-driven beans.
 Extensive experience with Eclipse. Also worked on NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEs.
 Good knowledge in usage of version controls such as CVS, VSS (Visual Source Safe), SVN, Git, Docker and Clear
Case, ClearQuest.
 Proficient in using XML Suite of Technologies (XML, XSL, XSLT, DTD, XML Schema, SAX, DOM).
 Good knowledge of Log4j for error logging.
 Experience programming in Scala with exposure to the most well-known frameworks such as Akka and Play.
 Participation in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including analysis, design, coding and
testing with JUnit, XRay good knowledge in integration using J2EE Architecture. Experience of onsite user
 Developed stored procedures and queries using PL/SQL.
 Hands on experience in writing light weight Node.js express server, and using technologies like Ajax,
JavaScript/jQuery, JSON, to make connections between server and databases like MongoDB, Postgre and
 Experience with large projects and products of both Business and Academic domains.
 Excellent analytical capabilities and good communication skills. Ability to quickly adapt to new environments
and learn new technologies.
 Experienced in working on DevOps/Agile operations process and tools area (Code review, unit test automation,
Build & Release automation) and good experience in DevOps tools like Chef and Puppet for deployment.


Languages Java, J2EE, C/C++, Scala

Web Technologies AngularJS, Node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, JSON, AJAX, JSP, Servlets, Web Services,
J2EE Technologies Java, J2EE, RMI, Sockets, JDBC, Scala, lift, Servlets, JSP, JMS, Java Beans, JSTL, Jakarta Struts,
JSF, EJB, Spring, Hibernate, JTA, JNDI, JPA, JMS.
Java Frameworks Struts, Spring, Spring Boot, JSF, Hibernate
Cloud Technologies AWS EC2, S3
IDE / Tools IntelliJ, Eclipse, FTP clients
Application Servers IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic Server, JBoss, Apigee, Apache Tomcat.
Databases Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, DB2
Database Query Languages HQL, SQL
Repositories ClearCase, Perforce, SVN, Git
Operating System Windows XP/7, UNIX, Linux


Bachelors from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana-2008


Client: Santander Bank, Boston, MA Apr’18 – Till Date

Role: Sr. Java/ J2ee Developer

 Involved in full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to analyze the business requirements, designing front
end component, developing server-side code, testing and implementation.
 Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOAD of business requirements with the end users and business analysts.

 Involved in designing and developing front end web application using AngularJs, Node.js, bootstrap, JavaScript,
jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3.

 Used Java script and AJAX to query the Elastic search indices, format and display the JSON results in a web page
using HTML and CSS

 Generating Scala and java classes from the respective APIs so that they can be incorporated in the overall

 Worked on AngularJS controllers and created functions factory to interact with the back-end code using

 Designed and developed Customer registration and login screens using Eclipse 3.5, HTML, JSF, Servlets and Java
 Design and Development of High Performance CPD processes by using multithreaded processes which in turn
improved the performance by a lot.

 All the functionalities implemented using Spring IoC, Spring Boot and Hibernate ORM.

 Extensively used Spring IOC, AOP configured Application Context files and performed database object mapping
using hibernate annotations.

 Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop Spring based application
with very less configuration.

 Created build scripts using Ruby, ANT and used Jenkins, SonarQube for continuous Integration and deployed
application in development and test environment

 Involved and understood the Development of reporting system using spring, Hibernate and Restful Web Services.

 Developed and Published SOAP based JAXWS web services and developed clients for consuming other web

 Used groovy and spring boot to collecting the data from users and packaged the data as json distributed to 43

 Experienced in implementing DAO layers using JPA standards and Hibernate API interfaces.

 Followed Agile methodology and SCRUM meetings to track, optimize and developed sequence diagrams
depicting method interactions, using MS Visio.

 Used Eclipse Luna as a development IDE.

 Played a role in application enhancement using Spring 3.0 MVC framework.

 Build REST web service by building Node.js Server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-
end jQuery Ajax calls.

 Created and implemented database operation in HQL using hibernate 3.0.

 Involved in creating and extracting data from database using SQL Queries, PL/SQL Stored procedures on DB2

 Experience in developing Manual / Automated Testing Strategies, Test Plans, Test Scripts and Test Cases.

 Experienced in Test Driven Development.

 Automated browser-based testing of a corporate document repository search system, which allows searching
documents through concepts, not only key-words, with Selenium and Robot Framework.

 Worked on AWS, High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure

 Writing Scala test cases to test Scala written code.

 Writing entities in Scala and Java along with named queries to interact with database.

 Implemented applications with Scala along with Akka and Play framework.

 Sometimes play a role in QA testing team to test modules with JUnit and to understand the loop holes.

 Used Tortoise SVN as a version control tool.

 Involved in 24/7 on- call production support.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML5, AngularJS, Node.js, Scala, Groovy, CSS3, JDK 1.6, XML, Apigee, Spring 3.0,
Spring Boot, Hibernate 3.0, Restful APIs, JMS, SOAP, log4j, PL/SQL, JavaScript, Eclipse Indigo, Eclipse Juno, JBOSS 7.0,
WebSphere 8.0, DB2, Tortoise SVN, Docker, Git, Gradle, Maven 3.0.5, JUnit.

Client: Farmers Insurance Group, Los Angeles, CA Feb’16 –Mar ‘18

Role: Sr. Java Developer

 Preparation of Technical Specs using UML including class diagrams, sequence diagrams.
 Designed, developed, and deployed server-side Java, Servlets, and Java server pages (JSPs) for browser based
conference software. Implemented Form classes, Action classes for the entire application domain module using
Struts framework
 Experienced with AWS services to smoothly manage applications in the cloud and creating or modifying the
 Extensively used Core Java knowledge such as Collections, Exception Handling, etc. to implement
the mortgage calculation algorithm.
 Loaded and transformed large datasets into HDFS using Hadoop fs commands.
 Developed advanced Java Script modules such as capture visitor information, browser version, button animation, and
timing object. Extensively used JSTL tag libraries
 Developed the Business Delegate classes to delegate the application flow from action classes.
 Created struts-config.xml, application-resources. Properties for the project.
 Used Session beans to implement Session façade design pattern.
 Involved in developing SOA Web Services using XML, XPATH, XSD, SOAP, WSDL and Apache Axis.
 Designed the database and also modelled the database
 Developed Data access bean and developed EJBs that are used to access data from the database
 Developed the applications using Web Logic to create the transactional business logic like EJB, JSP of a Web Logic
 Transactions for the result sets of queries were processed by business logic methods using Session Bean and Entity
 Used UI Router for routing of states, UI View for views in Angular JS.
 Advanced search functionality to retrieve Business/Residence customer information. Using java, JSP, Servlets, SQL,
Oracle, JavaScript, DHTML, and CSS.
 Tested Mortgage calculation algorithm and other methods by unit testing using Junit and participated in integration
 Used Log4j for logging mechanism and developed wrapper classes to configure the logs
 Extensively used PL/SQL for writing queries and stored procedures in Oracle Database.
 Designed and developed SQL Queries.
 Developed the Entity Beans to connect the database
 Used JUnit and Struts Test cases for testing the application modules. Used CVS for version control.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML5, AngularJS, Node.js, Spring Boot, Hibernate 3.0, Restful APIs, JMS, SOAP, log4j,
PL/SQL, JavaScript, Eclipse Indigo, Eclipse Juno, JBOSS 7.0, DB2, Tortoise SVN, Docker, Git, Gradle, JUnit.

Client: PWC, Ghana Sep’13– Dec’15

Role: Sr. Java Developer

 Worked on web technology Java, HTML, JavaScript, JSF, JSP, Servlets to build front end design development work.
 Designed and implemented application using JSP Spring MVC, JNDI, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP
Spring Transactions, Hibernate 3.0, SQL, ANT, JMS, Oracle and Oracle Web Logic Application server.
 Data Operations were performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate and Implemented Hibernate Template
and criteria API for Querying database.
 Developed various J2EE components like Servlets, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, SAX, XSLT, JAXP, JNDI, LDAP, JMS, MQ Series by
using RAD.
 Implemented all the components of Spring MVC Frame work (Controller classes, Spring Bean Configuration file
 Developed Web Services using XML messages that use SOAP. Developed Web Services for Payment Transaction
and Payment Release.
 Done code review and configuration build management for the application using Ant and Maven.
 Developed POJO’s, Data Access Object (DAO) which handles all database operation using Hibernate.
 Used JUnit for unit testing framework of code in Test Driven environment.
 Prepared Unit Test Plan, Integration Test Plan for the testing. I have also reviewed test plans of the peers in my
 Used Oracle 10g as a database for the back-end system.
 Worked with QA testing team to perform different testing phases like unit testing, integration testing for the
 Identify Test Data requirements to ensure adequate Test Data availability and perform manual testing on UI
and Web Service.
 Special focus on Agile methodologies, including agile modeling and SDLC.
 Used version management tool CVS.

Environment: JDK 1.6, XML, HTML, JSP, JSF, Servlets, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.0, Web Services, Eclipse 3.6, ANT, BEA
WebLogic 10.3, ClearCase, Oracle 10g, Toad, Windows 7, UNIX.

Client: KPMG , Ghana. Apr ’12 – Aug’13

Role: Java/J2ee Developer

 Involved in the Design discussions and worked on the functional and technical specification documents of the
Enrolment and Billing Service.
 Application Developed using Spring MVC frame work as web layer frame work and Hibernate for the Data
 Application developed using Eclipse IDE and JBOSS AS5.1 application server used to deploy the code locally.
 Developed SOAP based Webservices using JAX-WS and JAXB for binding with the other systems.
 Used XML files, created the XML schema files to create the bean using the JAXB XJC tool to connect with the
other systems.
 Developed front end using JSP and JavaScript pages as per the client requirements.
 Responsible for the implementation of the RESTFUL Web Services.
 Evaluated multiple levels of risk for commercial and industrial clients.
 Developed JUnit test cases to test the Web Services by creating dummy clients.
 Install, configure and test classified and unclassified networks using Cisco, Juniper, Microsoft Exchange, ISA
servers, and UNIX based data servers.
 Implemented ESB to connect with other .NET services which we must use to connect to the database.
 Tested the Webservices using soap UI and Restful Services using Webpage by using XML and JSON format.
 Implemented Hibernate 3.0 as ORM framework to connect to the database and do database operations.
 Used JavaScript to do the front validations and CSS to style the Webpages.
 Used Maven to build the code locally and in Dev environment.
 Deployed code to Dev Environment by using Putty and WinSCP. As a part of deployment implemented shell
Environment: JDK 1.6, J2SE, J2EE, Struts 2, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.0, NetBeans 6.7, Maven, JSON, Microsoft SQL server,
AX-WS JAXB, RESTFUL Webservices, ESB, SOAP, JUnit 4.8, SQL, XML, Log4j, CSS, Java Script, TFS, XJC, UNIX, Cisco tools
Shell Scripting, JBOSS app server.

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