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Detailed Analysis Of :-
1> Object Diagram
2> Collaboration Diagram
3> Requirements Workflow



Step By Step Procedure :-

1> Understanding of domain :

Discovery of client requirements with help of interviews and surveys
Deep Analysis of the initial requirements and resources for completion of
the project .
Every member must be familiar with his/her responsibility and tasks to be
Analysis Of Budget , Quality and Time along with profit margins .
Extensive interviewing of stakeholders to gain further knowledge of the
needs and difficulties of the user .

2> Business Model :

Includes understanding user needs as a whole and to simplify it .
Structured and unstructured interviews are carried out generally .
Use of google forms and questionaires can help us identify the key points
and improving scope of the system .
All the reports and documents to be understood properly .

3> Initail Requirements Analysis :

Use Case Diagram :

Highly essential to grasp the understanding of the functionalities along

with different types of user requirements .
Dynamic procedure : Frequent client changes must be accommodated in
the business model .
4> Initial Requirements :

We will be discussing functional and non functional requirements required for

sustainable usage of our application VITCOIN Management System .

Functional Requirements :

1> Every user should have a mobile or a laptop with wireless internet
connection for usage of the software .

2> The product will work on client server architecture . The product supports
web browsers like Internet Explorer , Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox .
External interface includes keyboard and mouse , enabling navigation across the
screen .

3> Minimum Software Req: Mobile phone should have Andriod or IOS Sofware .
Only Windows Laptops are accessible .

Device must have 2GB RAM along with Quad Core

Processor .

Device Hard Disk Space Must Be 16GB .

Screen Resolution should be 800*600

4> All Documentation Work and license must be available to valid user
5> Performance Requirements : Email Should be Sent within 5 mins after
successful registration and after each transaction .

6> Software must be operationable within 4 months along with structured

analysis , design and user case testing .

Non Functional Requirements :

1> Security : Application will allow only valid users to access the software .
There are basically two type of users- Customer and Administrators . Security is
based upon individual user ID and password .

2> Reliability : Application should be highly reliable and should generate the
updated information in correct order along with full updation of database .
Redundancy of data is avoided at all costs .

3> Availability : System will be available 24*7 but proper internet connection is
required for successful operations .

4> Maintainability : Installation And Reqular Updations will be carried out

frequently for elimination of bugs and errors . License and manual to be present
in the software .
5> Portability : Application is portable in mobile and laptop devices . Sotware
requiremtns of the devices are explained . Login can be intitiated from
any device with proper validation . All functionalities can be performed
from any device . Thus , software is highly portable and has easy
understandability .

It is an iterative process and is followed until the client is

satisfied by the requirements developed for the project .


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