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Jurnal 3

Judul : Performance of women owned enterprises accessingcredit from village credit and
savings associations in Kenya

Dipublikasi : 2014

Pengarang : Gichuki, Castro N.; Mulu-Mutuku, Milcah; NkathaKinuthia, Lydia

Isu Penelitian Tujuan Teori Metode Penelitian Hasil Penelitian


Most of the The purpose of Theory of enterprise a. Lokasi Penelitian The study found that
developing this study was Nakuru Town Kenya all the
Theory of risk
countries have set to womenentrepreneurs
b. Variabel dan pengukurann
witnessed an investigate Theory of labour had attained formal
influx of the selected economics education with
Variabel Bebas
number of factorsperceived Theory of labor majority 43.6%
womenventuring to influence the attrobutes ( Independen ) having
in the field of performance of attainedsecondary
Credit and dividends accessed
entrepreneurship women-owned education. Results
from VSCAs
in recent years; small micro also revealed that
this mainly enterprises in Education levels of women Ordinal logit
being Kenya. entrepreneur regression model
attributedto Variabel Terikat (OLR)had Pseudo
advocacy on R2of 60.2% and
( Dependen )
women 49.3% which was
empowerment Net profits of the enterprises above the statistical
programs and Amount of capital in the threshold of
policies 20%.This implied
advanced by that the selected
c. Populasi dan
both govern- factors income,
ment and non- Populasi : credit and education
governmental The identified accessible level of
organizations population was 517 women therespondents
entrepreneurs who participate influenced positive
inregistered VSCAs within changes in the net
Nakuru Town and who keep profits and capital of
enterprise operation records Small
Sampel :
(SMEs). Based on
formula was used to the study findings,
determine the sample size Village Saving and
of 225 respondents who Credit
were proportion-ately Associationswere
drawn from four locations identified as one of
namely; Afraha, the effective strategy
Kaptembwo, Central that can enable more
Business District andLanet womenentrepreneurs
locations. in the rural and urban

Metode: areas to access

affordable credit.
Cross-sectional survey

d. Jenis dan Sumber Data

Jenis :

e. Metode
A questionnaire was used to
collect data from the location of
the respondents’enter-prises.
f. Teknik Analisis Data

OLS ( ordinary least square)

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