Lesson Plan-Brass Tech

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Mary Binder

Brass Lesson Plan- Articulation

Objective: ​Students will tongue rhythms clearly on their mouthpieces, accurately

articulating staccato, marcato, and legato markings.

1. Teacher claps rhythm, saying words to describe it; students clap it back while saying the
words (capitalized= accent)
a. pep-per-o-ni piz-za
b. ICE-cream cone
c. a-vo-CA-do

2. Teacher asks: “For brass instruments, where does your tongue hit to articulate a note?”

3. Students put pinky behind their front teeth, teacher explains how it gives them something
to hit like a reed, teacher “taas” rhythms from before, having high brass repeat it back on
“taa” and low brass on “tuhh”

4. Students bring up mouthpieces and buzz concert Bb all together

5. Students pick their favorite rhythm, teacher has each group come in one at a time on
their mouthpiece, repeating their chosen rhythm, until all rhythms are added

1. Give students 20 seconds to create their own short rhythm with accents or other
2. Students play “Hot Potato” going down the line, each student demonstrating their
creation on their mouthpiece while teacher listens to their articulation

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