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We live in concrete jungles. They are a testament to our ingenuity. They are shrines to our hubris. We think we have evolved beyond nature’s grip. We have built giant skyscrapers that tower above the tallest trees. We sail the skies in winged ships which defy gravity. We split atoms and jettison search parties into space. There is nothing more powerful POCONO UT Still, we are at the planet's mercy. Great storms rattle our buildings. Tornadoes toss our monuments as if they were spores in the wind. Rising water reclaim the land we so readily take for granted. The Earth’s final response to our arrogant misuse of its gifts lies beneath us. TCR CR a RUBRUM ACU RT LUN spirit and bowed before its power. They sacrificed and appeased its totems of power. These totems took shape as ancient beasts and monsters to protect our realm. Their OTERO RCI ECR CO MICU ACE millenia. Our leaders denounce them as the superstitious ramblings of a lost and primitive people. Yet, when the sky cracks and the ground shutters, you can feel the mighty beasts squirm. Our harm to the environment and blatant disregard for mother Earth beckons them from their slumber. Signs of their existence are appearing all around us. Unidentified giant masses ROR AC MICROLITER CU RNC AU Earth’s crust. Giant teeth, larger than any creature before, washing ashore. But nothing compares to what we've just discovered... COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Some believe it is an assortment of rocks, moved by the ocean’s tide to rest menac- ingly along our coast. Others look upon the figure and see a feathered fossil. A gigantic leg of something that sits below the surface. We are intrigued, but modern man’s attention can only be held for so long. At least until the beast moves the process along. Seismographs shutter around the western hemisphere. Buildings topple as the plates of the Earth’s mantle shift beneath our feet. That's when we see it. A giant, feathered ENC UC COURIER Cs ACM RUST CCC CSIC URL US Tam OR RUT AL to survive, we must learn everything we can. THE QUADZILLA HAS AWOKEN. R-leyN=) P— | LLA POLL LC eO AE sa OA tse ogre: TABLE OF CONTENTS | aaa ut. | THE MOVEMENTS OF THE BEAST | ee a ao QUAD 4 | ay. COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, C/A GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 MAKE OF THE MONSTER As the beast rises from the ocean's depths, we stare upon its massive quadriceps. The water pours through the feathered quads like mighty rivers. From our stance we can clearly see that the legs are not just one solid muscle, but several working together OP UMUC CR CH CMCC R CRS RA Cy Le COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MAKE OF THE MONSTER UE ROU ROAM MMOS same place, the patella and over to the tibial tuberosity with one having an addi- PO CROC mIRC TMA UAC move the joints that they pass over. Without the quads attaching below the knee, we would not be able to pull the shins up or control them going down. The planet did not awaken Quadzilla without reason. Similarly, the quadricep attach- DS RCI UR OS a CRU eRe PEO CMa UE CROC RUCE CHORE CRC IRCA TORRE RUE CLERIC CHT Cn OR CURT OU CLC CMC SCCM Rm ICRC increases the length of the lever arm which further increases the strength ability of CMCC Re MAKE OF THE MONSTER Laas The rectus femoris is a major player for the quadriceps. The muscle originates at the anterior inferior iliac spine which is the front lower ridge of the hip, and the supraac- etabular sulcus which is a groove just above the acetabulum, or where the hip socket is. This muscle runs down just on top of the vastus intermedius (mentioned below), and patella to insert into the tibial tuberosity. QUAD ZILLA POLL TC eO ACE sa Aste Ce 5 ee cr ste MAKE OF THE MONSTER 2 C1820 NUL Man and monster are privy to the laws of nature. The quads must obey the the princi- MUU OUT ARR UCR CSS EN ORAM EAR Ly rectus femoris performs two actions: knee extension and thigh flexion. Knee exten- sion is the motion you use to kick a soccer ball at the knee. It is also the action of the knee during the concentric or pushing portion of a squat and deadlift. Flexion of the thigh is similar to a knee tucking motion, moving the thigh closer fo the trunk or stomach. This is important to keep in mind during the eccentric portion of a squat. You may use this cue, pulling the thigh to the stomach, to pull yourself down in a ee QUAD SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 MAKE OF THE MONSTER SS aT ity SRS CO MRC CUCM CCRC CRO CM LCRA ARC vastus medialis or the head of the quadriceps furthest to the inside of your thigh. The medialis originates at the linea aspera (a rough line of bone traveling down the femur) and the intertrochanteric line (an area at the top posterior of the femur). The DO RO SCHUMAN LIRR QUAD SILLA CCE aa Cs a) 6 Of Seppe deen re MAKE OF THE MONSTER The extensor digitorum originates from the common extensor tendon on the The CTT Oe RUNS SCC SM LR SUM performs flexion of the knee. Unlike the rectus femoris, the vastus medialis only has the single action as it only covers the one joint. This by no means makes it less important. In fact, the infamous teardrop every aesthetic athlete works towards is the presence of the distal head of the vastus medialis. The muscle forms a teardrop as it slightly twists from the outer top of the thigh towards the medial bottom of the thigh where most of its body lies. This powerful appearance bears a striking resemblance to the tides rolling off of Quadzilla and its sight inspires fear and awe in any who look upon it. = : QUAD P— | LLA POLL TC eO ACE sa Aste Sea ie RN Sa EE Ste MAKE OF THE MONSTER VASTUS INTERMEDIUS: The vastus intermedius is like the ancient prophets who warned us of Quadzillas arrival. Itis the middle man of the quad. The vastus intermedius is located between the medial and lateral head, right in the middle of the thigh. The muscle runs down the femur, just underneath the rectus femoris. This muscle’s’ origination is the entire body of the femur, attaching to the rigid area of the femur on the anterior surface. The insertion, like the other quadricep muscles, is the patella and the tibial tuberos- ity. SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3. MAKE OF THE MONSTER CS UML ACL RLS MUU CRC RCN LO MCU RCO LACUS TORR UR CUCM RT IT OO CUR URC MURS RU A = , a ' . QUAD ZILLA POLL TC eO ACE sa Aste 9. ft MAKE OF THE MONSTER SUT TEisy The fourth muscle in the vastus group of muscles of the quadriceps is the vastus later- CEL CL CNA ACO Re LR CTS lateralis runs along the entirety of the leg. The muscle can be seen on the outer part of the thigh, traveling the distance of the femur. The vastus lateralis begins at the TS CCR CREO RAUCH A OUEST attaches to and the greater trochanter which is an area on the outer, slightly poste- TM ORC SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 MAKE OF THE MONSTER ” LEG EXTENSIONS CINWARD) , The positioning of the vastus lateralis makes it responsible for knee extension, like the other muscles of the vastus group. The vastus lateralis, like the medialis, can be targeted by positioning the knee differently. For example, the lateralis can be targeted by turning the toes and knee inward during leg extensions. They say if you cannot beat your enemy, join him. Use the different knee extensions to change your leg training and become a force of reckoning like the colossal Quadzilla. TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS ey It is too late to change our ways. Quadzilla has risen and it us up to us to stand against him. From his massive legs we can determine his movements. Study these exercises well so that humanity may harness his greatest strength. atte a Step 1: Choose your preferred grip. One option is the clean grip (which is for more advanced lifters with high wrist mobility) places your fingers under the bar, just outside of the shoulders, palms up. The other option is to position yourself in front of the bar, placing it on top of your deltoids, running along but in front of your collar- PU ORS R ROUT ee PCR COSC RIT Step 2: While lifting the bar off of the rack and during the movement keep your OTERO Tuc Step 3: Place your feet just wider than hip width apart, and pull yourself straight CUCU LO cus IASI COMMS Ccun a Ee TCM TRUER UT UCL anr Cs Step 4: Once you reach the most bottom position you can get to without limitation, begin pressing yourself back up using knee extension, pushing through the midfoot. COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FY I “ a . fo 5]. a TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS aD ey Ue Nass TILTING FORWARD - Many lifters allow their torso to lean forward, and fall in a front squat. One of the benefits of the front squat is postural improvement. Keeping yourself upright, helps train your core and posterior chain to remain strong with anterior loads, in a static hold. If you humanity is to survive, you musn’t let the CUM Uae CROCS URLS URI RUC RSC URC Re SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ey TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS ” SISSY SQUATS | a (titeh ali Step 1: Depending on the equipment you have available, either step into the Sy UCR RTC LS AO with objects such as heavy dumbbells to secure your feet in place. Step 2: You may perform this movement weighted or unweighted, if weighted hold two dumbbells by your side, one against your chest, or similarly with ket- vas Step 3: Place your feet firmly in place so they do not lift up off the ground, CURRIN CU SOAR TU OUTLAY Cena LL OC Step 4: Begin to lower yourself down as if going to sit in a beach chair, moving SO SRS ee CRU CUC OC ORO Or CR Cem N Siu a taneously. SMC UCTS AUR CE ORCC en ORES UCIT) position and repeat. COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS ” SISSY SQUATS | COMMON MISTAKES: SPEED KILLS: It is improper use of the Earth’s gifts that awoken the Quadzilla. Our brash movements through our planet's resources have threatened not just RCM ORT CM CT CMC mL URL movement without intent or purpose. This movement has the ability to take your leg development to another level if done right and focused on every rep. COCR URC ISO RC CCRC LT ONRE CULL) yourself up with your glutes and hamstrings. Otherwise you will simply be TCT Ce TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS aL UL a (titeh ali Step 1: Stand over the barbell, with the barbell on the ground and between your cs Step 2: Bend down, keeping your torso upright and neck forward. Grasp the front of the bar with your right arm, with your palm facing to the left. SCR R SCM RIC Ce RRC TUMEUR CRN TLE palm facing the right. Make sure your grip is even, placing the bar directly in the ORR e MO eon SCCM UUM CLC TT Step 4: Ensure your feet are just more than shoulder width apart and your toes should be pointing outward. Keeping your bent knees moving in the same direction Ce aa Step 5: Press your body up, lifting the bar pushing through your midfoot. Keep your AOC ACEC ARLE On Ca Cn Ue Cn QUAD SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 (e) a rt TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS maT UL Ae COMMON MISTAKES: COS EC UNE een UL CRU AUS SON CCR Cm upper body to fall over. This changes the bar path, thus changing the focus on the OCCUR COC CMe SRC ROD CCC STAC CM ICS CUO Re NCCU CRON en Lok much wider stance than needed, you need to take a stance that allows you to come to.a full stand with your arms straight. COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS ” THREE DIRECTIONAL LEG EXTENSIONS | EXERCISE GUIDE: Step 1: Adjust the seat to the proper position so that you sit upright with your butt against the back of the chair. Step 2: Begin with your toes facing outward with the inside of your thighs visible. Step 3: Begin to move your shin through knee extension as you pull your toes towards the ceiling. Step 4: Once your leg is at the top of the extension, slowly bring it back to the SCT COSC Step 5: Repeat steps three and four, with your toes facing straight up, and your toes RC CMC TR ECS ease SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ey:} TRACKING ITS MOVEMENTS ” THREE DIRECTIONAL LEG EXTENSIONS | Nass LACK OF PREPARATION: It is the lack of preparation that puts us at the mercy of CLO Ce TSCM LCR RU RU CCM anSCR CTU aligns with the pivot point of the machine, which you can find at the meeting point of PCR UMUC TU SIUO UCR UMUC CR CR TLRS LAO off the seat. If the weight lifts you off of the seat, it is too heavy. Swallow your pride OULU CaO AUR NAC ACO SUPT UC SUM AU CRN CRC RCs | QUAD SILLA COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BATTLING THE BEAST You are staring at an ancient creature with legs of stone. The contour of its muscles OCCT CHC CRRA RCC ROC mC SO RUE UIC MC Ie RUE CU NaC ACD have a hope of harnessing the creatures gifts and granting humanity a second COUR SOCAN UCR CU Mec MLR eS Co UT Te eC WORKOUT #1 | ee a Eee een Front Squats | 5 fy on eens Jefferson A fy on en eres . Es Bi) Ey 8 iy) tse ere) sTel Piet Extensions = QUAD ZILLA POLL TC eO ACE sa Aste 20 Sramenve rrr PFT See BATTLING THE BEAST WORKOUT #2 | eesti POs OS ee) 5 cos Pry ee tece 5 5 coe Peery Pere ber) A 5 Eo Ein’ Deen) ee BATTLING THE BEAST eT Ce ee Reon 4 Cor Eee eS 12 Co Econ Ree 12 Co Eco ete aU 12 y7y RO ele Dole) ein ea a sa , 4 | "| NEVER GAVE . UP, EVEN WHEN : PEOPLE TOLD ME MOM NT =A’A aN .45 pe Aaa & | UNDERESTIMATE ‘a THE HEART OFA le CHAMPION" COPYRIGHT @ 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2

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