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Connect WiFi using CMD

netsh wlan show network mode=bssid


netsh wlan connect name=(wifi name )

netsh wlan connect name=Mynet Sata1

How to open a website even if its Closed

1. Write ping and space and write the name of web page without www. Or
2. Then a ip address of the web page will appear .
3. Write the ip in any browser and press enter.

How to get ip address of your pc

Type ipconfig and press enter.

How to Check the path of website

Write Tracert and type the name of website without www./http.

To Scan System Files for Problems

Type sfc/scannow

To Get the list of network connection and ports

Type netstat –an

To Convert Fat 32 to NTFS

chkdsk h: /f where h is the drive name.

Then type Convert H: /FS:NTFS.
Now file is converted to NTFS

To type a password for user account(of computer)

Type net user . Then click on enter.
Type net user (user name) * . Again click enter
How to hack Wifi Network
Type ipconfig /hackermode.
Press enter.

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