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International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). pp.


ASEAN Center, MGIMO University, Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation

The association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is one of the oldest integration institutions in the
world focused on the regional political, economic and socio-cultural issues. From 1999 onwards ASEAN
has united under its auspices all ten countries of Southeast Asia. Theoretically speaking, this fact creates
necessary preconditions for productive discussions of all regional cooperation issues because no regional
actor is left outside regional interaction and can voice concerns at the regional level. The Association has
no plans to expand its membership further, beyond Southeast Asia. However since 1970s “functional
expansion” has become a distinguishing feature of ASEAN. Nowadays it envisages that the Association,
not expanding formally, nevertheless establishes special frameworks (dialogue partnerships) for interaction
with a number of important macroregional and extraregional players. This article analyzes the phenomena
of “functional expansion” in ASEAN activities and the significance of dialogue partnerships for ASEAN
today. ASEAN’s fiftieth anniversary thus provides a good opportunity, on one hand, to perform a retro-
spective analysis and, on the other hand, to appraise ASEAN’s current policy in the region in the context
of its interaction with other major international players. Referring to the extensive ASEAN-focused
research literature and official documents, this article argues that for the past five decades ASEAN mem-
ber states have passed through several periods of interaction with these kind of players. ASEAN started by
mastering the ability to neutralize external leadership impulses towards the region and gradually moved
towards working out its own institutional and normative instruments of managing its external relation-
ships. This system of management, however, is not without its own limitations. Structurally the article
refers to the historical retrospective of ASEAN’s relations with external players at various stages of the
Association’s own development, analyses the current state of these relations and their functions for
ASEAN external policy and finally focuses on the ways ASEAN is trying to manage and influence these
relations in the way beneficial for the Association.
ASEAN; dialogue partners; the USA; China; Russia; Southeast Asia.

The countries of Southeast Asia are known (ASEAN) – fifty years ago constituted an im-
for their ability to adjust to an international portant accomplishment for this region. Des­
environment which was changing rapidly dur- pite its initial anticommunist bias which was in
ing the second half of the twentieth century, accordance with the confrontational logic of
and, in the case of this part of the globe, chang­ bipolarity, some researchers [Mahbu­bani and
ing radically, plunging the comparatively small Sng 2017, Kivimäki 2014] maintain that it has
countries of the region into a quagmire of un- been able to act as a catalyst for the transition
precedented acute political, social and eco- from regional conflict to regional cooperation.
nomic strife and transformation. The estab- Since 1999, all ten countries in the region
lishment of a common integration structure – have been members of ASEAN. Thus, theo-
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations retically all prerequisites have been created for

Corresponding author:

an efficient discussion of problems concerning also part of the ASEAN format ASEAN+8, to-
the development of the region, since no one gether with India, Australia, New Zealand, the
regional player is excluded from the processes USA and Russia, all of which are also partici-
of interrelationships, every one of them has the pants of the East Asian Summit (EAS). EAS has
right to be heard on a regional level and to been meeting in this format since 2010 when
contribute to the agenda of the development of Russia and the USA were invited to join in.
the region. No supranational institutions have The existing research literature, in some
been created within the Association, a deliber- cases pointing to this interesting phenomenon
ate decision in order to avoid any infringement [Khong and Nesadurai 2007; Severino 2007;
on the national sovereignty of its member Baykov 2012: 118], does not, however, provide
states. It is common knowledge that in the ab- a comprehensive answer to the question why
sence of such supranational institutions chair- ASEAN needs this complex institutional struc-
manship in ASEAN rotates annually based on ture in its interactions with a growing number
the alphabetical order of the English names of of states which are not members of the organi-
member states. The member state assuming the sation and whose political and economic po-
chairmanship gets to determine the details of tential significantly surpasses those of the
the agenda of the regional cooperation for the Association2. A  possible explanation for this
year ahead and, as a consequence, can steer may be that ASEAN, whose main attention is
the cooperation in a preferable direction as far focused on regional problems and the tasks of
as the existing institutional framework will al- regional development, like no other institu-
low. Apart from the question of including the tional segment of the world depends on the
Association of East Timor, which is under dis- macroregional and, in some cases, even global
cussion these days, no further formal expan- context. It is no secret that small and medium-
sion of ASEAN is planned. sized countries, who are under the influence of
However, starting in the 1970s, so-called the structure of international relations and,
“functional expansion” has been a distinctive above all, the conduct of the leading powers
feature of the Association. This term, coined by within the framework of international rela-
foreign researchers Khong and Nesadurai tions, do not have a lot of options and are usu-
[Khong and Nesadurai 2007: 33], encapsulates ally confined to balancing between several
the fact that although the Association does not more powerful players or relying on one of
expand its membership formally, it does create them [Walt 1987].
and support special institutionalised formats of However, whereas in the case of other
interaction (dialogue partnerships) with other countries or less institutionalised regional cas-
important regional and non-regional players. es this is often the extent of their options, in
Among these players are the predominant the case of ASEAN the range of options has
“heavyweights” of international and regional been expanding significantly over the past fifty
politics like the United States, China, Japan, years. Sometimes this happened thanks to the
Russia, India, South Korea, Australia, Canada historical experience of certain member states
and the European Union1. Some of them of the Association, which has led to institu-
(China, Japan and South Korea) have been in- tional and normative innovations3. Specifi­
cluded in the format ASEAN+3, and they are cally, the member states of ASEAN have in the

In this article we will not address the relations between ASEAN and Canada, Pakistan, Norway,
Switzerland and the countries of the European Union, especially Germany, with whom dialogue partnerships
have also been established.
This is the main difference between ASEAN and, for instance, the European Union (EU), which also
forms special relationships with external partners, for example with its closest geographical neighbours;
however, the EU surpasses most of these partners economically as well as politically.
An analysis of the cases of the countries of Southeast Asia would go beyond the scope of this paper.
However, it should be mentioned, that an interesting analysis of Thailand’s conduct towards the
superpowers can be found in the paper by E.A. Fomicheva [Fomicheva1991], an analysis of Myanmar/

International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

course of the past five decades gone through cially the decision by the USA, Great Britain
several stages of interactions with external and Canada at the Quebec Conference in 1943
players – from the collective „dampening“ of to create a South East Asia Command, com-
the leadership ambitions of more powerful prising Burma, Malaya, Sumatra and Thailand.
countries concerning Southeast Asia (a phe- A resolution by the Potsdam Conference in
nomenon that has been shrewdly observed and 1945 led to the addition of the Dutch East
analysed in detail in publications by the emi- Indies and Indochina south of the sixteenth
nent Russian researcher A.D. Bogaturov parallel [Tarling N. 1999: 258]. The capability
[Boga­turov 1997, 2010]) to the creation of of these territories for regional governance and
tools for the collective control of asymmetric less for influencing more powerful players
relations, which, however, have their own within the international system was completely
limitations. These are predominantly related out of the question.
to the limited political and economic potential Directly after the beginning of the “Cold
of the ASEAN member states themselves as War”, as during the period of colonialism and
well as to the desire or willingness of larger during World War II, the region was the object
players to be subject to such control not only of the influence of bigger players. This time
formally, but in practice, too. these players were the USA and the USSR as
In order to show the evolution of this con- well as the People’s Republic of China (PRC),
trol system of external partnerships, this paper whose position concerning the region by the
approaches the relations of ASEAN countries 1970s had come to differ cardinally from
with these partners during the different stages the  Soviet Union’s position. In the conflict
of development of the organisation itself in between the, figuratively speaking, “capital-
historical retrospect, analyzes the contempo- ist” and “communist” blocs, this added an-
rary status and functionality of the relations, other division along the line Vietnam-Cam­
and examines the set of mechanisms existing bodia within the latter bloc. All of this result-
within ASEAN to influence them. ed in Southeast Asia becoming one of the
most volatile regional arenas of global con-
1 frontation.
ASEAN emerged in 1967 due to the efforts Apart from the polarizing role played by
of five countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, external players, tensions between the coun-
Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines – un- tries in the region did not contribute to the
der difficult historical conditions. The process stability in Southeast Asia. A case in point,
of state-building in the modern sense of the among others, is the sharp confrontation be-
word had only just begun in this region. For a tween Indonesia and Malaysia (konfrontasi),
number of countries, especially for Eastern caused by the process of creating Malaysia as
Indochina, decolonialization was a painful such. It lasted from 1963 to 1966 and brought
process, which involved force of arms and to naught attempts at organizing a regional
dragged on for three decades. At the end of cooperation framework that preceeded the cre-
World War II and even two decades later the ation of ASEAN.
idea of the countries of Southeast Asia forming Communism was perceived by ASEAN as a
a united region in the context of international threat with external and internal dimensions.
politics seemed doubtful at the very least. The The support for communist movements within
Cambridge History of Southeast Asia expressly the founding countries of ASEAN on the part
emphasizes the role of external influences on of PRC at the time was believed to be one of
the geopolitical formation of the region, espe- the main problems of national security. At the

Burma in the paper by K.A. Efremova [Efremova 2016]. In one of his papers, Amitav Achariya concentrates
on the national experience of the organization of the political process in Indonesia, which was adopted by
ASEAN for its practice of decision making [Acharya 2001]. A number of papers by foreign authors contain
a theoretical analysis of possible options of conduct between balancing and relying on a powerful player for
“second-tier powers” [cf., e.g., Chong 2003].

International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

time of ASEAN’s foundation the motive of op- ASEAN, wishing to remain independent of
posing the external powers dividing Southeast outside powers while at the same time actively
Asia, as this was understood in the capitals of looking for economic and military support
the countries of the Association, and the idea (above all American), had to demonstrate to
of the development of the region were closely the citizens of their countries as well as to their
intertwined, laying the foundation for the neighbours in the region the attractiveness and
unique conception of the “external” function political and economic viability of the chosen
of ASEAN. road of development.
The concentrated expression of this concept The principle of non-interference in the
can be seen in the words of Sinnathamby internal affairs of each other had a special im-
Rajaratnam, Singapore’s first minister for for- pact on the activities of ASEAN at all stages of
eign affairs, about “ensuring a stable Southeast the development of the Cambodian problem
Asia, not a balkanized Southeast Asia”4. The associated with the Pol Pot regime’s rise to
1971 Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality power in Cambodia in 1975, the acute domes-
Declaration (ZOPFAN), adopted by ASEAN, tic crisis in the country, and essentially the
postulated the idea that Southeast Asia should genocide of his own nation. The rapidly wors-
be a region “free from any form or manner of ening relations between Cambodia and
interference by outside Powers”5. This is why Vietnam as well as provocations at the border,
the principles of mutual respect for the sover- initiated by Pol Pot, led to Vietnam’s invasion
eignty and non-interference in the internal af- of Cambodia in December/January 1978 and
fairs of one another6 are the fundamental inter- to the proclamation of the People’s Republic
national principles, stated in the Treaty of of Kampuchea [Mosyakov 2010: 391]. In re-
Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia from sponse to the actions of Vietnam, China, which
1976, which gave ASEAN its final institutional supported Cambodia, conducted a „punitive“
form as a regional organisation of cooperation. [Alagappa 1993: 451] invasion of the north of
The second principle mentioned above mer- Vietnam in February/March 1979. At this
its special attention. Being one of the funda- point neither Vietnam nor Cambodia were for-
mental principles in international law, in mal members of ASEAN. However, the
Southeast Asia it was intended to play a dual Cambodian problem led to a re-evaluation of
role. On the one hand, it was supposed to keep ASEAN’s role in the region and to a change in
outside powers from interfering in the affairs of the character of its interactions with outside
Southeast Asia, at least formally. It is no coin- powers. Although the Association officially
cidence that over time the signing of the Treaty continued to adhere to its position of non-in-
of Amity and Cooperation has become the terference, the fear that the establishment of a
prerequisite for the development of relations of regime in Cambodia in 1979 that the member
a dialogue partnership with ASEAN. This will states of the Association considered a puppet
be discussed in detail later. On the other hand, of Vietnam would cause a domino effect in the
the principle of non-interference was intended other countries of the region, actually forced
to “defend power structures (i.e. the estab- ASEAN to become an active participant in the
lished illiberal, clannish capitalist regimes – settlement of the problem.
E.K.) against excessive outside attention and On the international level, the ASEAN
to isolate internal opponents from outside countries made efforts to isolate the new Cam­
help” [Jones 2012: 97]. Thus, the countries of bodian regime in the United Nations Orga­

The Founding of ASEAN. ASEAN Web Site. [electronic source]. URL:
asean/history/ (access date: 19.07.2017).
Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality Declaration. November 27, 1971. [electronic source].
URL: (access date: 19.07.2017).
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. February 24, 1976. ASEAN Web site. [electronic
source]. URL:
1976/ (access date: 19.07.2017).

International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

nization (UN) and also sought to restrict its The end of the period of bipolarity, on one
access to international aid via the mechanisms hand, allowed ASEAN to translate into reality
of the UN [Jones 2007: 527]. Furthermore, a goal that had seemed unattainable before, i.e.
there were discussions in the countries of the unification of all ten countries in the region
ASEAN about other ways of influencing the within the Association notwithstanding the
situation in Eastern Indochina. In the 1980 differences of ideologies, political systems,
Kuantan Declaration, Indonesia’s president political regimes and economic orders. Viet­
Suharto and Malaysia’s prime minister Hussein nam joined ASEAN in 1995, Laos and Myan­
Onn defined their conception of a “complex mar in 1997, and Cambodia in 1999. However,
political solution” of the Cambodian problem at the same time the communist bloc col-
as follows. It included the “liberation” of Viet­ lapsed, the founding countries could not count
nam from Chinese and Soviet influences and, on their special status of forward posts in the
at the same time, the recognition of Vietnam’s fight against communism any longer. The clo-
special interests concerning Cambodia. sure of Soviet as well as American military
Although this approach was criticised by the bases created fears that the resulting “power
Vietnamese side (to them the renunciation of vacuum” would entail a decrease in economic
special relations with the USSR was unaccep- attention to the region. The answer to this
table) and Thailand (due to the necessity of the challenge was found with the help of a new
inclusion of Vietnam’s interests in neighbour- instrument: the support of sensible competi-
ing Cambodia), essentially its “political and tion between major external players on ASEAN
strategic logic” continued to be active in re- territory so that this competition could bring
spect to the situation in the region and beyond ASEAN economic as well as political divi-
it [Narine 2002: 48]. In other words, ASEAN dends. We are referring to the idea of the “cen-
aimed at keeping the discussion of the main trality” of the Association for the whole com-
problems of the region among its members and plex of institutional processes of the regional
gradually pushing outside powers to the pe- cooperation. As Rodolfo Severino, one of the
riphery of this process. During the following former Secretaries-General of ASEAN, put it
decade ASEAN’s collective position, which later, the Association was supposed to become
precluded the Great Powers from conducting “the core of regionalism in East Asia and the
negotiations concerning key issues of the re- Asia Pacific” [Severino 2007: 406].
gion with each of the Association’s members Dialogue partnerships between ASEAN and
individually, was the unique development of the key players in the Asia Pacific Rim and
this logic. This inevitably led to the “dissolu- beyond, the format ASEAN+3, the ASEAN
tion” of leadership impulses in the negotiations Regional Forum (ARF), created in 1994, the
process of ASEAN [Bogaturov 2010: 161]. Asia-Europe Meetings (ASEM), established in
The result of the activization of the 1996, and East-Asia Summit (EAS), which
Association in the solution of the Cambodian commenced its activities in 2005, have all be-
problem were international negotiations that come inextricable components of the regional
took into consideration the interests of ASEAN institutional network with ASEAN at its center.
and included Cambodian forces supported by The forum of the Asia-Pacific Economic
the Association, and the guarantee of non-in- Cooperation (APEC), although not formally
terference by third parties, subsequently for- related to ASEAN, however accepted the nor-
malised in UN documents, particularly in the mative culture of ASEAN, which is known as
resolution A/RES/35/67. In a broader context, the „ASEAN Way“ in literature and the profes-
the 1980s were the time when ASEAN began to sional language of diplomacy and is character-
develop new ways of regional governance and ized by the rejection of rigid forms of institu-
mechanisms neutralizing external influences. tionalization and of the creation of suprana-

A/RES/35/6. The United Nations Organization. [electronic source]. URL:
documents/ga/res/35/a35r6e.pdf (access date: 19.07.2017).

International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

tional institutional bodies, by decision-making ment of the discussion of the question which of
by way of consultations and consensus, and by these partners should be admitted to EAS and
moving towards a common goal at a pace that is whether Russia should be invited. We would
comfortable for each of the participants, in- like to point out that in 2005, when the EAS
cluding those which are not the most advanced. inaugural summit took place in Kuala Lumpur,
The idea of establishing special relations Russian president V. Putin was present at the
with extraregional partners which are the most invitation of Abdullah Badawi, who was Prime
important for ASEAN has its roots in the Minister of Malaysia at the time. Russia ex-
1970s. In 1974, a dialogue was established be- pressed the desire and willingness to join EAS,
tween the Association and Australia, and in but this was to happen only five years later.
1977 dialogue was officially established be- Limiting its macro-regional economic am-
tween ASEAN and the European Economic bitions through the format ASEAN+3 men-
Community (subsequently the EU), the USA tioned above, but not having decided definitely
and Japan. yet which set of external partners would be
In the 1990s, ASEAN established dialogue ideal for the macro-regional political platform
partnerships not only with Russia, but also with ASEAN at its core, the countries of the
with China, South Korea, and India. In 1997 Association in 2005 refrained from inviting
the ASEAN+3 format (China, Japan, South Russia and the USA (incidentally, the United
Korea) was set up, contributing to the fact that States did not seriously consider the idea of
smaller and medium-sized countries of ASEAN joining EAS at the time). For some time, it was
essentially took on the leadership function in believed in the countries of ASEAN that an ac-
the process of institutionalising regional eco- tive involvement of the three regional super-
nomic cooperation on a macro-regional scale. powers China, Japan and India in the affairs of
Russian researcher N.P. Maletin found an apt Southeast Asia were principally sufficient to
description for the inclusion of economically avoid the emergence of a “power vacuum” in
more powerful Japan, South Korea and China the region [Acharya 2001: 168].
in the integrational initiative of ASEAN. Still, ASEAN developed a set of criteria for
He  remarked that “the tail was wagging the the invitation of additional participants in
dog” [Maletin 2009: 53]. EAS. Among these criteria are a dialogue part-
For better or worse, at the close of the 20th nership with ASEAN, the signing of the Treaty
century ASEAN had at its disposal a large and of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
varied instrumentarium of influence over the and a significant level of economic cooperation
macro-regional processes, and its status, at with the Association. It seemed that compli-
least its formal status, was that of an equal ance with these criteria should be sufficient for
partner of the most powerful international competition over Southeast Asia to self-per-
players. At the same time the Association's ar- petuate at a level providing the region with ex-
senal also included not only diverse regulatory ternal impulses for development. At the same
ways of “dampening” the leadership ambitions time the necessary principles of international
concerning the region, but also certain meth- conduct would be adhered to by all.
ods of influencing considerably more influen- At that point, the function of certain dia-
tial partners. The following chapter will exam- logue partnerships had also become more or
ine these methods more closely. less transparent. An active involvement of the
USA in the affairs of the region was considered
2 necessary for security reasons as well as for
The Association approached the middle of economic reasons, and periods of relative
the first decade of the new century with a clear “withdrawal” of the USA from the region (for
understanding of new requirements which the instance, under G.W. Bush or in a situation of
most important external partners of ASEAN uncertainty concerning the policy of the Trump
were supposed to meet. The controversy about administration) caused alarmist sentiments
them manifested especially clearly at the mo- [Tay 2010]. The rise of China seemed a favour-
International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

able economic chance, and the PRC itself, Association, and those whose conduct for
which at the beginning of the 1990s had com- some reason or other was in discord with the
pletely given up its support of communist generally accepted practices of conduct of
movements in the countries of Southeast Asia ASEAN9, were subjected to various forms of
and was intent on establishing a dialogue with informal censure [Katsumata 2009: 109].
ASEAN, seemed a partner, the relations with Additionally, the members of ASEAN have
whom could be guided in a direction which was constantly supported the idea of ASEAN’s
desirable for the Association. Despite its rela- special, central role, a recurrent theme in all
tively weak economy, Japan retained its funda- formal documents of the Association and re-
mental presence in the region, due to, among lated regional institutions. At the same time,
other things, the moving of its production fa- however, on an informal and expert level one
cilities to Southeast Asia and investing actively could often hear reflections about the absence
in Southeast Asia’s economy. The European of a fixed leadership in the region, about ad
Union has become one of the key foreign mar- hoc leadership, meaning that any state, large
kets for those countries in the region whose or small, can take on the role of the leader (Tay
economic systems are export-oriented, as well 2001: 214-215). Thus the Association attempt-
as a key investor. The other partners were nec- ed to limit leadership ambitions of larger play-
essary for the “densification” (term coined by ers, while in fact attempting to establish a hier-
A.D. Bogaturov) of the regional political (as archy of layers of regionalism with ASEAN at
was the case with Russia) or economic space. the top [Bae 2015: 248]. The main arguments
ASEAN managed to keep this difficult supporting this position were that ASEAN was
structure under control in the following man- the only platform for dialogue, acceptable for
ner. Thanks to the creation of an extensive all, and that „small and medium-sized powers
network of regional institutions the Association would hardly abuse their leadership” [Pham
developed in a desirable direction the process 2015: 82]. Therefore only the continued posi-
of educating outside partners of the culture of tion of ASEAN “at the helm” of regional pro-
regional dialogue and regional socialization8. cesses could guarantee a genuinely conflict-
This logic made the mere fact of participation, free development of East Asia and the Asia
the submission to the annual metronome of Pacific Rim.
summits and meetings albeit without concrete With ASEAN’s recent adoption of several
results seem like a value in itself. The latter important documents – the General Plan for
characteristic was especially clearly demon- the build-up of ASEAN interrelationships in
strated by the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), 2010 and plans for the creation of three com-
which because of its multitudinous and hetero- munities, (in the spheres of policy and securi-
geneous make-up (27 participants, including ty, economy, and in the socio-cultural sphe­
the EU and DPRK), of its decision-making re) – the Association’s dialogue partners have
exclusively by consensus and because of its begun to be assessed formally as well as infor-
rather abstract goals (a transition to preventive mally according to their contribution to the
diplomacy some time in the future) ended up object of  strengthening the relations within
becoming the object of constant criticism. Southeast Asia itself and according to how
The special normative culture of ASEAN, closely they are connected with ASEAN. This
earlier described as the „ASEAN Way“ has also type of assessment was intended to spur on
become an important tool of leverage over out- competition for the realization of infrastruc-
side partners. They were required to adhere to ture projects and to boost the interest of inves-
the norms and principles adopted by the tors in the region.
An interesting analysis of this process can be found e.g. in the book by the Japanese researcher Hiro
Katsumata [Katsumata 2009: 102-112].
We would like to point out, however, the controversialness of the idea of an expansion of ASEAN’s
normative culture to the whole Asia Pacific Rim. The main arguments in the discussion about this can be
found e.g. in the research of Amitav Acharya [Acharya 2001: 166-167].

International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

However, the situation began to change at edented economic growth of China, however,
the turn of the second decade of the new cen- resulted in a situation where the PRC’s voice
tury. By that point, a marked economic acquired more authority in foreign policy as
strengthening of China had taken place, whose well. The culmination of this process was the
regional role took on an ambivalent hue in the „Belt and Road Initiative“ advanced in 2013.
eyes of the political elites of the countries in One of its ‘sections’, the „Maritime Silk Road“
the region. Since 2011, there has been a height- concerns ASEAN directly, but at the same time
ened territorial controversy concerning the is- its realization would mean a “drawing” of
lands in the South China Sea, which are ASEAN into China’s orbit rather than the
claimed not only by the PRC but also by other way round, the way that ASEAN had
Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, been so careful to steer all the previous years.
Malaysia, and Brunei. This has only amplified The escalation of the conflict concerning
the fears of the small and medium-sized coun- the islands in the South China Sea also put the
tries in the region. The polarization of spotlight on the contradiction of two „norma-
Southeast Asia was exacerbated also by the tive systems“ – the „ASEAN Way“ mentioned
policy of ‘pivot to Asia’, initiated in 2011 by above and China’s understanding of proper,
the previous US-administration which hoped harmonious relations. This contradiction can
to limit the increase in China’s influence be traced, e.g. in the description of the se-
through political, strategic and economic quence of international activities China would
means. At the time when Chinese-American perceive as being in accordance with the classic
tensions loomed large in the power balance of Confucian conception of a “harmonious
the region, the Association’s limitations also world”. They are described in well-known Tai­
revealed themselves powerfully. wa­nese author Shih Chih-yu’s book and can
Under the Obama Administration (2008- well be projected onto the situation concerning
2016) and indeed under the following adminis- the territorial conflicts between China and the
tration, the USA continued to formally recog- member countries of ASEAN [Shih 2013].
nize the „central“ role of ASEAN while de In theory, should an acute international
facto ignoring regional institutions in the most problem arise, Beijing could settle for a com-
important issues. In the discussion of security promise unilaterally, even on an issue concern-
issues, depending on the position of any given ing its core interests, just to demonstrate the
administration, they are allotted a secondary harmony of its relations with its partners. We
role at best. Instead the American idea that it is would like to remind the reader that the catego-
necessary to turn the bilateral military alliances ry of China’s “core interests” includes Taiwan,
with the USA into a multilateral network has Tibet and Xinjiang. Before their reintegration
been circulating more and more actively10. into mainland China, Hongkong and Macao
At the turn of the century, China sought to were also considered “core interests”. In 2013-
strengthen its relations with ASEAN in every 2015, the time of an escalation of the territorial
way possible, trying to become a part of all re- conflict concerning the islands in the South
gional structures related to the Association. At China Sea, in the news circulated, then tailed
the same time it was the only country which in off, reports that these islands, too, were now
2002 managed to conclude an agreement es- considered “core interests” by China. The re-
tablishing a free-trade zone with ASEAN as a verse motion on the issue could be considered a
unified organisation instead of getting stuck in manifestation of compromise of sorts by Beijing.
bilateral negotiations with each of the member However, compromise reached by unilateral
countries of the Association seperately, as it actions, in China's understanding, places a
happened to Japan, for instance. The unprec- moral obligation on the opposing side not to
Remarks by Secretary Carter and Q&A at the Shangri-La Dialogue, Singapore. June 5, 2016.
[electronic source]. URL:
791472/remarks-by-secretary-carter-and-qa-at-the-shangri-la-dialogue-singapore/ (access date:

International Trends (Mezhdunarodnye protsessy). Volume 15. No. 3 (50). July-September / 2017

undertake further conflictual steps. The prob- the turn of the century, allowing the Association
lem, however, is that the opposing side (the to move from the idea of “neutralizing” the
countries of ASEAN) may fail to realize this region to a proactive management of its rela-
and continue to insist on a resolution of the tions with external players. However, this
conflict. What follows is what is deemed by method was most efficient during the time of a
China a „loss of face“ (while in fact preserving relative decrease in interest in the region on the
its strong positions in the region), as was the part of the USA. At the time China only just
case with the decision by the Hague Tribunal, started to expand economically, and all the
which in 2016 ruled that China’s territorial other countries readily joined projects, in
claims, based on a historical approach were il- which ASEAN played the “central” role. In a
legal. As a result, China feels compelled to take situation like this the set of instruments de-
an even tougher stand. The result of this devel- scribed above, invented by ASEAN and imple-
opment of events is a spiral of conflict. mented in the practice of international rela-
At a time of rising regional antagonisms, tions in the region, worked well.
Russia could provide support to the idea of However, the current situation has brought
ASEAN’s centrality. Russia shares common on two types of limitations of this sort of “ex-
strategic interests with the Association, mani- pansion” – internal limitations and external
festing in an objective interest in the establish- ones. Internal limitations are about the neces-
ment of a polycentric world and regional order. sity on a government level to handle an ever
Russia’s assets are its policy “Turn to the East” increasing volume of asymmetrical interna-
which has gradually been acquring clearer con- tional relations with various types of partners,
tours, and its dedication to establishing pro- to manage dialogue partnerships and multilat-
ductive, worthwhile relations with the Asso­cia­ eral formats, each of which requires an agenda
tion, which are, however, going hand in hand and organisational efforts, and all of this
with the unwillingness to compete for the eco- against the backdrop of new integration initia-
nomic and political attention of the Association tives by ASEAN linked to the establishment of
for the sole purpose of balancing the activities three communities.
of China and the USA in a way that is con- External limitations are caused by the eco-
venient for ASEAN. This might partially ac- nomic rise of China and its transition to initi-
count for Russian senior administration offi- ating its own projects of the organization of the
cials’ unwillingness to visit Eastasian summits, macro-regional space, by the fluctuations in
to which Russia was invited in 2010, after all, US policy concerning the region, related to the
and the frustrated reaction of all ASEAN change of administrations, by Russia’s more
member-states without exception which is ex- proactive strategy for Asia, and emerging ele-
pressed in the argumentation of Bilahari ments of other players’ (to mention at least the
Kausikan, one of the heavyweights of Singa­ idea of an Indo-Pacific region, especially pop-
porean diplomacy, claiming that Russia has not ular in two geographically distinct regions of
figured out yet how to find its place in the re- this structure – India and Australia) geostrate-
gion and in the world [Kausikan 2016: 28-40]. gic plans concerning the region.
All of these processes obviously require
*** from ASEAN a sound reassessment of the situ-
“Functional expansion” is an important ation in the region and of its partners as well as
institutional innovation, distinguishing of the latest conceptual and institutional in-
ASEAN from many other organizations and, at novations in the Association’s new life cycle.


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