Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow 117924, USSR

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Volume 129B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 22 September 1983


Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow 117924, USSR

Received 6 June 1983

A new scenario of the very early stages of the evolution of the universe is suggested. According to this scenario, infla-
tion is a natural (and may be even inevitable) consequence of chaotic initial conditions in the early universe.

At present it seems plausible that the new inflation- may take absolutely arbitrary values varying from
ary universe scenario [1,2] can be completely realized - ~ to +oo in different regions of the early universe.
in the context o f N = 1 supergravity coupled to matter In particular, the values ¢ ~ Mp "" 1019 GeV are quite
[3,4]. This possibility became rather attractive after legitimate. The only possible constraint on the distri-
a simple solution to the primordial monopole problem bution of the field ~ in the very early universe is that
in this scenario has been suggested [4]. Still it could (au¢) 2 ~ M 4 for/a = 0,1,2,3, since otherwise the corre-
seem that inflation of the universe is a rather peculiar sponding part of the universe would be in the pre-
phenomenon, which may occur only in some restrict- planckian era, in which the classical description of
ed class of theories. space and time is hardly possible. During the expan-
In the present paper we would like to show that sion of the universe both the energy density connect-
under some natural assumptions about initial condi- ed with the inhomogeneity of the field ~, which is
tions in the very early universe, inflation may occur proportional to (au~) 2, and the thermal energy " T 4
in a wide class of theories including the Weinberg- rapidly decrease, the energy density of matter reduces
Salam theory, the SU(5) theory etc. Strong constraints to V(¢) = V0 = const. > 0, and the universe becomes
on these theories still may appear if one wishes to ob- exponentially expanding with the scale factor a (t)
tain small density perturbations after inflation. How- exp(Ht), where H = (] lrVo/M2) 1/2 . As a result of
ever the original problem of obtaining a sufficiently this expansion the universe becomes divided into
large inflation in the context of some natural theory many exponentially large domains containing an al-
of elementary particles does not seem to be a problem most homogeneous field ¢. This model, of course, is
any more. unrealistic, but it is clear that some very similar effects
To illustrate the main idea of the new scenario, may appear in any theory with an effective potential
which we call the chaotic inflation scenario for rea- V(¢) which is sufficiently flat.
sons to be explained soon, let us first consider an ex- Indeed, let us consider now a theory V@) = IX
treme and unrealistic example of a theory of a scalar X tp4 with ~k,~ 1. A classical description of the evolu-
field ¢ with a degenerate effective potential V(¢) = tion of the universe becomes possible only after the
V0 = const. > 0. It is clear that in such a theory there Planck time t " tp ~ M~, 1 , when the energy density
are no reasons to expect that the classical field ~ is becomes smaller t h a n M~4. Before that time the uni-
equal to any particular value (say, ¢ = 0) in the whole verse is usually assumed to be in some chaotic quan-
universe. On the contrary, one may expect that all tum state, see e.g. refs. [ 5 - 7 ] . If X is sufficiently small,
values of ¢ may appear in different regions of space, there is no reason to expect that at t ~ tp the field
sufficiently far removed from each other, with equal should be equal to zero everywhere. On the contrary,
probability. This means that in such a theory the field one may expect that the field ¢ may take any value

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Volume 129B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 22 September 1983

between -Mp/(~.) 1/4 andMp/(;k) 1/4 in different regions ;k~ 10 - 2 . (6)

of space, so that V(~o)= ~k~o4 ~ M 4 [Note, that the
value of V(~o) at t ~ tp ~ M p 1 can be measured with For a typical initial value ~o0 ~ Mp/(;k) 1/4 eq. (4) yields
an accuracy ~Mp4 only due to the uncertainty prin-
a (At) ~ a 0 exp (2rr/V~). (7)
ciple]. We will discuss later which configurations of
the field ~oin the very early universe might be most Thus we see that the domains of the field G0
probable, but now we just note that since fields ~o as >~ 3Mp (5), which inevitably exist in a universe with a
large as Mp/(;k)l/4 are not forbidden by any known chaotic initial distribution of the field ~o, in the theory
laws of nature [quantum gravity effects become im- ;k~o4 with ~ % 10 - 2 , grow exponentially, just as the
portant at ~0> Mp/(~k)l/4 only, where V(~0)~ M 4 ], bubbles in the first version of the new inflationary
in the open (infinite) universe at t ~ tp there should universe scenario [ 1 ], and give rise to mini-universes
exist infinitely many locally homogeneous and iso- of a size exceeding the size of the observable part of
tropic domains of size l >>M p I , containing a locally our universe. Conditions necessary for the existence
homogeneous field ~0 such that Mp ~ ~0~ M p / ( ~ ) 1/4. of intelligent hfe can hardly appear in all other do-
One may wonder what is the reason to discuss such mains (with ~00 ~ Mp), if the new inflationary uni-
nonequihbrium field configurations, which may occur verse scenario [ I] is not realized at ~00 ~ Mp. However
at some very early stages of the evolution of the uni- for our purposes it is sufficient that in the chaotic in-
verse and which rapidly disappear due to the rolling of flation scenario there should exist infinitely many do-
the field ~0 to the minimum of V(~o). To answer this mains with ~o0 ~> 3Mp, in which a very large inflation
question let us consider the evolution of the locally occurs and life becomes possible [2].
homogeneous field ~0 in the early universe. In the previous discussion we have neglected high-
The part of the universe inside a domain fdled temperature corrections to V(~o), which usually lead
with a homogeneous field ~0 expands as de Sitter space to symmetry restoration and to the vanishing of the
with the scale factor a(t)= a 0 exp(Ht), where field ~0 in the early universe [9]. However, high-tem-
H = (~lrV(~o)/M2) 1/2 = (~-rrx)l/2~02/Mp . (1) perature symmetry restoration does not actually occur
in the regions of the universe in which the field ~o was
The equation of motion of the field ~0 inside this do- sufficiently large initially, so that ~o>~M_ and V(~0)
main is ~> 10-SMp. Indeed, according to ref. [9~, symmetry
~+ 3~ = -X~ 3 , (2) restoration in the early universe occurs due to the high-
temperature contribution to the effective mass squared
which implies that at ~o2 >> M2/6~r of the field ~0 [to the curvature of V(~0)]
~0= ~o0 exp (-[x/-'M/p/(61r)1/2] t ) . (3) ~ n 2 ( T ) = eT 2 , (8)
This means that at ~ ,~ 1 the typical time At ~ (6rr)1/2/ where c is some constant. In GUTs e = 0(1), whereas
X / ~ / p , during which the field ~odecreases considerably, in the theory of chiral singlet fields coupled to super-
is much greater than the Planck time tp ~ (6Mp) -1 gravity the value of C may be negligibly small [3,4].
(see below). During the main part of this period the Let us consider the most dangerous case C ~ 1. In this
universe expands exponentially, and the scale factor case the time necessary for field relaxation near the
of the universe after expansion grows as follows: minimum of V(~0) should exceed the time r ~ T -1 ,
which is necessary for one oscillation of the field ~0
a(At) ~ a 0 exp(HAt) "-~a 0 exp(27r~0~/M2). (4) to occur. Let us estimate the age of the universe at
From eq. (4) it follows that inflation of the universe that moment. Since the value of V(~0) remains essen-
is sufficiently large (exp(HAt) ~ exp(65) [8]) if tially constant during the process, one may expect
that initially the energy density of the universe was
~00 ~ 3Mp. (5)
dominated by relativistic particles. In this case the age
Such a value of ~o0 is quite possible if ~ ~o 4 ~ M 4, of the universe is given by [7]
which implies that
t = ~ (3/27r)l12Mp/~Vl-fi, (9)

Volume 129B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 22 September 1983

where p is the energy density of relativistic particles, parts of the universe. Moreover, even if the probabili-
ty of the existence of domains with ~ 3M'p of size l
p = INrr2T 4 . (10)
>>H-1 is very small [suppose e.g. that our assump-
Here N is the effective number of degrees of freedom tion ( a ~ ) 2 ~ Mp4 is not valid], one may argue that
(of particles) in the theory. Typically in GUTs N ~ 200. just these domains will cover most parts of the physical
By comparison o f t N T-1 and t f o r N ~ 200 one con- volume of the universe, since other parts of the uni-
cludes that the field ¢ can be influenced by high-tem- verse do not expand exponentially. In any case, in the
perature effects at T~< I M p only. However at such a infinite (open) universe at t ~ tp there should exist
temperature the energy density of relativistic particles infinitely many domains of the type desired, which
becomes negligibly small as compared with V(¢) in give rise to an infinite number of mini-universes in
the domains with V(9 ) ~ M 4. Therefore the expansion which life may exist [2].
of such domains becomes exponential much earlier The main difficulty of our scenario is similar to
than the temperature decreases down to ~oMp, the that of all other versions of the inflationary universe
temperature inside the domains becomes exponential- scenario: It is not very easy to obtain density pertur-
ly small and all high-temperature effects disappear. bations 8pip ~ 10 -4 after inflation [10,11]. We have
This means that the high-temperature effects are irrele- estimated the value of ~p/p at the galaxy scale by
vant for the behaviour of the field ~ in the domains means of the methods described in ref. [11 ]. The
with V(9 ) ~ M 4. {We do not consider here the effects result is very similar to that obtained in ref. [11]
connected with the Hawking "temperature" T H = 11/ numerically: To get 8p/p as small as 10 -4 one should
2zr, which are important in some theories with com- have X ~ 10 -10 at ¢ ~ 3Mp. This is a rather strong
paratively large coupling constants, but can be in- constraint. However in our scenario this constraint
cluded into the defimtion of V(~0) in curved space [2]). is not as dangerous as before. Many theories of some
Now let us try to understand which initial configu- field ~0, very weakly interacting with itself and with
rations of the field ~omight be most probable. A clas- all other fields, can be easily suggested if there is no
sical description of the universe expansion becomes need for the effective potential V(~0) to satisfy very
possible at p " " p p = M 4, which, according to (9), oc- restrictive and not very natural constraints, both on
curs at tp ~ (6Mp) -1 . The values of the field ~oin do- m2(~0) = V"(~0) and on X(~o)near ~o= 0 [1,2], to have
mains at a distance l from each other are presumably a zero.temperature minimum at a scale ~0~ 1016-
almost uncorrelated when l is much greater than the 1019 GeV, and to have a high-temperature minimum
size of the horizon ~ t p . Some small correlation may at ~0= 0. Moreover, the chaotic inflation scenario can
still exist if one assumes that (a u ~o)2 ~ M ; , since we be implemented not only in theories in which the
would like to consider the post-planckian era, in which evolution of the field ~0starts at ~0>~ 3Mp, but in any
the energy density is smaller than M 4. Thus one may theory in which the effective potential V(~o) is suffi-
assume that in different regions of space of size ~ t p ciently flat at some ~o, at which V(~0)< M p4. In parti-
the field ~otakes (almost) random values in the interval cular, the chaotic inflation scenario can be implement-
-Mp/(X) 1/4 ~ ~ Mp/(X) 1/4, in such a way that ed in the context o f N = 1 supergravity [3,4], and
l a u ~ l ~ M 2. In this case a simple statistical analysis
j _
even in the models considered in ref. [3], in which
indicates that at t ~ tp the universe is divided into the standard scenario [1] cannot be realized [4,12].
domains tidied with fields ~0 of different sign. The ty- One should note also, that the calculation of Sp/p
pical amplitude of the field 9 inside each domain is in ref. [11] was based originally on theories in which
O(Mp/(h) 1/4) >>Mn, and the typical size of a domain reheating of the universe occurs during the time At
is O(6/M-x/~'I
-- p - >>/I/-1
p ~ H -1 Each domain becomes H -1 , i.e. immediately after the end of inflation
a mini-universe after exponential expansion. The only [13]. However in the models based o n N = 1 super-
part of the universe which does not expand exponen- gravity the scalar field ~oremains oscillating near the
tially is the space between the domains, in which minimum of V(~o) during the time At, which is many
~ M p . However with decrease of X most part of the orders larger than H -1 [4,14]. The investigation of
universe becomes contained inside the domains with the generation of density perturbations in such theo-
~> 3Mp and exponential expansion occurs for most ries is more complicated and may lead to a smaller

Volume 129B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 22 September 1983

value of 6pip [ 15], which may relax the constraint the scalar fields 9. As distinct from the previous ver-
X " 10 -10. sions of the new inflationary universe scenario, in this
Let us summarize our results. We have suggested scenario there is no need for V@) to have a minimum
a novel version of the inflationary universe scenario at ~ ~ 1015-1019 GeV: The chaotic inflation scenario
based on the assumption of chaotic initial conditions can be implemented as well in theories in which there
in the very early universe. This assumption seems very is no symmetry breaking in the equilibrium state at
natural since presumably there was no (or almost no) all.
correlation between the physical processes at different Now let us note, that even in the theories with k
regions of space which were at a distance l >> t from "" 10 -1 a rather large inflation should occur in our
each other. Under this assumption, at t ~ tp ~ M p 1 , scenario (7). Moreover, it is usually believed that in
there should exist some sufficiently isotropic and the pre-planckian epoch there was a singularity, and
homogeneous domains of space of a size greater than the energy density was much greater than Mp4. There-
M p I filled with the classical homogeneous field ~0 fore it seems natural to assume that large fields ¢ with
>~Mp. The amplitude of this field in the early universe V(9) >>M4 are also possible at the very early stages
decreases very slowly, and during this time the do- of the evolution of the universe. In this case our con-
mains filled with the field ~o~ M , expand exponential- straints on X (6) disappear completely. Note also that
ly. In the theories of the type of"'a~hp4, the scale fac- our conclusion about the chaotic inflation in the do-
tor of space inside these domains increases mains with ~ >~ Mp is almost model-independent. In-
~exp(2m02/Mp2)times during the period of exponen- deed, the main condition for large inflation is H 2
tial expansion. This suggests that the main part of the >> m2(~0) [1,2], where H 2 = 87rV@)/3M 2 and m2(tp)
physical volume of our universe appears not due to = dZV]d~02. At large ~o the value of m2(~0) can be
the expansion of domains of~0 < M p , but due to the roughly estimated as V@)]~o2, from which follows
exponential expansion of domains filled with the maxi- that H 2 >> m 2(~o) at ~02 >> M 2, and inflation occurs
mally nonequalibrium field ~o>>Mp. The only possible for all reasonable potentials V(~o). This suggests that
constraint on the amplitude of the field ~ at t ~ tp is inflation is not a peculiar phenomenon which is desir-
connected with the condition V ( 9 ) ~ M 4, which able for a number of well-known reasons [1,2], but
should be valid in the post-planckian epoch [though that it is a natural and may be even inevitable conse-
in principle the exponential expansion could start ear- quence of the chaotic initial conditions in the very
lier, at V(9) > M 4 ]. early universe.
Our scenario may resemble many previous attempts
to obtain an isotropic and homogeneous universe after In condusaon I would like to express my gratitude
expansion of a universe with chaotic initial conditions, to G.V. Chibisov, A.S. Goncharov, D.A. Kirzhnits,
see e.g. refs. [6,7]. However the main aim of the V.F. Mukhanov and Ya.B. Zeldovich for valuable dis-
previous works was to obtain aglobally homogeneous cussions.
and isotropic universe, which is hardly possible. In our
approach, just as in other versions of the new inflation- References
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after exponential expansion become greater than the 431, l16B (1982) 335,340;
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On the other hand, the chaotic inflation scenario A. Albrecht and P.J. Steinhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48
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Volume 129B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 22 September 1983

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