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4 Nonlinear Shell Theory with

Thickness Deformation

4.1 Introduction

Shell theories that retain thickness deformation are useful to model (1) soft materials,
like rubbers or biological tissues, during large deformations, and (2) high-frequency
vibrations where thickness deformation modes can play a significant role. But they are
also important since they allow one (1) to use three-dimensional constitutive equations
without resorting to plane stress assumption, and (2) to apply boundary conditions to the
thickness deformation that otherwise can be reconstructed only in a very approximate
way for classical and shear deformation shell theories – e.g., using plain stress
Classical shell theories neglect shear deformation and rotary inertia and overestimate
natural frequencies of moderately thick or laminated anisotropic shells and plates (e.g.,
Reddy 2003; Amabili and Farhadi 2009). They use three parameters, the displacement
of middle surface points in the three directions, to describe the shell deformation. The
geometrically nonlinear version of them can be dividend in theories that keep only von
Kármán–type nonlinear terms (i.e., those involving the normal displacement only) and
those that retain nonlinear terms also for the two in-plane displacements. The theories
that retain only von Kármán–type nonlinear terms are known for being accurate only for
small displacements.
In order to overcome the limitation of classical shell theories, shear deformation
theories have been introduced (Reddy 1984; 2003). They use five independent param-
eters in order to describe the shell deformation (the three displacements of points of the
middle surface and the two rotations of the transverse normal to the middle surface with
respect to the in-plane curvilinear coordinate lines). A classification in first order
(uniform shear through the thickness) and higher-order shear deformation theories can
be introduced. Versions of shear deformation theories suitable for finite deformation can
retain only von Kármán–type nonlinear terms or also in-plane nonlinear terms (Amabili
and Reddy 2010). The theory developed by Amabili and Reddy (2010) belongs to the
class of the equivalent single layer (ESL) theories. It must be observed that another class
of theories, the layer-wise model (LWM), has also been developed, but not retained
geometrically nonlinear terms; see, e.g., Carrera (1999a).
Shear deformation theories, which are obtained under the hypothesis of zero
transverse normal stress, are accurate unless the shell presents significant thickness
deformation. Shells made of soft materials (e.g., rubbers or biological materials) can
present very large deformations, still in the linear material regime or in hyperelastic

4.1 Introduction 125

regime, associated to large thickness reduction (e.g., arteries under internal pressure or
inflated rubber balloons). The effect of transverse normal stress in multilayered plates
and shells and their natural vibrations has been studied by Carrera (1999a,b) by using a
model that considers continuity of interlaminar transverse and shear stresses and zigzag
form of the displacement distribution in the shell thickness.
An accurate linear shell theory that takes into account thickness stretching has been
developed by Carrera et al. (2011) and Ferreira et al. (2011). Büchter et al. (1994) and
Bischoff and Ramm (1997; 2000) elaborated seven-parameter shell theories that
introduce a linear and a quadratic term to describe the stretching of the shell thickness.
These models have been developed in order to eliminate the inconsistency of assuming
a zero (for classical and shear deformation theories) or constant (for first-order thickness
variation theories) transverse normal stress through the thickness. The model has been
derived for finite element formulation by using the enhanced assumed strain concept,
and attention has been placed in order to avoid thickness locking. Only static problems
have been addressed.
Also, Parisch (1995), Sansour (1995) and Sansour et al. (2002) have developed
independently shell theories that introduce quadratic assumption of the transverse shell
displacement over the shell thickness for finite element implementation. In particular,
Sansour (1995) and Sansour et al. (2002) use seven independent parameters to describe
the shell deformation.
A first-order shear deformation shell theory with seven parameters and exact non-
linear deformations, under the framework of the Lagrangian description, has been
derived in tensor notation by Arciniega and Reddy (2007) for laminated and function-
ally graded shells. This theory also uses quadratic expansion of the shell transverse
displacement over the shell thickness. A similar theory has been used by Payette and
Reddy (2014) in conjunction with a high-order spectral/hp type quadrilateral finite-
element technology.
Amabili (2013) introduced a first-order thickness stretching theory with higher-order
shear deformation that uses six independent parameters. Nonlinear terms in the middle
plane displacements are retained, but those on rotations and thickness deformation are
Amabili (2014) introduced a geometrically nonlinear shell theory allowing for
third-order thickness stretching, higher-order shear deformation and rotary inertia by
using eight parameters. It seems to be the first study using eight parameters to describe
the shell nonlinear deformation. The geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement
relationships are derived retaining full nonlinear terms in the in-plane and transverse
displacements but those on rotations and thickness deformation are neglected. The
study shows that all the three parameters related to thickness stretching are important
for accurate prediction of the thickness deformation near the edges.
Alijani and Amabili (2014) introduced a second-order thickness stretching theory that
uses seven parameters to describe the deformation of plates and, possibly for the first
time, retains full nonlinear terms for displacements, rotations and thickness deform-
ation. Static results are satisfactorily compared to commercial FEM codes and show that
nonlinear terms in rotations and thickness deformation are fundamental to predict the
thickness deformation with accuracy.
126 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

Amabili (2015) formulated a very accurate geometrically nonlinear theory for shells
of generic shape allowing for third-order thickness and shear deformation, as well as
rotary inertia by using eight parameters; geometric imperfections are also taken into
account. The geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement relationships are derived
retaining full nonlinear terms in all the eight parameters, and applications to static
problems and nonlinear vibration has been addressed.
Gutiérrez Rivera et al. (2016) derived a formulation for finite element implementation
with 12 independent parameters, comparing their results to those of Alijani and Amabili
(2014) for the case with thickness deformation.

4.2 Nonlinear Theory with Third-Order Thickness and Shear Deformation

A laminated shell of arbitrary shape, made of a finite number of orthotropic layers,

oriented arbitrarily with respect to the shell principal curvilinear coordinates (α1, α2) is
considered. The theory is valid for shells made of isotropic, laminated composite or
functionally graded materials. The displacements of an arbitrary point of coordinates
(α1, α2) taken on the middle surface of the shell are denoted by u, v and w, in the α1, α2
and z directions, respectively. The normal displacement w is taken positive outward
from the center of the smallest radius of curvature as shown in Figure 4.1. In the figure,
R1 and R2 (functions of the coordinates α1 and α2) are the principal radii of curvature in
α1 and α2 directions, respectively.
Initial geometric imperfections of the shell associated with zero initial tension are
denoted by displacement w0 in z direction, also taken positive outward and measured
from the ideal middle surface. Imperfections other than in normal directions are not
considered and an initial stress-free state is assumed.
The thickness h of the shell is assumed to be small compared to the principal radii of
curvature of the shell, but not very small, so that moderately thick shells can be
considered with accuracy. Figure 4.2 shows the displacements (u1, u2, u3) in α1, α2

Figure 4.1 Doubly curved shell: coordinate system, curvature radii and displacements of the
middle surface.
4.2 Third-order thickness and shear deformation 127

Figure 4.2 Displacement of a point on the middle surface of the shell and of a generic point at
distance z from the middle surface.

and z directions, respectively, of a generic point of the shell at distance z from the
middle surface. These displacements (u1, u2, u3) are related to the middle surface
displacements by

u1 ¼ ½1 þ ðz=R1 Þu þ zϕ1 þ z2 ψ 1 þ z3 γ1 , (4.1a)

u2 ¼ ½1 þ ðz=R2 Þv þ zϕ2 þ z2 ψ 2 þ z3 γ2 , (4.1b)

u3 ¼ w þ w0 þ zχ 1 þ z2 χ 2 þ z3 χ 3 , (4.1c)

where ϕ1 and ϕ2 are the rotations of the transverse normal at z = 0 (i.e., referred to the
middle surface) due to bending (but not shear deformation) about the α2 and α1 axes,
respectively, and χ1, χ2 and χ3 are the three parameters linked to the thickness stretching
per unit thickness. Then ψ1, ψ2, γ1 and γ2, are functions to be determined in terms of u, v,
w, ϕ1, ϕ2, χ1, χ2 and χ3, which are the eight parameters describing the shell deformation. In
equations (4.1a–c), all the displacements have been expanded up to the third order in z.
Obviously, different expressions of the variation of the normal displacement can be
introduced – see, e.g., Carrera (1999a) – including zigzag functions, which can be
piecewise linear functions with slope discontinuity at the interlaminar interface. Equations
(4.1a,b) give a parabolic distribution of shear strains through the thickness, while equation
(4.1c) gives a parabolic distribution of the transverse normal strain ε33 through the shell
thickness. The
 thickness  deformation at a specific point (α1, α2) of the middle surface is
given by u3 z¼h=2  u3 z¼h=2 . A negative sign of χ1 and χ3 gives a thickness reduction.
The expressions of the Green’s strains ε11, ε22 and γ12 in the curvilinear coordinate
system are obtained from the theory of surfaces and the shell deformation as
2 ,
ε11 ¼ ε1 þ ε12 þ ω21 þ Θ (4.2a)
ε22 ¼ ε2 þ ω22 þ ε22 þ Ψ ,
Ψ Þ,
γ12 ¼ ω1 þ ω2 þ ðε1 ω2 þ ε2 ω1 þ Θ (4.2c)
128 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

1 1 ∂u1 1 ∂A1 u3
ε1 ¼ þ u2 þ , (4.3a)
1 þ ðz=R1 Þ A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1
1 1 ∂u2 1 ∂A2 u3
ε2 ¼ þ u1 þ , (4.3b)
1 þ ðz=R2 Þ A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2
1 1 ∂u2 1 ∂A1
ω1 ¼  u1 , (4.3c)
1 þ ðz=R1 Þ A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2
1 1 ∂u1 1 ∂A2
ω2 ¼  u2 , (4.3d)
1 þ ðz=R2 Þ A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1
¼ 1 1 ∂u3 u1
Θ  þ , (4.3e)
1 þ ðz=R1 Þ A1 ∂α1 R1
1 1 ∂u3 u2
Ψ ¼  þ : (4.3f)
1 þ ðz=R2 Þ A2 ∂α2 R2

In equations (4.3a–f ), A1 and A2 are the Lamé parameters. The corresponding strain–
displacement equations, keeping terms up to z3 and using approximations

1 z z2
’1 þ 2, (4.4)
1 þ ðz=RÞ R R

can be written in the following expressions

ð 0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
ε11 ¼ ε1,0 þ z k1 þ zk 1 þ z2 k 1 , (4.5a)
ð 0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
ε22 ¼ ε2,0 þ z k2 þ zk 2 þ z2 k 2 , (4.5b)
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
γ12 ¼ γ12,0 þ z k12 þ zk 12 þ z2 k12 , (4.5c)

where the terms in equations (4.5a–c) have to be determined. In particular, ε1,0 , ε2,0 and
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
γ12,0 represent the middle surface strains, k 1 , k1 , k 1 , k2 , k 2 and k2 the change in
ð 0Þ ð1Þ ð 2Þ
curvature in direction 1 and 2, respectively, and k12 , k12 , k12 the change in torsion.
The normal and shear Green’s strains for three-dimensional elasticity are:
"   2  2 #
∂u3 1 ∂u1 2 ∂u2 ∂u3
ε33 ¼ þ þ þ , (4.6a)
∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂z
∂u1 1 1 ∂u3 u1 1 ∂u1 1 ∂A1 u3 ∂u1
γ13 ¼ þ  þ þ u2 þ
∂z 1 þ ðz=R1 Þ A1 ∂α1 R1 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1 ∂z
1 ∂u2 1 ∂A1 ∂u2 1 ∂u3 u1 ∂u3
þ  u1 þ  , (4.6b)
A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 ∂z A1 ∂α1 R1 ∂z
4.2 Third-order thickness and shear deformation 129

∂u2 1 1 ∂u3 u2 1 ∂u2 1 ∂A2 u3 ∂u2
γ23 ¼ þ  þ þ u1 þ
∂z 1 þ ðz=R2 Þ A2 ∂α2 R2 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2 ∂z
1 ∂u1 1 ∂A2 ∂u1 1 ∂u3 u2 ∂u3
þ  u2 þ  : (4.6c)
A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂z A2 ∂α2 R2 ∂z

Equations (6a–c) are nonlinear in the displacements u1, u2, u3. From equations (4.6a)
and (4.1), keeping all the nonlinear terms in the generalized displacements u, v, w, ϕ1,
ϕ2, χ1, χ2 and χ3 that are not multiplied by z and powers of z, the following is obtained:
" 2  2 #
1 u v
ε33 ¼ χ 1 þ 2zχ 2 þ 3z2 χ 3 þ þ ϕ1 þ þ ϕ2 þ χ 1 þ 2zχ 2 þ 3z2 χ 3 :
2 R1 R2
In equation (4.7), the nonlinear terms multiplied by z and its power have been retained
for the thickness deformation parameters for better accuracy, but they will be dropped
for consistency in the following derivations.
The expression of the normal strain ε33 can be written as
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
ε33 ¼ ε3,0 þ z k3 þ zk 3 þ z2 k3 , (4.8)

where, making use of equation (4.7),

1 2 u v u 2 v2
ε3,0 ¼ χ 1 þ ϕ1 þ ϕ2 þ χ 1 þ 2ϕ1 þ 2ϕ2 þ 2 þ 2 ,
2 2
2 R1 R2 R1 R2
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
k3 ¼ 2χ 2 , k3 ¼ 3χ 3 , k3 ¼ 0: (4.10–12)

Equation (4.8) gives a quadratic distribution of the normal Green’s strain ε33 through the
shell thickness. Equation (4.9) presents nonlinear terms. The expression giving the
thickness deformation Δh is
Δh ¼ u3 z¼h=2  u3 z¼h=2 ¼ hχ 1 þ χ 3 : (4.13)
For thick shells, shear deformation should be retained in order to obtain accurate
results. The expressions for the transverse shear strains are obtained by substituting
equations (4.1a–c) into (4.6b,c) and neglecting nonlinear terms in the eight variables
that are multiplied by z and powers of z. The vanishing of the shear stresses τ13 and τ23 at
the top and the bottom surfaces of the shell requires
γ13 z¼h=2 ¼ 0; γ23 z¼h=2 ¼ 0, (4.14a,b)

since τ 13 ¼ G13 γ13 and τ 23 ¼ G23 γ23 , where G13 and G23 are the shear moduli in 1–3 and
2–3 directions, respectively. Equations (4.14a,b) are used in order to determine ψ1, ψ2, γ1
and γ2 as functions of the eight variables that describe the shell deformation. In particular,
it is possible to reorganize the terms in the shear strains as a polynomial in z :

γ13 ¼ a1 þ b1 z þ c1 z2 þ d1 z3 , γ23 ¼ a2 þ b2 z þ c2 z2 þ d2 z3 : (4.15a,b)

130 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

Nonlinear terms in equations (4.15a,b) appear just in a1 and a2. Equations (4.14a,b)
rewritten for the expressions (4.15a,b) give

4b1 þ h2 d 1 ¼ 0, 4b2 þ h2 d2 ¼ 0,
4a1 þ h c1 ¼ 0,
4a2 þ h2 c2 ¼ 0:
The following two expressions are obtained from equation (4.16a):
4 h2 h2 h2 4 ∂ðw þ w0 Þ ∂χ 1 h2
ϕ1 þ þ ψ 1 8 þ 2  γ1  þ 4þ 2
R1 R31 R1 R1 R1 A1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1 R1
h2 ∂χ 2 ∂χ 3
 þ h2 ¼ 0, (4.17a)
R1 A1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1
h2 h2 ∂ðw þ w0 Þ h2 h2 ∂χ 1 ∂χ 2
3h γ1  ψ 1 þ ϕ1 4 þ 2 þ
4þ 2  2 þ h2
R1 R1 A 1 ∂α R1 R A ∂α A 1 ∂α1
 1  1 1 1  
∂u 1 ∂A1 w þ w0 u ∂v 1 ∂A1 v
þ4 þ vþ þ ϕ1 þ 4  u þ ϕ2
A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1 R1 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R2
∂w u
þ4  χ ¼ 0: (4.17b)
A1 ∂α1 R1 1

The nonlinear terms in equation (4.17b) can be neglected for consistency since it has
been assumed that all the nonlinear terms multiplied by z and its powers can be
neglected, so nonlinear terms in ψ1, ψ2, γ1 and γ2 should be also neglected. See equation
Neglecting terms of the order (h/R1)2 with respect to unity, since terms in z4 are
neglected in the expressions of u1 and u2, equations (4.17a,b) give

1 1 ∂ðw þ w0 Þ 1 ∂χ 1 h2 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
ψ1 ¼ ϕ1 þ  þ  , (4.18a)
3R1 3R1 A1 ∂α1 2 A1 ∂α1 12R1 A1 ∂α1 8 A1 ∂α1
4 ∂ðw þ w0 Þ 1 ∂χ 1 1 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
γ1 ¼  2 þ ϕ1 þ  þ : (4.18b)
3h A1 ∂α1 2R1 A1 ∂α1 3 A1 ∂α1 24R1 A1 ∂α1
Similarly, from equation (4.16b), the following expressions are obtained:

1 1 ∂ðw þ w0 Þ 1 ∂χ 1 h2 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
ψ2 ¼ ϕ2 þ  þ  , (4.19a)
3R2 3R2 A2 ∂α2 2 A2 ∂α2 12R2 A2 ∂α2 8 A2 ∂α2
4 ∂ðw þ w0 Þ 1 ∂χ 1 1 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
γ2 ¼  2 þ ϕ2 þ  þ : (4.19b)
3h A2 ∂α2 2R2 A2 ∂α2 3 A2 ∂α2 24R2 A2 ∂α2
By substituting equations (4.1a–c) into (4.6b,c) and using equations (4.4, 4.18, 4.19),
the following strain–displacement relationships are obtained for the shear strains keep-
ing terms up to z3:
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
γ13 ¼ γ13,0 þ z k13 þ zk 13 þ z2 k13 , (4.20a)
ð0Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
γ23 ¼ γ23,0 þ z k23 þ zk 23 þ z2 k23 , (4.20b)
4.2 Third-order thickness and shear deformation 131

∂w w þ w0 ∂u u ∂v v
γ13,0 ¼ ϕ1 þ þ þ þ ϕ1 þ þ ϕ2
A1 ∂α1 R1 A1 ∂α1 R1 A1 ∂α1 R2
∂ð w þ w 0 Þ u uv ∂A1 1 1 ∂A1
þ χ1  þ  þ ðϕ v  ϕ2 uÞ, (4.21a)
A1 ∂α1 R1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1 R2 A1 A2 ∂α2 1
∂w w þ w0 ∂v v ∂u u
γ23,0 ¼ ϕ2 þ þ þ þ ϕ2 þ þ ϕ1
A2 ∂α2 R2 A2 ∂α2 R2 A2 ∂α2 R1
∂ð w þ w 0 Þ v uv ∂A2 1 1 ∂A2
þ χ1  þ  þ ðϕ u  ϕ1 vÞ, (4.21b)
A2 ∂α2 R2 A2 A1 ∂α1 R2 R1 A1 A2 ∂α1 2
ð0Þ 1 ∂w h2 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
k 13 ¼  ϕ1 þ þ  , (4.22a)
3R1 A1 ∂α1 6R1 A1 ∂α1 4 A1 ∂α1
ð0Þ 1 ∂w h2 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
k23 ¼  ϕ2 þ þ  , (4.22b)
3R2 A2 ∂α2 6R2 A2 ∂α2 4 A2 ∂α2
ð1Þ 4 ∂w ∂χ 1 h2 ∂χ 3
k13 ¼  ϕ þ þ þ , (4.23a)
h 2 1
A1 ∂α1 R1 A1 ∂α1 4R1 A1 ∂α1
ð1Þ 4 ∂w ∂χ 1 h2 ∂χ 3
k23 ¼  2 ϕ2 þ þ þ , (4.23b)
h A2 ∂α2 R2 A2 ∂α2 4R2 A2 ∂α2
ð2Þ 4 ∂w u 2 ∂χ 2 ∂χ 3
k13 ¼ ϕ þ  4 þ , (4.24a)
3h2 R1
A1 ∂α1 R1 3R1 A1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1
ð2Þ 4 ∂w v 2 ∂χ 2 ∂χ 3
k 23 ¼ ϕ þ  4 þ : (4.24b)
3h R2
A2 ∂α2 R2 3R2 A2 ∂α2 A2 ∂α2

Equations (4.20–4.24) show that the strain and stress distribution through the thickness
is of cubic order.
The expressions of the middle surface strains and changes in curvature and torsion in
equation (4.5) are obtained substituting equations (4.1a–c) into (4.2), and, making use
of equations (4.3–4.5, 4.18, 4.19),
1 ∂u 1 ∂A1 w 1 ∂u 1 ∂A1 w 2
ε 1 ,0 ¼ þ vþ þ þ vþ
A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1 2 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1
 2  2 #  
∂v 1 ∂A1 ∂w u w0 ∂u 1 ∂A1 w
þ  u þ  þ þ vþ
A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 A1 ∂α1 R1 R1 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1
∂w0 ∂w u
þ  , (4.25a)
A1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1 R1
132 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

1 ∂v 1 ∂A2 w 1 1 ∂u 1 ∂A2 2 1 ∂v 1 ∂A2 w 2
ε 2 ,0 ¼ þ uþ þ  v þ þ uþ
A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2 2 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2
1 ∂w v 2 w0 1 ∂v 1 ∂A2 w ∂w0 ∂w v
þ  þ þ uþ þ  ,
A2 ∂α2 R2 R2 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2 A2 ∂α2 A2 ∂α2 R2
1 ∂v 1 ∂u 1 ∂A1 1 ∂A2 1 ∂u 1 ∂A1 w
γ12,0 ¼ þ  u vþ þ vþ
A1 ∂α1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1
1 ∂u 1 ∂A2 1 ∂v 1 ∂A2 w 1 ∂v 1 ∂A1
  v þ þ uþ  u
A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2
1 ∂w u 1 ∂w v w0 1 ∂u 1 ∂A2
þ   þ  v
A1 ∂α1 R1 A2 ∂α2 R2 R1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1
w0 1 ∂v 1 ∂A1 1 ∂w0 1 ∂w v 1 ∂w0 1 ∂w u
þ  u þ  þ  ,
R2 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 A1 ∂α1 A2 ∂α2 R2 A2 ∂α2 A1 ∂α1 R1

ð0Þ ∂ϕ1 w v ∂A1 1 1 ϕ ∂A1 χ 1
k1 ¼  2þ  þ þ 2 þ , (4.25d)
A1 ∂α1 R1 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1 R2 A1 A2 ∂α2 R1

ð1Þ w 1 ∂ϕ1 ∂A1 ∂w ∂2 w χ χ
k1 ¼  2 þ 2   12 þ 2
3 3R A
R1 1 1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1 2
R1 R1
1 ∂2 h2 h2 ∂A1 ∂ h2 h2
 2 2 χ1  χ2 þ χ3 þ 3 χ1  χ2 þ χ3
2A1 ∂α1 6R1 4 2A1 ∂α1 ∂α1 6R1 4
∂A1 1 1 v 1 1 ∂w
 ϕ  þ  
A1 A2 ∂α2 2 R1 3R2 R1 R2 R1 3R2 A2 ∂α2
1 ∂ h2 h2
þ χ1  χ2 þ χ3 , (4.25e)
2A2 ∂α2 6R2 4

ð2Þ 4 ∂ϕ1 ∂2 w ϕ2 ∂A1 ∂w ∂A1 ∂w ∂A1
k1 ¼  þ þ  þ
3h2 A1 ∂α1 A21 ∂α21 A1 A2 ∂α2 A31 ∂α1 ∂α1 A1 A22 ∂α2 ∂α2
∂u χ 1 χ 2 χ 3 1 ∂ 2 χ 1 χ 2 h2 χ 3 ∂A1 ∂ χ 1 χ 2 h2 χ 3
þ 3 þ  þ þ  þ  3  þ
R1 A1 ∂α1 R31 R21 R1 A21 ∂α21 R1 3 6 R1 A1 ∂α1 ∂α1 R1 3 6 R1
∂A1 v 1 ∂ χ1 χ 1 χ 2 h 2 χ 3 h2 χ 3
þ þ þ  þ þ , (4.25f)
A2 ∂α2 R21 R2 A1 A1 A2 ∂α2 2R1 2R2 3 8 R1 24 R2

ð0Þ ∂ϕ2 w u ∂A2 1 1 ϕ ∂A2 χ 1
k2 ¼  2þ  þ 1 þ , (4.25g)
A2 ∂α2 R2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R1 R2 A1 A2 ∂α1 R2
4.2 Third-order thickness and shear deformation 133

ð1Þ w 1 ∂ϕ2 ∂A2 ∂w ∂2 w χ χ
k2 ¼  2 þ   12 þ 2
R32 3R2 A2 ∂α2 A22 ∂α2 ∂α2 A2 ∂α22 R2 R2
1 ∂2 h2 h2 ∂A2 ∂ h2 h2
 2 2 χ1  χ þ χ þ 3 χ1  χ þ χ
2A2 ∂α2 6R2 2 4 3 2A2 ∂α2 ∂α2 6R2 2 4 3
∂A2 1 1 u 1 1 ∂w 1 ∂ h2 h2
 ϕ1  þ   þ χ1  χ2 þ χ3 ,
A1 A2 ∂α1 R2 3R1 R2 R1 R2 3R1 A1 ∂α1 2A1 ∂α1 6R1 4

ð2Þ 4 ∂ϕ2 ∂2 w ϕ1 ∂A2 ∂w ∂A2 ∂w ∂A2
k2 ¼ þ þ  þ
3h2 A2 ∂α2 A22 ∂α22 A1 A2 ∂α1 A32 ∂α2 ∂α2 A2 A21 ∂α1 ∂α1
∂v χ 1 χ 2 χ 3 1 ∂2 χ 1 χ 2 h 2 χ 3 ∂A2 ∂ χ 1 χ 2 h2 χ 3
þ 3 þ  þ þ  þ  3  þ
R2 A2 ∂α2 R32 R22 R2 A22 ∂α22 R2 3 6 R2 A2 ∂α2 ∂α2 R2 3 6 R2
∂A2 u 1 ∂ χ 1 χ 1 χ 2 h2 χ 3 h2 χ 3
þ þ þ  þ þ , (4.25i)
A1 ∂α1 R22 R1 A2 A1 A2 ∂α1 2R1 2R2 3 8 R2 24 R1

ð0Þ ∂ϕ1 ∂ϕ2 ϕ ∂A1 ϕ2 ∂A2 ∂u 1 1 ∂v 1 1
k12 ¼ þ  1  þ  þ  þ ,
A2 ∂α2 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 A2 ∂α2 R1 R2 A1 ∂α1 R1 R2
ð1Þ ∂ϕ1 1 1 ∂ϕ2 1 1 ∂u 1 1 ∂v 1 1
k12 ¼    þ  þ 
A2 ∂α2 R2 3R1 A1 ∂α1 R1 3R2 A2 ∂α2 R22 R1 R2 A1 ∂α1 R21 R1 R2
∂2 w 1 1 ∂A1 2∂w 2ϕ1 ∂χ 1 h2 ∂χ 2
þ þ    þ
A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 3R1 3R2 A2 ∂α2 3R1 A21 ∂α1 3R1 A1 A21 ∂α1 6R1 A21 ∂α1
h2 ∂χ 3 ∂A2 2∂w 2ϕ2 ∂χ 1 h2 ∂χ 2 h2 ∂χ 3
 2    þ 
4A1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1 3R2 A22 ∂α2 3R2 A2 A22 ∂α2 6R2 A22 ∂α2 4A22 ∂α2
∂2 χ 1 h2 ∂2 χ 2 1 1 h ∂2 χ 3
 þ þ  , (4.25k)
A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 12 A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 R1 R2 4 A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2

ð2Þ 4 ∂ϕ1 ∂ϕ2 ∂2 w ∂w ∂A1 ∂w ∂A2
k12 ¼ 2 A ∂α
þ þ2 2 2
3h 2 2 A1 ∂α1 A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 A21 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 A1 A22 ∂α2 ∂α1
ϕ ∂A1 ϕ2 ∂A2 1 u ∂A1 v ∂A2
 1   þ
A1 A2 ∂α2 A1 A2 ∂α1 A1 A2 R31 ∂α2 R32 ∂α1
1 ∂u ∂v 1 1 ∂2 h2
þ þ þ þ χ þ χ
R1 R2 R2 A2 ∂α2 R1 A1 ∂α1 R1 R2 A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 1 6 3
2∂2 χ 2 1 ∂A1 ∂ 3χ 1 χ 1 2χ 2 5h2 χ 3 h2 χ 3
  þ  þ þ
3A1 A2 ∂α1 ∂α2 A21 A2 ∂α2 ∂α1 2R1 2R2 3 24R1 8R2
1 ∂A2 ∂ 3χ 1 χ 1 2χ 2 5h2 χ 3 h2 χ 3
 þ  þ þ : (4.25l)
A1 A22 ∂α1 ∂α2 2R2 2R1 3 24R2 8R1
134 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

Equations (4.25d–l) give the changes in curvature and torsion of the middle surface,
and they have been obtained retaining only linear terms; in fact, nonlinear terms in the
changes in curvature and torsion play a very small role, at least for moderate vibration
amplitudes (Amabili 2003). Equations (4.25a–c), giving the middle surface strains, are
coincident with those obtained by using Novozhilov nonlinear shell theory, which
neglects shear deformation and rotary inertia.

4.3 Elastic Strain Energy for Isotropic and Laminated Shells

The three-dimensional stress–strain relations for the kth orthotropic lamina of the shell
in the material principal coordinates (x, y, z) in the case of linear elasticity are given by
the following (see Section I.1.1 in the Introduction for the derivation):
8 9ðkÞ 2 3ðkÞ 8 9
> σ xx >
> c11 c12 c13 0 0 0 > εxx >
> >
> σ yy >
> >
> 6 c21 c22 c23 0 7 > > εyy >
> >
> > 6 0 0 7 > >
<σ >
> = 6c 7 >
< >
εzz =
zz 6 31 c32 c33 0 0 0 7
¼6 7 , (4.26)
> τ yz >
> 6 0 0 0 Gyz 0 0 7 > > γyz >
> > 6 7 > >
> τ xz >
4 0 0 0 0 Gxz 0 5 > >
> γxz >
: ; :γ >
> ;
τ xy 0 0 0 0 0 Gxy xy

where Gxy, Gxz and Gyz are the shear moduli in x–y, x–z and y–z directions, respectively,
and the coefficients cij are given in equations (I.7a–e) in the Introduction. In equation
(4.26), τxz and τyz are the shear stresses, and the superscript (k) refers to the kth layer
within a laminate. Equation (4.26) is obtained under the transverse isotropy assumption
with respect to planes orthogonal to the x axis – i.e., assuming fibers in the direction
parallel to axis x, so that
Ey ¼ Ez , Gxy ¼ Gxz , vxy ¼ vxz , vyx ¼ vzx and vyz ¼ vzy : (4.27a–e)
The relationship between stresses and strains, expressed in shell principal coordinates
for a transversely isotropic laminated material, can be written as
2 8 ð0Þ 9 8 9 8 93
ð1Þ ð2Þ >
> k1 > > > >
> >
8 9 68 9 >
> >
k 1 >
> > 1 >
k >7
ε > > > > > ð2Þ >
> σ 1 >
> 1 , 0 >
> >
> ð 0Þ >
> ð 1 Þ >
> >7
> > > > > > > 2 >
> > > > > k 2 > > k 2 > > k >
> σ 2 >
> 6>
> ε >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> 7
< = > 6>
<ε =
2 , 0
> >
< kð0Þ = > >
< k ð1Þ = > > >
< k ð2Þ =7
σ3 6 7
¼ ½QðkÞ 6
3 ,0
þ z2
þ z3
3 7, (4.28)
> τ > 6> γ > > ð Þ > > ð Þ > > ð Þ > 7
> 23 >
> 6>
> 23,0 >
> >
> k
> >
> k
> >
> k
> 7
> τ > > 6> > > >
> > >
> > 23 >
> γ13,0 >
> 6> > 23
> >
: 13 >
> ; 6>
> ð0Þ >>
> ð1Þ > >
> ð2Þ >>
τ 12 4 γ12,0 >
> k >
> >
> k 13 > > >
> k 13 > >
> 13 > > > > >5
: ð0Þ >
> ; : ð1Þ >
> ; : ð2Þ >
> ;
k12 k12 k 12

where ½QðkÞ is the 6  6 matrix of the material properties of the kth layer expressed in
the shell principal coordinates. The matrix ½QðkÞ is given by
h iðkÞ
½QðkÞ ¼ ðT2 ÞT C T2 , (4.29)
4.3 Elastic strain energy 135

where C is the 6  6 matrix of cij and Gij coefficients in equation (4.26) and T2 is the
transformation matrix from material to principal coordinates
2 3
cos 2 β sin 2 β 0 0 0 sin β cos β
6 sin 2 β cos 2 β  sin β cos β 7
6 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 7
T2 ¼ 6 7, (4.30)
6 0 0 0 cos β  sin β 0 7
6 7
4 0 0 0 sin β cos β 0 5
2 sin β cos β 2 sin β cos β 0 0 0 cos 2 β  sin 2 β

β being the angle between the shell principal coordinate α1 and the material axis x, as
shown in Figure 4.3.
The elastic strain energy US of the shell is given by
ð a ð b ð h ðk Þ  
1X K
ðk Þ ðk Þ ðk Þ ðk Þ ðk Þ ðk Þ
Us ¼ σ 1 ε11 þ σ 2 ε22 þ σ 3 ε33 þ τ 12 γ12 þ τ 13 γ13 þ τ 23 γ23
2 k¼1 0 0 hðk1Þ

½1 þ ðz=R1 Þ½1 þ ðz=R2 ÞA1 A2 dα1 dα2 dz, (4.31)

where K is the total number of layers in the laminated shell, and (h(k-1), h(k)) are the z
coordinates of the kth layer; see Figure 4.4. For simplicity, a shell of rectangular base of

Figure 4.3 Material principal coordinates (x, y, z) and shell coordinates (α1, α2, z). The thin lines
represent the direction of the fibers.

Figure 4.4 Notation for thickness of individual layers of a laminate of global thickness h and
number of layers K.
136 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

dimension a and b in α1 and α2 directions, respectively, has been considered in equation

(4.31). Since the stresses are directly related to the strains by equation (4.28) and the
strains are a quadratic nonlinear function of the eight parameters (three displacements of
the middle surface, two rotations and three parameters describing the thickness stretch-
ing), the elastic strain energy given by equation (4.31) is an expression with terms up to
power four in the partial derivatives of the eight parameters.

4.4 Kinetic Energy of the Shell

The kinetic energy TS of the shell, including inertia related to all the eight parameters, is
given by
ða ðb hððkÞ
1X K

Ts ¼ ρðkÞ u_ 21 þ u_ 22 þ u_ 23 ½1 þ ðz=R1 Þ½1 þ ðz=R2 ÞA1 A2 dα1 dα2 dz: (4.32)

2 k¼1 s
0 0 hðk1Þ

The z and z3 terms vanish after integration on z in the case of a laminate with symmetric
density with respect to the z axis. In particular, for a laminate with the same density for
all the layers and uniform thickness, the following simplified expression is obtained:
ða ðb 
1 17  _ 2 _ 2  χ_ 21 h2 2 h4 2
T s ¼ ρs h u_ þ v_ þ w_ þ h
2 2 2 2
ϕ þ ϕ 2 þ þ χ_ 2 þ χ_
2 315 1 12 80 448 3
29 2 2 29 1 u_ v_ 2 1 1 1
þϕ_ 1 u_ þ _
þ ϕ 2 v_ þ þ þ þ w_ χ_ 1 þ
90R1 15R2 15R1 90R2 4 R1 R2 6 R1 R2
w_ 2 ∂w_ ∂w_ u_ u_ 8ϕ_
þ þ    1
12R1 R2 A1 ∂α1 252A1 ∂α1 90R1 30R2 315
∂w_ ∂w_ v_ v_ 8ϕ_ 2 u_ ∂χ_ 1 v_ ∂χ_ 1 w_ χ_
þ      þ 2
A2 ∂α2 252A2 ∂α2 90R2 30R1 315 12 A1 ∂α1 12 A2 ∂α2 6
w_ χ_ 2 w_ χ_ 3 w_ χ_ 3 χ_ 1 χ_ 2 χ_ 1 χ_ 2 χ_ 1 χ_ 3 2ϕ_ 1 ∂χ_ 2 ∂w_ ∂χ_ 2
þh2 þ þ þ þ þ  þ
40R1 R2 40R1 40R2 40R1 40R2 40 315 A1 ∂α1 504A1 ∂α1 A1 ∂α1
u_ ∂χ_ 2 u_ ∂χ_ 2 2ϕ_ ∂χ_ 2 ∂w_ ∂χ_ 2 v_ ∂χ_ 2
   2 þ 
360R1 A1 ∂α1 120R2 A1 ∂α1 315 A2 ∂α2 504A2 ∂α2 A2 ∂α2 120R1 A2 ∂α2

v_ ∂χ_ 2 u_ ∂χ_ 3 v_ ∂χ_ 3

   þ .. . A1 A2 dα1 dα2 þ O h5 :
360R2 A2 ∂α2 48 A1 ∂α1 48 A2 ∂α2


4.5 Formulation of the Theory for Circular Cylindrical Shells

Circular cylindrical shells are analyzed in this section; Figure 4.5 introduces the
coordinate system. It is possible to specify the equations obtained in Section 4.2 for a
4.5 Theory for circular cylindrical shells 137

Figure 4.5 Circular cylindrical shell: coordinate system.

circular cylindrical shell by assuming R1 ¼ ∞, R2 ¼ R, α1 ¼ x, α2 ¼ θ, A1 ¼ 1, A2 ¼ R,

a ¼ L and b ¼ 2π, which gives the following strain–displacement relationships:
"   2  2 #
∂u 1 ∂u 2 ∂v ∂w ∂w0 ∂w
εx,0 ¼ þ þ þ þ , (4.34)
∂x 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
"      #
1 ∂v w 1 1 ∂u 2 1 ∂v w 2 1 ∂w v 2
ε θ ,0 ¼ þ þ þ þ þ 
R ∂θ R 2 R ∂θ R ∂θ R R ∂θ R
w0 1 ∂v w 1 ∂w0 1 ∂w v
þ þ þ  , (4.35)
R R ∂θ R R ∂θ R ∂θ R
1 2 v v2
ε z ,0 ¼ χ 1 þ ϕ þ ϕ2 þ χ 1 þ 2ϕ2 þ 2 ,
2 2
2 1 R R
∂v 1 ∂u 1 ∂u ∂u 1 ∂v w ∂v ∂w 1 ∂w v
γxθ,0 ¼ þ þ þ þ þ 
∂x R ∂θ R ∂x ∂θ R ∂θ R ∂x ∂x R ∂θ R
w0 ∂v ∂w0 1 ∂w v 1 ∂w0 ∂w
þ þ  þ , (4.37)
R ∂x ∂x R ∂θ R R ∂θ ∂x

∂w ∂u ∂v  v  ∂ð w þ w Þ
γxz,0 ¼ ϕ1 þ þ ϕ1 þ þ ϕ2 þ χ1 , (4.38)
∂x ∂x ∂x R ∂x
1 ∂w w þ w0 ∂v  v  ∂u ∂ðw þ w0 Þ v
γθz,0 ¼ ϕ2 þ þ þ þ ϕ2 þ ϕ1 þ χ 1  ,
R ∂θ R R∂θ R R∂θ R∂θ R
kðx0Þ ¼ , (4.40)
1 ∂2 h2
k ðx1Þ ¼ χ þ χ , (4.41)
2 ∂x2 1 4 3
138 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

4 ∂ϕ1 ∂2 w 1 ∂2 χ 2
kðx2Þ ¼ 2 þ 2  , (4.42)
3h ∂x ∂x 3 ∂x2

1 ∂ϕ2 w χ 1
kθ ¼  þ , (4.43)
R ∂θ R2 R
ð1Þ 1 2 ∂ϕ2 w 1 ∂2 w χ1 χ2 1 ∂2 h2 h2
kθ ¼  2    2 þ  2 2 χ1  χ2 þ χ3 ,
R 3 ∂θ R 3R ∂θ2 R R 2R ∂θ 6R 4
ð2Þ 4 1 ∂ϕ2 1 ∂2 w 1 ∂v χ χ χ 1 ∂2 χ χ h2 χ 3
kθ ¼  2 þ 2 2 þ 4 þ 13  22 þ 3 þ 2 2 1  2 þ ,
3h R ∂θ R ∂θ R ∂θ R R R R ∂θ R 3 6 R
ð0Þ 1 ∂ϕ1 ∂ϕ2 1 ∂v 1 ∂u
kxθ ¼ þ þ  , (4.46)
R ∂θ ∂x R ∂x R ∂θ
ð1Þ 1 1 ∂ϕ1 1 ∂ϕ2 1 ∂2 w 1 ∂u ∂2 χ 1 h 2 ∂2 χ 3
k xθ ¼  þ þ þ 2   , (4.47)
R R ∂θ 3 ∂x 3R ∂x∂θ R ∂θ R∂x∂θ 4 R∂x∂θ
ð2Þ 4 1 ∂ϕ1 ∂ϕ2 2 ∂2 w ∂2 χ 1 2∂2 χ 2 h 2 ∂2 χ 3
kxθ ¼  þ þ þ  þ , (4.48)
3h2 R ∂θ ∂x R ∂x∂θ R2 ∂x∂θ 3R∂x∂θ 6R2 ∂x∂θ

k ðz0Þ ¼ 2χ 2 , (4.49)

k ðz1Þ ¼ 3χ 3 , (4.50)

kðz2Þ ¼ 0, (4.51)

h2 ∂χ 3
k ðxz0Þ ¼  , (4.52)
4 ∂x
4 ∂w
k ðxz1Þ ¼  2 ϕ1 þ , (4.53)
h ∂x
∂χ 3
kðxz2Þ ¼
, (4.54)
ð0Þ 1 ∂w h2 ∂χ 3
k θz ¼  ϕ2 þ  , (4.55)
3R R∂θ 4 R∂θ
ð1Þ 4 1 ∂w ∂χ h2 ∂χ
k θz ¼  2 ϕ2 þ þ 21 þ 2 3, (4.56)
h R ∂θ R ∂θ 4R ∂θ
ð2Þ 4 ∂w v 2 ∂χ ∂χ
kθz ¼ 2 ϕ2 þ  4 2 2þ 3: (4.57)
3h R R∂θ R 3R ∂θ R∂θ

The expression of the kinetic energy for a laminate with the same density for all the
layers and uniform thickness is given by
4.6 Pressurized circular cylindrical shell 139

2ðπ ð "
1 17  _ 2 _ 2 χ_ 21 h2 2 h4 2 2 _ 29 _
T s ¼ ρs h u_ þ v_ þ w_ þ h
2 2 2 2
ϕ þ ϕ 2 þ þ χ_ 2 þ χ_ þ ϕ u_ þ ϕ v_
2 315 1 12 80 448 3 15R 90R 2
0 0
  ! !
1 1 v_ 2 1 ∂w_ ∂w_ u_ 8ϕ_ 1 ∂w_ ∂w_ v_ 8ϕ_ 2
þ þ w_ χ_ þ   þ  
R 4R 6 1 ∂x 252∂x 30R 315 R∂θ 252R∂θ 90R 315

u_ ∂χ_ 1 v_ ∂χ_ 1 w_ χ_ 2 w_ χ_ 3 χ_ 1 χ_ 2 χ_ 1 χ_ 3 2ϕ_ 1 ∂χ_ 2 ∂w_ ∂χ_ 2 u_ ∂χ_ 2

  þ þ h2 þ þ  þ 
12 ∂x 12 R∂θ 6 40R 40R 40 315 ∂x 504∂x ∂x 120R ∂x

2ϕ_ 2 ∂χ_ 2 ∂w_ ∂χ_ 2 v_ ∂χ_ 2 u_ ∂χ_ 3 v_ ∂χ_ 3 v_ ϕ_ 2 13ϕ_ 22 v_ ∂χ_ 1

 þ    þ þ þ
315 R∂θ 504R∂θ R∂θ 360R R∂θ 48 ∂x 48 R∂θ 120R3 1680R2 80R2 R∂θ
ϕ_ 2 ∂χ_ 1 1 ∂χ_ 1 2 v_ ∂w_ ϕ2 ∂w_ 1 ∂χ_ 1 ∂w_ 1 ∂w_
 þ þ þ  
240R R∂θ 320 R∂θ 120R3 R∂θ 140R2 R∂θ 240R R∂θ R∂θ 1680R2 R∂θ
ϕ_ 1 ∂χ_ 1 1 ∂χ_ 1 2 1 ∂χ_ 1 ∂w_

 þ þ Rdθdx þ O h5 : (4.58)
105R ∂x 320 ∂x 336R ∂x ∂x

4.6 Simply Supported Circular Cylindrical Shell Loaded by Pressure

For a simply supported circular cylindrical shell, the following boundary conditions are
imposed at the shell ends, x = 0, L:
w ¼ 0, v ¼ 0, ϕ2 ¼ 0, χ 1 ¼ χ 2 ¼ χ 3 ¼ 0, (4.59a–f)

N x ¼ 0, M x ¼ 0, (4.59g–h)

where Nx is the axial stress resultant per unit length, and Mx is the axial stress moment
resultant per unit length; i.e.,

Nx 1
¼ σ ðxkÞ ½1 þ ðz=RÞdz: (4.60)
Mx k¼1

Moreover, the eight parameters must be continuous in θ. In addition to the classical

boundary conditions, which are given by equations (4.59a,b,g,h), there is a boundary
condition (4.59c) related to the rotation of the normal and three conditions (4.59d–f )
related to the thickness deformation, which are assumed to be zero: so no thickness
deformation is allowed at the shell ends. A theory that takes into account the thickness
deformation allows to specify exactly the constraint to the thickness deformation at the
boundaries, which is not possible with any other shell theory.
In order to reduce the system to finite dimensions, the middle surface displacements
u, v and w, the two rotations ϕ1 and ϕ2 and the three thickness-stretching parameters χ1,
χ2 and χ3 are expanded by using approximate functions. The following trigonometric
functions, which satisfy identically the geometric boundary conditions (4.59a–f ), are
140 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

used to discretize the system in the case of pressure load, which is an axisymmetric load,
if buckling (which involves asymmetric modes with n > 0) is not considered:
uðx; θÞ ¼ u2m1,0 cos ðλ2m1 xÞ, (4.61a)

vðx; θÞ ¼ 0, (4.61b)
wðx; θÞ ¼ w2m1,0 sin ðλ2m1 xÞ, (4.61c)

ϕ1 ðx; θÞ ¼ ϕ12m1,0 cos ðλ2m1 xÞ, (4.61d)

ϕ2 ðx; θÞ ¼ 0, (4.61e)
χ 1 ðx; θÞ ¼ χ 12m1,0 sin ðλ2m1 xÞ, (4.61f)

χ 2 ðx; θÞ ¼ χ 22m1,0 sin ðλ2m1 xÞ, (4.61g)

χ 3 ðx; θÞ ¼ χ 32m1,0 sin ðλ2m1 xÞ, (4.61h)

where m is the number of longitudinal half-waves, λm ¼ mπ=L; um,j, vm,j, wm,j, ϕ1m,i ,
ϕ2m,i , χ 1m,i , χ 2m,i and χ 3m,i are the generalized coordinates. M = 6 gives good accuracy in
the numerical calculations performed here (for a total of 36 generalized coordinates);
M = 11 has also been used in order to show convergence of the solution. It is possible to
observe that in equations (4.61a–h), all eight parameters do not depend on the coordin-
ate θ since the load is symmetric and no buckling is considered. For the same reason, the
symmetry-breaking parameters v and ϕ2 are zero. The functions used in the expansion
come for the axisymmetric natural modes of vibration of the shell; this base is, in fact,
complete and allows one to discretize the shell with a small number of degrees of
Initial geometric imperfections of the shell are considered only in radial direction.
They are assumed to be associated with zero initial stress. The imperfection w0 is
expanded in the same form of w:
~1 N
~ ~2
w0 ðx; θÞ ¼ ½Am,n cos ðnθÞ þ Bm,n sin ðnθÞ sin ðλm xÞ þ Am,0 sin ðλm xÞ,
m¼1 n¼1 m¼1
where Am,n , Bm,n and Am,0 are the modal amplitudes of imperfections; N~, M
~ 1 and M~ 2 are
integers indicating the number of terms in the expansion.
An additional nonlinear term ^u can be added to the expansion of the displacement u
in equations (4.61) in order to satisfy exactly the natural boundary condition (4.59g) as
4.6 Pressurized circular cylindrical shell 141

shown in details later in this book. This term has been used in the numerical calculations
in order to increase the accuracy, but numerical tests show that in the present case, when
many terms are used in the expansion, its contribution is practically negligible. This
term is useful to have fast convergence of the solution with a smaller number of terms in
the expansions.
The pressure load is a specific type of load that depends on the deformation of the
shell in Lagrangian description. In fact, pressure is acting in normal direction with
respect to the deformed surface (here, for simplicity, the pressure is assumed to be
applied to the middle surface of the shell), and it is applied to an area that shrinks or
expands according to the shell deformation.
The virtual work done by pressure p, positive in the direction of w, is given by
equation (2.87) – or (2.102), if the pressure is exactly applied to the external or internal
surface of the shell. However, equation (2.102) does not take into account thickness
deformation. Therefore, the complete expression becomes

ðL 2ðπ    
∂u ∂v w ∂v ∂u
δW ¼ p ðδw þ zδχ 1 Þ 1 þ 1þ þ 
∂x R∂θ R ∂x R∂θ
0 0
∂v w ∂w ∂v ∂w v
þ ðδu þ zδϕ1 Þ  1 þ þ   þ
R∂θ R ∂x ∂x R∂θ R
δv ∂u ∂w v ∂u ∂w
þ δv þ zδϕ2 þ z 1þ  þ þ
R ∂x R∂θ R R∂θ ∂x
∂u ∂ϕ2 χ 1 w ∂v w ∂ϕ1 ∂v ∂ϕ1 ∂u ∂ϕ2
þ zδw 1 þ þ  2 þ 1þ þ  
∂x R∂θ R R R∂θ R ∂x ∂x R∂θ R∂θ ∂x
∂v w ∂χ 1 ∂w ∂ϕ2 χ 1 w ∂v ϕ2 ∂χ 1 ∂w
þ zδu  1 þ þ  þ    þ
R∂θ R ∂x ∂x R∂θ R R2 ∂x R R∂θ R2 ∂θ
∂w v ∂ϕ2 ∂v ∂u ϕ2 ∂χ 1 ∂w
  þ þ þ zδv 1 þ  þ
R∂θ R ∂x R∂x ∂x R R∂θ R2 ∂θ
∂w v ∂ϕ1 ∂u ∂χ 1 ∂w ∂ϕ1 ∂u h
þ  þ þ þ  dx R  dθ,
R∂θ R ∂x R∂θ ∂x ∂x R∂θ R2 ∂θ z¼h=2 2

where δ indicates the variation. This means that when ∂W=∂qj has to be evaluated in
the Lagrange equation, only the derivative of the parameters with the variation symbol
in front must be taken. The term h=2 has to be taken with a positive sign if the
pressure is applied outwards (and p is negative), while the negative sign applies for
internal pressure (positive p). Equation (4.63) is useful in biomechanics – e.g., the
human aorta, when the shell is thick and the thickness deformation is significant.
Higher-order terms in z have been neglected in equation (4.63).
The following notation is introduced for brevity:
n oT
q ¼ um,n =h; vm,n =h; wm,n =h; ϕ1m,n ; ϕ2m,n ; χ 1m,n ; χ 2m,n h; χ 3m,n h2 , m ¼ 1, . . . , M and n ¼ 0:
142 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

A nondimensionalization of the generalized coordinates with respect to the shell

thickness h has been introduced in equation (4.64). The generic element of the vector
 which is the number of degrees of freedom
q is referred to as qj; the dimension of q is N,
(DOF) used in the mode expansion. The solution is obtained by writing the equilibrium
equations that are obtained using equations (2.105–2.109).

4.7 Numerical Results for a Pressure Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shell

The nonlinear equilibrium equations have been integrated by using the software AUTO
(Doedel et al. 1998) for continuation and bifurcation analysis by using the pseudo-
arclength continuation method, starting at zero pressure and zero external harmonic
force from the trivial solution. The solution has been continued with the uniform
internal pressure amplitude as parameter up to reach the desired pressure load.
The dimensions and material properties of the imperfection-free, simply supported
circular cylindrical shell (complete around the circumference) investigated are:
R = 0.15 m, L = 0.52 m, h = 0.03 m, E = 198  109 Pa, ν = 0.3 and ρ = 7,800 kg/m3.
This is a thick shell, being R/h = 5. The shell is made of stainless steel and is isotropic.

4.7.1 Displacement Independent Pressure Load (Distributed Radial Forces)

Figure 4.6 presents the effect of distributed radial forces of equivalent pressure p on the
axial-symmetric deformation of the shell. In particular, the radial deflection w at the
shell middle length (x = L/2) is shown in Figure 4.6(a) for four different shell theories:
the eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in thickness deformation and rotations
developed here; the eight parameters nonlinear theory with linear terms in thickness
deformation and rotations developed by Amabili (2014); higher-order shear deform-
ation nonlinear theory (Amabili and Reddy 2010); classical nonlinear Novozhilov
theory. Results show that even Novozhilov nonlinear theory is capable to predict the
shell deflection with great accuracy, and all four theories give almost coincident results.
Here it can be observed that other classical nonlinear shell theories, such as Sanders-
Koiter, Flügge and Donnell, are unable to predict the different behaviour for positive
and negative pressure, due to the missing term (w/R)2 in εθ,0 . The pressure range
investigated is particularly large and goes beyond the elasticity limits of the actual
stainless steel material in order to test the shell theories for large deformations. It must
be observed that results have been obtained by using the expansion given by equations
(4.61a–h), so that only axisymmetric terms are considered and buckling is deliberately
omitted in order to reach large axisymmetric deformations; therefore, the actual shell
would present buckling for negative pressure before reaching large axisymmetric
Figure 4.6(b) presents the axial displacement u at the edge x = 0; small differences are
observed for the four different shell theories. Instead, quite a significant difference
between the new eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in thickness deformation
and rotations developed here and the other theories is shown in Figure 4.6(c) for the
4.7 Numerical results 143

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4.6 Displacements and rotations of the shell versus load for different shell theories; load by
distributed radial forces (non displacement dependent pressure). ——, 8 parameters theory with
nonlinear terms in thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF; - -, 8 parameters theory with
linear terms in thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF; ····, higher-order shear deformation
theory, 18 DOF. - · -, Novozhilov theory, 12 DOF. (a) Normalized radial displacement w/h at
shell middle length x = L/2 versus pressure load; (b) normalized axial displacement u/h at the shell
edge x = 0; (c) rotation of the normal ϕ1 at the shell edge x = 0; (d) Normalized radial displacement
w/h at shell middle length x = L/2; dots represent FEM results (ANSYS) with reversed sign for
both load and displacement.

rotation ϕ1 at the shell edge x = 0; Novozhilov theory is not reported in the figure
because it does not use ϕ1 as an independent parameter. The rotation of the normal is
reduced for larger pressures by the introduction of nonlinear terms in the new theory,
while it coincides with the other theories for smaller loads.
Figure 4.6(d) presents the results of Figure 4.6(a) compared to results (dots), changed
in sign for both the displacement and the pressure, obtained by the commercial finite
element code ANSYS for the same problem. For large deformations and large strains,
commercial FEM codes are unable to follow linear elasticity, and results are very close
144 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

to incompressible hyperelastic material. Here, the curiosity is that the behaviour pre-
dicted by the FEM code is close enough to the actual behaviour when both signs
(displacement and pressure) are changed, which can lead to the thinking that the sign
of w was reversed in the theory, which is not the case.
The shell deformation for load by internal distributed radial forces p = 12  109 Pa is
shown in Figure 4.7 by using the new eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 4.7 Shell deformation for load by internal distributed radial forces p = 12  109 Pa (non
displacement dependent pressure); ——, eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF; - -, eight parameters theory with linear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF. (a) Normalized radial displacement w/h versus axial
coordinate x; (b) normalized axial displacement u/h versus axial coordinate x; (c) normalized
thickness deformation Δh/h versus axial coordinate x; (d) rotation of the normal ϕ1 versus axial
coordinate x; (e) variation of the normal displacement across the thickness at x/L = 0.5; continuous
line, eight parameter theory; dashed line, first-order term only; (f ) variation of the normal
displacement across the thickness at x/L = 0.05; continuous line, eight parameter theory; dashed
line, first-order term only.
4.7 Numerical results 145

thickness deformation and rotations developed here and the eight parameters nonlinear
theory with linear terms in thickness deformation and rotations developed by Amabili
(2014). In particular, the radial displacement along the shell length (all the deform-
ations are axisymmetric due to uniform pressure) is shown in Figure 4.7(a) and
presents a large radial expansion, while Figure 4.7(b) describes the shell axial displace-
ment and indicates a contraction in longitudinal direction at both the ends; both figures
give almost identical results for both shell theories. Figure 4.7(c) presents the thickness
contraction. Here we observe that a zero thickness deformation has been assumed at
the shell ends, and only the new theory with nonlinear terms nonlinear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations is capable of predicting the correct thickness
deformation; differences are large from both the qualitative and quantitative point of
view, with two peaks near the edges that cannot be predicted by the theory with linear
terms in thickness deformation and rotations. The radial displacement w and the
thickness variation Δh present small variations in the central part of the shell (except
oscillations due to the truncation of the trigonometric series), while they quickly vary
in 15% of the length near the edges. Also, the axial displacement u increases steeply in
this range of the coordinate x. Increasing the pressure, more terms are necessary in the
expansion to describe accurately the displacements, and in particular the thickness

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4.8 Shell deformation for load by external distributed radial forces p = 7.53  109 Pa (non
displacement dependent pressure); ——, eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF; - -, eight parameters theory with linear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF. (a) Normalized radial displacement w/h versus axial
coordinate x; (b) normalized axial displacement u/h versus axial coordinate x; (c) normalized
thickness deformation Δh/h versus axial coordinate x; (d) rotation of the normal ϕ1 versus axial
coordinate x.
146 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

deformation, since they vary more quickly near the edges. The rotation ϕ1 is shown in
Figure 4.7(d) and shows significant different between the two theories near the edges.
The displacement in radial direction through the thickness is shown in Figures 4.7(e,f )
for x/L = 0.5 (at half length of the shell) and x/L = 0.05 (near the edge), respectively. It
is very interesting to see that the behaviour is almost linear, indicating that for an
isotropic shell ,a uniform thickness deformation through the thickness can be assumed,
so that the parameters χ 2 and χ 3 can be neglected and a six parameter theory can be
used. This is different from what observed for a cross-ply laminated shell, for which χ 2
and χ 3 play a significant role.
The same type of differences between the two shell theories is observed in Figures
4.8(a–d), obtained for external distributed radial forces p = 7.53  109 Pa.
In order to show that for the present isotropic shell the new theory can be reduced to
six parameters keeping very high accuracy, Figures 4.9(a–c) are presented. No signifi-
cant difference is observed for the radial and axial displacements, and much more
importantly, for the thickness deformation. The use of the six parameter theory allows
for a significant reduction of computational cost since the same problem is modelled
with 24 DOF instead of 36.

(a) (b)


Figure 4.9 Shell deformation for load by internal distributed radial forces p = 12  109 Pa (non
displacement dependent pressure); ——, eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations, 36 DOF; - -, six parameters theory with nonlinear terms in
thickness deformation and rotations, 24 DOF. (a) Normalized radial displacement w/h versus axial
coordinate x; (b) normalized axial displacement u/h versus axial coordinate x; (c) normalized
thickness deformation Δh/h versus axial coordinate x.
4.7 Numerical results 147

Figure 4.10 Normalized thickness deformation Δh/h versus axial coordinate x for load by internal
distributed radial forces p = 12  109 Pa (non displacement dependent pressure); ——, six
parameters theory with nonlinear terms in thickness deformation and rotations, 44 DOF; - -, six
parameters theory with nonlinear terms in thickness deformation and rotations, 24 DOF.

Figure 4.10 shows results for the six parameter theory by increasing the number of
DOF from 24 to 44; this means that in equations (4.61a–f ), the subscript m goes from
0 to 11 for the 24-DOF model (with M = 6) and to 21 (with M = 11) for the 44-DOF
model. The oscillations due to series truncation in the central part of the figure are
smoothed out by increasing the number of terms in the series, indicating that the
numerical solution converges by increasing the number of terms.

4.7.2 Displacement Dependent Pressure Load (Actual Pressure)

In Section 4.7.1, a simpler load has been used since the main purpose was to validate
the eight parameter theory and to verify its advantages with respect to the other
geometrically nonlinear shell theories available. Here, the actual pressure is applied,
which is a displacement–dependent load since pressure is always orthogonal to the
deformed surface and is applied to an area that shrink or expand during the shell
Figures 4.11(a–d) show the displacements and rotations of the shell versus pressure
for different expressions of the pressure load: (1) load by pressure evaluated by the
exact equation (2.87); (2) load by pressure evaluated by the approximated equation
(2.88); (3) load by distributed radial forces (non displacement-dependent pressure).
The eight parameters theory with nonlinear terms in thickness deformation and
rotations (36 DOF) has been used here. The radial displacement at the shell mid-
length is given in Figure 4.11(a), the axial displacement at x = 0 is shown in
Figure 4.11(b), the rotation ϕ1 at the shell edge x = 0 is in Figure 4.11(c) and the
thickness deformation parameter χ 1 at the shell mid-length is plotted in Figure 4.11(d)
versus the pressure. All four parameters shown in Figure 4.11 present significant
differences for large pressures if the actual pressure or the displacement-independent
pressure is applied, the axial displacement u being the most influenced by far. The
exact equation (2.87) and the approximate expression (2.88) give results very close for
a large pressure range.
148 Nonlinear Shell Theory with Thickness Deformation

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4.11 Displacements and rotations of the shell versus pressure for different expression of the
pressure load; new 8 parameters theory with non-linear terms in thickness deformation and
rotations, 36 DOF; ——, load by pressure evaluated by the exact equation (2.87); - -, load by
pressure evaluated by the approximated equation (2.88); , load by distributed radial forces (non
displacement dependent pressure). (a) Normalized radial displacement w/h at shell middle length
x = L/2 versus pressure load; (b) normalized axial displacement u/h at the shell edge x = 0; (c)
rotation of the normal ϕ1 at the shell edge x = 0; (d) thickness deformation parameter χ1 at x = L/2.


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