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The person who has influenced me most in my life is my mother. She is a dedicated

teacher, devoted mother, and always supportive of her family.

My mother is a dedicated teacher because she truly cares about her students, always talks

about them, and it's obvious she loves her job. For example, she's the type of teacher who loves

to challenge her students and make learning fun. She makes each student feel special and strives

to build a relationship with each one. She always brings home a pile of thank-you cards from her

students’ parents thanking her for making a difference in their lives. She has been teaching for

almost twenty-two years. She cries every year when her students leave her, she inspires me

because she goes above and beyond what many teachers do. She is a hard worker and always

says that it’s important to find a career that you love so it doesn’t feel like work.

My mother is devoted because she is always there for me when I need her. For instance,

my mom is the first person I want to talk to when I have a problem, and she's the last person that

I'd want to disappoint. My mother’s life revolves around taking my siblings and I to various

sporting events. She's always cheering us on no matter the outcome. She has taught me to always

be compassionate and to treat others with respect. My mom has taught me patience when life

feels frustrating. She has also taught me that hard work pays off, even when things don't come

easy. My mom knows what to say to help me if I have a bad game, or practice. She's the

strongest and most amazing person I know.

My mother has taught me how important it is to be there for family and friends. In

addition, if my friends feel that they need to talk, they know they can come to me, and I'll try my

best to help them with anything they need. My mom says love and support for life when my

siblings drive me crazy. She has taught me to be caring, as she always checks in on my great-

grandmother and makes sure she has everything she needs. She is my dad's rock; she's the glue,

the one who holds the whole family together. She has high expectations for herself and her

children, because she wants the best for us. She calls her mom every day because she knows she

gets lonely. She has also been helping my grandfather who has been recently diagnosed with

cancer. From making sure he gets all his medicines, to making sure he is happy and comfortable,

she's there for him.

All in all, my mom has had a powerful influence on me and my siblings in so many

positive ways. I don't think she realizes how much we appreciate her and all that she does for us.

I hope that I can make her proud and though I'm not there yet, one day I hope to be as amazing as

she is.

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