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Planets Series


Sun the illuminator, the lord of 5th sign and natural 5th house Leo. Sun is
a cruel, sharp and intense planet in Astrology and the natural significator of
father, father fugure, higher authority,status, political figure,Government,
Personality, self confidence.
nce. Sun is masculine, hot, dry, fiery, positive,
barren and vital in action.
Sun gets Exalted in Aries 10 Degree
Sun gets Debilitated in Libra
Sun gets detriment in Aquarius
Sun Mooltrikon sign is Leo
Conjunction of any planet with Sun causes combusti
on upto some certain
degrees, depending on planet to
planet,such aspect of Sun destroys the significance, influence and qualities
of any planet.Sun is having only
one aspect thats 7th form its own position.Sun does well enough in fiery
signs and relatively low in airy
signs.Sun gets Directional strength in 10th house and if well aspected then
can give honor, high position in
society, charming personality,higher post in work place, political career
etc.Sun is the chief of the planets,
the ever radiant, ever shining one, so position of Sun in a chart matters a
most.Being luminaries Sun & Moon
never go retrograde.
Signification of Sun : Royalty, Beauracracy, cantre of stage,
independence, leader, dignity, being proudy,
power, brilliance, soul, Government, King, Shining,arrogance,
Jupiter, Mars & Moon are friends to Sun, Mercury is Neutral lastly Saturn,
Venus & Rahu are the enemy for Sun.An afflicted or weak Sun will give
lack of confidence, self doubt,weeak eye sight, depandency, empty show
and lots of unnecessary extravagance,fever, sun stroke, lack of self esteem,
false ego.Such person needs on and on assurance and support in life and it
takes hell lot of hard work to reach top positioin in career.In short there
will be lack of evolveness in life.Heavily damaged Sun can give blindness,
sun stroke, poor functioning of heart,unstable career, Living life like a
Sun works on Spinal chord, heart, brain.
Profession/Trading related to Sun – Goldsmith, Gambling, minister,
political pursuit,work
t,work in municipality, dealing in revenue stamp, business
in raw cotton, Govt officials.
Sun rules over three Nakshatra Krittika, U. Phalguni, U. Ashada, in that U.
Phalguni works as highly constructive, helpful positive one.Sun
Mahadasha comes for 6 year
yearss depending on the lordship in chart and its
Nakshatra lord Sun mahadasha bestows its result. Mostly it gives lots of
self esteem and shape up personality to people except for Capricorn,
Aquarius, Pisces Ascendant people.Golden yellow is the color of Sun.In
metal Copper and Ruby is the gem allotted to Sun.
Its best time to born is during sun rise, if born in sunset time then Sun goes
to its natural house of
debilitation 7th.
Friend to : Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Neutral to : Mercury
Enemy to : Saturn, Venus & Rahu
One Sign Transit : 30 Days
12 Sign Transit : 12 Months.
Nakshatra :Krittika, U. Phalguni, U. Ashada
Dasha Tanure : 6 years
Body Parts : Heart, Spinal cord
Color : Orange/golden
Metal : Copper
Gem : Ruby
Direction : East
Deity : Shiva


Moon the most significant planet in Vedic Astrology, the lord of 4th
sign and natural 4th house Cancer. Moon is a planet of harmony, beauty,
imagination, psychology in Astrology and the natural significator of
mother, emotion, mental condition,imaginative ppower,
ower, market place, mind,
prosperity, trading, peace of mind.Moon is feminine, cold, moist,
nocturnal, negative, passive and fruitful in action.
Moon gets Exalted in Taurus 5 Degree
Moon gets Debilitated in Scorpio
Moon gets detriment in Capricorn
Moon Mooltrikon sign is Taurus
Conjunction of any planet with Moon acts upon the positioning and
rulership on that horoscope as moon has no
basic nature of her own.Its action is reflective, it works as a medium
between sun and the other planets.
Enhances the quaity of the sign it is pla
ced in.Moon is highyl influenced
by the planet whose aspects it
recieves. Moon is having only one aspect thats 7th form its own
position.Moon does well enough in Cancer and
Pisces signs and relatively low in fiery signs.Moon gets Directional
strength in 4th house and if well aspected then can give peaceful mind,
healthy relation with mother, emotional security, comforts at home, good
family life, having joint big family, aquiring landed property, firm hosue
etc.Moon is the most important planet in Vedic astrology without seeing
Moon chart prediction will be misleading.Exact sign and degree occupied
by the moon during birth is the most important factor as that decides your
Nakshatra and Dasha Bhukti cycle.Being luminaries Sun & Moon never go
Signification of Moon : Creativity, imagination, psychology,
softness,tender, emotion, sympathy, sentiment,
reflection, family, shelter, land, water, saliva, nourishment, sensitivity,
fertility, Home, compassion,
Sun, Mars & Jupiter are friends to Moon, Mercury & Venus are Neutral
lastly Saturn & Rahu are the enemy for
Sun.An afflicted or weak Moon will give flickering mind, restless unstable
mind, paranoia, anxiety, confusion,
lack of concentration, depression, suicidal tendency, insanity, they keep
changing their views on and off.Such
person runs away from reality and live their life in own world of fantasy.In
short there will be lack of
evolveness in life.Heavily damaged Moon in birth chart can give
blindness, mental disorder, trouble with
woman, bipolar disease, criminal mind, habitual lair.Moon causes the
menses in women.
Moon works on Mind, breast, lactation.
Profession/Trading related to Moon – Farming, work related to liquid,
aviotor, fishing, dairy firm, pirates,
gyneachologist, sailor, trading, earning through women, trading in cloths
(casual cloths), trading of pearl.
Moon rules over three Nakshatra Rohini, Hasta, Shravana, in that Hasta
works as highly active constructive and
creative field and Rohini is the one who rules over business and agriculture
world.Moon Mahadasha comes for 10
years depending on the lordship in chart and its Nakshatra lord Moon
mahadasha bestows its result. Mostly it
gives self realization, practicality, spirituality, religious actiivty, providing
security to family,deep
,deep thinking capacity, travel to people except for Leo,
Sagi,Aquarius, Ascendant people. white is the color of Moon.In metal
silver/bell metal and Pearl is the gem alloted to Moon.
Moon rules the night. Its better to have evil aspect on Moon than to have
none at all. If Moon doesnt have any
aspect, then the mind is as good as vegetable !

Friend to : Sun, Mars, Jupiter

Neutral to : Mercury & Venus
Enemy to : Saturn, Rahu & Ketu
One Sign Transit : 2 and half Days
12 Sign Transit : 27 Days.
Nakshatra : Rohini, Hasta, Shravana.
Dasha Tanure : 10 years
Body Parts : Breast, eye, lungs.
Color : White
Metal : Bell matel
Gem : Pearl
Direction : North
Deity : Parvati
Mercury In Vedic Astrology
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• Planets
• Mercury In Vedic Astrology

Mercury the Ruler of

Gemini & Virgo sign and Natural 3rd and 6th house. It is one of the natural
benefic planet in astrology and key significator of Intelligence, Education,
Planning,, Communication,Analytical capacity, Mathematics, Speech.Its a
feminine, passive, cold, dry, earthy and melancholic in nature.
Mercury gets Exalted in Virgo 15 Degree
Mercury gets Debilitated in pisces
Mercury gets detriment in Sagittarius
Mercury Mooltrikon sign is Virgo
Conjunction or aspect of Mercury is mostly depends on sign to sign or
associating planets as Mercury is a variable planet it acts as benefic with
benefic planets and malefic sitting with malefic planets.Hence it is called a
Hermaphrodite.For materialist aspect Venus shows salesmanship, good
judgemental power,tendency to cash out money from anything and
Being inner orbit planet Mercury is never more than 28 Degree away from
Sun, hence Mercury has maximum chances of getting combust.The
combustion limit for Mercury is 12degree within Sun.Mercury takes
approximately 25 days to cover up one sign in transit and almost 10
months to transit 12 signs.When ever Mercury moves 14 degrees ahead of
the Sun it starts becoming Retrograde.Mercury gets Retrograde thrice in a
year for approximately 3weeks each time. A well placed Mercury will
make a person Diplomatic, witty, good orator,high level of memory with a
strong mind. As Mercury is the ruler of natural 3rd house Gemini so a
good Mercury can make a person fantastic communicator, mediator, also a
Mercury never really had any training or skills. Jupiter abandoned him
long time back just like sun abandoned Saturn, so it became very difficult
for him to survive. Mercury tells people how to survive, he is clever but
not knowledgeable, he is intelligent but not commanding. He is what you
call a ‘gentleman’ ‘careful individual’. He pushes the limits of human
intelligence to a new level.So Mercury uses his verbal techniques to
influence people such as higher authorities (like Sun), he is a great
salesman and a minister. He does not look at the good or bad of any
subject, his goal is to move forward, he can practically justify anything.
Signification of Mercury : Quick, Witty, logic, defective,critical, irritable,
obsessive, active, dual,timid,cold, dry,irregular, commerce and so on.
Sun,Venus and Rahu are friend to Mercury, Mars, Saturn & Jupiter are
Neutral lastly Moon is enemy for Mercury.
An afflicted or weak Mercury will make a person mean minded,selfish,
gambler,liar, very slow in understanding any
mechanism.Such person can plan to cheat a new person every day with
their scheming.In short there will be lack of
refinement in intelligence.There will be trouble in expressing
himself/herself as affliction to Mercury makes a person
slow thinker. Heavily damaged Mercury can give skin disease, speech
problem, epilepsy,deafness,asthama, depression etc.
Mercury works on Digestive system, nervous system.
Profession/Trading related to Mercury – Charted account, diplomat,
author, librarian,
ibrarian, handicrafts man, editor, postman, news anchor, marketing
officer, tele marketer, transportation, sales man, publisher, printing press
owner,lawyer, banker, medical representative,physician, business
analyst,agent, Astrologer etc.
Mercury rules over
er three Nakshatra Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati in that
Jyeshtha works as highly calculative and positive one.Mercury Mahadasha
comes for 17years depending on the lordship in chart and its Nakshatra
lord Mercury mahadasha bestows its result. Mostly it gives short travel,
new job, better service providing business, management skill,good
impression on people,adaptability, favour from authority to people except
for Aries, Cancer, Scorpio Ascendant people.Green is the color of
Mercury.In metal lead and Emerald is the gem alloted to Mercury.
If Mercury is neither conjoined not aspected by any planet, it raises a
quistion about legitimacy of person’s parents.
Friends to : Sun & Venus
Neutral to : Mars, Saturn & Jupiter
Enemy to : Moon
One Sign Transit : 25 Days
12 Sign Transit : 10 Months.
Nakshatra : Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati.
Dasha Tanure : 17 years
Body Parts : Stomach, Digestive system
Color : Green
Metal : Lead
Gem : Emerald
Direction : North
Deity : Vishnu
Mars In Vedic Astrology
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• Mars In Vedic Astrology

Mars is the ruler of Aries

& Scorpio sing also the ruler of natural 1st and 8th house in a
horoscope.Mars is termed as natural malefic planet in astrology and key
significator of courage, agression, strength,heat, force, energy, speed.Its a
Musculine, positive, electric, hot, dry, fie
fiery, barren in nature.
Mars gets Exalted in Capricorn 28 Degree
Mars gets Debilitated in Cancer
Mars gets detriment in Libra
Mars Mooltrikon sign is Aries
Mars has three aspects from its own position – 4,7,8th.Conjunction or
aspect of Mars creates affliction to other planets which may create
disturbances, war lilke situation in human life, brings blood on the
surface.An affliction by Mars can make a person foolhardy, quarrelsome,
often suffer from fracture, high fever wounds, scars and sharp
weapons.Hence it is called a natural malefic.For materialist aspect Mars
shows boldness, assertiveness, dynamism,action,abandon of energy,
passion,sportmanship, fighting spirit.
Mars is retrograde for slightly less than 2.2 months in every 2 years.A well
placed Maars makes a person brave, courageous, dominative,
warrior,passionate, eneretic, heroic, inborn quaities of perseverence and
acheivement.As Mars is the ruler of natural 1st house Aries and 8th house
Scorpio, it has all the connection in building up personality, confidence,
valour, accident, surgery, suddent danger.So a good Mars can make a
person full of passion, positive attitude with sponteneity in life.
Signification of Mars : Cleanser, inflammatory,acute,violent, direct,
strife,stubborn,extreme,righteousness, resistance, fanaticism,
administrative skill,determination,property, violence, discipline,
motivation, initiation, impulses,sexual desire, ambition, willpower.
Sun, Moon, Jupiter are the friendly to Mars & Mercury, Rahu, Saturn are
inimical to Mars while Venus is neutral.Mars is yogakarak for Cancer &
Leo Ascendant.A weak Mars losses the capacity to fight back in life and
surrenders to fate, making the person cold hearted and destructive.If Mars
gets afflicted in watery signs (cancer,scop, pisces) or in 7th house, may
create addiction for sex or can give disorder in matters of sex life.
Profession/Trading related to Mars – Surgeon, butcher,police, engineer,
fire man, estate agent, cooks, Army, barber, boxer, wrestler, Gym
instructor, engine driver, blackmailing.
Mars rules over : Bone marrow, Blood disorder, high fever, rash on body.
Mars has three nakshatras – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha, among them
Chitra is where mars shows its full on positive and constructive
appraoch.Mars mahadasha had 7years, depending on the lordship in chart
and its nakshatra lord,Mars mahadasha will give its result in life.Mostly
Mars mahadasha gives dynamism, stubbornness, property, relationship,
boost in characteristic, fearless attitude except for Gemini, Virgo
Ascendant peopel.Red is the color of Mars. Red Coral is the gem stone for
Mars and Copper is the matel alotted to Mars.
One of the most misleading term among common people is ‘Manglik
ha’ which is due to Mars’s certain positioning in chart.Nothing to have
cardiac arrest for being Manglik, just get married to another Manglik
things will be 50% mitigated.
Friends to : Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Neutral to : Venus
Enemy to : Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury
One Sign Transit : 45 Days
12 Sign Transit : 1 & half year.
Nakshatra : Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha
Dasha Tanure : 7 years
Body Parts : Bone Marrow, Blood
Color : Red
Metal : Copper
Gem : Coral
Direction : South
Deity : Kartik

Venus In Vedic Astrology

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• Planets
• Venus In Vedic Astrology
Venus the Ruler of
Taurus & Libra sign and Natural 2nd and 7th house. It is one of the natural
benefic planet in astrology and key significator of Love,Romance,
Relationship, Marriage, Spouse.Its a feminine, passive, cold and nocturnal
in nature.
Venus gets Exalted in Pisces
Venus gets Debilitated in Virgo
Venus gets detriment in Aries
Venus Mooltrikon sign is Libra
Venus gives rhythm and harmony in our life.Conjunction or aspect of
Venus is mostly good and beneficial to us as its a natural benefic
planet.For materialist aspect Venus shows feeling of pleasure, gratification
of our senses,comfort, luxury,high life style,being rich, Billionaire,
Venus takes approximately 28 days to cover up one sign in transit and
almost 11months
ths to transit 12 signs.Every 1 ½ years, when Venus moves
29 degrees ahead of the Sun it starts becoming Retrograde.A well placed
Venus will make a person charming, artistic, having good eye for
beauty,having cordial relation with spouse and harmony in life.
lif As Venus
is the ruler of natural 2nd house Taurus so a good Venus can make a
person wealthy graceful and magnetic personality.
Signification of Venus : Artistic, cheerful, careless, lethargic, pleasure
loving,soothing, relaxing, erotic, clandestine,feminine, fertile,
emotional,graceful, harmonious,timid, warm,irregular, romantic and so on.
Mercury and Saturn are friend to Venus, Mars & Jupiter are Neutral lastly
Sun & Moon are enemy for Venus.
An afflicted or weak Venus will be lacking in beauty, harmony, grace, lack
of affection in life.Such person can run behind some new partner everyday
in the name of so called love.In short there will be lack of refinement in
everything in life.There will be trouble in expressing feeling.Heavily
damaged Venus can give skin disease, urinary problem.Venus works as a
first class Maraka in chart. If Venus is Maraka and sits in 6th house in a
chart can
work as killer.Highly damaged Venus is one of the cause of having AIDS.
Venus works on generative system – genital, womb, semen, ovary.
Profession/Trading related to Venus – All profession concerned with
creativity and arts are under Venus. Singer, dance, actor, painter,
photographer,videographer, fashion designer, jewlery designer, making
perfume, selling perfume,dealers of cosmetics, branded clothing, designer
clothing,five star hotels,dealers of silk clothing,corporate lawyer, flower
decorator, interior designer, match maker,cinema hall owner,marriage
counselor etc.
Venus rules over three Nakshatra Bharini, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada
in that Bharini works as highly creative and entertaining one.Venus
Mahadasha comes for 20years depending on the lordship in chart and its
Nakshatra lord Venus mahadasha bestows its result. Mostly it gives good
life style and comfort to people except for Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini
Ascendant people.White is the color of Venus.In metal silver and Diamond
is the gem alloted to Venus.
If your Venus is in the sign of your partner’s Mars or her Mars is in the
sign of your Venus then there will be always a great deal of attraction and
high passion level between two.
Friends to : Saturn & Mercury
Neutral to : Mars & Jupiter
Enemy to : Sun & Moon
One Sign Transit : 28 Days
12 Sign Transit : 11 Months.
Nakshatra : Bharini, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada
Dasha Tanure : 20 years
Body Parts : genital, womb, semen, ovary.
Color : White
Metal : Silver
Gem : Diamond
Direction : South
Deity : Lakshmi

Jupiter In Astrology
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• Jupiter In Astrology
Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius & Pisces sign also the
ruler of natural 9th and 12th house in a horoscope.Jupiter is the greatest
benefic planet in Astrology and key significator of knowledge,
wisdom,opulence, optimism,fortune, expansion.It is warm,
temperate,patience, religious, masculine,generosity, fruitful in
nature.Jupiter the real name is ‘Brihaspati’ comes from the word Brihat;
which means very big.
Jupiter gets Exalted in Cancer 5 Degree
Jupiter gets Debilitated in Capricorn
Jupiter gets detriment in Gemini
Jupiter Mooltrikon sign is Sagittarius
Jupiter has three aspects from its own position – 5,7,9th. Being the most
benevolent planet, conjunction or aspects of Jupiter are generally positive,
gives enriching, expansive, optimistic, positive, qualities to other planets
which may create more harmon harmony,
y, broader philosophical views, and
opulence, devotion,balancing situation in human life. Even when Jupiter is
conjunct with Saturn it narrows down the malefic nature of Saturn. For
materialist aspect Jupiter shows recognition, respect from people, praising,
popularity, big hearted, expansion of horizon, uplifting and broadening the
conditions. Remember Jupiter is a multiplier.
Jupiter is retrograde for almost 5 months every year. When ever Jupiter is
in transit 6th 7th & 8th from the
transit Sun it becomes Retrograde. A well placed Jupiter makes a person
honest, truthful, just, jovial,
religious, lover of justice, fortunate with inborn qualities of wisdom and
judgement. As Jupiter is the ruler
of natural 9th house Sagitterius and 12th house Pisces, it has all the
connection in higher knowledge, Guru,
spiritual and phylosophical scriptures, pilgrimage & spiritual pursuit in
life.So a good Jupiter can make a
person full of spirit, gallant, attractive, lovable, to him power and authority
means more than money. A
Jupiterian person is fond of show and ceremony.
Signification of Jupiter : Knowledge, teacher, reputation, philosophy,
morality, justice, fairness, charity, advise, wisdom, scriptures, gratitude,
over indulgence, blind optimism, tradition, elders, father’s relative.
Sun, Moon, Mars are the friendly to Jupiter & Mercury, Rahu, Saturn are
inimical to Jupiter while Venus is neutral.A
weak Jupiter may give lack of vitality in a person, losses the capacity to
stand for justice, unethical activity, selfish, snobbish, aggressive,
tyrannical, too much bossy and doing nothing, ignorant, blind faith on
others specially running behind fake gurus, partial, demand respect.If
Jupiter gets afflicted by Rahu which makes guru chandal Yoga, gives the
tendency to either having blind faith fake guru or himself becomes a
fake guru and mislead people. In short they are highly misleading,
deceptivee people. Jupiter gets directional strength in 1st house.
Profession/Trading related to Jupiter – Teacher, councillor, Advisor,
priest, Professor, Justice, preacher,
writer of religious books, head of educational institute, Pandits, magistrate,
Jupiter rules over : Liver, Fats, congestion, Obesity etc.
Jupiter has three nakshatras – Punarvasu, Vishakha, ha, Purva Bhadrapad,
among them Punarvasu is where Jupiter
shows its full on positive and constructive appraoch.Jupiter mahadasha has
16years, depending on the lordship
in chart and its akshatra lord,Jupiter mahadasha will give its result in
life.Mostly Jupiter
piter mahadasha gives ethical thoughts, endurance for
grabbing more knowledge, pilgrimage, religious inclination, long
journey, charity, son, fortune, earning from respectable source, respect in
society, expansion of work except for Taurus, Leo, Libra, Capricorn
Ascendant people.Orange is the color of Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire is the
gem stone
for Jupiter and Gold is the matel alotted to Jupiter.
Jupiter works first class as a Maraka planet, by giving to much indulgence
in eat, drink & merry kinda activity.
Friends to : Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral to : Saturn
Enemy to : Venus, Mercury, Rahu
One Sign Transit : 13 months
12 Sign Transit : 12 years
Nakshatra : Punarvasu, Vishakha, P. Bhadrapad.
Dasha Tanure : 16 years
Body Parts : Liver.
Color : Saffron/orange
Metal : Gold
Gem : Yellow Saphire
Direction : North
Deity : Brahma

Saturn In Astrology
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• Planets
• Saturn In Astrology

Saturn is the ruler of

Capricorn & Aquarius signs also the ruler of natural 10th and 11th house in
a horoscope. Saturn is the greatest malefic planet in Astrology and key
significator of karma, hard work discipline, time, longevity, age, patience,
sorrow,, poverty. It is cold, dry, barren, muscline, balancing, lazy, slow
moving, steady in nature. Saturn the natural 10th house lord is the real
Task Master in our life.

Saturn gets Exalted in Libra 20 Degree

Saturn gets Debilitated in Aries
Saturn gets detriment in Leo
Saturn Mooltrikon sign is Aquarius

Saturn has three aspects from its own position – 3,7, 10th. Being the most
malefic planet, conjunction or aspects of Saturn are considered negative in
astrology, which afflicts the planet, gives limitations, slow result,
pessimistic qualities to other planets which may create more delay,
hurdles, misery, pain suppression, shrinking in qualities of planets &
psychological views of human life. Even at times Saturn sitting in His own
sign narrows down the qualities of that particular house in chart. For
materialist aspect Saturn gives reaching out mass people, popularity in
mass people, calculative thought process, and stability in success. Saturn
doesn’tt make things easy for anyone.
Saturn is retrograde for almost 5 months every year. A well placed Saturn
makes a person practical, determined, wise, busy, lover of justice, law
abiding, compassionate for unprivileged people, self made. As Saturn is
the ruler of natural 10th house Capricon and 11th house Aquarius, so
Saturn controls profession, status and financial position, gain social and
professional success in our life. A Saturnine person always have some
unknown fear in their mind. Remember Saturn is a planet of contraction.
Saturn is Yoga karak for Libra & Taurus Ascendant people.

Signification of Saturn : Karma, hardship, property, mass people, enemy,

obstacles, miser, insomnia, responsibility, old age, experience, restriction,
limitation, suppression, depression, rules & regulation, obstruction, sorrow,
death, servant, outcaste, garbage, lethargy, lame
Venus, Mercury & Rahu are the friendly to Saturn & Jupiter is neutral to
Saturn while Sun, Moon & Mars are inimical. A weak Saturn may give
lack of stability in life, losses the capacity to stand for justice, lack of
humor in life, unsocial, unethical activity, selfish, lazy, parasite life,
irritating, gloomy, atheist, shrewd, troubling with authority. Saturn gets
directional strength in 7th house.

Profession/Trading related to Saturn – Manual labour, cobbler, grave

digger, coffin maker, dealing in oil and coal, black smith, anti social
activity, scrap dealer, lawyer, politics, social worker, freedom fighter,
mines, mineral, agricultural department, working with heavy machinery,
property agent etc.

Saturn rules over : Legs, bone joints.

Saturn has three nakshatras – Pushya, Anuradha & Uttar Bhadrapad,
among them Pushya is where Saturn shows its full on positive and
constructive appraoch. Saturn mahadasha has 19years, depending on the
lordship in chart and its akshatra lord, Saturn mahadasha will give its result
in life.Mostly Saturn mahadasha gives lethargy, loss of wealth, narrow
mindedness, unknown fear, insecurity, delay, suffering, frustration in life,
except for Taurus, Libra,
ibra, Capricorn, Aquarius Ascendant people. Black is
the color of Saturn. Blue Sapphire is the gem stone for Saturn and Iron is
the metal allotted to Saturn.

One of the most popular yet frightened term ‘Sade Saati’ is due to Saturn’s
transit over Moon inn our Horoscope, which is the period when Saturn will
make us go through all the hardship of life and shed unnecessary baggage
of life too.

Friends to : Venus, Mercury, Rahu

Neutral to : Jupiter
Enemy to : Sun, Mars, Moon
One Sign Transit : 2 & 1/2 years
12 Sign Transit : 30 years
Nakshatra : Pushya, Anuradha, U. Bhadrapad.
Dasha Tanure : 19 years
Body Parts : Legs
Color : Black/Dark Blue
Metal : Iron
Gem : Blue Saphire
Direction : West
Deity : Rudra
Rahu In Astrology
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• Rahu In Astrology

Rahu the shadowy planet

which we cant see like we can see other planets. That’s the reason Rahu
the planet of Mystery, is one of the malefic planet in Astrology. Rahu owns
the sign Virgo. Rahu is the chief significator of plotting, hypocrisy,
anxiety, excitement, duplicity in human nature. Rahu eclipses Sun. Rahu is
also known as Dragon Head.
Rahu gets Exalted in Taurus
Rahu gets Debilitated in Scorpio
Rahu Mooltrikon sign is Taurus
In Vedic Astrology, Rahu has three aspects frofrom
m its own position that is 5th,
7th and 9th. Affliction of Rahu amplifies the nature of the planet. Rahu has
never ending hunger for anything and everything. Affliction of any planet
by Rahu will amply the materialistic/ negative effect of that planet and as
we know too much of anything is bad. Rahu’s position in any house of the
chart can create illusion or uncertainty related to that house signification in
life. Rahu has the tendency for over indulgence.
Rahu is always having retrograde motion, never dire direct.
ct. Rahu never even
gets stationary. A well posited Rahu can give popularity, fame, Centre of
attention, manipulative skill, success and craze in public. It’s hard to have
success in media, entertainment or in mass population. Trouble with the
Rahu’s materialistic
ialistic delivery is that no matter how much name fame it
gives, the person hardly has any satisfaction or contended mind.
Signification of Rahu : Aviator, Ant hill, enigma, magic, lust, poison,
paternal grandfather, widowhood, political plot, gambling, outcaste,
abusing, atheist, foreign element, corruption.
Rahu works on : skin disease, schizophrenia, delusions.
Profession/Trading related to Rahu – Spies, Archer, Actor,
cinematographer, any work related to film, media, Gambling, thief,
criminal, gangster,
ster, computer related work, manufacturing fertilizers,
pesticides, drug dealer.
Rahu rules over three Nakshatra Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha, in that Swati
works as highly active constructive one which is full of freshness. Rahu
Mahadasha comes for 18 years ddepending
epending on the lordship in chart and its
Nakshatra lord Rahu mahadasha bestows its result. Mostly it gives illusion,
indecisiveness, clueless path, separation from family, Long journey,
unethical activity, selfishness, deception, depression, too much show off,
aggression, secret behavior. Grey is the color of Rahu. In metal lead and
Hassonite is the gem allotted to Rahu.
The infamous term ‘Kaal Sharp Dosh’ in Astrology belongs to particular
Ketu position in horoscope.
Friend to : Saturn, Venus & Mercury
Neutral to : Jupiter
Enemy to : Sun, Moon & Mars
One Sign Transit : 18 months
12 Sign Transit : 18 years approx
Nakshatra : Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha.
Dasha Tanure : 18 years
Body Parts : Skin
Color : Grey
Metal : Lead
Gem : Gomed (Hassonite)
Direction : South
Deity : Durga
Ketu In Vedic Astrology
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• Ketu In Vedic Astrology

Ketu the shadowy planet which we cant see like we can see other
planets. That’s the reason Ketu works on psychological level, is one of the
malefic planet in Astrology. Ketu owns the sign Sagittarius/Pisces. Ketu is
the chief significator of poison, discrim
ination, furious mind, in human
nature. Ketu eclipses Moon. Ketu is also known as Dragon Tail. Ketu is
the planet of spirituality.
Ketu gets Exalted in Scorpio
Ketu gets Debilitated in Taurus
Ketu Mooltrikon sign is Gemini
In Vedic Astrology, Ketu has three aspects from its own position that is
5th, 7th and 9th. Ketu is the planet of obsta
cles so affliction of Ketu will
scatter the positivity of the nature of the planet maligned also Ketu soaks
out whatever the nature and signification of any planet. Ketu is quite
careless in nature and never run behind materialistic gratifications.
ion of any planet by Ketu will surly lose its power, the natural
smoothness of planet signification will be highly missing. Ketu’s position
in any house of the chart can create lack of interest, separation, uncertainty
related to that house signification iin
n life. Ketu has the tendency to work as
separative agent in a horoscope
Ketu is always having retrograde motion, never direct. Ketu never even
gets stationary. A well posited Ketu can give high sense of power,
stubbornness and authority in public. Ketu dodoes
es well in 12th house as Ketu
is the natural significator of 12th house of Moksha. Ketu is the main agent
in horoscope to have suicidal tendency – specially by hanging when it
afflicts Moon.
Signification of Ketu : Bankruptcy, back biting, quarrel, Nirvana,Nirvana
Moksha, vicious tendency, deception, surrender, esoteric, discard, behead,
thoughtless, careless, partition, severe etc.
Profession/Trading related to Ketu – Medicine dealer, herbal product
maker, medical practitioner or doctor, astrologer, philosopher, Dog trainer.
Ketu rules over three Nakshatra Ashwini, Magha, Mula; in that Magha
works as highly active constructive one. Ketu Mahadasha comes for 7
years depending on the lordship in chart and its Nakshatra lord Ketu
mahadasha bestows its result. Mostly iitt gives obstacles, misery, loss of
wealth and blood relations, chanting mantras, pilgrimage, lack of peace of
mind hence Ketu starts showing the path of spirituality, separation from
family, secret behavior. Brown is the color of Ketu. Cat’s eye is the gem
allotted to Ketu.
The infamous term ‘Kaal Sharp Dosh’ in Astrology belongs to particular
Ketu position in horoscope.
Friend to : Saturn, Venus & Mercury
Neutral to : Jupiter
Enemy to : Sun, Moon & Mars
One Sign Transit : 18 months
12 Sign Transit : 18 years approx
Nakshatra : Ashwini, Magha, Mula
Dasha Tanure : 7 years
Body Parts :
Color : Brown
Metal : Lead
Gem : cat’s eye
Direction : South-west

Uranus – The Prajapati in Vedic Astrology

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• Uranus – The Prajapati in Vedic Astrology
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
are also called extra Saturnine planets in Astrology. It doesn’t mean Vedic
Astrology has no clue about these three outer orbit planets. In vedic
Astrology they are named as Prajapati, Varun & Yam. Though they are far
away from our Earth still they have effect on our life for good or bad
Uranus is also called Hershel. Hershel is the co-ruler
ruler of the sign Aquarius
and its mode of working is mainly related to natural 11th house in
horoscope. The higher vibration of Uranus can’t be observed in most of the
people in this materialistic age. Mode of functioning of Uranus is always
sudden, unexpected, spasmodic, airy, dry, electric and barren in nature.
Uranus own Sign is Aquarius
Uranus gets Exalted in Scorpio.
Uranus gets Debilitated in Taurus
Uranus gets detriment in Leo
Aspect of Uranus is never positive, specially conjunction, opposition etc.
But formation
on of Trine with Ascendant or benefic planets can expand the
intuitive power, research capacity, ability to dig out the truth, spiritual
foresight. Affliction by Uranus can cause sudden fall, or changes in life,
person will behave abrupt, wandering here an
andd there without much aim in
Hershel represents twist & turns of our fate, disruption. So those who love
to be in routine, settled, disciplined life, Uranus is threatening for them. Its
basic nature is to change the life upside down without prior notice. noti
Uranus, the planet of Revolution and Freedom always influences through
other planets. So those who are engaged in the field of research, bringing
changes in society, breaking taboo, excitement, adventure – Uranus is very
much beneficial for them. Very few people can respond to the higher
vibration of this planet.
Uranus is retrograde for six months of every year. Uranus does well in
airy signs which may bring the research oriented attitude with exceptional
intelligent mind who will be keen to learn mor
e. In watery sign Uranus
does weird mostly person will be sex driven, pervert, stubborn etc.
Signification of Uranus : Accidental, abrupt, peculiar, pervert, lustful,
magnetic, sudden, suicidal, telepathic, tempting, tragic, hasty, immoral,
Magic, Tantra, Mantra Omens, occult sciences, influencing others,
wonderer, rebellious, exaggerating, unorthodox, scientific etc.
fession/Trading related to Uranus – Scientist, researcher, freedom
fighter, magician, tantric, social reformer, rebellion, traveller, investigator.
When Venus has very close conjunction with Hershel, person gets
temptations for sex and passion in life, wh which
ich leads to perversion and
immorality. At times such people don’t believe in old institution of
marriage. They seek for free love here and there. Afflicted Venus in 5th or
7th house brings many relations in life, separation, break in marriage etc.
Uranus rules over : Pineal gland, Nervous system. Hence numbness,
shooting pain, spasmodic disorder these are the regular things caused by
Uranus. If Uranus is afflicted in 6th house then chances of getting wrong
diagnosis or wrong medication are more.
One Sign Transit : 7 years.
12 Sign Transit : 84 years
Body Parts : Pineal gland, Nervous system.
Color : sky blue
Gem : Amber
Deity : Prajapati
Neptune is another extra Saturnine planet in Astrology, In vedic
Astrology Neptune is named as Varun specially in Naadi leaf Astrology.
Though it is far away from our Earth still they have effect on our life for
good or bad happenings. Unlike most of the Astrologers I support what
Max Heindel says that Neptune is the higher octave of Mercury which
works as an inspirational influence in our mind.
Neptune is the co-ruler
ruler of the sign Pisces and its mode of working is
mainly related to natural 12th house in horoscope. The higher vibration of
Neptune can’t be observed iinn most of the people in this materialistic age.
Mode of functioning of Neptune is always psychic, spiritual, confusing,
elusive, moist, emotional in nature. Its a fantastic planet to help those
fantasy writers.
Neptune own Sign is Pisces
Neptune gets Exalted in Cancer.
Neptune gets Debilitated in Virgo
As Neptune is twice slower than Uranus who takes more than 14years to
complete one sign transit, so we should only consider the aspect of
Neptune when it is posited in Rising degree (Ascendant) or in exact trine to
Ascendant, on a sensitive point like Fortuna or when it has very tight
conjunction with many other planets which we call Stellium. But formation
of Trine withth Ascendant or benefic planets can expand the psychic and
intuitive power, spiritual foresight. With such conjunction people can
easily tune them with occult and esoteric secrets of nature. Affliction by
Neptune can cause doubt, chaos, fear, fraud and dec deception.
eption. If Neptune
himself is afflicted then it gives tendency for weird sex, over sexual desire,
addicted to over use of drugs, alcohol and narcotics.
Neptune represents dreams and imagination, illusion, inspiration. Neptune
does well in watery signs whic
h may bring the strong imaginary mind for
creativity or psychic power to connect with the core nature or healing
purpose. Very few people can respond to the higher vibration of this
Neptune is retrograde for 5 months of every year. Whenever Neptune goes
Retrograde keep yourself away from drugs, chemicals and stimulants .
Signification of Neptune : Drowning, drug, enemies, dishonesty, illusion,
asylum, deception, doubt, tears, telepathy, intuition, ocean, poison,
kidnapping, secret society, sudden & mysterious death, odour, dream,
aquarium, rain, ice etc.
Profession/Trading related to Neptune – Swimmer, Fishermen, Actors,
magician, Cloud seeding, drug dealer, fortune teller, shoe maker,
anesthesiologist, psychologist, pharmacists, Head of asylum etc.
Wherever Neptune sits it creates some foggy, mysterious, uncertain
outlook from that house of horoscope. When Venus has very close
conjunction with Neptune in 12th house, person gets temptations for sex,
deceit, seduction, which leads to perversion and imm
Neptune rules over : Pineal gland, mind & nervous system. Hence the
sickness caused is mainly of depressive. Mostly treatment of Neptune
caused diseases should be psychic coupled with spiritual monitoring or
hypnotic. It affects the eye and eye si
sight too.
One Sign Transit : 14 years.
12 Sign Transit : 165 years
Body Parts : Feet, Pineal Gland.
Color : Purple.
Metal : Silver
Gem : Aquamarine
Deity : Varun
One may have the question in mind why in vedic astrology we don’t
consider the dasha tenure or Neptun
e/Varun? As its dasha once will start
may cover up the entire life of a person which is more than 100years.
Pluto – Yam in Vedic Astrology
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• Planets
• Pluto – Yam in Vedic Astrology

Pluto is the last extra

saturnine planet in Astrology, who was named as Yam in Indian Naadi
Pluto is the co-ruler of the sign Scorpio and its mode of working is mainly
related to natural 8h house in horoscope. That’s why Pluto works as a
death agent, whether it’s the death of your desire, or your near ones.
Pluto’s 8th house relationship makes it work in our life as a transformative,
regenerative agent. The higher vibration of Pluto can’t be observed in most
of the people in this materialistic age. Mode of functioning of Pluto is
always destructive, chaotic, cold, sudden, long lasting, cyclic, and subtle in
As Pluto is slowest moving one so people of same generation will be
having Pluto in same sign in horoscope. But where ever Pluto sits in a
horoscope, it gives duality related to that house. Like Uranus, Pluto brings
sudden changes too but Pluto’s influence is stronger in our life. The type of
change Pluto brings in our life we just can’t escape it, but unless Pluto’s
positioning in horoscope is strong and prominent enough we don’t feel its
action so often. Pluto is the planet of underworld.
Signification of Pluto : Revival, turning point, upheaval, struggle,
temptation, envy, recreation, underground activities, criminals, caves,
minerals, stones, death & destruction, grave, natural dome, gloomy place,
volcanic region, ancient civilization, old shrine etc.
Pluto wants you to know your inner self better, so you can deal with it
better and come out as a person more than what you are. Pluto rules on
masses more than on any individual, so a good example of Pluto action
you can find in Earth Quake of Nepal during April 2015. Pluto will make
a person go through death like situation many times so that one can come
out as a evolve soul.
The duality part of Pluto works quite well in everyone’s chart. If Pluto is
on 10th house of horoscope, the person may have two professions
parallelly. If Pluto in 7th house one may have same spouse like relationship
with someone other than his legal spouse.
Pluto is the last extra saturnine planet in Astrology, who was named as
Yam in Indian Naadi Astrology.
Pluto is the co-ruler of the sign Scorpio and its mode of working is mainly
related to natural 8h house in horoscope. That’s why Pluto works as a
death agent, whether it’s the death of your desire, or your near ones.
Pluto’s 8th house relationship makes it work in our life as a transformative,
regenerative agent. The higher vibration of Pluto can’t be observed in most
of the people in this materialistic age. Mode of functioning of Pluto is
always destructive, chaotic, cold, sudden, long lasting, cyclic, and subtle in
As Pluto is slowest moving one so people of same generation will be
having Pluto in same sign in horoscope. But where ever Pluto sits in a
horoscope, it gives duality related to that house. Like Uranus, Pluto brings
sudden changes too but Pluto’s influence is stronger in our life. The type of
change Pluto brings in our life we just can’t escape it, but unless Pluto’s
positioning in horoscope is strong and prominent enough we don’t feel its
action so often. Pluto is the planet of underworld.
Signification of Pluto : Revival, turning point, upheaval, struggle,
temptation, envy, recreation, underground activities, criminals, caves,
minerals, stones, death & destruction, grave, natural dome, gloomy place,
volcanic region, ancient civilization, ol
old shrine etc.
Pluto wants you to know your inner self better, so you can deal with it
better and come out as a person more than what you are. Pluto rules on
masses more than on any individual, so a good example of Pluto action
you can find in Earth Quake ooff Nepal during April 2015. Pluto will make a
person go through death like situation many times so that one can come out
as a evolve soul.
The duality part of Pluto works quite well in everyone’s chart. If Pluto is
on 10th house of horoscope, the person may have two professions
parallelly. If Pluto in 7th house one may have same spouse like
relationship with someone other than his legal spouse.
One Sign Transit : 12 to 31 years.
12 Sign Transit : 248 years
Body Parts : Pineal gland
Gem : Onyx
Deity : Yam

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