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Cerebral Compensation During Motor Function in Friedreich Ataxia:

Ian H. Harding, PhD ,1* Louise A. Corben, PhD,1,2 Martin B. Delatycki, PhD,1,2,3 Monique R. Stagnitti, BSc(Hons),1
Elsdon Storey, PhD,4 Gary F. Egan, PhD,1,5 and Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis, PhD1

School of Psychological Sciences & Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Bruce Lefroy Centre, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Clinical Genetics, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

A B S T R A C T : Background: Friedreich ataxia is char- attentionally demanding finger tapping was also associated
acterized by progressive motor incoordination that is linked with cerebral hyperactivation, but in this case within dorso-
to peripheral, spinal, and cerebellar neuropathology. Cere- lateral prefrontal regions of the executive control network
bral abnormalities are also reported in Friedreich ataxia, but and superior parietal regions of the dorsal attention system.
their role in disease expression remains unclear. Greater offline motor precision was associated with less
Methods: In this cross-sectional functional magnetic activation in the dorsal attention network.
resonance imaging study, 25 individuals with Friedreich Discussion: Compensatory activity is evident in the
ataxia and 33 healthy controls performed simple (self- cerebral cortex in individuals with Friedreich ataxia.
paced single-finger) and complex (visually cued multifin- Early compensation followed by later decline in premo-
ger) tapping tasks to respectively gauge basic and tor/ventral attention systems demonstrates capacity-
attentionally demanding motor behavior. For each task, limited neural reserve, while the additional engagement
whole brain functional activations were compared of higher order brain networks is indicative of compen-
between groups and correlated with disease severity satory task strategies. Network-level changes in cere-
and offline measures of motor dexterity. bral brain function thus potentially serve to mitigate the
Results: During simple finger tapping, cerebral hyperacti- impact of motor impairments in Friedreich ataxia.
vation in individuals with Friedreich ataxia at the lower end of C 2017 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder
clinical severity and cerebral hypoactivation in those more Society
severely affected was observed in premotor/ventral atten-
tion brain regions, including the supplementary motor area K e y W o r d s : Friedreich ataxia; compensation; fMRI;
and anterior insula. Greater activation in this network corre- motor function
lated with greater offline finger tapping precision. Complex,

Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), the most common inherited component of FRDA includes degeneration of the dorsal
ataxia, is an autosomal recessive disorder defined by pro- root ganglia, dorsal spinal tracts, and dentate nuclei of the
gressive movement incoordination. The neurological cerebellum.1 Disrupted functional and structural connec-
------------------------------------------------------------ tivity between the cerebellum and cerebrum have also
*Corresponding author: Dr. Ian Harding, School of Psychological Scien-
ces, 18 Innovation Walk, Monash University, VIC, 3800, Australia; ian. been reported,2,3 as have functional and structural abnor-
malities in the cerebellar cortex, cerebral cortex, and sub-
Funding agency: Australian National Health and Medical Research
Council (Project Grant 1046037; Fellowship 1106533).
cortical extrapyramidal system.4-8 The emerging picture
of the central neuropathology underlying FRDA is thus
Relevant conflicts of interests/financial disclosures: Nothing to
report. now expanding beyond conventional focus on subtento-
rial disruptions; however, the role of the cerebrum in dis-
Received: 2 October 2016; Revised: 21 March 2017; Accepted: 23
March 2017 ease expression is not well understood.
Motor deficits are the most salient clinical features
Published online 27 May 2017 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/mds.27023
of FRDA and include limb and gait ataxia; poor

Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017 1221


TABLE 1. Demographic, clinical, and task performance characteristics

Characteristic FRDA (n 5 25) Controls (n 5 33) Statistic P value

Age, y 34.9 6 12.1 36.9 6 13.1 t (56) 5 0.60 .55
Gender, M, F 15, 10 16, 17 v2(1) 5 0.76 .38
Clinical data
Disease severity, FARS 77.4 6 23.7 – – –
Disease duration, y 14.9 6 6.6 – – –
Age of onset, y 19.8 6 9.3 – – –
GAA1 repeat length 553 6 232 – – –
GAA2 repeat length 844 6 221 – – –
Online motor task performance
Self-paced, Hz 0.80 6 0.18 0.70 6 0.16 t (56) 5 2.35 .022
Multifinger, % accuracya 100 (89-100) 98 (92-100) U 5 405; Z 5 0.13 .90
Offline motor task performance
Speeded tapping, Hz 2.40 6 0.65 4.91 6 0.54 t (55) 5 15.9 <.001
Paced tapping, precision 12.38 6 4.47 22.34 6 5.79 t (55) 5 7.04 <.001

Values are mean 6 standard deviaiton unless otherwise indicated. FARS, Friedreich Ataxia Rating Scale; FRDA, Friedreich ataxia, GAA1, smaller FXN intron 1
GAA repeat size; GAA2, larger FXN intron 1 GAA repeat size. BOLD entries 5 p<0.05
Median (range) is reported due to strong ceiling effects.

balance control; dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia, and but also in motor planning and adaptation of motor
intention tremor; and dysarthria and dysphagia.9 The output in response to changing contextual condi-
neurofunctional correlates of motor dysfunction have tions.14,15 These results indicate that neural abnormal-
been investigated in vivo using functional magnetic ities may manifest at the interface between cognitive
resonance imaging (fMRI) in small cohorts of between and motor processes within the cerebral cortex.16
7 and 11 individuals with FRDA.10,11 These studies Moreover, greater task demands may also emphasize
found consistent evidence of functional deficits in cere- underlying functional brain deficits or challenge the
bellar lobules V and VI, the supplementary motor limits of active compensatory processes.17 Taken
areas, and the inferior parietal lobules during various together, investigating attentionally demanding motor
finger- and hand-tapping tasks. Other frontal, prefron- production may more closely approximate real-world
tal, posterior parietal, and cerebellar brain regions behavioral demands and provide new insights into the
were more inconsistently implicated, and observations role the cerebrum may play in the morbidity of
included both hypoactivation and hyperactivation rela- FRDA.
tive to healthy controls.10,11 This pattern of findings In both task manipulations, we predicted that func-
suggests that a common set of brain abnormalities tional hypoactivation would manifest in core motor-
may contribute to the motor deficits in FRDA, related brain regions that have previously been associ-
whereas task-specific mechanisms of functional com- ated with FRDA, including lobules V and VI of the
pensation12 or downstream consequence (ie, diaschi- cerebellum, the supplementary motor areas, and the
sis)13 may operate elsewhere. inferior parietal lobules. Compensatory hyperactiva-
The current study had two primary aims. First, we tion was expected in alternate networks, encompassing
sought to replicate and extend on investigations of the premotor and prefrontal cortices, which are
simple motor functions in FRDA10,11 using a larger engaged to support neural deficiencies in primary task
research cohort, providing for increased statistical areas.17,18
power and more reliable generalizability of results. In
addition, by recruiting individuals across a wide range Materials and Methods
of clinical severity, we sought to cross-sectionally
investigate links between disease severity and detri- Participants
mental or compensatory functional changes in the Data from 25 individuals with FRDA, homozygous
brain. for a GAA expansion in intron 1 of FXN, and 33 age-
Second, we aimed to investigate complex motor- and gender-matched control participants without
related function in FRDA by employing an attention- neurological symptoms were available for analysis
ally demanding motor paradigm. Adaptive real-world (Table 1). A further 8 FRDA and 4 control datasets
interactions rely not just on the ability to produce were excluded after data collection due to in-scanner
motor responses, but also to do so in a goal-oriented motion or sleep, incorrect task performance, or data
and contextually relevant fashion. Behavioral studies corruption (see Supplementary Materials). A total of 6
of FRDA indicate deficits not only in motor execution individuals met the criteria for late-onset FRDA

1222 Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017


(>25 years old); supplementary analyses showed that thumb, was recorded. The order of SF and MF task
between-group differences were not driven or sup- presentation was counterbalanced across participants.
pressed by this subgroup (Table S4). All participants Stimuli were presented using E-prime (Psychological
were right-handed with the exception of 1 FRDA. The Software Tools, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). A MRI-
data were collected as part of the IMAGE-FRDA compatible, right-handed glove with movement sen-
study4-6 (see Supplementary Materials). This project is sors (Fifth Dimension Technology,
sanctioned by the Monash Health Human Research was used to record the kinematics of the finger move-
Ethics Committee; all participants gave informed, ments. During the prescan practice session, the kine-
written consent. matic characteristics (range of each finger movement)
were calibrated for each individual.
Offline Motor Tasks
Participants performed speeded and paced finger-
MRI Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
tapping tasks.19 During speeded tapping, the partici- All participants were scanned using a 3 Tesla Siemens
pants pressed a button with their nondominant index Skyra scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-
finger as rapidly as possible for 10 seconds, followed channel head coil at Monash Biomedical Imaging (Victoria,
by an approximate 10-second rest period, repeated 5 Australia). The functional run consisted of 157 whole brain,
times (Fig. S1A). Average tapping rate (Hz) was gradient-echo echo-planar images comprising 44 inter-
recorded (Table 1). During paced tapping, the partici- leaved, contiguous axial slices (TR 5 2500 milliseconds;
pants alternated between pressing 2 buttons, 1 with TE 5 30 milliseconds; flip 5 90 8; 3-mm isotropic voxels;
each thumb, in time with a repeated tone presented FOV 5 192 3 192 mm). A whole-brain T1-weighted
every 550 milliseconds (1.8Hz). After 11 taps, the magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo structural
tone ceased and participants were required to main- image was also acquired for each participant (176 sagittal
tain the same pace for an additional 31 taps. This pro- slices; 1.0 mm isotropic voxels; TR 5 1900 milliseconds;
TE 5 2.19 milliseconds; FOV 5 256 3 256 mm).
cedure was repeated 5 times over approximately 3
Data preprocessing using SPM12 (Functional Imag-
minutes (Fig. S1B). Tapping precision was calculated
ing Laboratory, University College London, UK;
as the inverse of the standard deviation of the differ- consisted of the following:
ence between observed and correct intertap intervals
(i) temporal registration to the middle slice of each
(Table 1).
functional volume; (ii) spatial alignment to the first
volume of the run; (iii) spatial unwarping to account
Online Behavioral Stimuli and fMRI Task
for susceptibility-by-movement noise variance; (iii)
coregistration with the T1-weighted structural image;
During fMRI recording, 2 experimental motor para- (iv) skull-stripping, segmentation, and nonlinear nor-
digms were performed: a self-paced, regularly timed, malization of the T1 (and coregistered echo-planar
single-finger tapping paradigm (SF),10 and a visually images) to standard anatomical space; and (v) spatial
cued, irregularly timed, multifinger tapping paradigm smoothing using a Gaussian kernel of 5-mm full-width
(MF; Fig. S1). Each paradigm started and ended with at half-maximum.
a 16-second rest period, and consisted of 4 24-second
task blocks interspersed by 16-second rest blocks (176 Data Analysis: Group Activation Differences
seconds total per task). During each task, an image of Task fMRI effects were quantified using hierarchical
the palmar aspect of a right hand with fingers general linear modeling (GLM). At the individual
abducted was shown on a black background. During level, the task conditions (SF and MF) were coded as
the SF task, a green circle appeared on the index finger block predictors, convolved with a canonical hemody-
continuously for the 24-second duration of the block namic response function. Additional regressors were
(Fig. S1C). With this cue, participants were asked to included in the GLM to robustly account for motion-
tap their index finger and thumb together at 0.67 Hz, related variance (3 planes of translation; 3 axes of
a rate at which they were trained immediately prior to rotation; and their first derivatives) and physiological
data collection (while in the scanner). Average tapping noise (5 principal components of the fMRI signal in
rate was recorded. During the MF task blocks, the the white matter and cerebrospinal fluid, ie,
small green circle appeared in a random order on the CompCor20.
index, middle, ring, or little finger for 300 millisec- Contrast estimates of the individual-level SF and MF
onds, with a varied interstimulus interval averaging effects were entered into group-level 2-sample t tests
1200 milliseconds (varied at 550 milliseconds, 940 to infer population differences across the whole brain
milliseconds, or 2240 milliseconds; Fig. S1D). Tapping while controlling for age, gender, and task perfor-
accuracy, defined as the percentage of trials in which mance. Separate group-level models were estimated
the indicated finger was correctly tapped to the for the SF and MF task effects. Homogeneity of

Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017 1223


variance between groups was not assumed; heterosce-

dasticity was instead estimated using a standard
restricted maximum likelihood ReML approach imple-
mented in SPM12, and the statistics and degrees of
freedom were adjusted as appropriate (analogous to
Welch’s t test). Statistical thresholds were corrected
for multiple comparisons (cluster-based family-wise
error corrected P < .05) using nonparametric Monte
Carlo simulations.
To determine whether significant between-group
activation differences were associated with brain atro-
phy, group comparisons (2-sample t tests) of gray mat-
ter volume (assessed by voxel-based morphometry)5
and function-structure correlations were assessed (Sup-
plementary Materials).

Data Analysis: Clinical Correlations

Linear relationships between task activations and
disease severity across the whole brain were assessed
using multiple regression models with Friedreich
Ataxia Rating Scale score (FARS; higher scores indi-
cate more severe disease21) as the predictor variable
and age, gender, and task performance as nuisance
covariates. Regressions modeling the GAA triplet-
repeat expansion on the shorter FXN allele (GAA1)
FIG. 1. Within-group task fMRI activations during self-paced single fin-
were also assessed, controlling for FARS score. ger (top) and cued multifinger (bottom) tasks (family-wise error cor-
Further exploration and characterization of signifi- rected Pcluster <.05 with cluster-forming Pvoxel < .001). Significant
cant clinical effects was undertaken using a post hoc Activations specific to controls are displayed in red, to Friedreich
ataxia (FRDA) in green, and common to both in yellow. [Color figure
median split. The FRDA sample was divided into 2 can be viewed at]
subgroups based on disease severity (nlow 5 12, mean
FARSlow 5 58; nhigh 5 13, mean FARShigh 5 95), and
FRDA cohort (P 5 .022), whereas multifinger accuracy
planned post hoc comparisons were undertaken
was matched (P 5 .90, although a majority of partici-
between each clinical subgroup and the healthy con-
pants were operating at ceiling; Table 1).
trol cohort.

Brain-Behavior Correlations Self-Paced, Single-Finger Brain Activations

Activity within disease-sensitive functional regions During self-paced, single-finger tapping, both
(ie, between-group differences or clinical correlations) cohorts engaged the left primary motor (M1) and
was further assessed for correlations with offline somatosensory cortices (S1), midline supplementary
motor performance measures. As detailed later, when motor area (SMA), right inferior parietal lobule (IPL),
overlaid onto an atlas of well-described functional and right cerebellar lobule V (Fig. 1, Table S1). Con-
brain networks,22,23 the observed task-related func- trols also showed evidence of significant activation in
tional abnormalities mapped selectively onto different the right and left ventral premotor cortex, left insula,
networks. SP and MF task-related activations were and right cerebellar lobule VIIIb.
averaged across disease-sensitive regions falling within Relative to the control cohort, individuals with
each network and correlated with offline motor behav- FRDA had significantly reduced activations in right
ior (speeded motor performance and paced motor lobule VI of the cerebellum (Fig. 2, Table S2); no sig-
precision). nificant activation increases were evident. Functional
abnormalities in lobule VI were not significantly
Results associated with brain atrophy (Supplementary Mate-
rials). A supplementary subgroup analysis confirmed
Finger-Tapping Behavior that group differences in tapping rate were not driv-
Offline maximal tapping rate and tapping precision ing this effect (Supplementary Materials).
were significantly lower in individuals with FRDA rel- In the FRDA cohort, greater disease severity (FARS
ative to controls (both P < .001; Table 1). The online score) was associated with lesser activation in the
self-paced tapping rate was significantly greater in the SMA, left anterior insula (aIns), left IPL, and left

1224 Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017


FIG. 2. Significant between-group fMRI differences in the cerebellum (left) and correlations with disease severity in the cerebrum (right) during self-
paced, single-finger tapping (non-parametric FWE-corrected Pcluster<.05 with cluster-forming Pvoxel<.01). Bar graphs illustrate mean group fMRI acti-
vations (6 standard error), relative to resting baseline, for healthy controls (HC; blue) and a median split of the Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) group into
low disease severity (red) and high disease severity (green) subgroups. FARS, Friedreich Ataxia Rating Scale; STG, superior temporal gyus; IPL, infe-
rior parietal lobule; SMA, supplementary motor area. [Color figure can be viewed at]

superior temporal gyrus (STG; Fig. 2, Table S2). No significantly increased activations in the FARSlow sub-
significant associations with GAA1 (controlling for group and decreased activations in the FARShigh sub-
FARS) were evident. group (Table S3). In contrast, functional deficits in
As illustrated in Figure 2, post hoc median-split cerebellar lobule VI showed monotonic decline from
comparisons revealed, relative to healthy controls, healthy to FARSlow to FARShigh.

FIG. 3. Significant between-group fMRI differences in the cerebrum during cued multifinger tapping (non-parametric FWE-corrected Pcluster<.05 with
cluster-forming Pvoxel<.01). Bar graphs illustrate mean group fMRI activations (6 standard error) relative to resting baseline for controls (blue) and a
median split of the Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) group into low disease severity (red) and high disease severity (green) subgroups. FARS, Friedreich
Ataxia Rating Scale; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017 1225


FIG. 4. Network-level correlations with offline motor behavior performance. Linear correlations between offline motor precision and fMRI activation
magnitude during self-paced, single-finger tapping (SP) in disease-relevant brain areas (orange-red; see Fig. 2) that overlap with the ventral attention
brain network (A; cyan), and fMRI activation magnitude during externally cued multifinger tapping (MF) and disease-relevant brain areas (orange-
red; see Fig. 3) that overlap with the dorsal attention (B; blue) and executive control (C; green) brain networks. Brain network illustrations modified
from Yeo et al.23 Spearman correlation coefficients are reported (*P <.05, **P <.001). [Color figure can be viewed at]

Visually Cued, Multifinger Brain Activations Pcorrected 5 .044), and left lateral precuneus (tmax 5 5.09;
Cued multifinger tapping was associated with activa- KE 5 70; Pcorrected 5 .044; Fig. S2).
tions in both cohorts bilaterally in the motor system Post hoc median-split analysis revealed several acti-
(M1, S1, SMA, dorsal and ventral premotor), intra- vation profiles (Fig. 3). First, the bilateral dlPFC were
parietal parietal sulci (IPS), inferior and superior parie- not responsive to task demands in healthy controls,
tal lobules, caudate nuclei, and cerebellar lobules V to but were engaged in FRDA with no statistical differ-
VII and VIIb to VIIIb. In addition, activation was ences between greater and lesser disease severity. Sec-
observed in the FRDA cohort in the dorsolateral pre- ond, the precuneus was also not engaged in controls,
frontal cortex (dlPFC) bilaterally, the dorsal precu- but showed localized parametric increases in activa-
neus, and posterior aspects of the right middle tion as disease severity increased. Finally, the bilateral
temporal gyrus (Fig. 1, Table S1). IPS were active in controls, but this activity was
Relative to healthy controls, individuals with FRDA increased in FRDA, and a significant positive relation-
elicited greater activation in bilateral dlPFC, ventrolat- ship with disease severity was observed in the right
eral premotor areas, IPS, and caudate nuclei as well as hemisphere.
the medial precuneus, right fusiform gyrus, and left
cerebellar crus I (Fig. 3, Table S2). These functional Network-Level Brain-Behavior Correlations
abnormalities were not significantly associated with Based on an atlas of intrinsic functional human
brain atrophy (Supplementary Materials). brain networks,22,23 it was observed that all brain
There was no evidence of FARS correlations at whole- regions that were sensitive to FRDA disease status
brain corrected levels, but within the mask of regions dem- during single-finger tapping reside within the salience
onstrating between-group activation differences, positive (also known as the ventral attention) network, except
associations were found in the precuneus (tmax 5 2.71; the superior temporal gyrus (Fig. 4A). In the FRDA
KE 5 88; Pcorrected 5 .033) and right IPS (tmax 5 3.47; cohort, greater average functional activations within
KE 5 94; Pcorrected 5 .025). Greater GAA1 was associated this network were associated with better performance
with less task-related activation in the anterior cingulate on the offline motor precision task (Spearman’s
cortex (tmax 5 5.05; KE 5 156; Pcorrected < .001), right q 5 0.40, P 5 .05), but not speeded tapping (q 5 0.16,
temporal-parietal junction (tmax 5 5.48; KE 5 70; P 5 .45).

1226 Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017


Similarly, all areas of statistically greater activation mitigate functional disruptions early in the course of
in the FRDA cohort during multifinger tapping were the disease, but which cannot be sustained with con-
found in the dorsal attention (Fig. 4B) and executive tinued progression of the underlying pathology.12,17,27
control (Fig. 4C) networks. Greater activation within Similar effects have also been observed across a num-
regions overlapping the dorsal attention network was ber other neurodegenerative disorders, including Alz-
associated with poorer offline motor precision heimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and multiple
(q 5 20.65, P 5 .001) and slower speeded tapping sclerosis.12,28-31 This interpretation is further sup-
(q 5 20.41, P 5 .044) in the FRDA cohort. Activity ported in the current experiment by correlations show-
within the executive control network did not map sig- ing that individuals with greater activation in this
nificantly onto offline motor precision (q 5 20.31, network also have greater motor precision, providing
P 5 .14) or speeded tapping (q 5 20.21, P 5 .32). evidence of so-called “successful compensation.”12
These nonlinear cerebral functional changes
Discussion occurred alongside progressive activation decreases in
functionally connected regions of the cerebellum, puta-
In individuals with FRDA, we report functional tively reflecting primary cerebellar pathology concur-
abnormalities in the cerebral cortex underlying simple rent with secondary mechanisms of cerebral
self-paced and more complex attentionally demanding compensation. Indeed, cerebellar changes reported in
motor tasks. In the case of simple self-generated motor FRDA are often more strongly linked to disease
behaviour, functional changes preferentially impact expression than cerebral measures.4,7 Early degenera-
ventral attention (ie, salience) and premotor systems. tion and dysfunction in the cerebellum may therefore
Importantly, these changes are sensitive to disease sta- be initially offset by a functional shift to relatively
tus, with increased activation relative to healthy con- spared, interconnected areas of the cerebrum. Contin-
trols evident in less severe FRDA, decreased activation ued cerebellar pathology, however, may eventually
evident in more severe disease states, and correlations overwhelm the capacity limits of cerebral function,
between activation magnitude and motor dexterity. leading to dysfunction across the whole network.
On the other hand, attentionally demanding motor The simple motor task used in this experiment was
function increased engagement of executive control identical to that employed by Akhlaghi and col-
and dorsal attention systems in FRDA, with activation leagues10 in a smaller sample of 11 individuals with
in the latter correlated with motor performance mea- FRDA. In contrast to the current study, those authors
sures. These observations are consistent with models reported functional deficits in cerebral premotor and
of functional compensation operating at the level of supplementary motor, inferior parietal, and insula/
large-scale neural networks, which may serve to miti- frontal opercular regions (ie, areas of the ventral
gate disease-related dysfunction. attention network), but did not find evidence of hyper-
Models of functional compensation, although activation. However, the clinical severity of the study
diverse in their specifics, share the premise that degen- sample in this earlier work lies predominantly in the
eration of neural tissues leads to a loss of functional more severe half of the current FARS median split.
efficiency or capacity.17,18,24,25 In response, additional When the results from Akhlaghi and colleagues10 are
neural resources may be recruited to account for neu- compared to just the FARSHigh subgroup in the cur-
ronal damage and mitigate subsequent behavioral con- rent study, the predominance of hypoactivation in
sequences. These compensatory mechanisms may these regions is replicated. Deficits in lobule V/VI and
either involve increased activation in affected task net- the SMA were also implicated by Ginestroni and col-
works (ie, neural reserve) or recruitment of alternative leagues11 during hand tapping. Taken together, func-
neural regions to complement compromised function tional changes are consistently evident in the ventral
(ie, neural compensation).24,25 In the current study, attention/premotor brain regions during motor execu-
we observed evidence of both neural reserve and neu- tion in individuals with FRDA. Importantly, the cur-
ral compensation in the cerebrum in individuals with rent study indicates that disease state is an important
FRDA. determinant of a nonlinear activation profile across
Structural, functional, and connectivity abnormali- individuals in these regions.
ties have all been previously reported in areas of the During complex, attentionally demanding motor
premotor and ventral attention network, including the performance, neural compensation through engage-
SMA and anterior insula, in FRDA.4,10,26 However, in ment of alternative functional networks was also read-
the current case, an inverted-U pattern of functional ily apparent. In response to task demands, individuals
activation across different levels of disease severity with FRDA activated the executive control network
was observed during simple finger tapping. This acti- (bilateral dlPFC and cerebellar crus I) and activated or
vation pattern is characteristic of a compensation significantly upregulated regions of the dorsal atten-
model whereby increased neural activity is thought to tion network (ventrolateral premotor areas, IPS, and

Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017 1227


precuneus). Deficits in functions traditionally ascribed speculative, but present interesting avenues for future
to these brain areas, including cognitive control and research.
attention, have been reported in FRDA,8,32-34 but are Notably, the simple and complex tasks were selec-
generally considered to be subtle aspects of the disor- tively sensitive to dysfunction in bottom-up (ie,
der.1 Moreover, previous functional MRI studies of salience) and top-down (ie, executive/dorsal attention)
cognition in FRDA have generally found a relative brain networks, respectively. This selectivity may
sparing of top-down control/attention networks.4,8,26 relate to the subjective self-assessment and internal
As such, individuals with FRDA may use these rela- vigilance demands of the self-paced manipulation, rel-
tively intact executive resources to compensate for ative to the objective action-outcome evaluation and
impairments in other systems, perhaps by employing external vigilance requirements of the visually cued
different cognitive strategies relative to healthy indi- task. The current study thus supports dysfunction in
viduals.18,24,35 This shift to alternate strategies is sup- both processes in FRDA, the consequences of which
ported by the observation of increased engagement of may manifest independently in different contexts.
the dorsal attention network in individuals with Definitive inference of links between cerebral com-
FRDA who successfully completed the fMRI task, but pensation, disease severity, and disease progression are
who demonstrated worse offline motor precision. That limited by the cross-sectional design of this work.
is, individuals with greater motor impairment relied Future longitudinal studies will be necessary to con-
on higher order, top-down attentional control systems firm these relationships. Furthermore, due to the tech-
to a greater degree when undertaking an attentionally nological limitations of fMRI and the behavioral
demanding behavioral task. limitations inherent to individuals with FRDA, it was
In contrast to simple motor performance, however, necessary to restrict experimentation of motor func-
we do not find evidence of compensation failure in tion to hand movements (as opposed to, for example,
individuals with more severe disease severity during gait impairments or complex real-world behaviors).
the attentionally demanding task. In fact, in subre- Although the ecological validity of such designs may
gions of the precuneus and right IPS, there is evidence be questionable, the ability to isolate fundamental dys-
of continued increases in activation with increased dis- functions is useful in developing more complete neuro-
ease severity. These findings perhaps again provide biological models of this disorder. Furthermore,
evidence for the relative sparing of executive systems although links between brain function and disease
in FRDA, allowing neural compensation to remain severity are reported in this work, investigating the
effective regardless of disease status, at least within potential modulatory role of differences in age at
the constraints of this task. Future experiments using onset34 was not possible due to confounds with nor-
parametric modulations of cognitive load will be nec- mal aging processes in this sample (age at onset vs
essary to test the limits of these mechanisms.12 current age: r 5 0.84); further investigations decou-
Cerebellar deficits were also not apparent during pling these effects are warranted.
attentionally demanding task performance (even when Contemporary theories, models, and evidence of neu-
explored at more liberal uncorrected statistical thresh- ral compensation and neural reserve firmly support the
olds). This finding is surprising given that deficits in notion that neurofunctional changes underlying degen-
lobules V and VI are relatively consistent in structural erative diseases are not only detrimental but also may
and functional neuroimaging studies of FRDA.4,7,10,11,26 be compensatory.12,25,28 This idea has driven a ground-
However, that we find cerebellar deficits in our simple swell of research into novel therapeutic approaches
motor task in the same group of participants, during the designed to stimulate or maintain these compensatory
same scan session, using similar perceptual stimuli, and cerebral processes through, for example, noninvasive
employing identical data processing and statistical brain stimulation38,39 or cognitive therapies.40,41 Given
modeling approaches provides some protection against the evidence that cerebral compensation may also oper-
type II error. Although definitive explanations for this ate in FRDA, these novel means of intervention repre-
intact cerebellar activation are beyond the scope of the sent exciting pathways for future research.
current data, there are several compelling possibilities. In summary, the present study motivates a reconcep-
First, it may be that the functional reorganization of tualization of cerebral contributions to FRDA. In par-
neural processing from impaired ventral attention sys- ticular, cerebral alterations are likely not just
tems (including lobule VI) to intact executive systems secondary repercussions of cerebellar and spinal
prevents the former from becoming overloaded.35 Alter- insults. Rather, cerebral changes may represent capac-
natively, inputs down the rostral-caudal prefrontal hier- ity limited compensatory processes operating at the
archy from higher order executive to lower order lateral network level of brain function, which serve to miti-
premotor areas,36 and subsequently through premotor gate the behavioral impacts of progressive pathology.
and motor cortico-cerebellar loops,37 may sustain task- Critically, these novel findings inform development of
appropriate neuronal activity. These hypotheses are new avenues of clinical intervention for FRDA.

1228 Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2017


Acknowledgments: This study was supported by funding from the 22. Buckner RL, Krienen FM, Castellanos A, Diaz JC, Yeo BT. The
Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (Project Grant organization of the human cerebellum estimated by intrinsic func-
1046037; Fellowship 1106533 to IHH). We thank the individuals with tional connectivity. J Neurophysiol 2011;106(5):2322-2345.
Friedreich ataxia and healthy controls who participated in this study. 23. Yeo BT, Krienen FM, Sepulcre J, et al. The organization of the
human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectiv-
ity. J Neurophysiol 2011;106(3):1125-1165.
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2005;64(7):1261-1262. online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site.

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