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• What is Nanoscale?
• What is Nanoelectronics?
• Why Nanoelectronics?
• History
• Advantages
• Industrial Applications
• Materials
• Nanotechnology in Electronics
• Future Nanoelectronics
• Nanotechnology for Wireless Devices
• Nanotechnology for Molecular Devices
• Nanotechnology in India
• Problems
• Conclusion
• References
What is Nanoscale?
• Nanos means ‘Dwarf’ in Greek.
• One billionth of a meter.
• 1nm=10⁻⁹ m.
• Used to measure nanoelectronics devices.
What is Nanoelectronics?
• Art and science of manipulating matter at the nanoscale.
• One of the major technologies of Nanotechnology. Plays vital role in the field of
engineering and electronics.
• Makes use of scientific methods at atomic scale for developing the Nano machines.
• Main target is to reduce the size, risk factor and surface areas of the materials and
• The Nanotechnology field has been the subject of intense focus, particularly from
the viewpoint of the electronics industry.
• It is implied to be used as the next-generation approach towards manufacture of
MEMS, microprocessors, optical switching and several other electronic
Why Nanoelectronics?
• Today microelectronics used and solves most problems.
• Nanoelectronic devices are very small devices and ovecome limits on scalability.
• Nanoelectronics is not only about size but also phenomena, mechanism, etc.
• Wide open field with vast potential for breakthroughs coming from fundamental
• Overcome 2 demerits:
 Physical size
 Cost of IC fabrication
• The first ever concept was presented in 1959 by the famous professor of physics
Dr. Richard P.Feynman.
• Invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 and the discovery of
fullerene(C60) in 1985 lead to the emergence of nanotechnology.
• The term “Nano-technology" had been coined by Norio Taniguchi in 1974.
• The early 2000s also saw the beginnings of commercial applications of
nanotechnology, although these were limited to bulk application of nanomaterials.
• The number of transistors on a chip will approximately double every 18 to 24
months (Moore’s Law)- This law has given chip designers ideas to incorporate new
features on ICs.
• Moore's Law works largely through shrinking transistors that carry electrical
signals, so the designers can squeeze more transistors into a chip, leading to the
idea of nanoelectronics.
• Reduced size and scale of the machine.
• Advanced properties of semiconductors can be determined.
• Molecular scale Nanoelectronics is also known as “the next step” in the miniaturization of
electronic devices, with latest electronics theory and research in the field of nanoelectronics,
it is possible to explore the diverse properties of molecules.
• Extreme fabrication also supports the multiple use of single machine. Parallel processing is
also empowered by Nanoelectronics.
• Increasing process variability and expected physical and reliability limitations of devices and
• Interface and system integration technologies on a single chip and/or integration of different
types of chips and devices in a single package.
• Used to produce smaller and faster components.
• Computers consume less energy.
• High speed and high capacity memory.
• Allows circuits to be more accurate on the atomic level.
Industrial Applications
• The technology made the devices very light making the product easy to carry or move and at
the same time it has reduced the power requirement.
• Some Consumer Products which are using Nanotechnology:
 Computer Hardware
 Display Devices
 Mobile & Communication Products
 Audio Products
 Camera & Films
• Electronics Examples:
 Single-Electron Transistors
 Controlled electron tunneling to amplify current
 Resonance Tunneling Device
 Quantum device use to control current
• Can also be used to create devices known as nanoelectromechanical systems or NEMS,
which are related to microelctromechanical systems or MEMS that are practically used to
make electronics components.
• Zinc oxide: Dirt repellent, hydrophobic , cosmetics & stain resistant.
• Silver ion: Healing property
• Aluminum silicate: Scratch resistance
• Gold ion: Chip fabrication, drug delivery.
Nanotechnology in Electronics
• Electrodes made from nanowires enable flat panel displays to be flexible as well as
thinner than current flat panel displays.
• Nanolithography is used for fabrication of chips.
• The transistors are made of nanowires, that are assembled on glass or thin films of
flexible plastic.
• E-paper, displays on sunglasses and map on car windshields.
• A memristor can be used as a single-component memory cell in an integrated
• By reducing the diameter of the nanowires, researchers believe memristor memory
chips can achieve higher memory density than flash memory chips.
• Magnetic nanowires made of an alloy of iron and nickel are being used to create
dense memory devices
• Chips produced by Intel before “i” series processors were between 65nm -45nm
and later with the help of nanotechnolgy 22nm chips were made which itself is a
Future Nanoelectronics
• Stretchable electronics or flexible electronics is likely to be the future of mobile
• Potential applications include wearable electronic devices, biomedical uses,
compact portable devices, and robotic devices.
• In the future, it is likely that graphene will become a dominant material in flexible
electronics. Graphene is nothing but an allotrope of carbon that has superb
electrical conductivity, flexibility, and physical strength.
Nanotechnology for Wireless Devices
• Visions of the wireless industry aims at ambient intelligence: computation and
communication always available and ready to serve the user in an intelligent way.
• All these requirements combined lead to a situation which cannot be resolved with
current technologies. Nanotechnology could provide solutions for these new
• SENSORS- Nanotechnologies will enable new materials and new sensing elements
for sensors. Nanosensors will have applications in many industries, among them
transportation, communications, building and facilities, safety, and national
security, including both homeland defense and military operations.
• MORE MEMORY- mobile phones will require up to 10 GB internal mass memory
for short term and 50- 100GB for mid and long terms. Today flash memory is
dominant and has been most reliable for portable devices. But it is predicted that in
near future nanotechnology will help increasing the memory storage capacity to a
phenomenal level by inventions could be stored.
transformable devices (easy to carry and use) leads the way from foldable, sliding,
and bendable devices towards more wearable electronics. A major challenge is
however, how to protect the core electronics and achieve good reliability, i.e.,
“washable electronics”. Nanotech research has already resulted in, e.g., super-tough
carbon nanotube fibres suitable weaving , and coatings with anti-microbial or super
hydrophobic properties , but still much more is expected to be seen in near future.
• Current research shows that by using nanotechnology, 1000 GB of memory can fit
on the head of a pin.
Nanotechnology for Molecular Devices
• Reducing size of electronics is the need of era and this can be achieved with the
help of molecules that can be used in active devices.
• These molecules behave as diodes or programmable switches that make
connections between wires and consume less current.
• Thousands of molecules can be sandwiched between two crossing micro-scale
wires to create an active devices. Since molecular devices fit between the wires,
large area savings could be achieved.
Nanotechnology in India
• IIT Mumbai is the premier organization in the field of nanotechnology.
• Research in the field of health, environment, medicines are still on.
• Starting in 2001 the Government of India launched the Nano Science and
Technology Initiative (NSTI).
• Then in 2007 the Nanoscience and Technology Mission 2007 was initiated with an
allocation of Rupees 1000 crores for a period of five years.
• The main objectives of the Nano Mission are:
- basic research promotion,
- infrastructure development for carrying out front-ranking research,
- development of nanotechnologies and their applications,
- human resource development and
- international collaborations.
• Quantum and coherence effects, high electric fields creating avalanche dielectric
breakdowns, heat dissipation problems in closely packed structures as well as the
non-uniformity of dopant atoms and the relevance of single atom defects are all
roadblocks along the current road of miniaturization.
• Carrier mobility decreases as channel length decrease and vertical electric fields
• Wattage/Area increases as density increases.
• Nano-electronics show promise as a technology to continue the miniaturization of
• Flexibility is also a major breakthrough in the world of electronics, which will
enable a new approach in design and functionality for the devices which our
modern lives depend upon. Flexible devices have already begun to make their way
into the commercial realm, and the next few years are bound to see huge changes
brought on by this additional dimension which is now available to electronics
• Nanotechnologies also promise a future in development and enhancement of
mobile devices and wearable devices.

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