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Group Members:
Sania Kiran
Osama Jameel
Tehreem Butt
Submitted to: Sir Imran Khan
Table of contents:

 Executive summary
 Acknowledgement
 Introduction
 Objective
 University Branding
 Brand awareness, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Brand Loyality
 Swot Analysis: Strengths, weaknesses, threats, Opportunities
 Conclusion and Recommendations

Brand is a Guarantee, an assurance for a defined standard of quality for the first time and for
every time but not the vice versa. The brand is a name or logo that plays the role in the mind of
the customer. Brands do not compete in the product area, but compete for the mind space of the
customer. A brand once established in the mind of the customer becomes indelible when
customer identifies itself with that particular Brand.Branding is an effective marketing strategy
tool that has been used with frequent success in the past. Branding can be an effective and
powerful tool for all types of business organizations. If brand owners use their product correctly,
the payoffs can be substantial. However, if brands are mismanaged, the results can be damaging.
This report is aimed to generate, the better understanding of Brand Image and Love with the
feedback discussing strengths and weaknesses of COMSATS as a BRAND. Like do you like
comsats as a brand, If you could change anything about comsats what would it be. What does the
word comsats means to you and how it relates to education.what brand image comes to mind
when you see its logo or hear its name. This Report, aimed at comprehensive literature review on
branding, brand loyalty and brand personality.

We have taken efforts in this project, However, It wouldn’t have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents and teachers for their kind
cooperation and encouragement which help us in completion of this project.

Our thanks and appreciation also goes to the people who directly or indirectly helped us out in
developing the project.
Understanding Branding: Brand is a promise that the product will carry out as in step with
customer’s expectations. It shapes customer expectations approximately the product. Brands
commonly have a trademark which protects them from use via others. A logo offers unique
information about the company, desirable or provider, differentiating it from others in the
market. The Brand carries an assurance approximately the traits that make the products or
services particular. A strong brand is a means of making people aware of what the company
represents and what are it’s offerings.To a customer Brand means and signifies Lower risk, Less
search cost,Quality symbol.

“It is a name, term, sign, symbol or a combination of all these planned to differentiate the
goods/services of one seller or group of sellers from those of competitors”



COMSATS Islamabad Campus adheres to the philosophy of getting the stamp of excellence in
the field of Science and information technology and becoming self-sustaining state of the art
academic and research institute and leading solution provider.

It aspire to produce unparalleled individuals who contribute to the world through their research
and knowledge.


 Research and Discovery

Generate and preserve knowledge, understanding and creativity by instigating inquiry,

conducting high-quality research and promoting scholarship, that benefit students, scholars and
communities across the country, the Muslim Ummah and the World at large.

 Teaching and Learning

Share the knowledge, understanding and creativity by providing a broad range of educational
programs among a diverse community of learners and teachers and prepare graduate,
professional and undergraduate students as well as non-degree seeking students interested in
continuing education and lifelong learning for active roles in competitive and culturally diverse

 Outreach and Public Service

Extend, apply and exchange knowledge between the institute and society by applying scholarl y
expertise to intellectual, social and technological problems, by helping organizations and
individuals respond to their changing environments, and by making the knowledge and
resources created and preserved at the institute accessible to the citizens. Using the resources
of its multiple campuses in an integrated fashion, the Institute vies to strengthen the services to
the state through the education of a modern work force, research and development, technology
commercialization and partnership with business, government and community groups.

The objective of this project was to determine effective avenues by which the university could
communicate its brand with students. Specifically, extensive research was done to define the
usefulness of the university website as a central source of information according to current
student perceptions. In addition to the website, as a group surveyed students’ use of online tools,
including social media, as a way for students to receive information about comsats university.We
additionally focused on which offerings supplied by the university have been maximum utilized,
and if the availability of such services turned into successfully communicated with students. The
online communication gear, and the various services provided by way of the university led to a
complete set of suggestions so as to similarly help comsats with its goal of successfully and
always speaking its particular emblem. The results of our study derive from 3 one of a kind
assets, which include secondary studies on branding and university web sites, in-intensity
interviews with contemporary business students, and a web survey. The findings from the
secondary research encompassed the importance of a brand in the communication between a
university and its students, the process of building a brand, and important guidelines for
increasing the level of interactivity and usability of university websites. Particular emphasis is
placed on the four steps in the branding process, which are creating brand awareness, brand
image, brand equity, and brand loyalty.
University Branding:
 Organization’s website:

A major part of university and university branding is upheld through the organisation’s website,
which should make certain that information is effortlessly handy to students, and consistently
updated to remain current and relevant only then it will be able to communicate a strong brand
image to the students it serves.

 An Understanding of student’s needs:

A university brand reflect its capacity to satisfy students needs, engender trust in its ability to
deliver a certain type and level of higher education and help potential recruits to make wise
enrollment decisions. Developing a brand that is consistent and recognizable is vital for the
continued success and growth of any organization.The development of a university’s brand
allows for the understanding of student’s needs, perceptions, and expectations.

 Relevance and effectiveness of the university website:

University wishes to promote is one of excellence. Comsats has received impressive

accreditations, making it a high-ranking university.The slogan “In Search of Excellence,” is a
representation of the university’s mission to prepare its graduates to “make a difference.” Under
the leadership of honourable and efficient (Dean, Rector)University has proactively labored
toward strengthening the nice and fee of communique with cutting-edge university enterprise
students. As a part of these efforts, the university has attempted to advantage a higher know-how
into the current needs of its university students and adopt a extra responsive approach in
addressing these desires.

 Suggestions for moving forward:

To determine the effectiveness of its current communication efforts in regard to its development
of brand perceptions, as well as its address of student needs. The specific areas of interest we
have choosen were What is COMSATS perception among students, How students formed those
impressions , What is the student’s level of awareness of different programs and services the
university has to offer,What sources of information do the students use in learning about the
university , What suggestions do students have for improving university programs and services ,
What suggestions do students have for improving universities marketing efforts To address the
specific needs of this university a research process has been designed with a direct focus on
unveiling the perceptions, feelings, and needs Comsats is specifically focused on current
student’s needs and thoughts so that the changes or developments made to any efforts of the
university will have a direct benefit of the experience of these students.

Brand awareness, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Brand Loyality:

 bio related programs which includes bio info and bio sciences.
 Provide different Opportunities to their students and faculty in the area of R&D for
continuous development, growth, and ensure quality education.
 The faculty and staff of CIIT Islamabad is very cooperative and also provide motivation
to their students and also help needy students by financials assistance scholarship.
 The CIIT Islamabad is very airy, neat and clean and well organized campus
 The CIIT Islamabad is having a very digital labs to make their students learn practically
by performing experiments related to technical field.
 Well organized and digital library is another major strength of CIIT Islamabad.
 The CIIT students are allowed to visit digital library for study on the basis of their student
 The communication network among students and teachers are very wide and open.
 CIIT offers different Scholarship programs for eligible and efficient students.
 The Career Development Centre of CIIT Islamabad helps and provide guidance to their
students in order to get internship and jobs.
 The CIIT Islamabad is PEC and HEC recognized university is another major strength.
 All class rooms are facilitated with furniture, projector, and roster table. PAK-CHINA
business forum. Qarz-e-Hasna for needy students. Transport facility ,Highest in ranking
position,Virtual campus of CIIT.

 Not wide range of undergraduate and graduate major’s courses programs are offered and
facilitated in CIIT Islamabad.
 Hostels is at very long distance from campus.
 CIIT Islamabad is not offering offer programs like Mass Communication, public
 They have no proper parking place and auditorium.


 FAST is our competitor in accordance with computer sciences department.

 New local private institutions are also offering MBBS and pharm D program.
 The competition is growing among close public sector universities and small privates
sector universities in central.


 CIIT Islamabad can offer MBBS program by opening COMSATS hospital. CIIT
Islamabad can open their separate business school.
 CIIT can developed and maintain their strong Alumni by establishing online system for
 They can capture the mind of people to choose COMSATS Islamabad by developing the
marketing strategy.


To address the specific needs of comsats university we designed a research process with a direct
focus on unveiling the perceptions, feelings, and needs of current CIIT Students. These findings
suggest some important institutional academic marketingimplications and challenges to the
university management. First, the university should use their students perceptions for their brand
name offerings. More efforts should be made to find out what motivate the university
studentsperceive from the brand name. From the service quality dimensions, the environment
was extremely important factor to the students since this factor influence their experiences. The
management should seek to improve these service qualities. Moreover, the campus operators
should develop a comprehensive employee training program, management programs, and
guiding principles and best practices in order to maintain high educational quality, and a clean
and attractive campus area. Second, a recommendation is that management should seek
reasonable fee structure and information as the represent key issues for increasing the students
spending patterns in the campus brand name. Thus, a recommendation is that to compete with an
off-campus commercialEducational services organization.

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