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At a Motion Term of the Supreme

Court of the State of New York held in

and for the County of Onondaga at
the Onondaga County Courthouse,
Syracuse, New York on 5th day of

September, 2019.

PRESENT: The Honorable Gregory R. Gilbert, J.S.C.




Administratrix of the Estate of CHANEL LAKATOSZ, AND SETTLE

Plaintiff, Index No.: 2015EF4455

-against- RJI No.: 33-15-3740

COUNTY OF ONONDAGA, Hon. Gregory R. Gilbert, J.S.C.


The plaintiff, REBEKA KWIATKOWSKI, Individually and as Administratrix of the

Estate of CHANEL LAKATOSZ, having moved this Court for approval of a proposed

settlement of this action,

NOW, upon reading and filing the affidavits of REBEKA KWIATKOWSKI, sworn to

July 22, 2019, and Anthony S. Bottar, sworn to August 19, 2019, and upon all actions and

proceedings in this matter, and there being no opposition to the motion, and the Court

having deliberated, it is hereby

ORDERED, that the proposed settlement of this action for the sum of $440,000

to be paid by the defendant, County of Onondaga, and/or its insurance carrier, be and

the same hereby is approved; and it is further

ORDERED, that the plaintiff REBEKA KWIATKOWSKl, Individually and as

Administratrix of the Estate of CHANEL LAKATOSZ, and Bottar Law, PLLC, be and

they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and to deliver general releases,

a stipulation of discontinuance and all necessary papers and instruments to effectuate

the settlement of this action; and it is further

ORDERED, that the defendant and/or its insurance carrier shall pay Bottar Law,

PLLC, the sum of $9,494.68 as and for its costs and disbursements; and it is further

ORDERED, that the defendant and/or its insurance carrier shall pay Bottar Law,

PLLC, the sum of $120,126.30 as and for its legal fee; and it is further

ORDERED, that the defendant and/or its insurance carrier shall pay REBEKA

KWIATKOWSKl, Individually and as Administratrix of the Estate of CHANEL

LAKATOSZ, the net settlement proceeds in the sum of $310,379.00, to be held in trust

by Bottar Law, PLLC, pending allocation and distribution of the net settlement proceeds

by the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Probate Division; and it is further

ORDERED, upon a finding of good cause to protect the privacy of the plaintiff's

and the decedent's distributees that the Clerk of the Court shall seal this Order and the

settlement papers upon which it is granted; and it is further

ORDERED, that this matter is referred to the Circuit Court of Cook County,

Illinois, Probate Division for further proceedings with respect to the allocation and

distribution of the settlement proceeds.

DATED: / /

Hon. Gregory R. Gilbert, J.S.C.

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