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Rosita Johnson

Personal Statement

A time I want to talk about that happened in my life was when I was 9. This day gave me

a wake up call on life and how I don’t need to take it for granted.

When I was younger and the season changed I would get sick and my asthma was

horrible, any and everything got me sick and I always stayed in the hospital. It really started to

become a routine thing for me and my mother but it also was annoying because it felt like I had

no life as a child all I really knew was the hospital and doctors.

It was December the winter of 2009 in Newark, Nj , I was 7 years old sitting at home

with a cold. I just got finished taking my medicine and was laying down watching tv, usually

after I take my medicine I would feel better right after it was finished but not this time. My chest

was hurting and I couldn’t breathe but back then I was real stubborn and hated hospitals so I

would wait till the last minute to go or until my mom forced me to go because she knew I

wouldn’t tell if I needed to go , but this time I decided to go to the hospital and im glad I went

when I did because it really would have cost my life.

When me and my mom got to the hospital I was rushed to the emergency room and they

started to give me breathing medicine , Iv’s , and hooking me up to all types of machines. They

were in and out of my room for hours just checking on my and making sure my breathing was

under control. While this was going on I was trying to get as much sleep as possible because you

barely get some with doctors and nurses in and out of your room all the time asking questions

and checking your breathing.

Everything was going fine until once again I could not breathe but this time nothing was

working and my lungs collapsed and I stopped breathing. When this happened, it scared my
Rosita Johnson
mother because it was the first time something like this happened dealing with my asthma. This

one doctor was by my side the whole time and wouldn’t leave till i started back breathing again.

This was the hardest time in my life because it scared my family and also because my life could

have been over right now. I now take my medicine faithfully and don’t play around when it

comes to my health, this was a real eye opening situation.

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