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Receiver design for

multiGigabit OFDM
Tapan Shah

School of Technology and Computer Science

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research


Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


1 Introduction

2 Performance of COR with low precision ADC

3 Analog OFDM Receiver (AOR)

4 Discussion

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


1 Introduction

2 Performance of COR with low precision ADC

3 Analog OFDM Receiver (AOR)

4 Discussion

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

multiGigabit Systems

C = W log 1 + P
N0 W . Larger W implies larger C.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

multiGigabit Systems

C = W log 1 + P
N0 W . Larger W implies larger C.
Typical data rates of 1-2 Gbps.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

multiGigabit Systems

C = W log 1 + P
N0 W . Larger W implies larger C.
Typical data rates of 1-2 Gbps.

wireless personal area networks (IEEE 802.15.3c).
wireless local area networks (IEEE 802.11ad).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Inter-symbol interference (ISI)
h L−1
Transmitter Receiver


h L−2
d n−L1 , d n−L2 , ... , d n−1 , d n

yn = dn h0 + dn−1 h1 + . . . + dn−L+1 hL

If 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1, then the matrix form is

y = hd
Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems
Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM)

Convert an (ISI) channel into parallel decoupled channels

with no interference.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM)

Convert an (ISI) channel into parallel decoupled channels

with no interference.
Simplifies equalization.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM)

Convert an (ISI) channel into parallel decoupled channels

with no interference.
Simplifies equalization.

Basic Principle
A circulant matrix can be diagonalized by Fourier

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


Circulant matrix
h0 0 · 0
 
· hL−1 hL−2 · h1
h1 h0 0 · · 0 hL−1 · h2 

· · · · · · · ·
0 0 · 0 hL−1 hL−2 · h1 h0

If F is the DFT matrix, FCFH is a diagonal matrix.

The diagonal entries are the DFT of the first column of C.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM)

x 1=d N −L 1 y1
x L−1 =d N −1 y L−1
U0 d0 x L =d 0 yL yL Y0
Cyclic Channel prefix DFT
IDFT prefix

U N −1 d N −1 y N L−1 y N L−1 Y N −1
x N  L−1 =d N −1

Figure: Transmission and reception of OFDM.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) key component for digital

signal processing (DSP) based transceivers.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) key component for digital

signal processing (DSP) based transceivers.
High speed, high precision ADCs required in multiGigabit
setting are expensive and power hungry.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) key component for digital

signal processing (DSP) based transceivers.
High speed, high precision ADCs required in multiGigabit
setting are expensive and power hungry.

In ICC 2009, a number of prototypes from projects such as
Easy A were displayed and these prototypes used cooling fans
for the ADC chip.

Use of fans not feasible, especially in hand-held devices.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Figure: Survey of ADC technology (Walden, 1999).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

How do we overcome the “ADC bottleneck”?

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

How do we overcome the “ADC bottleneck”?

Use ADC with low precision (1-3 bits per sample).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

How do we overcome the “ADC bottleneck”?

Use ADC with low precision (1-3 bits per sample).

How much information is lost if such low precision samples are

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

How do we overcome the “ADC bottleneck”?

Use ADC with low precision (1-3 bits per sample).

How much information is lost if such low precision samples are

AWGN capacity loss with 1-3 bit ADC is manageable upto

20 dB SNR (Dabeer et al., 2006), (Singh et al., 2009).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

How do we overcome the “ADC bottleneck”?

Use ADC with low precision (1-3 bits per sample).

How much information is lost if such low precision samples are

AWGN capacity loss with 1-3 bit ADC is manageable upto

20 dB SNR (Dabeer et al., 2006), (Singh et al., 2009).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Can we perform receiver functions like equalization, channel
estimation, synchronization etc using DSP on low precision

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Can we perform receiver functions like equalization, channel
estimation, synchronization etc using DSP on low precision

Recent work on channel estimation in single carrier

systems suggest with suitable modification of ADC
architecture, near full precision performance is possible
(Dabeer and Madhow, 2010).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Can we perform receiver functions like equalization, channel
estimation, synchronization etc using DSP on low precision

Recent work on channel estimation in single carrier

systems suggest with suitable modification of ADC
architecture, near full precision performance is possible
(Dabeer and Madhow, 2010).
But in some cases, the losses are too large. We may have
to go against convention and incorporate some analog
processing before sampling (Dabeer and Madhow, 2003) .

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Our Focus: OFDM System

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Our Focus: OFDM System

Study performance degradation of a system based on
conventional OFDM receiver (COR) with low precision

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Motivation and Related Work

Our Focus: OFDM System

Study performance degradation of a system based on
conventional OFDM receiver (COR) with low precision
Investigate an alternate receiver, which using some analog
processing, can achieve near full precision performance.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


1 Introduction

2 Performance of COR with low precision ADC

3 Analog OFDM Receiver (AOR)

4 Discussion

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

COR with Low Precision ADC

U0 d0 HF
Data in Add D/A HF 
 MOD  IFFT CP  Low pass up­conv
U N −1 d N −1 A
Frequency Domain Time Domain N
Y0 yL E
Data out Remove Sampling HF 
DEMOD FFT CP ADC down­conv

Y N −1 y N L−1
Figure: Transceiver structure of a conventional OFDM.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

COR with Low Precision ADC
U0 d0 HF
Data in Add D/A HF 
 MOD  IFFT CP  Low pass up­conv
U N −1 d N −1 A
Frequency Domain Time Domain N
Y0 yL E
Data out Remove Sampling HF 
DEMOD FFT CP ADC down­conv

Y N −1 y N L−1

Figure: Transceiver structure of a conventional OFDM.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

COR with Low Precision ADC
U0 d0 HF
Data in Add D/A HF 
 MOD  IFFT CP  Low pass up­conv
U N −1 d N −1 A
Frequency Domain Time Domain N
Y0 yL E
Data out Remove Sampling HF 
DEMOD FFT CP ADC down­conv

Y N −1 y N L−1
1­3 bit per

Figure: Transceiver structure of a conventional OFDM.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

COR with Low Precision ADC
U0 d0 HF
Data in Add D/A HF 
 MOD  IFFT CP  Low pass up­conv
U N −1 d N −1 A
Frequency Domain Time Domain N
Y0 yL E
Data out Remove Sampling HF 
DEMOD FFT CP ADC down­conv

Y N −1 y N L−1
Effect of the non linearity on the performance 1­3 bit per
if the remaining components of receiver are same ?  sample

Figure: Transceiver structure of a conventional OFDM.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


We plot the symbol error rate (SER) as a function of SNR

(averaged over several channel realization).
The statistical model of the channel model used is as given
in the standad IEEE 802.15.3c.
For demodulation, we assume the channel is perfectly
known at the receiver.
For imperfect channele estimate at receiver, the high SNR
performance is essentially the same.
When we say l bit precision, it means l bit per sample each
for both real and imaginary part.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Simulation Results



10 full precision
2 bit precision
3 bit precision
−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)

Figure: SER vs SNR for uncoded 4-QAM. At low precision, after a

certain SNR, the SER remains almost constant. This is error floor.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Analysis: Main Assumptions

For a quick insight, the quantization noise is modelled as

uniformly varying random variable.
If the length of FFT is large enough, approximate DFT of
uniformly varying independent random variables by
normally distributed random variable (Central limit
Application of dominated convergence theorem and taking
the limit SNR → ∞ gives an approximation of the error

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Comparison of Analytical and
Simulation Results

Constellation Precision Analytical error floor Observed error floor

2 bit 0.06 0.09
3 bit 0.0136 0.0145
2 bit 0.42 0.4
3 bit 0.189 0.180
Table: Comparison of error floor calculated analytically and observed
in simulation.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is causing this performance degradation?

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is causing this performance degradation?

Due to the poor resolution cause by low precision

sampling, not able to clear up the inter-carrier interference.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is causing this performance degradation?

Due to the poor resolution cause by low precision

sampling, not able to clear up the inter-carrier interference.
Strong carriers thus dominate the weaker carriers. This
seems to be main reason for the performance degradation.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is a natural solution?

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is a natural solution?

Clear up the interference before sampling.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is a natural solution?

Clear up the interference before sampling.

First convert the channel into several parallel “decoupled
channel” and then sample the outputs of each of parallel
channel separately.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


What is a natural solution?

Clear up the interference before sampling.

First convert the channel into several parallel “decoupled
channel” and then sample the outputs of each of parallel
channel separately.
We study a modified receiver architecture which tries to
achieve this using analog processing.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


1 Introduction

2 Performance of COR with low precision ADC

3 Analog OFDM Receiver (AOR)

4 Discussion

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Modified Receiver Architecture
1­3 bit/sample Effect on 

Correlator Y0
〈 yt , g 0 t〉

P a a
Remove CP period
Y0 Yi
From HF S Equalization and
down­conv demodulation
Correlator Yi
〈 y t, gi t〉 q.

Figure: Block diagram of AOR

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Any basis can be used as projectors.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Any basis can be used as projectors.

Keeping in mind we are doing low precision sampling,
following two criteria must be kept in mind.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Any basis can be used as projectors.

Keeping in mind we are doing low precision sampling,
following two criteria must be kept in mind.

Basic Criteria
Should give us uncorrelated outputs i.e. decoupled

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Any basis can be used as projectors.

Keeping in mind we are doing low precision sampling,
following two criteria must be kept in mind.

Basic Criteria
Should give us uncorrelated outputs i.e. decoupled
Most energy captured in few components.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Any basis can be used as projectors.

Keeping in mind we are doing low precision sampling,
following two criteria must be kept in mind.

Basic Criteria
Should give us uncorrelated outputs i.e. decoupled
Most energy captured in few components.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Karhunen-Loeve transform of the map between input and

output time domain signal is one possible solution.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Karhunen-Loeve transform of the map between input and

output time domain signal is one possible solution.
It requires knowledge of channel dependent coefficients.
We want a channel dependent basis.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Karhunen-Loeve transform of the map between input and

output time domain signal is one possible solution.
It requires knowledge of channel dependent coefficients.
We want a channel dependent basis.
In COR, we sample and project on discrete sinusoids.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Karhunen-Loeve transform of the map between input and

output time domain signal is one possible solution.
It requires knowledge of channel dependent coefficients.
We want a channel dependent basis.
In COR, we sample and project on discrete sinusoids.
Instead, we project on analog sinusoids and then sample.
The two are not equivalent

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Choice of gi (t)’s

Karhunen-Loeve transform of the map between input and

output time domain signal is one possible solution.
It requires knowledge of channel dependent coefficients.
We want a channel dependent basis.
In COR, we sample and project on discrete sinusoids.
Instead, we project on analog sinusoids and then sample.
The two are not equivalent
Let N be the size of FFT at transmitter. We show, under
some assumptions, we get 2N decoupled channels
capturing most of the energy.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result
We find an approximate linear relationship between the
input vector U = [U0 . . . UN−1
 a] and the output of 2N
sinusoid correlators Y = Y0 . . . Y2N−1 .

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result
We find an approximate linear relationship between the
input vector U = [U0 . . . UN−1
 a] and the output of 2N
sinusoid correlators Y = Y0 . . . Y2N−1 .

Matrix form

Y0a 0
  a
   
H0 ···
 ..   .. .. .. . 
 .   . . .  .. 
  

  .0   W a 
 N−1  =  0
 a   a
  
Y   ··· HN−1  .  +  N−1
0  .

 Y a  H a ···  Wa 
 N   N N 
 ..   .. .. ..  UN−1  .. 
 
 .   . . .   . 
Y2N−1 0 ··· a
H2N−1 a

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result
We find an approximate linear relationship between the
input vector U = [U0 . . . UN−1
 a] and the output of 2N
sinusoid correlators Y = Y0 . . . Y2N−1 .

Matrix form

Y0a 0
  a
   
H0 ···
 ..   .. .. .. . 
 .   . . .  .. 
  

  .0   W a 
 N−1  =  0
 a   a
  
Y   ··· HN−1  .  +  N−1
0  .

 Y a  H a ···  Wa 
 N   N N 
 ..   .. .. ..  UN−1  .. 
 
 .   . . .   . 
Y2N−1 0 ··· a
H2N−1 a

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result
We find an approximate linear relationship between the
input vector U = [U0 . . . UN−1
 a] and the output of 2N
sinusoid correlators Y = Y0 . . . Y2N−1 .

Block diagonal structure

Matrix form

Y0a 0
  a
   
H0 ···
 ..   .. .. .. . 
 .   . . .  .. 
  

  .0   W a 
 N−1  =  0
 a   a
  
Y   ··· HN−1  .  +  N−1
0  .

 Y a  H a ···  Wa 
 N   N N 
 ..   .. .. ..  UN−1  .. 
 
 .   . . .   . 
Y2N−1 0 ··· a
H2N−1 a

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result

Wa = W0a . . . W2N−1
∼ CN 0, σ 2 I

N −k

Hk = NHf

Hk+N = NHf − 0≤k ≤N −1

where Hf (·) is the Fourier transform of the h(t).

h(t) is defined to be the convolution of channel impulse

response and the transmit signalling pulse p(t).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result

τ is the channel delay spread, τmax is the maximum delay

spread and T is the OFDM symbol duration.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result

τ is the channel delay spread, τmax is the maximum delay

spread and T is the OFDM symbol duration.

Main Assumption
τmax  T so that T + τ ≈ T

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Main Result

τ is the channel delay spread, τmax is the maximum delay

spread and T is the OFDM symbol duration.

Main Assumption
τmax  T so that T + τ ≈ T

Assumption holds when the number of multipath

components (L) in the channel are much fewer relative to
the size of the FFT (N).
Often the case in indoor environments where the number
of path obstructions are less.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

How Good are our Assumptions?





20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure: The exact structure of the linear transformation between Ya

and U for N = 128 for a typical channel realization without noise.
Most of the values are vey small. The two diagonal components have
around 91% of energy.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Equalization and Demodulation

Each data symbol Uk is sent over 2 of the 2N parallel


Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Equalization and Demodulation

Each data symbol Uk is sent over 2 of the 2N parallel

We should use both Yka and Yk+N
a for demodulating Uk .

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Equalization and Demodulation

Each data symbol Uk is sent over 2 of the 2N parallel

We should use both Yka and Yk+N
a for demodulating Uk .
We do a maximal ratio combining of Yka and Yk+N
a i.e. the
decision statistic for demodulating Uk is
Hka∗ Yka + Hk+N k+N .
a∗ Y a

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

AOR at Low Precision

Correlator Y0 1­3 bit/sample
〈 yt , g 0 t〉

P a a
Remove CP period
Y0 Yi
From HF S Equalization and
down­conv demodulation
Correlator Yi
〈 y t, gi t〉 q.

Figure: Block diagram of AOR with low precision ADC

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

AOR at Low Precision

Correlator Y0 1­3 bit/sample
〈 yt , g 0 t〉

P Effect on 
a a
Remove CP period
Y0 Yi
From HF S Equalization and
down­conv demodulation
Correlator Yi
〈 y t, gi t〉 q.

Figure: Block diagram of AOR with low precision ADC

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

What do we Expect

We have already cleared up the interference.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

What do we Expect

We have already cleared up the interference.

Performance degradation only due to loss of information
during quantization.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Need for Automatic Gain Control

In an AWGN channel

y = x + w,

if input alphabet has two discrete points (BPSK), we expect

that 1 bit quantization of the output (output alphabet also
has two discrete points) should not lead to significant loss
compared to no quantization.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Need for Automatic Gain Control

In an AWGN channel

y = x + w,

if input alphabet has two discrete points (BPSK), we expect

that 1 bit quantization of the output (output alphabet also
has two discrete points) should not lead to significant loss
compared to no quantization.
As we increase the size of input alphabet, we expect the
minimum precision required (number of discrete points in
the outout alphabet) to also increase.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Need for AGC

Consider a fading channel

y = hx + w.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Need for AGC

Consider a fading channel

y = hx + w.

To account for the effect of the channel gain h, we need a

adpative quantizer whose range depends on h.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Need for AGC

Consider a fading channel

y = hx + w.

To account for the effect of the channel gain h, we need a

adpative quantizer whose range depends on h.
Or else, use a static quantizer and increase or decrease
the amplitude of y suitably.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Need for AGC

Consider a fading channel

y = hx + w.

To account for the effect of the channel gain h, we need a

adpative quantizer whose range depends on h.
Or else, use a static quantizer and increase or decrease
the amplitude of y suitably.
We model our AGC for ideal implementation (no feedback).

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Incorporating AGC Gain Block in AOR
βi = q
|Hia |2 + σ 2

Correlator Y0
β 0 y t  〈 y t , g 0 t〉 q .

a a
P Y0 Yi
Remove CP period
  Equalization and
From HF S
down­conv a demodulation
Correlator Y i
β i y t  〈 y t  , gi t〉 q .

Figure: Block diagram of AOR with low precision ADC

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Simulation Results for AOR


2 bit precision
3 bit precision
full precision
−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SER (dB)

Figure: SER vs SNR for uncoded 16-QAM. Note the performance of

AOR for 3 bit precision.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Low Complexity AOR

Generation of sinusoids of high frequency is difficult.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Low Complexity AOR

Generation of sinusoids of high frequency is difficult.

Instead we use square and triangle waveforms as

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Low Complexity AOR

Generation of sinusoids of high frequency is difficult.

Instead we use square and triangle waveforms as

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


1 Introduction

2 Performance of COR with low precision ADC

3 Analog OFDM Receiver (AOR)

4 Discussion

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

AOR vs COR: full precision




−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

AOR vs COR: 3 bit quanitzation,
Constellation Receiver Structure SNR in dB

AOR with sinusoid projectors 6
AOR with triangle projectors 7
AOR with square projectors 9
AOR with sinusoid projectors 14
AOR with triangle projectors 19
AOR with square projectors ∞

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

AOR vs COR: 3 bit quanitzation,
Constellation Receiver Structure SNR in dB

COR 12
AOR with sinusoid projectors 7
AOR with triangle projectors 8
AOR with square projectors 13
AOR with sinusoid projectors 17
AOR with triangle projectors 24
AOR with square projectors ∞

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


The previous slides clearly show that at low precision, the

AOR can, under ideal implementation, give perform better
compared to COR.
In particular, AOR with sinusoids achieves near full
precision performance.
However, there are several hardware implementation
issues which need to be addressed.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

AOR requires more hardware viz. oscillators and AGCs.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

AOR requires more hardware viz. oscillators and AGCs.

Can be a major issue in small hand-held devices.
Alternate AGC design may be required to reduce hardware

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

AOR requires more hardware viz. oscillators and AGCs.

Can be a major issue in small hand-held devices.
Alternate AGC design may be required to reduce hardware
Oscillators generating sinusoids of such large frequencies
(in GHz) maybe expensive and unstable.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

AOR requires more hardware viz. oscillators and AGCs.

Can be a major issue in small hand-held devices.
Alternate AGC design may be required to reduce hardware
Oscillators generating sinusoids of such large frequencies
(in GHz) maybe expensive and unstable.
A possible solution explored was to chose
easier-to-generate waveforms like triangle and square.
Alternate solutions, like the use of low frequency Haar
wavelets was also explored. However, it was not clear if it
indeed reduced the hardware requirements.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

The effect of frequency and phase offsets in the waveforms

generated by the oscillators on the performance of AOR
needs to be studied.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

The effect of frequency and phase offsets in the waveforms

generated by the oscillators on the performance of AOR
needs to be studied.
Algorithms for channel estimation, frequency and timing
synchronization have to be designed.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

Implementation Issues and Future

The effect of frequency and phase offsets in the waveforms

generated by the oscillators on the performance of AOR
needs to be studied.
Algorithms for channel estimation, frequency and timing
synchronization have to be designed.
An algorithm for channel estimation, similar to (Dabeer and
Madhow, 2010), was explored and a near full precision
performance was achievable.

Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems


Tapan Shah Receiver design for multiGigabit OFDM systems

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