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Diuretics =  fluids in the body,  urine output

(1)  Na+ and H20 secretion

(2)  plasma volume
(3)  vascular response to catecholamines (=dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine)
Drug Cat. / MOA Drug Examples Implications Side Effects Nursing Considerations
Thiazides chlorothiazide(Diuril)  urine output Orthostatic hypotension SLOW (2-4 wks for effect)
= block NaCl chlorthalidone Na+ and Cl- in urine Hypokalemia Na+ will hypokalemia risk
reabsorption in the hydrochlorothiazide ECF, initially Metabolic alkalosis FIRST line of treatment (HT)
DCT indapamide SVR, sustained
metolazone(Zaroxolyn) Lower BP Contraindications:
Think: Thiazides, DCT Digoxin (cardiotoxicity)
NSAIDs (diuretic effect +
renal impairment risk)
Loop Diuretics bumetanide (Bumex)  urine output Orthostatic hypotension MOST potent / FASTEST
= block NaCl furosemide (Lasix) Na+ and Cl- in urine Hypokalemia
reabsorption in the torsemide (Demadex) Other electrolytes  But LESS effective for
ascending loop hypertension

SHORT duration of effect

Renal impaired PT is OKAY

K+ Sparing Diuretics amiloride (Midamor)  urine output Orthostatic hypotension Contraindications:
= K+ and Na+ triamterene(Dyrenium) Na+ in urine Hyperkalemia Renal impairment
exchange in DCT  K+ in body Other electrolytes  ACE inhibitors
 H+, Ca, Mg in body Angiotensin II blockers
Aldosterone receptor block
K+ supplements
Aldosterone spironolactone(Aldactone)  urine output Orthostatic hypotension Contraindications:
Receptor Blockers eplerenone (Inspra) Na+ in urine Hyperkalemia ACE inhibitors
= inhibit action of  K+ in body Angiotensin II blockers
aldosterone on DCT K+ sparing diuretics
K+ supplements

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