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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society


Sustainable development and construction

industry in Malaysia

~ Suliman L. Kh. M. (University Sains Malaysia)

~ Abdelnaser Omran (University Sains Malaysia)

Abstract: Sustainable construction is a way for the building and infrastructure industry to move to-
wards achieving sustainable development, taking into account environmental, socioeconomic and cultural
issues. Differing approaches and differing economic markets lead to different priorities. This paper presents
the construction scenario of Malaysia and the developments in sustainable construction taking place in this
country. Barriers to the implementation of sustainable construction are discussed. A list of recommenda-
tion was proposed to drive sustainable construction in this country. In conclusion, the status of sustainable
construction in Malaysia is still in its infancy. The lack of awareness, training and education, ineffective
procurement systems, existing public policies and regulatory frameworks are among the major barriers for
sustainable construction in Malaysia. Besides the needs for capacities, technologies and tools, total and ar-
dent commitment by all players in the construction sectors including the governments and the public at
large are required in order to achieve sustainable construction in Malaysia.
Keyword: Sustainable development, Construction scenario, Construction industry, Barriers,

Introduction about 40% of all waste including greenhouse

gas emissions. Over a building’s lifecycle-
As the world’s largest and most frag- through planning and construction, build-
mented industrial activity, construction faces ing use and managements, maintenance
a huge challenge in pursuit of sustainability. and renovation, and finally dismantling or
Construction accounts for an estimated 40% demolition-resource consumption and waste
of all resources consumption and produces production together trigger a number of

No. 10 ~ 2009
Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
environmental problems. These include loss of important antecedents to Our Common
of agricultural land, both by extending hu- Future, the report by the United Nation’s
man settlements and increasing quarrying Brundtland Commission (1987) that marks
and mining for raw materials for construc- the beginning of the sustainable development
tion, deforestation ad pollution. Sustainable concept that has generated all the literature
construction is about minimising these neg- and recent commentary. Divergent economic
ative effects. These could be minimised if theorists like E. F. Schumaker of Britain, en-
construction players e.g. owner, contractor, vironmentalists like Barry Commoner and
consultant, superintending officer, workmen, Lester R. Brown, population analysts like
etc. do their duties by taking the responsibil- Paul Ehrlich, politicians like Willy Brandt of
ity to plan the work activities. The aim of this what was then West Germany and Jimmy
case study has been formulated as: To ad- Carter of the United States, discussions with-
dress the concept of sustainable construction in the United Nations and United Nations
and development. To identify what/how cur- Agencies, and a number of environmental
rent construction industry practices has ad- organisations spread throughout the world
versely affected the sustainability ideal. To all played roles in formulating ideas that be-
explore and propose changes in practice so came part of the Brundtland Commission’s
that sustainable construction and develop- message. But even though many of the con-
ment can be achieved. cepts of sustainable development existed
before Our Common Future was published,
the commission’s report, appearing in 1987,
Overview on the Concept of
started the process of making sustainable de-
velopment an important issue on the world
Sustainable Development stage. The Commission identified a number
Sustainable development is a buzzword of “common challenges” facing the earth:
found in much environmental and some eco- Population and human resources, food secu-
nomics literature these days. Certainly the rity, species and ecosystems, energy, indus-
idea of sustainable development has become trial development, and urbanisation. In the
increasingly popular in the contemporary context of these challenges they discussed
world. New books on sustainable develop- international environmental problems, what
ment have been appearing with increasing successes had been registered in trying to ad-
rapidity since the United Nations Conference dress those problems, the scope and nature
on Environment and Development (the Earth of the environmental problems still facing the
Summit) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June world community, and the role of the world’s
of 1992, and the number of articles appear- economic systems in developing solutions to
ing in professional journals has been expand- these problems and providing long-term re-
ing at what seems to be an exponential rate. lief for what they perceived to be the related
The questions are what is all the fuss about? problems of poverty and underdevelopment.
What is sustainable development anyway? In the process of describing these challenges
And more importantly, why does sustainable and proposing potential policy directions the
development matter? There are a number world community could take to address the
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
problem they had identified, the Commission compromising he needs of future generations.
presented and defined the phrase, sustain- The promotion of sustainable construction is
able development (WCED, 1987). a major part of the Government’s policy on
Sustainable development is development Sustainable Development, which recognises
that meets the needs of the present without com- that our economy, environment and social
promising the ability of future generations to well being are interdependent. Sustainable
meet their own needs. construction is the set of processes by which
Sustainable development requires meeting a profitable and competitive industry deliv-
the major needs of all and extending to all the op- ers built assets (buildings, structures, sup-
portunity to satisfy their aspirations for a better porting infrastructure and their immediate
life. However, living standards that go beyond the surroundings that:
basic minimum are sustainable only if consump- • Enhance the quality of life and offer
tion standards everywhere have regard for long- customer satisfaction;
term sustainability (WCED, 1987). • Offer flexibility and the potential to
Thus, sustainable development, as a cater for user changes in the future;
concept, has two primary pillars: Economic • Provide and support desirable natural
development and the consumptive use of the and social environments; and
world’s natural resources in ways that are • Maximise the efficient use of
sustainable. We have to consume, in other resources.
words, with the realisation that resources are The Sustainable construction represents
finite, and part of our job as human beings is one way of approaching the complex issues
to preserve the human future on this planet of sustainability and their application to the
into a limitless future. In this concept of the construction process. The foundation for the
limitless future, the Commission also called whole process lies in balancing financial, en-
for what it termed “equity and the common vironmental and operational considerations.
interest”. The Commission declared that On top of this comes the assessment and re-
“ecological interactions do not respect the mediation of contaminated land. Above that,
boundaries of individual ownership and po- sustainable construction considers materi-
litical jurisdiction”. Nor has the local nature als, energy, design and construction. And on
of human interaction with the environment top of all of this come the requirements of
been confined, as the result of the creation of the community. To many of us, sustainabil-
ever more sophisticated technologies, to local ity in the built history may sound like a new
environmental effects. terminology. However, if we examine the
concept behind this word, it is actually not
Sustainable Construction so, as many of the philosophy expounded
Sustainable construction can be consid- have actually being promoted over the years
ered as an investment in the future. Through albeit under different names. These past
conservation of energy, water and natural terms would include the likes of “Intelligent
resources by re-use, recycling, innovative Buildings”, “Energy Efficient Building”, and
design and the minimisation of waste and many other terms including the still grove
pollution we can meet our needs without “Green Buildings”. Sustainable construction
No. 10 ~ 2009
Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
is about creating infrastructure and con- ground energy for heating of buildings, re-
struction methods that are environmentally use of road plannings in asphalt production,
friendly, don’t heavily rely on our rapidly natural ventilation and schemes. At the same
diminishing resources and conserve virgin time, many historical projects and practices
materials. It is also about minimising waste, may have delivered sustainable results be-
pollution, noise and traffic and providing a fore we even considered what sustainability
safer working environment for all involved meant. The economics on many large road
in construction, maintenance, use and even- schemes and site developments, for instance,
tual removal of buildings or structures. Good led to cut and fill balances that ensured best
design is at the heart of sustainable construc- use of the available materials on site. Re-use
tion. The adoption of environmental qual- of existing buildings or structures will help
ity standards such as Building Research reduce the demand for natural resources, but
Establishment Environmental Assessment will also reduce the emissions and nuisance
Method (BBREEAM), Civil Engineering from construction activities and the associ-
Environmental Quality Assessment ated traffic. Minimisation of waste through
(CEEQUAL) or the National Health Service good design and control of waste disposal
Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT) will will also encourage better use of resources
stimulate the consideration of sustainable and help relieve the pressure on our over-
issues at the early stages of project devel- burdened landfill facilities. In summary,
opment, when significant benefits can be ob- sustainable construction is about building,
tained by innovative design or consideration engineering and refurbishment projects that
of alternative methods of project delivery. promote environmental, social and economic
There is often the perception that “green” or gains now and for the future, helping to cre-
sustainable features will increase the cost of ate a better quality of life today and for gen-
projects. Whilst, this may sometimes be the erations to come.
case in relation to initial capital cost, expe-
rience is showing that good environmental Sustainable construction
practice results in god economic performance Construction creates a dichotomy be-
in the short and longer term. Reducing the tween its role as an economic driver and
use f energy and water not only benefits the the environmental challenges it presents if
environment by conserving resources and re- sustainable development is to be secured.
ducing pollution, but will also result in sub- Within the EU for example, buildings con-
stantial cost savings over the lifetime of the sume 40% of total energy and are responsible
building or structure. The costs of energy and for 30% of CO2 emissions. The construction
water are likely to rise significantly in the fu- process creates environmental problems in
ture, so these savings are almost certain to the form of pollutive emissions, waste, noise,
be greater than currently predicted. Practical and dust, and is a source of other forms of
examples of sustainable projects are well disruption such as temporary road divi-
known and include such measures as the re- sions, blocking of pavements, and so on.
use of crushed aggregates on site, harvesting Also, there is growing concern over the use
of rainwater for flushing toilets, the use of of resources and over the effect of the indoor
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
environment on our health and productiv- measures that affect individual economic
ity (Patermann, 1999). Therefore, there is an agents in the short as well as the long term
overarching need for developing countries to (Bon and Hutchinson, 2000). To ease the
be able to assess the sustainability of their in- transition towards environmental sustain-
frastructure projects using international met- ability in construction and building, all ac-
rics (economy, society and environment - the tors should be working together as a chorus
triple bottom line). This needs to be carried (Warnock, 2007). It is clear that the various
out while incorporating specific indicators activities of the construction sector have to
for sustainable harmonious existence that are be regarded and analysed when considering
suitable for their development needs and pri- sustainable development. As a matter of fact,
orities (Ugwu and Haupt, 2007). In addition on one side, the built environment constitutes
to the fulfillment of environmental dimen- one of the main supports (infrastructures,
sion, the construction industry should also buildings,) of economic development, and,
look into the other two pillars of sustainable on the other side, its construction has signifi-
development – economic and social (WCED, cant impacts on resources (land, materials,
1987). Ding (2005) pointed that it’s impos- energy, water, human/social capital) and on
sible to carry out building projects without the living and working environment. Hence
the construction industry has a lot of direct
measuring their environmental effects. This
and indirect links with the various aspects of
will help them in making a decision as en-
sustainable development (CIB, 1998). During
vironmental friendly projects (San-Jose et
the construction stage, typical environmental
al., 2007). Challenges facing sustainable con-
impacts from implementing a project include
struction occur on all three levels of econom-
air pollution, the emission of sulfur dioxide,
ic analysis: macro, meso and micro (Bon and
and the degradation of water quality, noise
Hutchinson, 2000). Therefore, economic via-
pollution, and the generation of solid waste.
bility of business is at the heart of sustainable
During its operation, a construction project
development because it generates profit and
consumes a vast amount of energy and en-
provides employment and through that con-
vironmental resources. At the end of a con-
tributes to general social welfare. Therefore,
struction project’s life cycle, the demolition
two types of economic issues are relevant for
activities generate a large volume of various
business: micro- and macro-level concerns. construction wastes. Such construction gen-
Micro- level issues are related directly to the erated environmental impacts are common
economic performances of a company and in both developed and developing countries
include the usual financial measures such and regions. Project performance traditional-
as sales, turnover, cash flow, and profit and ly refers to the outcomes of construction cost,
shareholder value. Macro-economic issues construction time, and construction quality
link corporate performance with consider- (Shen et al., 2005). The achievement of sus-
ations at the national and international lev- tainable construction posses stiff challenges.
els (Azapagic, 2003). This is a challenge for Most pollutant emissions result from con-
sustainable construction, whose goals often struction and refurbishment (Zimmermann
rely on long-term outlooks. The most effec- et al., 2005).
tive way to stimulate sustainable develop- On the macroeconomic level, the
ment is by means of market based economic goals of sustainable construction are being
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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
implemented most actively in countries in generally becoming lighter, they are increas-
which the share of construction in output ingly dominated by mechanical, electrical,
has been decreasing for decades (Bon and and electronic equipment, and they are ever
Hutchinson, 2000). The share of construction better adjusted to specific short and medium-
in output is increasing in LDCs and NICs, but term economic objectives of their owners.
the goals of sustainable construction are con- This is a challenge for sustainable construc-
siderably more difficult to implement there. tion, whose goals often rely on long-term
This is a global challenge for sustainable outlooks. The most effective way to stimulate
development in general. The market-based sustainable development is by means of mar-
measures promoting sustainable develop- ket based economic measures that affect in-
ment in advanced and developing countries dividual economic agents in the short as well
will need to be differentiated to account for as the long term (Bon and Hutchinson, 2000).
different roles of the construction sector in Construction activities consider major con-
these two economic environments (Bon and
tributor to environmental pollution or im-
Hutchinson, 2000). On the mesoeconomic
pacts (Chan and Chan, 2004; Yao et al., 2007).
level, the construction sector, which assem-
Social responsibility and respect for human
bles the products of all other sectors, de-
rights are becoming part of the commercial
pends crucially on the implementation of the
agenda within construction. Internalization
goals of sustainable development across the
of social responsibility practices in the con-
national economy as a whole. Economy-wide
struction sector is beginning to become ap-
market-based measures promoting sustain-
parent. This can be seen in the improvement
able development are required. Production
of working environment quality, safety and
lines feeding the construction sector are
not only long and ever longer, but they are health; and the provision of opportunities
also richly intertwined. Without a full un- for employee development and employment
derstanding of these interactions it is diffi- equity. While the regional construction sec-
cult, if not impossible, to assess the overall tor is beginning to engage with these issues,
environmental effect of different materials, the selection of business partners based on
components, and procedures used by the ethics and environmental responsibility cri-
construction sector. Thus any imposed reg- teria or the provision of projects’ ecological
ulatory constraints and standards will be impact reports to clients are incipient or vir-
incapable of monitoring and therefore of ef- tually non-existent (Gomes and Silva, 2005).
fective enforcement. As international trade in Developing and implementing sustainable
this field increases, this challenge becomes development objectives in buildings and
greater (Bon and Hutchinson, 2000). On the construction is particularly important in de-
microeconomic level, constructed facilities veloping countries where there may be con-
are erected with ever shorter time horizons siderable social and economic problems, such
in mind because their owners are facing an as low or poor levels of health, education and
ever more uncertain economic environment. employment and limited economic resources
As derived-demand goods, which depend (Gibberd, 2005).
on the demand for other goods and services The construction industry is one of the
produced in them, constructed facilities are main contributors to the depletion of natural
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
resources and a major cause of unwanted the construction in the production in subse-
side affects such as air and water pollution, quent phases of the economic development
solid waste, deforestation, toxic wastes, include less population growth, less migra-
health hazards, global warming, and oth- tion, and the most physical capital already
er negative consequences (Augenbroe and implemented. This carries to the declining
Pearce, 1998). The environmental impacts of action of physical advantages in the invest-
the construction industry are extensive (Hill ment (Bon and Hutchinson, 2000). As a result,
and Bowen, 1997). Construction and refur- construction and demolition waste have a
bishment clearly emerge as a major source high impact on the environment. The form of
of environmental loads (Zimmermann et al., this impact can be air or water pollution, and
2005). The construction process originates its associated energy usage. Environmental
affections in the environment, as emissions impact from energy usage occurs during the
in to atmosphere, spills into the water, oc- operation of recycling activities, where most
cupation and contamination of soils, use of of the operations are carried out by means
natural resources and waste generation (San- of mechanical processes that need electrical
Joe et al., 2007). Shen et al., (2005) confirm power. Impact on air and water pollution
that during the construction stage, typical mostly occurs from waste transportation and
environmental impacts from implementing the composition period of wastes in landfill
a project include air pollution, the emission areas, i.e. from greenhouse gases and leach-
of sulfur dioxide, and the degradation of wa- ates (Yahya and Boussabaine, 2006). The con-
ter quality, noise pollution, and the genera- struction industry has been identified as one
tion of solid waste (Shen et al., 2005). At the of the most unsustainable industrial sectors
end of a construction project’s life cycle, the and there is increasing awareness of the need
demolition activities generate a large vol- for improvement through initiatives such as
ume of various construction wastes. Such the construction best practice programme
construction generated environmental im- CBPP, and movement for innovation
pacts are common in both developed and (Robinson et al., 2006). The increased aware-
developing countries and regions. Project ness in measuring the impact on society is in
performance traditionally refers to the out- response not only to the need to minimise the
comes of construction cost, construction environmental effects of construction activi-
time, and construction quality (Shen et al., ties but as part of the corporate sustainabil-
2005). Moreover, throughout the world, the ity agenda to give something positive back
construction industry is responsible for high to society (Robinson et al., 2006). Adopting
levels of pollution resulting from the energy sustainability principles requires proactive
consumed and during the extraction, pro- management of financial, human, environ-
cessing and transportation of raw materi- mental and social capital and a shift from
als (Ding, 2005). The construction industry, the shareholder to the stakeholder perspec-
whilst important for every society, also has tive. Corporate responsibility is at the cen-
implicit and explicit responsibilities for envi- tre of the sustainability debate, to improve
ronmental protection (Ding, 2005). The fac- governance by managing both hard physical
tors that explain the decrease of the action of (tangible) and soft knowledge (intangible)
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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
assets. Sustainability principles should there- possible. There are certain rules and stan-
fore be related to the context of the business, dards which must be observed, but to win a
i.e. it should address issues of what is pro- contract and then complete it profitably, the
duced (products – projects/services), how it only other considerations are economic. One
is produced (processes), by whom (people) aim of Sustainability is closing this gap be-
and its implication for stakeholders – inves- tween economics and the real world or, as an
tors, consumers and society. In the context of economist would say, internalities. If these
construction, this means, for example, a need costs are to be invoiced, we need to know
to be involved in environmentally, socially
how much to charge, which means putting
acceptable and ethically sound projects, using
a price on the environment. This is anathema
processes that enhances regulatory compli-
to many environmentalists, as it can be seen
ance, minimises waste, rework, defects and
as the first step toward trading in the envi-
pollution, and delivered by people trained
ronment, or selling the world for personal
in sustainability and working within a safe
environment (Robinson et al., 2006). There gain. A sustainable construction project;
is a need for the development of appropriate therefore, must aim to redress the imbalance
measures reflecting sustainability objectives caused by economists having only half the
and to assess their knowledge implications information at their disposal. It should aim
for continuous improvement. For example, to balance the financial, environmental and
designing out waste is a major issue for many operational aspects of every decision, every
construction firms. However, using “number material and every system in the develop-
of skips” as a measure of wastage may inform ment. This is not easy to do as well as the
the finance/accounting department about the different languages of economics and envi-
level of waste in monetary terms but such ronmentalism; there are still almost incom-
information is of limited use to the environ- prehensible dialects within each discipline.
mental department (Robinson et al., 2006). How many tones of CO2 are equivalent to
Failure to integrate sustainability principles a tone of waste? Or the quality of a river?
into an organisation’s business strategy could Or the existence of a species? Should we tax
result in a loss of competitive advantage
work, which we want people to do, more
and business opportunities, which will un-
than smoking, which we do not? Or driving?
dermine long-term performance (Robinson
Or landfill? Clearly, the subject is vast and
et al., 2006). Construction organisations are
complex. In fact, it touches everything we do
expected not only to embrace the concept of
in every walk of life. There is yet no system
sustainability but also to apply its principles
as a way of doing business and managing which can take account of these disparate
its knowledge assets to facilitate continuous themes and help us to take measured deci-
improvement in organisational performance sions. The best we can hope for at this stage
(Robinson et al., 2006). of our own development is to do our best to
reach the right decision, based on the infor-
Conclusion mation available and to be opened and hon-
est about the decision-making process, so
The aim of a traditional construction is that others can follow it (or avoid it). This is
to complete the development as cheaply as the approach we have chosen for sustainable
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
construction. In the future, energy prices and processes will improve. But a decision made
sources will change, some materials will be today with today’s information and today’s
found to be more hazardous than was pre- values is the best anyone can ask for.
viously thought and some development

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