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Cover Letter

I remember once, after securing an ‘A’ grade in a school maths test in 8th
standard, when my father, usually bereft of positive adjectives, said
something that has stuck with me. He said that no profession in this world
is out of reach for a person with command over mathematics. For good
reason, I’ve always held onto this thought, and developed what I’d call a
flaming love affair with maths.While fascinated by abstract math, I found its
applications in finance and economics equally intriguing. A general
aptitude in math, coupled with college courses in mathematics, statistics
and economics eventually led me to a job with a big investment bank,
Citigroup with the Treasury and Trades Solution Division. My project here
required me to develop a novel Notional pooling framework for some
corporate clients. With extensive programming in Java and Python, I
successfully implemented the framework, and consequently received
appreciation. I realize, however, that the field of finance and economics is
vast, and I’ve barely scratched it’s surface. That is why I wish to apply for a
Masters in Finance and Economics degree. Exposing me to quantitative
methods in Finance and Economics, and giving me time to develop an
interest,the degree is exactly what I need right now. Once I complete this
degree, I hope to work for an asset management firm or an investment
bank, in a work environment that throws up new challenges ever so often
and rewards you handsomely, if and when you overcome them, and this
degree would thrust me into such a workplace.
Growing up in a country like India, one can’t help but feel the need to bring
massive societal changes; more than half of India’s population still registers
below the poverty line. In the long run, I want to be like Bruce Wayne, with
slight modifications. I wish to earn enough so that I can take my
countrymen out of suffering. This degree would help me achieve the
earning part. I believe that an undergrad degree at India’s premier college,
in as quantitative a field as engineering, has equipped me with an enviable
skill set. I describe myself as a slogger, and genuinely consider hard work to
be my principal path to success. Leadership positions at my college have
complemented my exploits with finance, and have given me confidence and
sparked a will to succeed in this field. Additionally, all-round activities at
college have imparted useful time-management skills. But above all, it is an
undying love for mathematics that would help me advance your cause.

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