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Anemia and Congestive Heart Failure when registering the coding.

This may seem trivial, but one

To the Editor: needs to consider that the database refers to data collected mostly
With great interest we read the article by Ezekowitz et al1 before the year 2000. Before that time, knowledge about and
focusing on the high prevalence and possible causes of anemia in awareness of anemia in CHF among cardiologists and other
patients with congestive heart failure. Most patients in their physicians treating these patients was low and probably mainly
cohort had anemia of chronic disease. In patients with cardio- guided by information from nephrologists. Nephrologists gener-
myopathy, anemia obviously coincides with immune activation, ally consider anemia (requiring intervention) to be present when
given that raised concentrations of immune activation markers hemoglobin levels are below 8, 9, or 10 g/dL. Cardiologists aim
such as neopterin were found in patients, correlating with left to intervene at a much earlier stage and consider clinically
ventricular functional tests and New York Heart Association relevant anemia to be present when hemoglobin level is ⬍12.0,2
classes.2 Neopterin is formed by human macrophages on stimu- 12.5,3 or even 13.04 g/dL. Hence, the database presented1 may
lation with interferon-␥ (IFN-␥) in scope with Th1-type immune underestimate the prevalence of anemia in CHF.
response. IFN-␥, especially in cooperation with tumor necrosis Using coded data, it may be possible to analyze the frequency
factor ␣, is well known to suppress the growth of erythroid and prognostic impact of polycythemia (versus anemia) in CHF.
precursor cells and appears to be deeply involved in the patho- Are such data available? Additionally, we wonder about the term
genesis of anemia of chronic diseases.3 The suppressive effect of “new-onset heart failure” used by Ezekowitz et al.1 How can the
IFN-␥ on hematopoiesis is so far mainly attributed to direct authors know this was new onset of heart failure, if—for
cytokine interaction with bone marrow stem cells; still, the exact instance—a patient had an episode of heart failure elsewhere or
mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. A possible before 1993?
explanation for hematopoietic suppression could be an acceler- Finally, we wonder how to explain the great discrepancy
ated tryptophan degradation, because IFN-␥ induces enzyme between the data presented by Ezekowitz et al at the American
indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase, which converts the essential amino Heart Association Scientific Sessions in November 20025 and the
acid tryptophan to kynurenine. Tryptophan is essential for present paper.1 In the previous presentation, based on what seems
cellular growth. Thus, tryptophan depletion is capable of inhib- to be the same database (with identical search dates, community
iting cell proliferation and may contribute to development of area, and search codes), 29 302 CHF patients were found; in the
T-cell unresponsiveness.4 Earlier enhanced tryptophan degrada- present paper, there are only 12 065 patients.
tion was shown in patients with congestive heart failure2 and in
patients suffering from other chronic diseases. Recently, de- Wolfram Steinborn
creased hematopoiesis was found in the bone marrow of mice Piotr Ponikowski, MD, PhD, FESC
with heart failure.5 Thus, enhanced degradation of tryptophan Stefan Anker, MD, PhD
could also be the rate-limiting step in hematopoiesis. Conse- Imperial College
National Heart and Lung Institute
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quently, in several diseases with chronic immune activation and

concomitant release of IFN-␥, an increased activity of London, United Kingdom
indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase could be involved in the drop of
1. Ezekowitz JA, McAlister FA, Armstrong PW. Anemia is common in
hemoglobin and the development of anemia. heart failure and is associated with poor outcomes: insights from a cohort
Katharina Schroecksnadel, MD of 12 065 patients with new-onset heart failure. Circulation. 2003;107:
Barbara Wirleitner, PhD 223–225.
2. Silverberg DS, Wexler D, Blum M, et al. The use of subcutaneous
Dietmar Fuchs, PhD
erythropoietin and intravenous iron for the treatment of the anemia of
Institute of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry severe, resistant congestive heart failure improves cardiac and renal
University of Innsbruck function and functional cardiac class, and markedly reduces hospital-
Innsbruck, Austria izations. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;35:1737–1744.
3. Anker SD, Sharma R, Francis DF, et al. Hemoglobin predicts survival in
1. Ezekowitz JA, McAlister FA, Armstrong PW. Anemia is common in patients with chronic heart failure with a U-shaped curve: a substudy of
heart failure and is associated with poor outcomes: insights from a cohort the ELITE II trial. Eur Heart J. 2002;23:447. Abstract.
of 12 065 patients with new-onset heart failure. Circulation. 2003;107: 4. Kalra PR, Bolger AP, Francis D, et al. Effect of anaemia on exercise
223–225. tolerance in men with chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 2003;91:
2. Rudzite V, Skards JI, Fuchs D, et al. Serum kynurenine and neopterin 888 – 891.
concentrations in patients with cardiomyopathy. Immunol Lett. 1992;32: 5. Ezekowitz JA, Franijic N, Chang WC, et al. What is the relationship
125–130. between anemia and survival in patients with CHF? A population-based
3. Fuchs D, Hausen A, Reibnegger G, et al. Immune activation and the analysis of 29302 patients. Circulation 2002;106 (suppl II):II-472.
anaemia associated with chronic inflammatory disorders. Eur J Abstract.
Haematol. 1991;46:65–70.
4. Mellor AL, Munn DH. Tryptophan catabolism and T-cell tolerance: To the Editor:
immunosuppression by starvation? Immunol Today. 1999;20:469 – 473. Anemia has recently become an important issue in patients
5. Iversen PO, Woldbaek PR, Tonnessen T, et al. Decreased hematopoiesis
with heart failure, and in the January 21, 2003 issue of Circula-
in bone marrow of mice with congestive heart failure. Am J Physiol Regul
Integr Comp Physiol. 2002;282:R166 –R172.
tion, 3 studies relating to this subject were published.1–3 In one of
these studies, Ezekowitz et al1 showed that anemia is common
To the Editor: and is an independent prognostic marker for mortality in
We read with great interest the study by Ezekowitz et al1 about community-based patients with congestive heart failure (CHF).
the frequency, type, and prognostic impact of anemia in patients To determine the prevalence of anemia, the authors used the
with chronic heart failure (CHF). It is important to know more International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision (ICD-9). In
about the frequency of anemia in the community, as anemia still using this method, however, the authors did not provide a cutoff
is an underestimated risk factor in CHF. Ezekowitz et al1 used value for when they considered patients to be anemic. In the
the International Classification of Diseases (9th revision) coding recent literature, there is some controversy about the prevalence
results to define the presence of anemia. Therefore, this analysis of anemia in patients with CHF, which not only depends on the
relies on physicians to consider anemia as a possible diagnosis severity of CHF, but also on the definition of anemia.4 Therefore,
2 Correspondence

it would have been important to know which hemoglobin values significant comorbidity in heart failure is relatively recent for
were used to define anemia. cardiologists, the coding for anemia is (and has) been consis-
Furthermore, the authors determined the prevalence as fol- tently done by trained health records abstractors in our locale
lows: ICD-9 codes 280 to 289 to capture “all anemia” and ICD-9 throughout the entire study time period, and does not rely solely
code 285.9 to capture “anemia of chronic disease.” This method on recognition by the physician of record (see References 5 and
also has its limitations, because, for example, serum albumin 6 of the original paper6). We did not analyze polycythemia in this
levels may be decreased in CHF patients, indicating that malnu- cohort. The term “new-onset heart failure” relates to a 1-year
trition and malabsorption may also result in anemia.5 Also, many “washout” to identify patients with recent onset of heart failure.
CHF patients use anticoagulants, and chronic (microscopic) Hence, patients admitted to hospital for heart failure within the
blood loss may well play a role. Therefore, it would have added preceding year were excluded; when we applied a 1-, 2-, or
significant value if the authors had also evaluated the incidence 5-year washout, the prevalence of anemia (and its prognostic
of iron and vitamin deficiency anemias in their study. significance) was unchanged.
Finally, the discrepancy in numbers between the 2 analyses
Peter van der Meer, MD relates to 3 factors, which were applied to create a more
Wiek H. van Gilst, PhD homogeneous dataset and permit examination between anemia
Dirk J. van Veldhuisen, MD, PhD and heart failure with minimum confounding (to obviate con-
Department of Cardiology cerns that the heart failure diagnosis was secondary to the
University Hospital Groningen anemia, making any observed prognostic relationships spurious).
Groningen, the Netherlands First, we restricted our analysis to only those patients with incident heart failure (thus excluding anyone with a pre-existing
diagnosis). Second, we analyzed only those patients with a most
1. Ezekowitz JA, McAlister FA, Armstrong PW. Anemia is common in responsible diagnosis of heart failure, thus excluding any patients
heart failure and is associated with poor outcomes: insights from a cohort
of 12 065 patients with new-onset heart failure. Circulation. 2003;107:
with a non– heart failure primary diagnosis and in whom heart
223–225. failure was a secondary or complicating diagnosis. Third, we
2. Androne AS, Katz SD, Lund L, et al. Hemodilution is common in patients excluded patients transferred between hospitals because of con-
with advanced heart failure. Circulation. 2003;107:226 –229. cerns of double counting based on recoding pursuant to subse-
3. Mancini DM, Katz SD, Lang CC, et al. Effect of erythropoietin on quent in-hospital events. Of note, the prevalence of anemia and
exercise capacity in patients with moderate to severe chronic heart failure. its association with worsened outcome was similar in the
Circulation. 2003;107:294 –299. heterogeneous cohort data previously presented7 and in the more
4. Cromie N, Lee C, Struthers AD. Anaemia in chronic heart failure: what homogeneous cohort data published in Circulation. This
is its frequency in the UK and its underlying causes? Heart. 2002;87: strengthens our belief that the relationship between anemia and
377–378. prognosis in heart failure is real and, pending the results of
5. Horwich TB, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, et al. Anemia is associated
ongoing trials, likely causal.
with worse symptoms, greater impairment in functional capacity and a
Downloaded from by on November 12, 2018

significant increase in mortality in patients with advanced heart failure. Justin Ezekowitz, MBBCh
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;39:1780 –1786. Finlay McAlister, MD
Paul W. Armstrong, MD
Response Division of Cardiology
We appreciate the interest of Drs van der Meer, Fuchs, Department of Medicine
Steinborn, et al on anemia and congestive heart failure. We agree University of Alberta
that the pathogenesis of anemia in congestive heart failure is Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
complex and at least partly related to inflammatory mediators.
Additionally, there are likely modulating roles for erythropoietin 1. Weiss G. Pathogenesis and treatment of anaemia of chronic disease.
resistance,1 the renin-angiotensin axis,2 and medications such as Blood Rev. 2002;16:87–96.
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.3 2. Cole J, Ertoy D, Lin H, et al. Lack of angiotensin II-facilitated erythro-
Although early studies demonstrated a link between neopterin poiesis causes anemia in angiotensin-converting enzyme-deficient mice.
and cardiovascular disease,4 subsequent investigations have J Clin Invest. 2000;106:1391–1398.
failed to confirm this.5 This complex pathway of tryptophan 3. Macdougall IC. ACE inhibitors and erythropoietin responsiveness. Am J
Kidney Dis. 2001;38:649 – 651.
metabolism likely has many avenues that deserve exploration.
4. Rudzite V, Skards JI, Fuchs D, et al. Serum kynurenine and neopterin
Interferon-␥ directly inhibits erythroid progenitor cells’ capacity concentrations in patients with cardiomyopathy. Immunol Lett. 1992;32:
for erythropoiesis; this may be mediated in part by nitric oxide, 125–129.
which blocks heme biosynthesis.1 5. Caforio AL, Goldman JH, Baig MK, et al. Elevated serum levels of
Regardless of the underlying mechanistic cause(s) for anemia soluble interleukin-2 receptor, neopterin and ␤-2-microglobulin in idio-
associated with congestive heart failure, treatment of the under- pathic dilated cardiomyopathy: relation to disease severity and auto-
lying heart failure with appropriate evidence-based therapies immune pathogenesis. Eur J Heart Fail. 2001;3:155–163.
should be the primary goal. Ultimately, elucidation of the 6. Ezekowitz JA, McAlister FA, Armstrong PW. Anemia is common in
heart failure and is associated with poor outcomes: insights from a cohort
putative cellular mechanisms for the associated anemia may lead of 12 065 patients with new-onset heart failure. Circulation. 2003;107:
to more specific clinical strategies. 223–225.
Steinborn and colleagues question the use of administrative 7. Ezekowitz JA, Franijic N, Chang WC, et al. What is the relationship
data for examining the prevalence of anemia in the community. between anemia and survival in patients with CHF? A population-based
While they are correct that the recognition of anemia as a analysis of 29302 patients. Circulation. 2002;106 (suppl II):II-472.

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