Public Policy MCQs

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1) Budget Deficit (p.

305) A situation in which spending exceeds revenues during a

given period.

2) Public Policy (p. 293) A plan or course of action chosen by a government to

respond to an
identified problem.

3) Which of the following characteristics is NOT part of Weber’s model of a

a) There are rules within civil society.
b) Government must employ skilled experts.
c) Skilled experts do not necessarily have to operate within an organized
hierarchy. (correct)
d) People must be treated equally.

4) The public policy development cycle is a process that requires good planning,
organization and communication skills.

5) The policy cycle has thus been cast as steps that display the sequential flow
depicted by Jones's approach to public policy:

Agenda setting: Problems are defined and issues are raised. Gatekeepers filter out
those which well be given attention by either the executive or the legislative

Formulation: Analysis and politics determines how the agenda item is translated
into an authoritative decision: a law, rule or regulation, administrative order, or
resolution. There are two steps in policy formulation:

Alternative policy proposals are put forth, claiming to inject rationality and
technical analysis within the process. Policy analysts bring these alternatives to
the attention of political decision makers with their recommendations.

The policy prescription is chosen among the alternatives, including the no-action
option. This is usually accomplished by building the support of a majority. What is
produced here is a binding decision or series of decisions by elected or appointed
officials who are not necessarily experts but who are presumably accountable to the

Implementation: The authorized policy must be administered and enforced by an

agency of government. The agency must take instructions as stated in the policy,
but will probably be called upon to provide missing pieces and to make judgments as
to intent, goals, timetables, program design, and reporting methods. The agency's
mission may be well defined or poorly understood, but the field of action has
Budgeting: Financial resources must be brought to bear within an ongoing annual
stream of budget cycles. Budget decisions are generally made with partial
information and by changes from year to year which are only slightly different from
the year before, a process called incrementalism. In recent years, budget
constraints have significantly elevated budget considerations in importance within
the policy cycle. Budget items are highly competitive but essential for policy

Evaluation: The impacts of the policy may be assessed. If goals exist, the
effectiveness of the policy and its components can be determined. Side-effects must
also be discovered and reckoned. The output of evaluation may be no change, minor
modification, overhaul, or even (but rarely) termination. The feedback provided by
evaluation is injected back into the agenda-setting stage, thus closing the loop of
the cycle.

6) Which theory stipulates that citizens are self-interested actors whose decisions
fulfill their
own needs and wants?
c) Rational Choice Theory

7) In times of a budget deficit, which of the following is more indicative of a

approach to budgeting?
c) Maintaining taxes

8) predatory pricing
the pricing of goods or services at such a low level that other firms cannot
compete and are forced to leave the market.

9) Deceptive pricing is the method by which retailers use deceptive means to trick
the customers into thinking that they are paying a lower price for the product,
than what they are actually supposed to.

10) price fixing

a practice whereby rival companies come to an illicit agreement not to sell goods
or services below a certain price.

11) Organizations that pursue the common interests of groups of people by

attempting to influence the making and implementation of government policy are
known as:

Your Answer:

Interest groups

12) This theory assumes that governments will be influenced by various interest
groups and will not be biased for or against any of those groups:

Your Answer:

Rational choice theory

Correct Answer:

Pluralist theory

13) In order to be effective in influencing government policy, interest groups


Your Answer:

A large number of members

Correct Answer:

Money and expertise

14) State-centered theory assumes that:

Your Answer:

Interest groups are ineffective because the state is independent of social forces
15) An interest group with a formal structure, established membership base, and
paid staff is commonly known as a(n):

Your Answer:

Institutionalized interest group

16) New social movements have increasingly relied on the following tactic to
pressure governments:

Your Answer:

Affiliations with the New Democratic Party

Correct Answer:

Civil disobedience

17) To internalize a negative externality an appropriate public policy response

would be to ?

C. tax the good

18) To internalize a positive externality an appropriate public policy response

would be to ?
C. subsidize the good

19) The public problems that influence public policy making can be of economic,
social, or political nature.[8]

20) Many actors can be important in the public policy process, but government
officials ultimately choose public policy in response to the public issue or
problem at hand.

21) Majority of governments across the world divide public policy into three main
types, which are distribution, regulation, and redistribution. ... The government
ensures that it has put policies in place that ensure that services reach the
people in time.

22) Good public policy solves public problems effectively and efficiently, serves
justice, supports democratic institutions and processes, and encourages an active
and empathic citizenship.

23) What are the 5 stages of the policy making process?

Howlett and Ramesh's model identifies five stages: agenda setting, policy
formulation, adoption (or decision making), implementation and evaluation.

24) Public policies will include laws, rules, regulations, judgments, case studies,
government programs, etc. Now public policies and their nature are basically of
three types – restrictive, regulatory and facilitating policies.

25) " Public policy is commonly embodied in "constitutions, legislative acts, and
judicial decisions."

26) Every policy has three key elements: a problem definition, goals to be
achieved, and the policy instruments to address the problem and achieve the goals.

27) Public policy encompasses more than just a law. A law is a rule one must follow
or face criminal prosecution, whereas public policy is a combination of laws,
regulations, and policies that work together to prevent something.Sep 16, 2017

28) Public policies are influenced by a variety of factors including public

opinion, economic conditions, new scientific findings, technological change,
interest groups, NGOs, business lobbying, and political activity.

29) Good policy is the considered course of action by which a supposed public
benefit is accomplished, which otherwise would not be accomplished, by the best use
of the resources available. It is grounded in reality and thought-through as to its
consequences.Nov 25, 2014

30) The public policy development cycle

Stage 1 — Problem identification and agenda setting. This stage involves performing
a community risk assessment and developing a problem statement. ...
Stage 2 — Policy development. ...
Stage 3 — Issue resolution and policy adoption. ...
Stage 4 — Policy implementation and application. ...
Stage 5 — Policy evaluation.


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