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10/18/2019 Chapter 07 Homework Assignment

Chapter 07 Homework Assignment

Due: 11:59pm on Thursday, October 24, 2019
You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy

Work on a Sliding Box

A box of mass m is sliding along a horizontal surface.

Part A
The box leaves position x = 0 with speed v 0 . The box is slowed by a constant frictional force until it comes to rest at
position x = x1 .

Find Ff , the magnitude of the average frictional force that acts on the box. (Since you don't know the coefficient of friction,
don't include it in your answer.)

Express the frictional force in terms of m, v 0 , and x1 .

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

Use the work-energy theorem. As applied to this part, the theorem states that the work done by friction is equal to the
change in kinetic energy of the box:

Wf = ΔK = Kf − Ki .

Find Ki , Kf , and Wf (which will depend on Ff ), then solve for Ff .

Hint 2. Find the initial kinetic energy

What is Ki , the kinetic energy of the box at position x = 0 ?


Ki = mv0

Hint 3. Find the final kinetic energy

What is Kf , the kinetic energy of the box when it reaches position x = x1 ?


Kf = 0

Hint 4. Find the work done by friction

Find Wf , the work done by friction on the box. Note that the work done by friction is always negative (i.e., friction
always dissipates energy).
Express your answer in terms of Ff and other given variables.

Wf = −F f x1 1/25
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Ff =
2x 1


Part B
After the box comes to rest at position x1 , a person starts pushing the box, giving it a speed v 1 .

When the box reaches position x2 (where x2 > x1 ), how much work Wp has the person done on the box?
Assume that the box reaches x2 after the person has accelerated it from rest to speed v 1 .
Express the work in terms of m, v 0 , x1 , x2 , and v 1 .

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

Again, use the work-energy theorem. In this part of the problem, both the person and friction are doing work on the

Wf + Wp = ΔK = Kf − Ki .

Hint 2. Find the work done by friction

What is Wf , the total work done by friction on the box as the person pushes it from position x1 to position x2 ?
Answer in terms of given variables. (Your answer should not include Ff .)

Hint 1. Finding the force of friction

The normal force on the box is unchanged from partA. Therefore, the force of friction is the same in this part
as in part A.


−(mv0 )(x 2 −x 1 )
Wf =
2x 1

Hint 3. Find the change in kinetic energy

What is ΔK , the change in kinetic energy of the box from the moment it is at position x1 to the moment it is at
position x2 ?

ΔK = mv1

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1 mv0
Wp = (x 2 − x 1 ) +
2 x1 2


Introduction to Potential Energy

Learning Goal:
Understand that the work done by conservative forces is independent of the path taken, and that these conservative forces can
be incorporated into a new form of energy called potential energy that must be added to the kinetic energy to get the total
mechanical energy.
The first part of this problem contains short-answer questions that review the work-energy theorem. In the second part we
introduce the concept of potential energy. But for now, please answer in terms of the work-energy theorem.

Work-Energy Theorem
The work-energy theorem states

Kf = Ki + Wnet ,

where Wnet is the total work done by all forces that act on the object, and Ki and Kf are the initial and final kinetic energies,

Part A
The work-energy theorem states that a force acting on a particle as it moves over a ______ changes the ______ energy of
the particle if the force has a component parallel to the motion.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks above:

distance / potential

distance / kinetic

vertical displacement / potential

none of the above

It is important that the force have a component acting in the direction of motion. For example, if a ball is attached
to a string and whirled in uniform circular motion, the string does apply a force to the ball, but since the string's
force is always perpendicular to the motion it does no work and cannot change the kinetic energy of the ball.

Part B
To calculate the change in kinetic energy, you must know the force as a function of _______. The work done by the force
causes the kinetic energy change.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank above:

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potential energy


Part C
To illustrate the work-energy concept, consider the case of a stone falling from xi to xf under the influence of gravity.
Using the work-energy concept, we say that work is done by the gravitational _____, resulting in an increase of the ______
energy of the stone.

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks above:


force / kinetic

potential energy / potential

force / potential

potential energy / kinetic


Potential Energy You should read about potential energy in your text before answering the following questions.

Potential energy is a concept that builds on the work-energy theorem, enlarging the concept of energy in the most physically
useful way. The key aspect that allows for potential energy is the existence of conservative forces, forces for which the work
done on an object does not depend on the path of the object, only the initial and final positions of the object. The gravitational
force is conservative; the frictional force is not.

The change in potential energy is the negative of the work done by conservative forces. Hence considering the initial and final
potential energies is equivalent to calculating the work done by the conservative forces. When potential energy is used, it
replaces the work done by the associated conservative force. Then only the work due to nonconservative forces needs to be

In summary, when using the concept of potential energy, only nonconservative forces contribute to the work, which now changes
the total energy: Kf + Uf = Ef = Wnc + Ei = Wnc + Ki + Ui ,where Uf and Ui are the final and initial potential energies,
and Wnc is the work due only to nonconservative forces.

Now, we will revisit the falling stone example using the concept of potential energy.

Part D
Rather than ascribing the increased kinetic energy of the stone to the work of gravity, we now (when using potential energy
rather than work-energy) say that the increased kinetic energy comes from the ______ of the _______ energy. 4/25
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Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks above:


work / potential

force / kinetic

change / potential


Part E
This process happens in such a way that total mechanical energy, equal to the ______ of the kinetic and potential energies,
is _______.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks above:

sum / conserved

sum / zero

sum / not conserved

difference / conserved


Potential Energy Calculations

Learning Goal:
To understand the relationship between the force and the potential energy changes associated with that force and to be able to
calculate the changes in potential energy as definite integrals.
Imagine that a conservative force field is defined in a certain region of space. Does this sound too abstract? Well, think of a
gravitational field (the one that makes apples fall down and keeps the planets orbiting) or an electrostatic field existing around
any electrically charged object.

If a particle is moving in such a field, its change in potential energy does not depend on the particle's path and is determined only
by the particle's initial and final positions. Recall that, in general, the component of the net force acting on a particle equals the
negative derivative of the potential energy function along the corresponding axis:

dU (x)
Fx = − .

Therefore, the change in potential energy can be found as the integral

ΔU = − ∫ F ⋅ ds ⃗ ,
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where ΔU is the change in potential energy for a particle moving from point 1 to point 2, F ⃗ is the net force acting on the particle
at a given point of its path, and ds ⃗ is a small displacement of the particle along its path from 1 to 2.

Evaluating such an integral in a general case can be a tedious and lengthy task. However, two circumstances make it easier:

1. Because the result is path-independent, it is always possible to consider the most straightforward way to reach
point 2 from point 1.
2. The most common real-world fields are rather simply defined.

In this problem, you will practice calculating the change in potential energy for a particle moving in three common force fields.

Note that, in the equations for the forces, ^i is the unit vector in the x direction, ^
j is the unit vector in the y direction, and ^
r is the
unit vector in the radial direction in case of a spherically symmetrical force field.

Part A
Consider a uniform gravitational field (a fair approximation near the surface of a planet). Find
U (yf ) − U (y0 ) = − ∫ F g ⋅ ds ⃗  ,


⃗  ^ ^
F g = −mg j and ds ⃗ = dy j .

Express your answer in terms of m, g, y0 , and yf .

Hint 1. Relative directions of F g⃗  and ds ⃗ 

Note that F g⃗  and ds ⃗ are parallel, and their dot product is simply the product of their magnitudes. That is,

F g ⋅ ds ⃗ = −mg dy .


U (y f ) − U (y 0 ) = mg(y
−y )


Part B
Consider the force exerted by a spring that obeys Hooke's law. Find
U (x f ) − U (x 0 ) = − ∫ F s ⋅ ds ⃗  ,


⃗  ^ ^
F s = −kx i , ds ⃗ = dx i ,
and the spring constant k is positive.

Express your answer in terms of k, x0 , and xf . 6/25
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Hint 1. Relative directions of F s⃗  and ds ⃗ 

Note that F s⃗  and ds ⃗ are parallel, and their dot product is simply the product of their magnitudes. That is,

F s ⋅ ds ⃗ = −kx dx .


U (xf ) − U (x0 ) = 0.5k(xf

− x0


Part C
Finally, consider the gravitational force generated by a spherically symmetrical massive object. The magnitude and direction
of such a force are given by Newton's law of gravity:
⃗  Gm 1 m 2
FG = − ^
r ,

where ds ⃗ = ;
^ G m1
dr r , , and m2 are constants; and r > 0 . Find
U (rf ) − U (r0 ) = − ∫ F G ⋅ ds ⃗  .

Express your answer in terms of G, m1 , m2 , r0 , and rf .

Hint 1. Relative directions of F G and ds ⃗ 

Note that F G and ds ⃗ are parallel, and their dot product is simply the product of their magnitudes. That is,

Gm 1 m 2
F G ⋅ ds ⃗ = − dr .

Hint 2. Integrating 1/r2

Recall that
dr 1
∫ =−
Carefully account for all the negative signs in your calculations.


1 1
U (rf ) − U (r0 ) = −Gm1 m2 (

) 7/25
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As you can see, the change in potential energy of the particle can be found by integrating the force along the
particle's path. However, this method, as we mentioned before, does have an important restriction: It can only be
applied to a conservative force field. For conservative forces such as gravity or tension the work done on the
particle does not depend on the particle's path, and the potential energy is the function of the particle's position.

In case of a nonconservative force--such as a frictional or magnetic force--the potential energy can no longer be
defined as a function of the particle's position, and the method that you used in this problem would not be

Video Tutor: Chin Basher?

First, launch the video below. You will be asked to use your knowledge of physics to predict the outcome of an experiment. Then,
close the video window and answer the question at right. You can watch the video again at any point.

Part A
Suppose our experimenter repeats his experiment on a planet more massive than Earth, where the acceleration due to
gravity is g = 30 m/s2 . When he releases the ball from chin height without giving it a push, how will the ball's behavior
differ from its behavior on Earth? Ignore friction and air resistance. (Select all that apply.)

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

To answer this question, you must evaluate how a change in g affects the pendulum’s trajectory (choices A and B),
period (choices C and D), and mass (choice E).

Trajectory: Here, the key is energy conservation. Think about how kinetic and potential energy interchange as a
pendulum swings. For the pendulum to return to a position higher than its starting point, the system of the pendulum
and planet would have to gain mechanical energy. Where would that energy come from? (The same argument
applies to choice B.)

Period: You can answer this question by seeing whether the equation for the period of a pendulum includes g. Or you
can use reasoning. A greater downward acceleration g will cause the pendulum to reach the bottom of its swing
more quickly. What does that say about the pendulum’s total period?

Mass: The pendulum will weigh more on the massive planet. Will it have more mass?

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It will stop well short of his face.

It will take more time to return to the point from which it was released.

It will smash his face.

Its mass will be greater.

It will take less time to return to the point from which it was released.

The pendulum will swing back and forth more quickly (with a shorter period) because it is oscillating in a stronger
gravitational field than that on Earth.

Exercise 7.32

While a roofer is working on a roof that slants at 37.0 ∘ above the horizontal, he accidentally nudges his 92.0 N toolbox, causing
it to start sliding downward, starting from rest.

Part A
If it starts 4.70 m from the lower edge of the roof, how fast will the toolbox be moving just as it reaches the edge of the roof
if the kinetic friction force on it is 20.0 N ?


v = 5.95 m/s


Exercise 7.35

A force parallel to the x-axis acts on a particle moving along the x-axis. This force produces a potential energy U (x) given by
U (x) = α x where α =1.19 J/m .
4 4

Part A
What is the force when the particle is at position x = -0.820 m ?


Fx = 2.62 N


Energy Required to Lift a Heavy Box 9/25
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As you are trying to move a heavy box of mass m, you realize that it is too heavy for you to lift by yourself. There is no one
around to help, so you attach an ideal pulley to the box and a massless rope to the ceiling, which you wrap around the pulley.
You pull up on the rope to lift the box.

Use g for the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity and neglect
friction forces.

Part A
Once you have pulled hard enough to start the box moving upward, what is the magnitude F of the upward force you must
apply to the rope to start raising the box with constant velocity?
Express the magnitude of the force in terms of m, the mass of the box.

Hint 1. What force must be applied to the box to keep it moving at a constant speed?

Once you have pulled hard enough to start the box moving upward, what is the magnitude of the force that the pulley
must exert on the box so that it moves at a constant speed?

Express your answer in terms of the mass of the box.


Fp = mg

Hint 2. What force does the pulley exert on the box?

If you take the tension in the rope to be T , what is Fp , the magnitude of the net upward force that the pulley exerts
on the box?

Express your answer in terms of T .


Fp = 2T

Hint 3. Find the tension in the rope

Find the tension in the rope in terms of F , the force with which you are pulling upward.

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T = F

Hint 4. Putting it all together

On your own or using the previous hints, you should have found equations for he following:

1. the force needed to lift the box at constant velocity, in terms of its mass,
2. the relationship between the force on the box due to the pulley and the tension in the rope, and
3. the relationship between the force applied to the rope and the tension in the rope.

Use two of these equations to eliminate the force applied by the pulley and the tension in the rope. You should then
be able to express the force applied on the rope in terms of the mass of the box.


F =


Part B
Consider lifting a box of mass m to a height h using two different methods: lifting the box directly or lifting the box using a
pulley (as in the previous part).

What is Wd /Wp , the ratio of the work done lifting the box directly to the work done lifting the box with a pulley?

Express the ratio numerically.

Hint 1. Definition of work

In each case, the amount of work W you do is equal to the force F you apply times the distance d over which you
apply the force:

W = Fd .

Hint 2. Ratio of the forces

What is the ratio of the force needed to lift the box directly to the force needed to lift the box using the pulley?
Express your answer numerically.

= 2

Hint 3. Ratio of the distances

What is the ratio of the distance over which force is applied when lifting the box directly to the distance over which
force is applied when lifting the box with the pulley?
Express the ratio of distances numerically. 11/25
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Hint 1. Find the distance when using the pulley

Find Dp , the distance over which you must apply force when lifting the box using the pulley.

Express your answer in terms of h, the total height that the box is lifted.

Hint 1. Pulling the rope a short distance

Using the pully, imagine that you pull the end of the rope a short distance dx upward. The box will
actually rise a distance dx/2. (Draw a picture if you have trouble visualizing this.)


Dp = 2h

Hint 2. Find the distance when lifting directly

When lifting the box directly, the distance over which force is applied, Dd , is equal to the vertical distance h
that the box is raised.


= 0.500


= 1

No matter which method you use to lift the box, its gravitational potential energy will increase by mgh. So,
neglecting friction, you will always need to do an amount of work equal to mgh to lift it.

Potential Energy Graphs and Motion

Learning Goal:
To be able to interpret potential energy diagrams and predict the corresponding motion of a particle.

Potential energy diagrams for a particle are useful in predicting the motion of that particle. These diagrams allow one to
determine the direction of the force acting on the particle at any point, the points of stable and unstable equilibrium, the particle's
kinetic energy, etc.
Consider the potential energy diagram shown. The curve represents the value of potential energy U as a function of the
particle's coordinate x. The horizontal line above the curve represents the constant value of the total energy of the particle E .
The total energy E is the sum of kinetic (K ) and potential (U ) energies of the particle.

The key idea in interpreting the graph can be expressed in the equation 12/25
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dU (x)
F x (x) = − ,

where Fx (x) is the x component of the net force as function of the

particle's coordinate x. Note the negative sign: It means that the x
component of the net force is negative when the derivative is positive
and vice versa. For instance, if the particle is moving to the right, and
its potential energy is increasing, the net force would be pulling the
particle to the left.

If you are still having trouble visualizing this, consider the following: If
a massive particle is increasing its gravitational potential energy (that
is, moving upward), the force of gravity is pulling in the opposite
direction (that is, downward).

If the x component of the net force is zero, the particle is said to be in

equilibrium. There are two kinds of equilibrium:

Stable equilibrium means that small deviations from the equilibrium point create a net force that accelerates the
particle back toward the equilibrium point (think of a ball rolling between two hills).
Unstable equilibrium means that small deviations from the equilibrium point create a net force that accelerates the
particle further away from the equilibrium point (think of a ball on top of a hill).

In answering the following questions, we will assume that there is a single varying force F acting on the particle along the x axis.
Therefore, we will use the term force instead of the cumbersome x component of the net force.

Part A
The force acting on the particle at point A is __________.

Hint 1. Sign of the derivative

If a function increases (as x increases) in a certain region, then the derivative of the function in that region is

Hint 2. Sign of the component

If x increases to the right, as in the graph shown, then a (one-dimensional) vector with a positive x component points
to the right, and vice versa.


directed to the right

directed to the left

equal to zero

Consider the graph in the region of point A. If the particle is moving to the right, it would be "climbing the hill," and
the force would "pull it down," that is, pull the particle back to the left. Another, more abstract way of thinking about
this is to say that the slope of the graph at point A is positive; therefore, the direction of F ⃗ is negative. 13/25
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Part B
The force acting on the particle at point C is __________.

Hint 1. Sign of the derivative

If a function increases (as x increases) in a certain region, then the derivative of the function in that region is
positive, and vice versa.

Hint 2. Sign of the component

If x increases to the right, as in the graph shown, then a (one-dimensional) vector with a positive x component points
to the right, and vice versa.


directed to the right

directed to the left

equal to zero


Part C
The force acting on the particle at point B is __________.

Hint 1. Derivative of a function at a local maximum

At a local maximum, the derivative of a function is equal to zero.


directed to the right

directed to the left

equal to zero


The slope of the graph is zero; therefore, the derivative dU /dx = 0 , and |F |⃗  = 0 .

Part D
The acceleration of the particle at point B is __________. 14/25
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Hint 1. Relation between acceleration and force

The relation between acceleration and force is given by Newton's 2nd law,
F = ma.


directed to the right

directed to the left

equal to zero

If the net force is zero, so is the acceleration. The particle is said to be in a state of equilibrium.

Part E
If the particle is located slightly to the left of point B, its acceleration is __________.

Hint 1. The force on such a particle

To the left of B, U (x) is an increasing function and so its derivative is positive. This implies that the x component of
the force on a particle at this location is negative, or that the force is directed to the left, just like at A. What can you
say now about the acceleration?


directed to the right

directed to the left

equal to zero


Part F
If the particle is located slightly to the right of point B, its acceleration is __________.

Hint 1. The force on such a particle

To the right of B, U (x) is a decreasing function and so its derivative is negative. This implies that the x component
of the force on a particle at this location is positive, or that the force is directed to the right, just like at C . What can
you now say about the acceleration? 15/25
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directed to the right

directed to the left

equal to zero

As you can see, small deviations from equilibrium at point B cause a force that accelerates the particle further
away; hence the particle is in unstable equilibrium.

Part G
Name all labeled points on the graph corresponding to unstable equilibrium.
List your choices alphabetically, with no commas or spaces; for instance, if you choose points B, D, and E , type
your answer as BDE.

Hint 1. Definition of unstable equilibrium

Unstable equilibrium means that small deviations from the equilibrium point create a net force that accelerates the
particle further away from the equilibrium point (think of a ball on top of a hill).




Part H
Name all labeled points on the graph corresponding to stable equilibrium.
List your choices alphabetically, with no commas or spaces; for instance, if you choose points B, D, and E , type
your answer as BDE.

Hint 1. Definition of stable equilibrium

Stable equilibrium means that small deviations from the equilibrium point create a net force that accelerates the
particle back toward the equilibrium point. (Think of a ball rolling between two hills.)


DH 16/25
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Part I
Name all labeled points on the graph where the acceleration of the particle is zero.
List your choices alphabetically, with no commas or spaces; for instance, if you choose points B, D, and E , type
your answer as BDE.

Hint 1. Relation between acceleration and force

The relation between acceleration and force is given by Newton's 2nd law,
F = ma.



Your answer, of course, includes the locations of both stable and unstable equilibrium.

Part J
Name all labeled points such that when a particle is released from rest there, it would accelerate to the left.
List your choices alphabetically, with no commas or spaces; for instance, if you choose points B, D, and E , type
your answer as BDE.

Hint 1. Determine the sign of the x component of force

If the acceleration is to the left, so is the force. This means that the x component of the force is __________.




Hint 2. What is the behavior of U (x)?

If the x component of the force at a point is negative, then the derivative of U (x) at that point is positive. This means
that in the region around the point U (x) is __________.

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Part K
Consider points A, E , and G. Of these three points, which one corresponds to the greatest magnitude of acceleration of the

Hint 1. Acceleration and force

The greatest acceleration corresponds to the greatest magnitude of the net force, represented on the graph by the
magnitude of the slope.



Kinetic energy
If the total energy E of the particle is known, one can also use the graph of U (x) to draw conclusions about the kinetic energy
of the particle since

K = E −U .

As a reminder, on this graph, the total energy E is shown by the horizontal line.

Part L
What point on the graph corresponds to the maximum kinetic energy of the moving particle?

Hint 1. K , U , and E

Since the total energy does not change, the maximum kinetic energy corresponds to the minimum potential energy. 18/25
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It makes sense that the kinetic energy of the particle is maximum at one of the (force) equilibrium points. For
example, think of a pendulum (which has only one force equilibrium point--at the very bottom).

Part M
At what point on the graph does the particle have the lowest speed?


As you can see, many different conclusions can be made about the particle's motion merely by looking at the
graph. It is helpful to understand the character of motion qualitatively before you attempt quantitative problems.
This problem should prove useful in improving such an understanding.

Loop the Loop

A roller coaster car may be approximated by a block of mass m. The

car, which starts from rest, is released at a height h above the ground
and slides along a frictionless track. The car encounters a loop of
radius R, as shown. Assume that the initial height h is great enough
so that the car never loses contact with the track.

Part A
Find an expression for the kinetic energy of the car at the top of the loop.
Express the kinetic energy in terms of m, g, h, and R. 19/25
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Hint 1. Find the potential energy at the top of the loop

What is the potential energy of the car when it is at the top of the loop? Define the gravitational potential energy to be
zero at h = 0 .
Express your answer in terms of R and other given quantities.

Utop = mg(2R)


K = mgh − mg2R


Part B
Find the minimum initial height h at which the car can be released that still allows the car to stay in contact with the track at
the top of the loop.

Express the minimum height in terms of R.

Hint 1. How to approach this part

Meaning of "stay in contact"

For the car to just stay in contact through the loop, without falling, the normal force that acts on the car when it's at
the top of the loop must be zero (i.e., N = 0).

Find the velocity at the top such that the remaining force on the car i.e. its weight provides the necessary centripetal
acceleration. If the velocity were any greater, you would additionally require some force from the track to provide the
necessary centripetal acceleration. If the velocity were any less, the car would fall off the track.

Use the above described condition to find the velocity and then the result from the above part to find the required

Hint 2. Acceleration at the top of the loop

Assuming that the speed of the car at the top of the loop is v top , and that the car stays on the track, find the
acceleration of the car. Take the positive y direction to be upward.

Express your answer in terms of v top and any other quantities given in the problem introduction.


atop =

Hint 3. Normal force at the top of the loop 20/25
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Suppose the car stays on the track and has speed v top at the top of the loop. Use Newton's 2nd law to find an
expression for N , the magnitude of the normal force that the loop exerts on the car when the car is at the top of the
Express your answer in terms of m, g, R, and v top .

Hint 1. Find the sum of forces at the top of the loop

Find the sum of the forces acting on the car at the top of the loop. Remember that the positive y direction is

Express your answer in terms of N , m, and g .


∑ F top = −N − mg


N = m( − g)

Hint 4. Solving for h

The requirement to stay in contact results in an expression for v 2top in terms of R and g. Substitute this into your
expression for kinetic energy, found in Part A, to determine a relation between h and R.


hmin = 2.5R

For h > 2.5 R the car will still complete the loop, though it will require some normal reaction even at the very top.

For h < R the car will just oscillate. Do you see this?

For R < h < 2.5 R , the cart will lose contact with the track at some earlier point. That is why roller coasters must
have a lot of safety features. If you like, you can check that the angle at which the cart loses contact with the track
is given by θ = arcsin( 2 ( − 1)) . Where θ is the angle measured counterclockwise from the horizontal
3 R

positive x-axis, where the origin of the x-axis is at the center of the loop.

Circling Ball

A ball of mass m is attached to a string of length L. It is being swung in a vertical circle with enough speed so that the string
remains taut throughout the ball's motion. Assume that the ball travels freely in this vertical circle with negligible loss of total
mechanical energy. At the top and bottom of the vertical circle, the ball's speeds are v t and v b , and the corresponding tensions
in the string are T t⃗  and T b⃗  . T t⃗  and T b⃗  have magnitudes Tt and Tb . 21/25
10/18/2019 Chapter 07 Homework Assignment

Part A
Find Tb − Tt , the difference between the magnitude of the tension in the string at the bottom relative to that at the top of
the circle.
Express the difference in tension in terms of m and g. The quantities v t and v b should not appear in your final

Hint 1. How to approach this problem

Identify the forces that act on the ball as it moves along the circular path. Then, write equations for the sum of the
forces on the ball at the top and the bottom of the path. Next, use Newton's second law to relate these net forces to
the acceleration of the ball. Notice that the ball does not move with uniform speed so the acceleration of the ball at
the top of the circle is different from the acceleration at the bottom of the circle.
To finish the problem, you may want to use energy conservation to relate the speed of the ball at the bottom of the
circle to the speed at the top.

Hint 2. Find the sum of forces at the bottom of the circle

What is the magnitude of the net force in the y direction acting on the ball at the bottom of the circle?
Express your answer in terms of the variables given in the problem. You may use g to represent the
acceleration of gravity, 9.8 m/s2 .


| ∑ F y(bottom) | = Tb − mg

Hint 3. Find the acceleration at the bottom of the circle

Find ab , the magnitude of the vertical acceleration of the ball at the bottom of its circle.
Express your answer in terms of v b and possibly other given quantities.


ab =
L 22/25
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Hint 4. Find the tension at the bottom of the circle

Find the magnitude of the tension Tb in the string when the ball is at the bottom of the circle.
Express your answer in terms of m, g, L , and the speed v b of the ball at the bottom of the circle.

Hint 1. What physical principle to use

Apply Newton's 2nd law in the y direction to obtain Tb .


(v )
Tb m(g + )

Hint 5. Find the sum of forces at the top of the circle

What is the magnitude of the net force in the y direction acting on the ball at the top of its circle?
Express your answer in terms of the variables given in the problem. You may use g to represent the
acceleration of gravity, 9.8 m/s2 .


| ∑ F y(top) | = Tt + mg

Hint 6. Find the acceleration at the top of the circle

Find at , the magnitude of the vertical acceleration of the ball at the top of its circle.
Express your answer in terms of v t and possibly other given quantities.


at =

Hint 7. Find the tension at the top of the circle

Find the magnitude of the tension Tt in the string when the ball is at the top of the circle.
Express your answer in terms of m, g, L , and the speed v t of the ball at the top of the circle.

Hint 1. Relationship to solution for Tb

Follow the same steps you used to find Tb (see Hint 3), noting carefully where various directions (signs) are

ANSWER: 23/25
10/18/2019 Chapter 07 Homework Assignment

(vt )
Tt = m( − g)

Hint 8. Find the relationship between v t and v b

The total mechanical energy of the system is the same when the ball is at the top and bottom of the vertical circle.
Use conservation of energy to write an expression for v 2t in terms of v 2b .

Your answer may also include m, g, and L.


= vb
− 4gL


Tb − Tt = 6mg

The method outlined in the hints is really the only practical way to do this problem. If done properly, finding the
difference between the tensions, Tb − Tt , can be accomplished fairly simply and elegantly.

Problem 7.72

If a fish is attached to a vertical spring and slowly lowered to its equilibrium position, it is found to stretch the spring by an amount

Part A
If the same fish is attached to the end of the unstretched spring and then allowed to fall from rest, through what maximum
distance does it stretch the spring? (Hint: Calculate the force constant of the spring in terms of the distance d and the mass
m of the fish.)

Express your answer in terms of d.


y = 2d


Problem 7.65

In a truck-loading station at a post office, a small 0.200-kg package is released from rest at point A on a track that is one-
quarter of a circle with radius 1.60 m (the figure ). The size of the package is much less than 1.60 m, so the package can be 24/25
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treated as a particle. It slides down the track and reaches point B with
a speed of 4.40 m/s . From point B, it slides on a level surface a
distance of 3.00 m to point C , where it comes to rest.

Part A
What is the coefficient of kinetic friction on the horizontal surface?

μ = 0.329


Part B
How much work is done on the package by friction as it slides down the circular arc from A to B?


W = -1.20 J


Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 103%.
You received 12.35 out of a possible total of 12 points. 25/25

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