Strengthening The Heart of Good Leadership: Character Study

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Character Study

Strengthening the Heart

of Good Leadership
In recent years, headlines in the business pages have underscored the
fact that some corporate leaders leave a lot to be desired in the area
of character. Yet because it is subjective and controversial, the issue
of character has largely been left out of the equation when it comes to
training and preparing leaders. If undertaken with the right perspective,
however, there are ways to develop character in leaders.

S ome leaders are convinced

that they live by their reputations. For
them the way they are viewed by oth-
ers is not the most important thing—
it’s the only thing. But as recent
scandals in the corporate world have
really are, while your reputation is
merely what others think you are.”
Especially in a military context,
character’s place as an essential trait
of effective leaders has long been
recognized and acknowledged. Edgar
made clear, reputation carries a leader F. Puryear Jr., in his book American
only so far. It needs substance to back Generalship (subtitled Character Is
it up. Senior executives at companies Everything: The Art of Command),
such as Enron, ImClone, Tyco, and writes that “the greatest personal
WorldCom were riding high on their quality of all is character, which is
images and their purported records everything in leadership. . . . From
of performance before reality spoiled my research . . . it is clear that there
the party. Events might have turned is absolutely nothing as important in
out far differently for these leaders successful leadership as character.
if they had heeded the advice of leg- Many great generals, such as George
endary UCLA basketball coach John Washington, Robert E. Lee, and
Wooden: “Be more concerned with George C. Marshall, are remembered
your character than your reputation, not only as great leaders but also as
because your character is what you men whose character predominated.”

by Gene Klann

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Lee, in particular, is regarded by the individual alone believes to be character in themselves and others in
history as a military leader of excep- right and wrong, on a set of divine their organizations, using as a basis
tionally strong character. In the wake directives, or on some combination for such development the judicious
of the Civil War, it was Lee’s leader- of these? Also, in Western societies application of the laws of the land,
ship by example that promoted rec- that emphasize humanism and indi- the values and standards of the orga-
onciliation, rebuilding, and national vidualism, there is a natural resistance nization, and the social acceptability
harmony and discouraged those who to character standards and moral of any given conduct.
wanted to resume the fight against codes that may be viewed as narrow-
the Union. minded, intolerant, and restrictive
The role of character in effective of freedom of choice and action. In
leadership has also been recognized in addition, some elements of character What is character? The word is com-
the business world, although perhaps may be perceived as mutually exclu- monly used but difficult to define.
not on the scale that it has been in the sive: both boldness and cautiousness Webster’s II New College Dictionary
military realm. Most people know are often described as good character has nineteen entries under character,
intuitively that good character helps qualities, for instance, as are action as a noun, adjective, and transitive
people reach their full potential and orientation and patience. Considering verb. Its core meaning as a noun
achieve success; increases productiv- all this, it’s not hard to understand is “the combination of emotional,
ity; enhances self-acceptance, self- why most business schools and orga- intellectual, and moral qualities that
confidence, energy, and enthusiasm; nizations have shied away from pro- distinguishes a person.” Derived from
and improves interpersonal relation- grams designed to promote character the Greek kharassein (“to inscribe”),
ships. And the issue of character in development. the word can vary in meaning accord-
corporate leaders has risen to the fore- Character development in organi- ing to its usage. For instance, if
front in recent years as a number of zations is generally limited to defin- someone does something unexpected,
widely publicized cases of character ing appropriate and inappropriate people may describe the behavior as
meltdown (or of bad character sur- behaviors in relation to specific areas being out of character. In the legal
facing) among highly visible leaders such as sexual harassment, diversity, world, defense lawyers may ask their
resulted in significant damage to their and affirmative action and to provid- clients to obtain character references
organizations. It has become evident ing sensitivity training. Defining from reputable friends to help their
that character deficiencies in business and instilling behaviors and attitudes cases in court. And in the movie busi-
leaders can have dire consequences relating to broad moral and ethical ness, people who are adept at playing
in terms of financial losses, litiga- choices is largely disregarded. Most specific types of supporting roles are
tion, government scrutiny, employee organizations have drawn up a state- known as character actors. One par-
morale and retention, company repu- ment of values, but in many cases ticularly incisive definition of char-
tation, and public confidence. this statement is largely for show and acter comes from H. Jackson Brown
Yet even though the importance is given little more than lip service. Jr., author of Life’s Little Instruction
of character in leaders is generally The fact is that what many companies Book, who writes that “character is
acknowledged in the business world, and many of their leaders continue what we do when we think no one is
the understanding and develop- to value most is the bottom line— looking.”
ment of character have been largely profit margins, shareholder value, In a leadership context, character
ignored by business schools and other and the like. In the consuming drive is an individual’s pattern of behav-
institutions that train leaders and by to climb the corporate ladder, leaders
organizations themselves. There are often compromise character to reach
a number of reasons for this, but the performance goals, forgetting that ABOUT THE AUTHOR
principal one is that ideas about char- enduring, positive influence depends
acter—and associated concepts such on the type of people they are, not Gene Klann is owner of
as morality, ethics, and integrity—are merely on power, titles, and personal Leading With Character Inc. in
inherently subjective and thus contro- wealth. Also, there is a widespread Greensboro, North Carolina,
versial. Implicit in the notion of char- but mistaken belief that an individu- and a former senior ­program
acter is that there are right and wrong al’s character is totally and indelibly associate at CCL. He holds a
standards of behavior. But on what determined at an early age, so efforts Ph.D. degree from the Free
are those standards based, and who to develop character in adults are
University of Brussels.
determines them? Are they based often seen as a waste of time.
on some natural order of things, on Despite these barriers, there are
societal or cultural norms, on what steps that leaders can take to develop

L IA   •   V O L U M E 3 0 , N U M B E R 1   •   m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 1 0
ior that indicates his or her moral sess, refine, and validate their patterns respected. Leaders’ behavior sets
strength, fortitude, and selfless- of behavior. People tend to show their the standard for the entire orga-
ness. (The key phrase is “pattern of true colors when they are under pres- nization—others learn from their
behavior.”) A leader’s moral strength sure, so leaders should focus on build- actions, words, and attitudes.
relates to his or her concepts of right ing character that they can display In one sense, leaders are conducting
and wrong and motivation to live by consistently, even through the inevi- a perpetual leadership clinic. That’s
those beliefs. Fortitude is a leader’s table stressful times. why it’s essential that they display a
courage and determination to do what Character comes into play when pattern of behavior—a character—
he or she believes is right regardless leaders must respond to moral and that is worthy of imitation. Behaviors
of the consequences, to take a stand ethical choices. In such situations, that leaders should practice to set the
and refuse to compromise that belief leaders are presented with a number right example include being decisive,
system in spite of pressures to do so. of options—options that may be filled confronting and publicly discussing
And selflessness is the leader’s abil- with ambiguity. For instance, one the ethics involved in tough issues,
ity to put others, the organization, the choice may conform with societal, promoting diversity, advocating risk
community, and society before self- cultural, or organizational rules and taking, creating a feedback-rich envi-
interest and personal gain. Viewed in standards of behavior, another may ronment, being visible, and listening.
this way, character can be compared not, and a third may be open to inter-
to the heart. A person can function pretation. Sometimes there are no Education
with a malfunctioning or weak heart clear-cut right and wrong options, and Organizations can set up formal and
but not very well and not for long. arguments can be made on both sides informal training that focuses on the
The same is true of a leader with a of each possible choice. In any case, importance of character, the poten-
flawed or feeble character. when a leader is required to make tial pressures on and challenges to
The foundation of an individual’s such choices, his or her character will character resulting from such things
character is formed from experi- largely determine the choices ulti- as performance expectations and mar-
ences and influences in childhood mately made. ket competition, and the short- and
and adolescence—from home life, For these reasons one of the key long-term implications of a lapse of
schooling, interactions with peers, responsibilities of leaders is to estab- character.
religious upbringing or lack thereof, lish an effective process of character Leaders from various levels of the
and other factors. These contacts and development—not only for them- organization should take part in the
exposures largely determine people’s selves but also for their subordinates. training. This puts them all on the
later patterns of behavior—their con- same page and gives them a shared
cepts of right and wrong, personal frame of reference. The organiza-
moral codes, and value systems.
THE FIVE E’S tion’s culture and its value system can
Feedback, in the form of rewards How can a process be established by be used in the training as guidelines
and sanctions, also plays a major which leaders can develop not only for actions and behavior that reflect
role in shaping and adjusting an indi- their own character but also the char- good character. This approach has the
vidual’s early pattern of behavior— acter of their subordinates in the line added advantage of revealing whether
and thus his or her character. of succession? The system I propose the culture and values are still practi-
But character development does comprises five elements that could be cal, realistic, and current.
not—or at least should not—stop called the five E’s: example, educa- Senior leaders should be the facili-
when an individual reaches adulthood. tion, environment, experience, and tators for at least some of the discus-
Like intellectual, physical, and spiri- evaluation. sions about moral and ethical choices.
tual development, character develop- By sharing the experiences and influ-
ment should be a continuous, lifelong Example ences that formed and reinforced their
process. This is especially true for Leadership by example is the ability patterns of behavior, senior leaders
leaders, who as they move into posi- to influence others through actions can engage in a dialogue about char-
tions of increased responsibility are and attitudes. It is a powerful way acter with the organization’s emerg-
faced with new and heightened chal- to develop character because it ing leaders. They can also lessen the
lenges to their character. As leaders leverages the natural human ten- chances that they themselves will fall
are confronted with mounting pres- dency to emulate the behavior of victim to character lapses, because it
sures (for instance, to deliver results individuals held in high esteem. is highly motivational when leaders
at any cost even if doing so requires People like to model themselves know that others have them under the
violating their moral code or value after those who have power and microscope to see whether they prac-
system), they need to constantly reas- authority, who are successful and tice what they preach.


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Another way for organizations and and more likely to be accepted and character development is no excep-
leaders to promote character devel- followed if it is generated with input tion. Feedback provides information
opment is through self-education. from all levels of the organization. that lets leaders know how their
When leaders know that they have If the value set emphasizes positive character measures up and how they
a personal responsibility to enhance behaviors and traits, it can be an are progressing toward their charac-
their knowledge of subjects such as important benchmark for charac- ter development goals. For feedback
integrity, morality, and ethics, it can ter development and can help keep to be effective, however, senior
result in greater motivation, reten- leaders within the ethical and moral leaders first need to establish and
tion, and practical application than boundaries of the organization. It communicate to their subordinates
if the character training is taught by will be of little use, however, without clear expectations regarding patterns
others. One way that organizations clearly understood and enforced dis- of behavior; when these expectations
can support character self-education ciplinary consequences for violations are not provided, it’s the responsi-
is by establishing an in-house library of those boundaries at all levels of the bility of the junior leaders to seek
of relevant books, articles, and video- organization. them out. Once the expectations are
and audiotapes. established as a road map for char-
Experience acter development, leaders can have
Environment A key element of the U.S. Army’s quarterly feedback sessions with
An organization’s environment plays leadership development model is their bosses to gauge their prog-
a huge role in determining whether experiential—giving officers chal- ress, reviewing specific instances
the character development of lead- lenging assignments that because when their character was challenged
ers is encouraged or impeded. The of the responsibilities and risks and either stood fast or cracked.
environment is essentially the orga- associated with them are highly Organizations can also add sections
nization’s culture—its collective per- developmental. In the business world on integrity, ethics, adherence to
sonality, attitudes, and outlook—and as well, some jobs and assignments values, and other character-related
the culture is shaped and developed are extremely challenging and carry behaviors to their performance
over time by the actions and values of great responsibility, whereas others evaluation forms. In addition, lead-
people in the organization. are more routine. The former are ers can self-assess their character-
Most organizations evolve pat- more likely to enhance character ­development progress by answering
terns of behavior that are promoted, development. a checklist of questions that encour-
recognized, and rewarded—and thus In view of this outcome, senior ages them to examine whether they
are expected of their leaders. If these leaders should ensure that as part currently possess the right motiva-
behaviors are positive, if they pro- of the overall development process, tion, mind-set, and tools to support
mote the general good, chances are high-potential employees are given their character development.
that the organization can implement “stretch” positions and assignments
an effective character development requiring them to make difficult
process. However, when character choices, which can help them better
is not emphasized over factors such understand and develop character. The character-development process
as profit in the behaviors that are Such positions and assignments described in this article is helpful and
desired and valued, the message might relate to corporate tactics and practical but certainly not the final
sent is clear: the organization places strategy, quality control, customer answer. Nor are the leaders who
priority on qualities other than char- relations, budgeting, production effi- might find this system useful perfect
acter and thus has little interest in ciency, and employee safety. These human beings—they inevitably make
character development. types of jobs not only challenge high mistakes and bad choices. The key is
Senior leaders can establish an potentials and provide an environ- the ability to determine the difference
environment that is open to charac- ment conducive to character devel- between right and wrong, good and
ter development by creating a clear, opment but also give senior leaders bad, moral and immoral. Leaders who
detailed, practical set of organiza- good indications of the character have this ability may not always
tional values and by ensuring that strengths and weaknesses of those make the right, good, and moral
everyone in the organization lives who might become the future leaders choice, but at least they are aware of
those values rather than just goes of the organization. the alternative. If they focus on an
through the motions. This set of ongoing process of developing and
values—those things that the orga- Evaluation maintaining character, they’ll
nization considers important, useful, Ongoing feedback is a key element improve their chances of choosing
and admirable—will be more relevant of any developmental experience, and that alternative in the future.


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