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Job Interview

Dora is a receptionist. She has worked at the same company for five years, but now she wants a new
job. She saw an ad in the newspaper for a job that pays good money. They are looking for a secretary.
She called the company and made an appointment for an interview. Dora put on her best suit and
arrived fifteen minutes early for the interview. She bought her resume, three references, her social
security card, her driver’s license, and two black pens. She smiled and shook hands with the
interviewer. She is listening carefully to his questions. She is ready to tell him about her job

Children start kindergarten when they are five years old. Kindergarten classes are three to four hours
long. Students go to kindergarten Monday through Friday. Kindergarten classrooms have short tables
and small chairs. They also have picture books, coloring books, crayons, thick pencils, and toys.
Kindergarten teachers teach students how to: (1) say and print the alphabet, (2) write their first and
last names, (3) count to 100, (4) read easy books, (5) tell time, (6) name colors, days of the week, and
months of the year, (7) sing songs, (8) play games, (9) tie shoelaces, and (10) play nicely with others.

Kitchen Sink
It is 7:25 a.m., and Petra is getting ready for work. She goes into the kitchen to make breakfast. She
steps in a big puddle. The puddle is in front of the kitchen sink. Oh, no! The kitchen sink is leaking.
Water is on the floor. Petra wakes up her husband. His name is Miguel. She tells Miguel about the
leak. He looks at the pipes under the sink. He sees that one of the pipes has a small hole. Miguel
turns off the water and tells Petra that he will go to the hardware store and buy a new pipe. When
Petra gets home after work, the sink is fixed. Miguel replaced the old pipe with a new one. Petra is
happy Miguel fixed the leak.

Laptop Computers
Laptop computers are small portable computers. They weigh from two to six pounds and are easy to
carry. Most people carry their laptop computer in a padded case that has a handle. The case protects
the laptop. A laptop computer is different from a desktop computer. Laptops are smaller, lighter, and
sometimes they have less storage space. Laptop computers allow users to check their email, write
letters, and browse the Internet while they are away from their home or office. Most laptops cost
from $400 to over $1,500.

Laundry Detergent
Cesar is washing his clothes. He put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and carried the basket to
the washing machine. After he started the washing machine, he added three cups of laundry
detergent and the dirty clothes. Several minutes later, soap suds started coming out of the lid of the
washing machine. Oh, no! Cesar put too much detergent in the washing machine. He didn’t read the
directions on the box. Now, he has to clean up a mess. Advice: Read directions carefully!

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