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9/22/2018 Course: Techno Robot - Meeting 1 (Q1)


Robot of Our Generation

9/22/2018 Course: Techno Robot - Meeting 1 (Q1) TOTAL TIME: 
Lecture:                    20 minutes
Hands on:                60 minutes
*Shows activity time range not

including possible technical

dif culties and other unforeseen


You are one of the few who passed the board exams and became a Robotic Engineer. A lot of companies are already offering you a job.
Most of them are in the eld of Robotics and one of them is your dream company. You immediately submitted your resume and your
portfolio to them. However, they requested you to form a group and create a robot prototype proposal and present it to them.

► Brainstorming of New Robotic Ideas
► Conceptualizing a Robot
► Creating a Robotics Prototype Presentation

► Know the different application of Mechatronics.
► Know the different kinds of robots.
► Create a simple presentation about the conceptualized robot.
► Present the proposed robot clearly to the class.

► Using creativity to contribute to society

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Most Innovative Robot Designs

1. Download MostInnovativeRobotDesigns.pps.
2. Before you show the presentation, ask your students the question “If you were given the chance to invent a robot, what would its
features be?”.
3. If ever some of their answers matched the features of a previously invented robot, compliment them and shift the conversation
by showing them the presentation.
4. After the presentation, you can ask them for their reactions then proceed with the lesson.


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Let the students have fun during the activity. Do not push them too hard, but encourage them to be creative and think differently so
that they can propose a one-of-a-kind robot. Open BagIt.pps to give them an idea on what they will be doing. You may give additional
points of incentives to the group who thought of a great idea and presented it well.

In this hands on, basics of robotics will be discussed as well as its relation to Mechatronics, and its application in everyday life.


As the word itself, Mechatronics, is composed of “mecha” (mechanism) and “tronics” (electronics). Electronic products which are
developed by technology incorporate more and more mechanism; combining the two makes it impossible to distinguish where one
ends and the other begins.

Mechatronics is not just a fusion of electronic and mechanics. The philosophy of Mechatronics is to encourage engineers to complete
the integration within electrical, mechanical engineering, control system and the computer programming. 4/20
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Mechatronics are commonly found in homes, of ces and other industrial places. Common mechatronics application includes:

Of ce Equipment

Printers, Scanners, Fax Machines, Photocopier and other computer peripherals are some examples of Mechatronics inside an of ce. 5/20
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Technology has a large contribution in the eld of medicine. For example, hypertension is a serious condition that must be monitored in
precise reading. A manual blood reading can be accurate but the reading depends on the skill of the reader while automatic blood
pressure reading devices are accurate and do not require as much knowledge as that of the manual system. Other uses of
Mechatronics in the eld of medicine are 3D / 4D Ultrasound Systems, Blood Analyzers, Bed and Stretchers, CT Scanners,
Mammography, X-ray and other surgical machines. 6/20
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Factories use manufacturing equipment such as bar coding machines, controlled tools, welding robots and other devices.
Manufacturers also make domestic appliances such as microwave oven, washing machine, freezers, vacuum cleaners, blenders and
other similar devices which are also considered mechatronics. 7/20
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Defensive System

Security Devices such as security systems and automatic gate control systems are now using robotic technology. For example, LS3 or
Legged Squad System is a foot patrol robot that can do variou tasks. 8/20
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Aerospace is one of the great branches of mechatronics. The primary objective of space mechatronics is study outer space.
Researchers send mechanical objects then control it remotely to perform experiments.

People use robots to explore outer space because it’s much safer since the robots can be controlled via remote. Some robots have been
controlled for decades. Communication satellites are used to command the robots to adjust their position, change orbit or modify
some functions. And since the telecommunications occurs at a very long distance, it will take years before a code can reach the
prototype robot. 9/20
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Robotics is a part of mechatronics that deals with the study of technology associated with the design, manufacturing, application and
operation of robots.

A robot is a physical mechanism or a virtual arti cial agent which has some ability to do a speci c action based on the given instruction.
There is a general misconception for the term robot to be associated with humanoids, or robots in the form of humans. Even arms,
vehicles, or nanobots can be classi ed as robots. The form does not determine what a robot is.

Advantages of Robots
• Multi-tasking
• Re-programmable
• Quality
• Accident Reduction
• Low-capital vs human labor
• Works even in hazardous environment

Disadvantages of Robots
• Replacement for human labor
• Unemployment capacity
• Maintaining cost 10/20
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There are different types of robots depending on their function and classi cation. A robot can have a simple machine to advance
systems incorporating arti cial intelligence. Arti cial Intelligence is de ned as electronic decisions made by robots which are
programmed by humans. A robot can be classi ed as follows:

1. Manual Robots – These are robots that will not function unless controlled by humans.

2. Sequential Robots – These are robots that are designed to perform series of tasks in the same sequence and are commonly
programmed to loop.

3. Sensate Robots – A type of robot that will only be triggered when it senses something with its environment.

4. Smart Robots – These robots are considered to possess arti cial intelligence; they can also control a eet of robots or robotic


Robots on Land
Robots have helped humans may times. Many robots are used for research; perform tasks that are too dull, dirty, subtle, or dangerous
to human beings. A robot can be programmed to mimic the movement of humans who can do various jobs. To achieve the same
position of a human, humanoid robots use positioning rotary actuators. 11/20
9/22/2018 Robots in Water Course: Techno Robot - Meeting 1 (Q1)

Although robots are weak against water, there are robots that can usually swim. Under the development of various research
laboratories, robots are developed to have swimming capabilities. Scientists have developed robots with the morphology of a sh
which can be controlled to do various tasks for underwater research.

A robot ship can be designed for security defense and built exclusively for the purpose of combat in the sea. Robotic ships can also be
controlled, even without humans on board. There will be no more sleeping soldiers, medical services and food services. Therefore no
life will be at risk. Imagine that there would only be 1 person who will control the security device and that would be the captain, no one
else. Even if the battleship is destroyed, the captain will survive.

Robots on Air

Robots are usually seen on land but there are also robots on air and even on outer space. Every robot is created to do a purpose. What
if the purpose of the robot is to secure the perimeter of an area? Since humans cannot teach birds to y, move around and report cases,
engineers developed ying robots. Some robots are made to mimic the morphology of insects, falling under the category of “micro-
robots”. 12/20
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1. Finding a group Find three other members to form groups of four. Make sure that you can nd a group. If all groups are already
complete, ask the teacher’s permission if you can join other groups. Maximum of only ve members is allowed. 13/20
9/22/2018 2. Assign roles to each member Remember that each presentation should
Course: contain
Techno Robot - the following:
Meeting 1 (Q1) description of the robot, its features,

and a prototype of the robot. Divide the roles by assigning one member as the designer, the next member as the sales representative,
the third member being the developer, and the last member as the researcher.
3. Brainstorming of ideas Proceed to the meeting by suggesting different creative ideas that you can think of. Be mindful of the
critiques you give to the idea of others. Accept critisisms positively as well. Remember that you are a group. Everyone should practice
teamwork. Remember that the key to an innovative idea comes with its purpose. Think of simple tasks that can be automated. Don’t
use the ideas of others. Be orginial as possible. 

4. Finalizing the robot At the end of the group’s discussion, the description and the features of the robot should already be nalized.
Each member should be clear about the purpose and the application of the robot, as well as its kind (land, water, or air). 14/20
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5. Designing the prototype Even though a designer was assigned per group, all members should also give input as to what the looks of
the robot will be. The designer will only be the one to draw or illustrate the robot, but the actual design is still decided upon by the
group. 15/20
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6. Doing the presentation Open BagIt.pps. This will serve as your guide or reference in doing your presentation. All group members
should contribute in doing the presentation. 16/20
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7. Presenting in class The researcher should discuss the background (purpose and application) of the robot. The developer should
discuss the features of the robot and what makes it special, among others. The designer should present the prototype of the robot. The
sales representative should be the overall in-charge of the whole presentation, making sure that all is well-presented to the clients or
class. The presentation should only take for about 5-10 minutes. 17/20
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Robot of Our Generation - Objective 19/20
9/22/2018 Course: Techno Robot - Meeting 1 (Q1)

Robot of Our Generation - Performance

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