Position Paper

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Is SOGIE Bill necessary to be passed on the senate?

Anti-discrimination based on Sex Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression or as we

know it, "SOGIE" is a bill that will protect every individual based on their gender from
discrimination. It is based on subjective feelings and not scientific fact, the acronym itself shows
the very subjective nature of it. This law looks like harmless because we only see the words they
imply which is "anti-discrimination" but if we look closely this law will step on the rights of the
majority, not only it wrecks rights it is also unnecessary to pass this because we have existing
laws that protects us from discrimination.

SOGIE Bill imposes anti-discrimination, but who in this world is not being
discriminated? Not only we are distinguished based on our gender, a lot of us is being judged
based on the color of our skin, our height, posture, social status, and many more. If I am
discriminated because I am short, do we have to pass an Anti-short discrimination law? We don't
need to have an ordinance like this because this is harmful to the rights of everybody especially
religious groups. According to Senate Bill No. 1271 Section 5 A, "Promote and encourage stigma
on the basis of SOGIE in the media, in educational textbooks, and other medium is prohibited".
This means that there will be no Religious freedom in public places to spread the words of God
because there are contents in the Bible that contradicts the LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and many other terms) community, this prohibits teachers
in school to teach about homosexuality and that same sex marriage is a sin. So if a person stated
that we are born either only male or female and an LGBTQIA+ was offended, that person who
just stated his beliefs based on facts would be penalized and the penalty based on Senate Bill No.
1271 Section 7 is a fine from ₱100,000 to ₱500,000 and/or imprisonment from one to twelve
years. It is feelings against facts because SOGIE is heavy on subjectivity, being a member of the
LGBTQIA+ community is a choice because it is what a person feels about himself/herself and it
is scary that feelings are going to overpower truth. Let’s reflect on other countries that
implemented this bill, there are a thousands of rape cases in their country because men pretends
to be a trans woman that goes to comfort rooms for women and they’ll do their evil plan there.
Isn’t it horrifying if this will happen to us?
It is said that SOGIE bill is not only for the members of LGBTQIA+ but also for
straights, straight male or female but if we pass this bill the rights of straight male and female
will get trampled on. A woman can't complain or sue a trans woman going inside the woman's
comfort room instead she is the one who will be sued by the trans woman and will be punished
by the law if she didn't let that trans woman in the comfort room. Isn't the right of the woman got
stepped on because of the SOGIE bill? That goes also for men they can't prosecute tomboys or
trans man if they go to a man's comfort room. According to Rommel Espera, a TV host in a
program called "Tutok trese" and a member of LGBTQIA+, he is glad about SOGIE Bill but is
also saddened about it because while they are fighting for it there are rights that are being
stepped on and being forgotten. This bill is about anti-discrimination that only focuses on
discrimination in gender identity, this is very narrow, and it is only specified in gender. We don't
need this bill, we have laws that protects the rights of every sex like Magna Carta for women,
Violence against Women and their Children, Article III: Bill of Rights, and many more that gives
rights to each and every one equality. Why does LGBTQIA+ separate themselves from us? They
are one of us and we accept them for who they are because they are the son of God and He
created us equally. They are included in the existing laws here in our country, they are all
talented, and we look up on them, there is no need to feel unfair and discriminated and have a
law about it because this will only open gates for new problems that our country will face.

We are all being discriminated, we are all being stepped on and being hurt, that’s just a
part of our lives just to make us stronger. Let’s just not be sensitive to what others say about us
instead let’s make that sensitivity into maturity, understand and analyze the choices we make and
what will the result of it. Let us open our eyes on wider things, if we let our feelings overpower
the truth, we can’t reach fairness. Isn’t fairness and equality is the root of all this? God created us
equally so what is the problem? Why aren’t we contented? It is because we lack acceptance. We
don’t accept that this is how we live, we don’t accept how people react on the choices we make,
and we don’t accept how life works. If we pass SOGIE Bill this will only indicate that we really
lack acceptance. We already have what we all asked for, let God take care of the problems we

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